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NewBuddhist Member Introductions



  • edited September 2010
    Oh yeah. Aside from astronomy I also have a deep and abiding love for dogs (I have two), folk-lore and really bad puns.
    Which, I hope, goes some way to explaining my user name.
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Yes, Zenmonkey, you are over on the other side of the metro area from me. Personally I wouldn't live in NOVA - too crowded! but I suppose it depends where you live. Every time I go down that way though I get stuck in a huge traffic jam somewhere and usually get lost. Thank goodness for the Agricultural Reserve in Maryland. It has really kept urban sprawl over on the other side of the river (the Potomac). If you're ever up our way stop by our temple and check it out. 18400 River Road ( Lots of nice stupas to see, 65 acres of mostly wooded nature preserve, pretty temple that's always open, and last but not least, beautiful downtown Poolesville! Well, they have a skateboard park... As my teacher once said, Poolesville has everything you need but nothing you want!

    Dog Star, good to have you here, but somehow I missed the connection between "Eternity" and Buddhism and this site in particular. Please 'splain!

  • edited September 2010
    Palzang wrote: »

    Dog Star, good to have you here, but somehow I missed the connection between "Eternity" and Buddhism and this site in particular. Please 'splain!


    I'm thinking "Eternity" was just a person's username from his old forum who no one really knew.

    Anyway, it's great to have you guys here. I'm a 4th year biochemistry major, so I've learned many big names in Alchemy in my history of science classes. My favorite story was when radioactive decay was discovered (changing one atom to another) the scientists involved wouldn't publish out of fear they would be criticized for alchemy, though Marie Curie ended up being the first person to ever receive two Nobel Prizes (and she was a woman, nonetheless!).
  • edited September 2010
    G'day Palzang,
    Eternity was the user-name of the person who PM'd me on the astronomy site and referred me to this site.
    Bit of a mystery to me too but that's the Universe in action. :)
    As I say, I'm here because of "Eternity" and that sort of appeals to my sense of humor.
    Hope it appeals to yours too.:)
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    LOL, welkommen Dog Star, enjoy the forum :wavey:
  • edited September 2010
    G'day Love"N'Peace,
    Is that a whippet in your avatar?
    Looks an awful lot like one of mine who is a whippet/bull terrier cross.
    Her name is Lady and we love each other unconditionally. The other is a male scruffy cross-breed terrier called Bloke and the love is just as deep!
    I live about 20 k's SW of Alice Springs in a semi rural area in a caravan and annexe out in the scrub where our nearest neighbour is too far away to see or hear and is a great place to walk dogs, indulge in photography, star gaze and just sort

    Many thanks to you, Palzang, and SyntheticKinetic for the welcome.
    Cheers! :D
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    She's a wire-haired parson's russell terrier :)
  • edited September 2010
    Name: Eija Riitta (you can call me Eija :D )
    Age: 20
    Hair: Blonde
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 5 foot
    Weight: 115 lbs
    Born: Muhos, Finland
    Live: Rovaniemi
    Occupation: At college for Biochemistry
    Favorite book: In The Woods
    Favorite band: Not sure..
    Favorite food: Rönttönen
    Favorite movie: Many :eek:
    Favorite colour: Red

    Hi everyone! I am Eija from Finland, I have been interested in Buddhism for about 4 years now, but never really taken that leap to becoming a buddhist. For a long time I have been looking for something to believe in, and believe me I have looked everywhere :eek: !! I am definitely leaning more towards Buddhism after learning more about it! Anyways thank you and I am sorry if my spelling is awful :o I come from a unilingual part of Finland :wow:
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Hei Eija, toivottavasti nautitte aikaa foorumi :wavey:
    That was Finnish from google translator, so it might not be very good :o Nice to meet you :)
  • edited September 2010
    Name: Kelly

    Age: 33

    Sign: Taurus / Snake

    Hair: Strawberry-blonde

    Eyes: Green

    Height: 5'8"

    Weight: Never ask a recently pregnant woman about her weight!

    Born: Knoxville, TN, but home is St. Louis, Missouri, USA

    Currently: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

    Favorite color: For years it was blue - but maybe red now? I don't really seem to have one any more.

    Favorite band: Tool

    Favorite food: Indian (palak paneer & veg korma), Thai (yellow curry w/tofu!), and french fries with ketchup

    Favorite movie: Pan's Labyrinth, The Shining

    Favorite book: Tao Te Ching

    Hi everyone.

    I'm not sure where to begin, really, so I'll try to keep it brief! I was raised without religion (it just wasn't a subject we talked about in our house), and I think these days I can call myself a quite 'devout' agnostic. I've always had an interest in Eastern philosophy and religions, and I first studied Buddhism and meditation while in college some years ago. I hope I don't rub anyone the wrong way by saying that I come back to Buddhism now with a deep interest in pursuing it as a method, a way of life - and not as a religion, per se; I doubt that I will ever call myself Buddhist because that implies (to me) the religious sense of the word. To my mind, what happens beyond death will have to just be discovered (or not) when the time comes. What I do "believe" in is the concept of one-ness that pervades Buddhism; this has a spiritual significance to me, even though it is also supported by physics. So while I am not looking for religion, my interest in Buddhism is still very much a spiritual pursuit, and not merely a matter of practicality.

    Regarding more physical affairs - I live with my husband and baby daughter in Scotland, having transferred here from the US on a secondment with my employer. We moved here in 2007, and my daughter was born here in Edinburgh. We love it here, but we'll likely move back to St. Louis in the next year or so; we find ourselves missing family a great deal now that we have a child. I'm a big animal lover and have been a vegetarian since I was 12. I also enjoy traveling and playing poker. Hmm... I wonder if there are any books on the Zen of Poker - probably! :)

    I look forward to getting to know you all!
  • edited September 2010
    Don't quite understand what's going on here. :confused:
    Just received another PM from an other astronomy forum from someone called
    "Serendipity" also referring me to this site. :lol:
    Are the Buddhists spamming astronomy web sites?
    Doesn't actually bother me - I just think it's a little strange. (It's not as if astronomers spam Buddhist web sites.)
    Not hard to work out - I think you'd find more "closet Buddhists" on an astronomy site than you'd find "closet astronomers" on a Buddhist web site.
    Ah, who bloody cares?
    It's nice to be here no matter how I got here.:)
    And welcome to the new members above me.

    Are you guys interested in astronomy? :D:D
  • edited September 2010
    Kiitoksia paljon!

    Thank you for the welcomes! :D
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Olet tervetullut

    Welcome Kelly :wavey:
  • edited September 2010

    I have been meditating for about a year on and off( I live a very clean lifestyle.). Normally, I do breath meditation once or twice a day (have attempted flame gazing, picture meditations as all).

    What led me to Buddhist meditation was my suffering with panic attacks and horrible anxiety for years (obsessive thoughts, derealization, etc). Lately, things have improved, although I still have lots of work to do in this regard. Meditation does indeed help, but it is something that you have to do regularly, and that takes discipline, as you all know. And I don't always feel its benefits, even thought there are "subtle things" going on that I may not even be aware of.

    I live in a rural area and have been trying to move for the past few years to a more urban area or back overseas, but I have a horrible time making decisions (lived overseas for a few years as a student). Also, I have no Buddhist meditation group near me, nor do I know any Buddhists. I'm a bit alone in this regard, but I do the best I can and let go of the feelings of self-pity.

    Finally, as I already said, daily breath meditation requires much discipline; however, I've noticed that the more I try to not feel anxious and unhappy, the more I get anxious and unhappy. It's as it there is a "happiness" paradox: it takes a lot of discipline to not try and be happy in order to "just be" happy.

    Blessings to all:)

    (PS Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche has a lot to say about panic attacks as he
    suffered with them.)
  • edited September 2010

    I'm going to refrain from posting too much, as I've tried twice and it keeps saying I'm not logged in, yet I am. :confused:

    I'm in the USA, and I teach part time at a community college. I also home school three children who keep me on my toes.

    I've been dabbling in Buddhism for the last few years, and now feel certain that this path is where I am supposed to be at this moment. I'm really trying to focus on learning the discipline of meditating.

    I love yapping about politics and RadioLab episodes.

    I look forward to learning from what everyone is willing to share here.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Iceman33 wrote: »

    I have been meditating for about a year on and off( I live a very clean lifestyle.). Normally, I do breath meditation once or twice a day (have attempted flame gazing, picture meditations as all).

    What led me to Buddhist meditation was my suffering with panic attacks and horrible anxiety for years (obsessive thoughts, derealization, etc). Lately, things have improved, although I still have lots of work to do in this regard. Meditation does indeed help, but it is something that you have to do regularly, and that takes discipline, as you all know. And I don't always feel its benefits, even thought there are "subtle things" going on that I may not even be aware of.

    I live in a rural area and have been trying to move for the past few years to a more urban area or back overseas, but I have a horrible time making decisions (lived overseas for a few years as a student). Also, I have no Buddhist meditation group near me, nor do I know any Buddhists. I'm a bit alone in this regard, but I do the best I can and let go of the feelings of self-pity.

    Finally, as I already said, daily breath meditation requires much discipline; however, I've noticed that the more I try to not feel anxious and unhappy, the more I get anxious and unhappy. It's as it there is a "happiness" paradox: it takes a lot of discipline to not try and be happy in order to "just be" happy.

    Blessings to all:)

    (PS Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche has a lot to say about panic attacks as he
    suffered with them.)
    Welcome, I meditate EVERY NIGHT I'm at home because I must have a bit of an OCD, things MUST happen as I plan them: I'm very self-controlling :-/ But welcome, and enjoy your time here, we have wonderful people and wonderful conversation :)
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010

    I'm going to refrain from posting too much, as I've tried twice and it keeps saying I'm not logged in, yet I am. :confused:

    I'm in the USA, and I teach part time at a community college. I also home school three children who keep me on my toes.

    I've been dabbling in Buddhism for the last few years, and now feel certain that this path is where I am supposed to be at this moment. I'm really trying to focus on learning the discipline of meditating.

    I love yapping about politics and RadioLab episodes.

    I look forward to learning from what everyone is willing to share here.
    Politics!? :eek: :p Welcome :wavey:
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Dog Star, that is really weird about the messages!

    Welcome to all!
  • edited September 2010
    Hello everyone.
    Im 45 years old, I live in Tampa, Fl and I took refuge in 2004.
    I look forward to getting to know all of you
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Hi, Mason's Child!

    You have my sympathies, living in the South amongst the Bible thumpers, but as you've already discovered, you can learn a lot living in a place like that. And like they say in AA, where you go, there you are!

  • edited September 2010
    Hey everyone my name is Kameron (with a k) I'm very new to buddhism and I feel it is the right path to choose iv been researching alot of religions and having mixed emotions about them for a while now excuse me for being extremely inexperienced with Buddhism it takes alot of time for me to pick up on things Also I am currently trying to find a sect to belong to so if anyone could provide me some info on some major sects that would be great I look forward to being on your forums and I hope I enjoy my stay excuse me for spelling errors I'm using my iPod .
  • edited September 2010
    It can be a little overwhelming until you get used to it, Just learn as much as you can, ask questions and then you will find what you have always believed.
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome, Mason's! And welcome, Rygard!

    Already some great advice from Mason's Child!
  • edited September 2010
    Howdy, y'all! I'm ittybittybat (bittybat or BB for short). I'm also new to Buddhism, and, even though I don't agree with every single belief, I feel a very strong connection to it.

    Let's see, what else? Well, through Buddhism, I've gotten better at putting others before myself, and I am more accepting of others. I'm probably one of the few Buddhists (or perhaps there are many--I wouldn't know) who believes in God. Hmm, that's about it. Nice to meet you all! :)
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome Mason's Child, Karmaron Witherkay (:p) and IttyBittyBat (I thought you were swearing at us at first! :eek:) :wavey:
  • edited September 2010
    Haha, no, it's just my username.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Indeedy! :D
  • edited September 2010
    Name: Justin

    Age: 18

    Sign: Capricorn

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Blue

    Height: 6'0"

    Weight: 185lbs

    Born: Summerside, PEI, Canada

    Currently: Charlottetown, PEI, Canada

    Favorite color: Dark blue

    Favorite band: No way I can single out a single band/artist.. Blue Rodeo, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin and Sufjan Stevens.

    Favorite food: Stir-fried rice

    Hi all,

    I first started looking into Buddhism 2 or 3 years ago.. when the ideals of Christianity started looking a little odd to me. I have never been a very religious person.. even growing up I'd only attend church for special holidays (Christmas/Easter).

    This summer while cleaning up around my department at the university, I stumbled across a small informational book on Buddhism that was being thrown out. First I saw it as a waste to throw out a book.. but then as I looked into it a little bit, and it started to slowly grab my attention.

    Over the past year and a bit I worked my way into a life of drugs and alcohol.. It started to destroy my personal and professional life at school. Every time I tried to kick it, I was back within a week. Then a certain girl worked her way into my life by chance.. and with her help I've been clean for the last 2 and a half months.

    Getting to know her family (from Hong Kong), I found out that they all have a Buddhist background.. Although my girlfriend and her mother wouldn't strictly call their religion Buddhism, her father is very serious about it.

    Over the past few months I've been doing some research just to better understand Buddhism and it's ideals.. and the other night..after much thought, I decided to give Buddhism a chance.

    I've picked up a few books from the campus library on Tibetan Buddhism and the Sutra's... Very excited to dive into them.

    Oh and by the way.. I'm a music student at my university studying to be a music educator. My applied instrument is the French Horn.. but I also play Trumpet to accommodate Jazz styles.. I play bass in a local light rock band as well.

    I look forward to the positive influence Buddhism will have on my life and the lives around me. I also look forward to being a member of the community here at NewBuddhist!

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Fantastic Jayef.. welcome!
  • edited September 2010
    Thank you mason
    for your comment and to you guys for being nice and weloming me and I like what you did with my name love n
    peace :)
  • edited September 2010
    Jayef wrote: »
    ........ I look forward to the positive influence Buddhism will have on my life and the lives around me. I also look forward to being a member of the community here at NewBuddhist!

    Welcome Justin, wish you well on the Buddhist path to peace. You could also read "What the Buddha Taught" by Walpola Rahula.

    With kind regards :)
  • edited September 2010
    Thank you Jeffrey and Sukhita! Very kind welcomes.

    Sukhita.. I stumbled upon that book the other day while going through the local library. I'll definitely go back and look into it!
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome all :) Enjoy.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Yo new peeps to aah krib!
  • edited September 2010
    welcome to the forum
  • edited September 2010
    Hello everyone :)

    Name: Kayla

    Age: 21

    Hair: Auburn

    Eyes: Blue

    Born: Batesville, Indiana; I have also lived in Texas, Illinois and (now) Kentucky.

    Favorite Color: Green

    Favorite Food: Salad with really good ranch dressing

    Favorite Book: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

    Occupation: College student, currently. Hope to be a writer.

    Hobbies: writing/literature, art, travel, anthropology, foreign language study, anime/manga

    I became curious about Buddhism in high school, but didn't really commit to studying it and become a Buddhist until 2008. I am currently trying to earn an English degree with a minor in Anthropology. I am engaged; my fiance and I attend the same school. My mother died last year, so I currently help my father take care of my younger siblings (a sister who is 10 and a brother who is 8). I look forward to meeting all of you!
  • edited September 2010
    Not sure if im meant to use this format but a few people have so here goes:

    Name: Rob
    Age: 23
    Sign: Scorpio
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 11 stone 4 pound
    Live: Manchester, UK (as if you hadnt already guessed by my use of imperial units of measurement :P)
    Favorite book: 'What I Talk about When I Talk About Running'
    Favorite band: Changes almost daily but some longstanding faves are Dillinger Escape Plan, Converge and Deftones
    Favorite food: Lasagna or Sausage and Mash
    Favorite movie: More of a TV series type of person (massive fan of everybody loves raymond and king of the hill) but my fave movies are Donnie Darko, The Dark Crystal, The Carebears Movie 1 and 2 and Carebears in Wonderland, Oldboy.

    I will be brief. I'm a doctoral student, currenty just finishing my 1st year. I like running and cycling in my free time, I run 4 times a week and am a volunteer helping to organise a free 5km run/race every Saturday in a local park which is really fun. Occasionally I pick up the guitar or bass and have a strum but not as often as I should.

    At present I wouldn't call myself Buddhist. I have been drawn to Buddhism through a number of different paths, one being art and the other being a running injury oddly enough.

    Regarding art, I got into the art of a guy called Marc from a tattoo studio called swastika freakshop, his work was amazing but often included swastikas so i researched the symbol, arriving at buddhism.

    Regarding running, having used yoga as a form of rehabilitation and to prevent future injuries, I learned about meditating on the breath at the end of the yoga session and also about noticing and working with the breath during. I enjoyed this aspect and thus looked more into meditation and arrived at Buddhism. This was the second time I'd arrived at Buddhism so I decided to jump in and get to work so to speak.

    So I am now attending a class at my local buddhist centre. Presently reading a bunch of books including principles of buddhism by kulananda, change your mind by paramananda, who is the buddha? and what is the dharma? by sangharakshita and a few others.

    Based on my studies thus far I'm not totally sure exactly how it all fits into my life right now, thats what I'm trying to find out. What I do know is that it fits in somehow.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Velkommen peeps! :wavey:
  • edited September 2010
    Age: 27
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Green
    Height: 5 foot 8"
    Weight: as if I'm telling you!
    Born: Aylesbury, England
    Live: Manchester, England
    Occupation:Receptionist/Volunteer Brownie Guider
    Favorite book: something by Tom Holt probably
    Favorite band: changes with the wind, currently loving Tom Jones - Praise & Blame
    Favorite food: Chinese & cheesecake (not necessarily together!)
    Favorite movie:Con Air, grave of the fireflies or Armageddon (depends how much i want to cry!)
    Favorite colour: Green

    Anything else you need/want to know just ask!
    Sukki xxx
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
  • edited September 2010
    Hi! May as well call me Jali, seeing as how it's the name I picked and all. :P I'm 32, live in Oregon, and declare myself 'not a Buddhist' (yet) as well as not much of anything else at that besides a compulsive self-educator. :D Nice to meet you all!
  • edited September 2010
    My name is Michael and I've been interested in Buddhism for a number of reasons, so I thought I would join this forum and learn more. I look forward to talking with you guys!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome to the forum Jali :wavey:
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited September 2010

  • ThaoThao Veteran
    edited September 2010
    :)glad to have you here.
  • edited September 2010
    Welcome :)
  • LesCLesC Bermuda Veteran
    edited September 2010
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Welcome new folks!! Glad to see you here!
  • edited September 2010
    Name: Vincent
    Age: Almost 24
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Green-Blue
    Height: 6ft4
    Weight: 180lbs
    Born: Alexandria, VA
    Live: Great Lakes, IL (Legal Resident of Virginia)
    Occupation: Third Shift Security Officer

    Hi, everyone. I discovered Buddhism over a month ago through meditation practice (which I discovered through P90X Yoga). The more I read about Buddha's teachings, the more it makes sense and feels like it is a perfect fit for me. Ironically I just transferred to Liberty University (the largest evangelical Christian school in the world) for a Bachelor's degree in Accounting.:poke:

    I'm originally from Northern Virginia but moved to Great Lakes, IL to be with my wife who is stationed there with the Navy. Before moving I spent five years working at a funeral home as an apprentice/assistant and crematory operator. I would like to one day return to funeral service.

    That's me in a nutshell.
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Vincent JG wrote: »
    I would like to one day return to funeral service.

    Well, I guess we all will one day whether we want to or not! :D BTW, welcome! I know Great Lakes. I grew up in Northern Illinois, and my brother went through Great Lakes when he joined the Navy.

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