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NewBuddhist Member Introductions



  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited January 2006

    If part of the process includes having a photo of the person you're wanting to put the "whammy" on - bound ...

    Haven't you already succeeded?

    Where did you have them bound so that you could take a picture of them? In your basement? :)

  • edited January 2006
    Ha ha ha!! :)
    I could have phrased that a bit better !!
  • JerbearJerbear Veteran
    edited January 2006
    "Bound". That's a great movie. One of the most eroti.......never mind.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited January 2006
    LOVE that photo. ALL babies look like mini Churhill's. LOL!
    Knitwitch, I love your photo, too. Black and whites from days gone by... I could look at photos all day and all night.
    Jerry, love your story. You tell it beautifully.
    This a such a warm thread. I'm enjoying it immensely.

    Love you guys.
  • edited January 2006
    Thanks Brigid - the sad thing is I haven't changed a bit, but have lost the hat!
  • edited January 2006
    Frizzer wrote:
    When you refer to the commercialisation do you mean things like the instant "quick fix witch kits" as I call them? You know the things, ready made spell kits for all manner of ailments. Got a girlfriend/boyfriend issue? Here's a binding spell for you!
    They just seemed dangerous to me, anyone could pick these things up without any knowledge of the possible repercussions of their actions.

    And if anyone's interested in a Buddha in a box kit... :wavey:
  • edited January 2006
    I have always been a very spiritual but not really into any specific religion. I found a book called "Bhuddism for Dummies", while the book gave me good insight into the story of Bhudda, it spoke little of the actual practice of Bhuddism.

    I know that there is meditation involved but what am I meditating on? Is there a common ritual or do you just sit until you are enlightend? I happen to live in Japan right now but a lot of the material here is of course not in English. I received a "White Tara in a Box" as a gift and have meditated on compassion and healing and felt a great peace and wellbeing OM TARE TU TARE TURE SOHA. White Tara is a Bhuddah right, but what about Bhudda like The Bhuddah.

    I would like to know as much as I can. I travel to a lot of Asian countries where Bhuddism is practiced. I'd love to visit the Bhuddist Temples even though I often don't understand the laguage. Before I walk into anyone's Temple I want to know something about what I am doing. Maybe someone could suggest some good material to read. Any suggestions at all would be deeply appreciated.
  • edited January 2006
    Thanks for the infp zen monk genryu!!!
  • edited January 2006
    You're most welcome and welcome to the community here too by the way.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2006
    Hello Lotus Soul... what a delightful image your 'name' evokes!
    There are so many sites ansd ZenMonk has given you some very good ones with which to begin...

    Here are a couple more....
    Buddhism for Beginners
    basically looks into all the aspects of the questions most asked....

    Buddhist Answers
    Nice friendly site with clear-cut answers...

    The Noble Eightfold Path
    The Heart of what the Buddha taught....

    This last one is from me to you... you'll need to have your speakers turned up, and it takes ten minutes to play... But it's really lovely - so - enjoy!!
    The 'Metta' Chant

  • edited January 2006
    Thanks for these recommendations Rev. Genryu and Federica. Fed...that chant is beautiful!!!
  • edited January 2006
    Hi. I was referred by AlexandraB from Christian Forums. I don't know what her username is here, though.

    I have been informally practicing Zen for 1.5 years now. Kwan Um School of Zen is my "sect" I guess.
  • edited January 2006
    Figured I'd finally introduce myself to people...

    Name: Nathan
    Age: 31
    Sign: Aquarius
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Hazel
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 140 lbs.
    Born: Cape Cod, MA
    Currently: Knoxville, TN
    Favorite color: black, red and white
    Favorite band: we could be here for a few hours...
    Favorite food: Spicy foods whether it be mexican, Thai, etc..
    Favorite movie: again could be here for a while...

    Up until recently I didn't practice any sort of "religion" I just kind of believed that you treat others the way you want to be treated and life should be ok. Growing up my parents never forced anything on me, I was allowed to believe what I wanted to believe. In sixth grade we moved to FL and it was there I met some people and joined a local church where I was baptized. I stuck with it for a little while, but as I mentioned in a nother post, I started asking questions and got the same answer over and over or the run around which seemed scripted and planned out. I didn't think that was how life was meant to be, planned out, so I stopped going to church. So for the past twenty years I've basically lived a life of just day by day existence. I've married and have two beautiful children. There are the lights of my life. That's basically me in a nutshell, there's more to be told but I'm sure little bits will come out here and there.
  • edited January 2006
    Welcome Wickwoman and Nathan! I am fairly new too...but I can say this...
    This forum is very helpful and friendly. I have asked many questions and shared many thoughts. Always, I have been comfortable. I learn something new every time I drop in for a visit!
  • edited January 2006
    Aquarians rock!
  • JerbearJerbear Veteran
    edited January 2006
    Welcome WickWoman and Nathan,
    This is a great forum. You can jump right in (like I did) or just see what is around. There are so many forums here, you can find one to your liking I'm sure. A few posts up in this thread (#263), Federica has put some fantastic links for some basic information on Buddhism. Read it and see what you think.
    You are always welcome to ask questions. We may not know an answer, but we'll sure help you to find it, if we can.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2006
    ....Yuh, What he said.... ;) !!

    Welcome one and all!
  • edited January 2006
    Thanks for the warm welcome! I'll check it out!
  • edited January 2006
    thanks everyone, this site has helped alot so far and I appreciate all the responses to questions I've had so far. I have found a plethora of information to look at from this site alone, so again thank you.

    oh and wick, yes aquarians do rock! hehe

    ps. I keep seeing Jack Kornfield's name around, is there a site with info on his books or anything?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2006
    I think if you were to just type his name in your search engine, (Google? Yahoo?) you'd come up with something....Also, check out 'Amazon' for his books....
  • edited January 2006
    duh that would have made sense eh?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2006
    Listen... you have no idea.... some of the questions I was asking when I first came to Buddhism....Shheeeeesh! I thought having a shaved head would help....! :rolleyesc :lol:
  • edited January 2006
    federica wrote:
    Listen... you have no idea.... some of the questions I was asking when I first came to Buddhism....Shheeeeesh! I thought having a shaved head would help....! :rolleyesc :lol:

    hehe, that just made my day. :rockon:
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2006
    Me and my big mouth... have I put my foot in it? Are you as they say in the Politically Correct world, "Follically Challenged"...?

    Hand me that shovel, I've dug as deep as I can with my hands....!!
  • edited January 2006
    no no, I am not "folically challenged" I have a full head of hair. But I have been shaving my head, willingly, for about 15 years now so I may seem "folically challenged" but am not. hehe
  • edited January 2006
    Hello Wickwoman and Looking for Answers - this is a great place even if I don't understand half of what is said on here - the other half is fascinating.

    *Waving madly* I'm the large one with the permanent bad hair day over here in the corner! Hiya!
  • edited January 2006
    Hi Knitwitch, nice to meet you. For things I have not understood so far I have asked questions, and 99.9% of the time I get an answer I can not only understand but appreciate.
  • edited January 2006
    Wickwoman, good to see you here.
  • edited January 2006
    duh that would have made sense eh?

    I often get that Homer Simpson feeling when I dont stop to remember the vast amount of resources and information available just a few finger-taps away.

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited January 2006
    Hi Wickwoman and Looking For Answers!!!!

    Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!

    I'm new, too, and this has been an amazing resource in my studies and practice. The people here are lovely (impossible to deal with), they're good (funny) looking and their accents are charming (so thick I can't understand a word they say). They know a great deal more than me and I don't think any of them are (employed) ever too busy to help! They tell jokes I don't understand, they think I use compost to grow my nails and I heard that they run around nekid and hide in the air shafts in the Gents Club!! (That's just hearsay, though. I was NOT involved.)
    Oh, and some of the men wear women's clothing. I think. (I only read about that. I didn't actually see it.) There are some amazing (mind boggling) discussions here and you can ask anything you want, no matter how stupid they think it might be. They have to be polite, their Buddhists!! And if you aggravate them they thank you for being their teacher and for giving them the opportunity to practice patience and compassion! I'm telling you, this place (is crazy) ROCKS!!!
    They make tea and lemonade a lot and when you go off your rocker they hold out their arms and comfort you or they hit you with a stick.
    I highly recommend this site as there are real monks here, the people in charge are geniuses ("SMOOOOCH") and most of the posters know how to (read) spell.
    I'm so glad you joined our (party) sangha!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2006
  • edited January 2006
    Brigid...that was awesome!!!
  • JerbearJerbear Veteran
    edited January 2006
    Oh, by the way Wick and Looking,
    Brigid is (crazy) friendly. She is always (fighting) willing to help newbies. Her (blabbering) talks are always (drug induced) insightful. (Ignore) Listen to what she (spits out) says with great (disgust) awe. We (put up) love her so much just because (her meds work from time to time, ya know the psych kind) she is a (semi-sane) wonderful person.
  • JerbearJerbear Veteran
    edited January 2006
    I had to do it. I still like you a great deal. By the way, did I tell you I love that picture of you? You look so wholesome in that picture. It makes me think you are up at a cabin having a quiet weekend with friends and family. (((((BRIGID)))))
  • edited January 2006
    I found Brigid's post very helpful (undermining) and informative (confusing)!

  • edited January 2006
    Oh Phooey....I wish the avatar came out a photo from a path in Colorado...I have it hung (actually I painted one) in my house...I was walking along a path I had never been through before. It seemed never ending adn I was getting tired. "Thank goodness, a bench" I thought.

    It reminds me that I am on a path (of life, to places unknown)...and I get tired. It's OK to sit and rest, think, and then get up and go again. I go...:eek2:
  • edited January 2006
    Oh Phooey....I wish the avatar came out a photo from a path in Colorado...I have it hung (actually I painted one) in my house...I was walking along a path I had never been through before. It seemed never ending adn I was getting tired. "Thank goodness, a bench" I thought.

    It reminds me that I am on a path (of life, to places unknown)...and I get tired. It's OK to sit and rest, think, and then get up and go again. I go...:eek2:

    I have always known
    that at last I would take this road.
    But yesterday I did not know
    it would be today.

    - Narihara
  • JerbearJerbear Veteran
    edited January 2006
    I used to live in Northern California. The Pacific Northwest is so beautiful. I know this might sound silly, but it is so GREEN! I just love it. Life is abounding every where. It could make me a tree hugging hippie any day. I wouldn't mind moving back there one day just to hike and be part of the beauty again.
    So I understand about the trail. Pictures don't do them justice. I was in Yosemite National Park for a weekend and some of the sites I saw looked like paintings. Just wondrous.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited January 2006
    Wickwoman and Jer,
    LMAO! It's contagious!!!! Run!! Run for your lives!!!

    Jerry, I'm so glad you think I look wholesome! I AM! LOL. And pure as the driven snow. LMAO! (If only my actions were wholesome.)

    Sharpiegirl, I was just going to say how beautiful that new avatar is. If I could live anywhere I wanted, it would be in the green, green forest.

    Love Brigid.
  • edited January 2006
    Brigid, you have one of those faces that looks familiar to me. Like you've been on an Ivory soap commercial or something like that. I just feel I should know you. ;)
  • edited January 2006
    LOL, Brigid! That was hilarious!
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited January 2006
    Hello everyone! How lovely to see more people at the party.

    I have the bad habit of checking the threads listed on "User CP" first which means that I have had the joy of reading some posts by (I think) everyone, so I had glimpsed you across the bonfire before coming here to say 'hello' in person.

    I doubt whether anyone could better Brigid's description of this place, it is an oasis in the deserts of the world. We even have strange animals roaming around. A perfect place for a picnic.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2006

    I doubt whether anyone could better Brigid's description of this place, it is an oasis in the deserts of the world. We even have strange animals roaming around. A perfect place for a picnic.

    I think we should put it on the home page as a permanent invitation to one and all to join the fun - !!
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited January 2006
    Yes, Fede. That's a really good idea.

    Wickwoman, maybe we DO know each other. I've never been in an Ivory commercial but I could be in one of the new Dove commercials with my Buddha belly! LOL!
  • edited January 2006
    Somewhere in one of these thread Federica mentioned the Metta Chant and included the link to it. Well, I went to that link and ended up searching the Web to purchase the CD. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I received it yesterday and used as my 'alarm' this morning (instead of the usual radio). What a way to awake and start a new day!
  • PadawanPadawan Veteran
    edited January 2006
    Hi everyone- I suppose I should really formally introduce myself here, even though I started off by plunging into a couple of topics- as is my usual wont on messageboards!:D Although I don't post much here yet, I'm always hanging around in the wings reading the threads- and I've learned so much from the threads and links posted on this board! Although I'm no stranger to messageboards (I run a couple myself!), I'm relatively new to Buddhism, and this forum has been invaluable in providing answers to my questions, and showing me where else to look. I very much hope to exchange views with you all in the future.
  • JerbearJerbear Veteran
    edited January 2006
    Driven on snow? That's just like me. OHHHHHH, driven snow. I hope that's what you meant. I've been around the block a few times. Okay, we're to be practicing honesty, a few hundred times. But I have no regrets. But I will have to do a lot to clean up my karma.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited January 2006
    WELCOME, PADAWAN! Glad to meet you.


    "But I will have to do a lot to clean up my karma."
    Oh, you and me both, baby. Good thing we're here, isn't it?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited January 2006
    I have mops, buckets and rags if you want to borrow them;... for a small fee.... :lol:;)
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