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  • edited May 2007
    Brigid wrote:
    Well, here's my two cents.

    If it is my karma to be killed in a violent way by a weapon, I'd rather just get it over and done with rather than adding more vipaka by violently bringing down someone else with me. I'm trying to bring the cycle to an end, not prolong it.

    Well said...Yes I could defend myself, but at what cost? Killing or seriously maiming another person? As another great teacher said, better to lose your life and gain your soul, than to gain the world, but lose your soul.

    Of course this argument can break down when it comes to the notion of defending the lives of others. Which is why I maintain respect for the military, even though it is not something I could ever do. (As it turns out, my job is to take care of those who souls turned to hamburger in Iraq--a very common problem here.)
  • edited May 2007
    bushinoki wrote:
    Which brings up another one of the US' "brilliant" recent headlines, Walter Reed Memorial Hospital (I am being sarcastic here). I understand there were reasons to say that Saddam Hussein was a threat to the ME and the rest of the world. I understand taking him out of power. What I don't understand is why the soldiers who made great sacrifices for their country aren't getting the treatment they deserve.

    I cannot say that I understand your first two propositions (about the threat and the need) but I am with you 100 percent on the third. I will say that up in Fairbanks soldiers get great health care (if they are willing to recieve it) and mucho respect from our community.
  • bushinokibushinoki Veteran
    edited May 2007
    A-S, the entire time since ODS, Saddam has been a problem for the UN weapons inspectors, with the way he kept them out of certain areas and kept bluffing them away from completing their inspections. And, it's pretty bad when someone like Osama bin Laden says that Saddam needs to be removed from power.
  • edited May 2007
    bushinoki wrote:
    A-S, the entire time since ODS, Saddam has been a problem for the UN weapons inspectors, with the way he kept them out of certain areas and kept bluffing them away from completing their inspections. And, it's pretty bad when someone like Osama bin Laden says that Saddam needs to be removed from power.

    Please dont take this as a defense of Saddam, but I am not surprised at all that Osma would call for Saddam's overthrow. He had one of the few totally secular regimes in the Middle East. Yes, exploited the Sunnai/Shi'ite split, but more as tribal differences than as religious rivalry (another thing our great intel missed.)

    And frankly I dont see how Osama's recommendation has anything to do with our foreign policy.
  • bushinokibushinoki Veteran
    edited May 2007
    A-S, I will say this, this war has been handled badly from the beginning. We should have established the new Afghani government fully before even contemplating this war, and should have brought our military back up to the numbers we had in the 80s. It was a war we were destined to fight eventually, we should have taken our time doing it.
  • SabineSabine Veteran
    edited June 2007
    *sneaks in*
    ...erm...hi! anyone remember me? :)
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited June 2007
    Sabine wrote:
    *sneaks in*
    ...erm...hi! anyone remember me? :)

    Sabine! Girlfriend!!

    How are you? We have missed you. It is good to see you back. No need to sneak: your place is always here for you, dear heart.
  • SabineSabine Veteran
    edited June 2007
    i'm feeling sort of like the prodigal son, haha.

    (or would it be the prodigal daughter? you know what i mean!)
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited June 2007
    Hi Sabine...

    It's really nice to see you again.

  • SabineSabine Veteran
    edited June 2007
    nice to see you too, BF - and your cat avatar hasn't changed, eh? :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited June 2007
    Given that everyone comes in here at one point or another, to stretch their legs, have a cuppa and see what's on the box....
    can anyone shed any light on why Imageshack isn't opening up and doing the business with images to avatars and the rest of it?
    I can't access Imageshack at the moment. Is it just me, or is there a probelm with the site?
    can anyone investigate for me?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited June 2007
    Hya guys....
    Sorry, no panic....
    The problem was "in-house"....Our tecchies had actually set up a blocking system, but one of the egg-heads cleared the URL pathways for me, so it now functions as before!

    Panic over!

    I'll put the kettle on.....!
  • edited June 2007
    Hi! Wow! How time flies when we are having fun!
    For those who may not know, I have a beautiful, handsome pet bunny named, Bob.
    I rescued him from a horrible place where he was beat up by other bunnies, and maybe mauled. Anyway, I have had him since December and I am happy to say, he is a happy bunny!:vimp:
    Well, I acquired another little girl bunny not long ago. Her name is Zosia (polish pronunciation) Having to bond them and such is very time consuming! But I love every minute of it!
    I attached a few pics...bob_039.jpg
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited June 2007
    Sharpie! Loooong time no see. Nice to hear from you again. Sweet bunnies!
  • XraymanXrayman Veteran
    edited June 2007
    Well my day is slowly going okay...

    I just spent the whole of last sunday in hospital with kidney stones-hell that hurts!

    I had my first ever dose of morphine-holy crap that stuff made me sick! how the hell could you get addicted to that stuff??? it was dreadful. it was like I was instantly dizzy and nauseated at the same time-horrible feeling. I now know why they call it a "hit" though...
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited June 2007
    Awww, poor Xray! Kidney stones!!! That's awful! I hope you're feeling better now and everything came out all right. (Pun intended.) But seriously I've heard how horribly painful those things are and I'm glad you're all right. They probably should have given you Gravol with your morphine, or whatever the Australian equivalent is. Gravol's used for nausea, motion sickness etc.. Strangely, dear brother, we have an intolerance to narcotics in common as well as everything else. I'll never forget my first experience with it. 19 years old, in the hospital for some crazy pancreatic thing that hurt like hell, shot of Demerol (another narcotic) and then spending the next four hours on the floor hanging onto the toilet. I was already in pain all through my abdomen and the retching really didn't help. Especially since I hadn't eaten in days. They couldn't have done a better job if they'd been trying to torture me. From then on I reminded the nurses not to forget the Gravol with the Demerol shot. I feel your pain, bro. Wish I could have taken it for you. I don't understand why doctors and nurses don't know that a person who's never taken a narcotic before will likely become ill the first time. Sometimes violently. I mean, isn't that standard knowledge?

    I hope you're taking it easy now, Xray, and giving yourself the time you need to get back up to full speed. Kidney stones! Man, that must have hurt.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited June 2007
    Maybe getting them to 'bond' may not be such a good idea... you see, 1 + 1 = 25 and counting....!
    X-ray I really do sympatihise. I have never experienced same, and most likely never will, but i know it's excrusciating...
    hang in there, my floating friend.
  • edited June 2007
    Bob has been neutered. That was done before I ever thought about getting a girl bunny.!!!
  • edited June 2007
    Hope you are feeling better, X-Ray!
    I heard that kidney stones in men are the closest thing they will feel to a woman giving birth.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited June 2007
    Bob has been neutered. That was done before I ever thought about getting a girl bunny.!!!

    So it's just for fun, then.... ;)
  • edited June 2007
    Oh yes! I rescued them from a shelter. Bob was other bunnies!!!!!!
    Zosia (polish pronunciation) was malnourished.
    But, in a house full of love, they are both doing great!:cheer:
    Now, if I can bob to like Zosia when she is out of her cage......
  • XraymanXrayman Veteran
    edited June 2007
    Hope you are feeling better, X-Ray!
    I heard that kidney stones in men are the closest thing they will feel to a woman giving birth.

    Yes well it was because the "small" stone was interureter (halfway between kidney and bladder).

    yes SG apparently this is true about the birth/kidney stone business-but I've seen my mrs during childbirth and I'd like to question that myth myself, perhaps we need a mother who has had kidney stones to clarify the issue.?:hrm:

    I was given maxalon which is an anti nausea injection-with it-however it was DREADFUL-the experience I thought was like a 'fit' more than anything-I don't believe it was "pain killing "though! (so what was the friggin point?).:crazy:

    I still have the "Issue" at the moment but it is being managed with pain relief paracetemol/codeine and anti inflammatory meds. frankly i just want to be rid of the problem.

    P.S. most blokes HATE hospitals etc. you can count me in on that statistic!
  • edited June 2007
    it was great! school is over and summer is here! yay ^_^
  • edited June 2007
    yeah you, Nirvana!
    I have 4 and a half days with my first graders.
    It's bitter sweet.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited June 2007
    Just to let you all know Nick passed his end-of-year-1 exams with flying colours! They had a record number of failures this year, with students across the three years failing in hitherto unheard-of numbers.
    This either speaks volumes about the calibre of students currently in University, or the standard of education and ability with regard to Tutors and Lecturers...
    It seems "6 of one and a half-dozen of the other", according to our resident-solicitor-in-training.... Hmmmm....

    Oh well, at least he has done really well!! Not bad for an ol'crocky 45-year old, who's been completely out of any form of education for nearly 20 years! :cheer: :thumbsup: :woowoo:
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited June 2007
    federica wrote:
    Just to let you all know Nick passed his end-of-year-1 exams with flying colours! They had a record number of failures this year, with students across the three years failing in hitherto unheard-of numbers.
    This either speaks volumes about the calibre of students currently in University, or the standard of education and ability with regard to Tutors and Lecturers...
    It seems "6 of one and a half-dozen of the other", according to our resident-solicitor-in-training.... Hmmmm....

    Oh well, at least he has done really well!! Not bad for an ol'crocky 45-year old, who's been completely out of any form of education for nearly 20 years! :cheer: :thumbsup: :woowoo:

    Many congratulations to Nick.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited June 2007
    Woohoo!! Congrats, brilliant Nick! I hope you're going to do something nice to celebrate, like a little cake or something. You deserve it!
  • edited June 2007
    Congratulations to Nick! Wonderful!!

    Happy Summer Solstice everyone....................
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2007
    Just to let you all know...
    I shall be away from 4th July until 19th inclusive.
    Don't anybody panic, (ha ha!) I will be back...
    But then (she said, levitating in OM.....) have I ever really left....?

    Oh good grief..... :rolleyes:

    Take no notice of me. I'm in holiday mood.....

    See you all soon!
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2007
    Have a wonderful holiday, Fede!!

    And don't worry about us.

    I'm sure what happened last time you went on holiday (abandoned us) won't happen again. The boys surely learned their lesson and will never host another dinner party (massive, completely illegal, 3 day, drug and booze fueled, depraved and insane bash of global proportions) in your absence ever again. And if they do (and they will), that nice constable from the local police station down the road told us we could call him if we ever needed his assistance (threat of violence with a deadly weapon and S.W.A.T. team, if required) again. Lovely man! He must have felt so sorry for us completely innocent girls, especially arriving when he did and seeing what he saw before any of the boys had a chance to clean up (get rid of the evidence, which took two weeks, four Dumpsters, a home renovation team, various rebuilding and zoning permits, the legal firm of Hudson, Schwartz, Jones and Smith to negotiate said applications and permits, and a "Cleaner" recommended by the Gambino family). I'm certain (doubtful) that the boys have matured since then and everything will be just fine.

    So have a wonderful, carefree holiday. Relax and rejuvenate. The firefighters and ambulances will be arriving shortly and will remain on the premises just "in case". So don't worry, K?

  • edited July 2007
    Well, THAT should set her mind completely at rest!
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited July 2007
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2007
    Woo hoo!
  • XraymanXrayman Veteran
    edited July 2007
    Yes all will be perfectly okay....
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited July 2007
    Yesterday I hit 64 and I had to struggle hard against the Black Dog. All my children and grandchildren are far away as is my brother and his family. It is strange that my last child has just left home and, for the first time in more than thirty years, I am no longer an active parent,

    Nothing makes me so aware of the power of my meditation practice than when pain and depression hit. Although meditative silence was hard to reach as my meningism still kicks in from time to time, I never managed to find any medication that really touched the depression until I learned to 'sit'.

    The worst part of such a day is how easily I slip into self-pity - just like now LOL
  • edited July 2007
    Belated Bday!

    I'm a nominal Buddhist yet, but I understand how 'practice' keeps depression at bay. If meditation does it for you...I'm happy. I find 'moving zen' beneficial in that area.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2007
    Oh, Simon! I'm sorry I missed your birthday! Clearly you didn't have a very happy one which I'm very sorry to hear. I wish I could make that Black Dog go away forever. I'd like to wish you a hearty congratulations on surviving 64 years, however, and let you know how grateful I am that you have. Remember impermanence and mental formations and how much good you've brought to this world. You've brought more goodness and wisdom to me than you'll ever know.

    With much love, respect and gratitude,
    Your friend,
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2007
    Well, just back from Holiday in sunny climes - Italy, with temperatures in the nineties/thirties - depending if we're into old money or Celsius - and I had to really work on my "Everything is transitory, nothing is Permanent" teaching... Could have done with another week or two.... or three....!! :D
    Had a wonderful time, and inspite of the odd minor tussle (my parents are still getting used to the 'Nick is my partner' routine...after 23 years with a previous son-in-Law, I can understand that. And Nick is a VERY different character altogether....!) everything was wonderful. We visited some breathtakingly beautiful, historic places. Not the run-of-the-mill tourist traps like Assisi or Siena (although we did hit Florence, but due to the intense heat, it was less crowded than normal) but other towns like Orvieto, Spello and Gubbio. Medieval, cool and full of intriguing history.
    We also hit the Adriatic coast - avoiding Rimini, but gracing a lovely place called Fano with our presence, and ate 'frutti di Mare' (fruits of the sea') and wonderful marine pasta dishes....

    Google them all and delight with me, as far as you are able....

    The UK is less climactically delightful, but it's nice to be back, really.... :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2007
    Yo, Simon, Happy belated, friend. We'll have to get together some time, really we shall... Boo....any good stuff left, or has the "cleaner" been that thorough...?

  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited July 2007
    Dearest Fede,

    Sounds as if you had a wonderful time. You missed some dreadful weather over here - although it's pretty awful today, ain't it? I see that my old home town of Maidenhead is flooded!

    Been pretty quiet on the boards but I'm sure that'll change now you're back.

    Big hugs to both of you.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2007
    Welcome home, Fede!! Yes, I missed you! But it sounds like you vacationed in heaven so I'm happy you went.

    What was that about a cleaner...? OH, the cleaner! Oh no, we didn't have a party after all. The boys were angels and the place was as quiet as a...I can't think of anything that's quiet right now, but to put it bluntly, it was dead around here without you. We should have that party now!! You alert the police and ambulance services and I'll alert the media, K? :)
  • edited July 2007
    I baked cookies and wish I could somehow offer them to you all via the internet.
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited July 2007
    mmmm, COOKIE! Me like cookie! Better than clay any day...

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2007

    What's your avatar from? It's so beautiful.
  • edited July 2007

    It is a painting by Klimt called the Tree of Life. Actually, it is either only one portion of the painting or it is one painting in a series on the same theme by Klimt.

    I am on a quest for great tree images, so if anyone has any, please send them my way. I would like to get a full back piece (tattoo) of a tree at some point. I am slowly looking for design ideas.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2007
    Thanks, MFC. I was thinking it might be him but wasn't sure because it was only one colour. lol! Speaking of which, I have this great little application on Facebook called "Art" and it gives you the ability to put a piece of art on your profile. The library is huge, even if there are a lot of doubles and triples, but it's a pretty fast way to see thumbnails of a lot of different pieces really quickly. It was through this application that I fell in love with a new artist (new for me, not new for the world, lol!), Wassily Kandinsky. MAJOR colour and geometrics, lines, curves and everything I love. I hardly know anything about the fine arts but when I saw his pieces they made me want to cry (in a good way) and I still have no idea why. I've never been that affected by a painting before. Now I'm thinking of buying some prints and having them framed.

    I just tried to add the link to Facebook Art but it made me sign in first so I guess you have to create a profile to see the application. So I'll keep a lookout for images of trees and I'll keep you posted, MFC. I love the idea of a full back tree tattoo. I think that would be totally stunning.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited August 2007
    Hey guys,
    I promised the founder I would bring this website to the attention of other possible interested parties.

    and everyone is welcome to visit, register, log in and be a member....

    I think anything of this kind deserves support, and the more we can spread it the better...
    The founder, Gary, admits that the site has had some teething difficulties, and it's not quite as easy to skip around it as this one is, but hey, persevere and enjoy! I'm on as Federica57. because the host server objected to Federica....!
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited August 2007
    Okay, Fede. I've bookmarked the site and will register today and do some posting.

    Hoping everyone is having a good weekend and for those with busy weekday jobs, resting up and rejuvenating.
  • edited August 2007
    Dear Federica,

    Just a quick note to say thank you for recommending my site. I'm finding that it's very difficult to get new Forums noticed, so your help is really appreciated.

    Thanks once again.


    Acre Mountain
    "Meditation for Calmness, Awareness and Relaxation"
  • edited September 2007
    This has been a week of uncomfortable lessons learned. This is my first real year as a teacher in a school system and this week it seems like I just have not taught very well. It is helping me see how I need to improve, but it takes a lot of humility to not just get discouraged with myself and label myself as "bad" or "hopeless." I feel exhausted and a little bit like a truck ran over me. One more day...

    ((No need to respond. I just wanted to get that off my chest someplace other than in my own head.))
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