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NewBuddhist Member Introductions



  • edited October 2009
    Cheers blueface :)
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited October 2009
    blueface wrote: »
    travels there often to Sarawak!

    Is that a place or an activity (as in, "I'm bored, let's go Sarawak!)? ;)

  • edited October 2009
    ...sounds distinctly rude palzang...:eek:
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited October 2009
    blueface wrote: »
    :banghead:....................... Stupidity will not be ridiculed on this site (I hope...)

    In my years here, Blueface, I have discovered that stupidity is not ridiculed but, rather, welcomed. It is dogmatism and discourtesy which are ridiculed - because they are ridiculous.

    BTW: so many newcomers I can't keep up but welcome all!
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited October 2009
    blueface wrote: »
    ...sounds distinctly rude palzang...:eek:

    Yes, well, now you've seen my mind for what it is!

  • chrispchechrispche Southend on Sea, Essex, UK Explorer
    edited October 2009
    Just found this site. I hope to have many enlightening discussions here. I have been Buddhist for about 7 years. Although for four of those years I fell off a little bit and never pursued any practice. Now I'm just getting back into meditation.

    So hello all, nice to meet you. :)
  • edited October 2009
    Hello Simonthepilgrim
    Hello Palzang, just for your info, Sarawak is a state located in the southern part of East Malaysia on the Malaysian side of Borneo which shares its borders with Kalimantan (Indonesia), Brunei and the other Malaysian state known as 'Sabah', on the northern side of Borneo. Both states joined the Malaya Federation to form 'Malaysia' back in 1963.

    Cheers :)
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited October 2009
    I know. I was just being silly. Sorry...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited October 2009
    chrispche wrote: »
    Just found this site. I hope to have many enlightening discussions here. I have been Buddhist for about 7 years. Although for four of those years I fell off a little bit and never pursued any practice. Now I'm just getting back into meditation.

    So hello all, nice to meet you. :)

    Hello Chris, It's nice to have you with us.....
    I hope you'll enjoy your time here!
  • edited October 2009
    Palzang wrote: »
    I know. I was just being silly. Sorry...

    Hey it was good!

    Hello Chrispche, Greets Brigid.
  • chrispchechrispche Southend on Sea, Essex, UK Explorer
    edited October 2009
    Hello, thanks for the warm response.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited October 2009
    Hi, Chris.

    Lovely to meet you!
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited October 2009
    Hi, Chris.

    Lovely to meet you!
  • chrispchechrispche Southend on Sea, Essex, UK Explorer
    edited October 2009
    Nice to meet you to.
  • edited October 2009
    Hello All,

    I am just discovering and reading a lot about Buddhism. For the first time it feels like its the truth so I'm soaking it up. I have been surrounded by Christianity for most of my life but it never felt right and always gave me more questions than answers. With what I have read so far there are no questions only answers, for me anyway.

    So hello to all and I look forward in participating in the forums and expect a lot of questions from me.
  • edited November 2009
    Hi Rellims, welcome :)
  • edited November 2009
    Hello all :)

    Steve here from Northern Ireland. Been reading about buddhism for quite some time and have been practicing with a Samatha group in Belfast fro about a year now.
    I think I lean towards the Therevada teachings, but I also believe that true dharma isn't restricted to one belief system.

    How are you all ?
  • edited November 2009
    Hi Everyone,

    Just wanted to say hi to new members from BWB. This is a friendly site so welcome.

    With Metta,
    Gail (thundreams):bigclap:
  • edited November 2009
    Hello again Steve and Gail !

  • edited November 2009
    Hi Steve
    Hi Gail

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Hi, Rellims, Steve and Gail.

    Lovely to see you!
  • edited November 2009
    Hi Brigid, Tokyo Rose, Dazzle and Steve,

    Its wonderful to be here. A joy to see old friends and met new ones.

    With Metta,
  • edited November 2009
    You too Brigid :) Nice Irish name that ;)
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Thanks! Named after St. Brigid, of course. :)
  • edited November 2009
    Brigid wrote: »
    Thanks! Named after St. Brigid, of course. :)

    Was there a Saint Susie? ;)

    If there wasn't, then there should have been :p
  • edited November 2009
    Hello all... Im new here... and Im happy to see some friends I know...Dazz, Slarti, Andyrobyn, Drolma... I am a Zen Soto practitioner willing to know all you and share with you all our experiences we had and have through the path. Happy to be with you...!!!
  • edited November 2009
    Hi Kaarine :wavey:

    Im Susie :D
  • edited November 2009
    Hello dear Susie, nice to meet you here...!!!
  • edited November 2009
    Free evening after 3 very hard work days... Listening "Dark Intervals" by Keith Jarrett...

    Quote inside the CD...

    "Touch is only possible at the edge of spaces. Light is only precious during dark intervals"
  • edited November 2009
    Hi Kaarine,
    Good to see you here, so here's a big welcome.:om:
  • edited November 2009
    Hi Kaarine, nice to meet you again. I'm glad you're enjoying a free evening and that's a great quote.

    Kate : )
  • edited November 2009
    Great to see you here dear thundreams and Kate... Thanks for your lovely wellcome...!!!

  • edited November 2009
    Hello Kaarine :)
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Welcome to the site, Kaarine.
    It's lovely to meet you!
  • edited November 2009
    Hello Slarti... :)

    Thanks Brigid for the wellcome...!!!:)
  • edited November 2009
    I have been lurking around these pages for a few months now, and just recently became active, seeking a solution to a problem.

    I am encouraged by what I have read and experienced here so far.

    A little bit about me. I am slowly approaching 60 years of age, and have been married for over 30 years to someone who truly makes waking up in the morning a pleasant experience.

    I grew up in the US Midwest in a small-town protestant environment.

    I joined the military in 1970, and hung around a little longer than I initially expected: 21 years in all. I experienced a lot of spiritual and mental conflict while in the military, but managed to be very successful nonetheless.

    After retiring, we settled down in my wife's hometown, here in Germany.

    I work with a German firm, enjoy my work, and my life. It is not without it's problems, but I have an overall positive attitude.

    My wife became ill with cancer back in the late 90's, and shortly thereafter I became interested in Buddhism. She has successfully battled the beast twice, but new tumors have added a shadow to our horizon. Without explanation, a tumor she had inside her for three years (around 5 cm large) grew, shrunk, and eventually disappeared, without treatment. We hope the same thing happens with the new tumors. Hope is eternal.

    I am not the traditional person when it comes to meditation. I have never sat while meditating, but do meditate while walking.

    My intention is to be in the present moment as often as possible .. not as easy as I expected it to be when I began .. but I still try.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited November 2009
    Welcome, MMINMU, nice to meet you. :)

    You'll be glad to know you are in good company, when it comes to meditation...Thich Naht Hahn meditates in many ways, walking being one of them.... it's good practice, whatever and whichever way you choose.

    Please wish your wife well, and I hope you both have the fortitude and serenity to face come what may.
  • edited November 2009
    Hello :)

    Introductions are all a little awkward aren't they?

    I'm Peace, I'm a 34 year young girl form the UK.. I have had a challenging and varied life, always being known for gentleness, strength and foresight, I know that sounds a little contradictory.

    I have always followed an unconventional yet spiritual path, losing my way around five year ago due to a large family event. I became consumed in anger, greed and self defence... moving away from my true self as a gentle being.

    I believe I have reached a clearing in the woods, something has reached out and moved the fog to one side, enough for me to contemplate what makes me happy, how I like to be and is bringing peace.

    As part of this I have researched further into Buddhism, realising that I have followed a number of the paths throughout my life and that the core beliefs and underlying ownerships sit very comfortably with me.

    I have started to practice Buddhism again, I am feeling the benefits and after a very long time in the dark, I am feeling happy and at ease.

    I just wanted to pop my head round the door, say hello and congratulate you on what seems a very well laid out site.

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Hello, MyMind and Peace.

    It's lovely to meet you and welcome to the site!
  • edited November 2009
    Hi Peace and MYMind,

    Welcome to the site and may blessings come to you while you are here and always.

    With Meta,
  • edited November 2009
    :wavey: Hello!
  • edited November 2009

    I recently started practicing Yoga an fell in love with it. I call it my 'Inner Goddess' work out because during this time I'm doing my mind, body and spirit some good. I'm here to learn about Buddhism and its inner/outer workings. I'm a spiritual individual so I look forward to taking away some new found insight and light with me.

    Light, Love

  • edited November 2009
    :)Hi Tessa,
    Welcome, this is a great site, very warm and friendly.

  • edited November 2009
    Yes! :cheer:
  • ManiMani Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Hey everybody.

    Just a very quick introduction from me...

    I'm Mani and I'm new to this forum. Looks to be a pleasant place, and I'm looking forward to exchanging ideas with you guys!

  • edited November 2009
    :)Hi Mani,

    Welcome to the forum. This is really a friendly place.

  • edited November 2009
    Hello all :o I've been reading these forums for the past few weeks and I'm incredibly inspired. I've picked up some of your recommended readings and I've been learning SO much. Thank you all for such a warm welcome, I look forward to becoming a very active member :D
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Hi everybody!
  • NamelessRiverNamelessRiver Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Hello new people (is it just my impression or is the forum more busy these days?)

    Is it too late for me to say I am new? Because I skipped this thread when I first came in ehehehehe :P
  • edited November 2009
    Is it too late for me to say I am new? Because I skipped this thread when I first came in ehehehehe :P
    Yes, its too late.
    You're part of the furniture now :p
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