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  • MagwangMagwang Veteran
    edited July 2006
    YogaMama wrote: I feel like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders, and I am so glad I had the courage to do what I did. What a relief! Now I am on the right path for healing myself.


    Namaste, Yogamama...

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2006
    I can't remember if I congratulated Nick or not so I'll do it again...CONGRATULATIONS!!

    And to Yogamama, another huge CONGRATULATIONS!!

    Well done, both of you. These are really massive accomplishments. You should both be very proud of yourselves!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    YogaMama wrote:
    Now I am on the right path for healing myself.

    Thnaks to all of you who have supported me through know who you are. :)

    Hugs YM.... Well done you.

    The air is no doubt fresher, as you breathe again. :)
  • edited July 2006
    It sure is, federica. I have never felt better. I did the right thing, and I am so happy I had the courage to get through it.
  • edited July 2006
    It sounds like a good thing. :)
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited July 2006

    No, I don't live on a beach. Just taking a vacation with my biatch and my boy. I will post pictures when I get back in town. Very nice place we're at. Here's one from Multnomah Falls in Oregon - at the top of the falls.

    I'm also wondering how you tackled this issue you've been wracking your brain on. I'm assuming that it turned out satisfactory to you and everyone involved....? In any event... good job.

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Oooohhh!! Heaven...
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Brigid wrote:
    For your son that's probably going to be one of those memories he has forever and that he calls up during difficult times. That's very cool, BF.

    I have a memory from when I was 6 or 7 and my father and I were walking along the beach on the East coast. It got very, very windy all of a sudden and the sand was flying up and biting my legs and arms and it really hurt but I didn't want to tell my father because I didn't want to ruin the moment but as my father was talking he made his way around me and stood between me and the wind so he would take the beating from the sand. I'll never, ever forget it.

    You say the nicest things :)

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Awww. But sometimes the truth is the nicest thing to hear, isn't it?

    I had a great day today, that is, Tuesday. I finished my laundry today and I'm feeling very satisfied. It took about three days but I didn't have to ask anyone for help even once. It takes an excruciatingly long time to transfer the wet clothes to the dryer because it's a dangerous thing to do so I worked out a system where I transfer 3 or 4 pieces at a time and then go and rest or walk around for a while. Whenever I reach into the washing machine or reach down to the dryer I lift my left leg out behind me like golfers do when they're picking up balls off the green and I do it really, really slowly to be safe.

    The folding takes a while, too, because I can't stand in one place very long so I worked out a system where I can hold the clothes next to my body and fold them while I'm walking around. I can't do that with big things but I intersperse the big things with the walking around and it seems that I can get a lot more done that way.

    We have a huge bottle of Melalueca washing detergent with a pump that we keep on the machine and instead of even attempting to press down on the pump, which would be very foolish to do while I'm standing and reaching over, I get up on the dryer and lean on the pump with my forearm while it's positioned right above the open washing machine. It works beautifully!

    I also got my altar up today and I think it's really lovely. I don't have a digital camera so I don't have any pics for the altar thread but it's a half moon table, the kind with three legs and a small shelf near the bottom, and it has my Buddha statue, my Kwan Yin statue, candle holders and books on it so far. Tomorrow my father wants to put the flowers on it and I want to get some branches with no leaves to put in a tall, thin vase. I also have some pics of HHDL I want to put up and some mantras and a poem by the first Panchen Lama.

    My whole room feels different now that I've got the altar up, it's amazing. It feels even more peaceful than before.

    So that was my very productive day.
  • edited July 2006
    BF could you reduce that picture some and repost so we could see it without sliding the bar.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    Hello everybody-peeps!

    Quick but happy update:
    Nick and I shall be moving into our new apartment (actually, it is a one-room bedsit; to call it a shoebox would be doing a gross injustice to said footwear receptacles.....) on
    August 1st.

    Nick has a firm start date for his job (4th August) and I have an interview with a company called 'Understanding & Solutions' ( on the 2nd August as a market researcher for the European Sector, when I will be the main contact for the Italian and French established clientelle....Interview it may be, but apparently it is just a formality, as they loved my profile and declared the position filled as soon as they saw my CV! My scheduled start date is the 7th!

    The "bad" news is, that you will all have some respite from frequent and regular visits from yours truly, as we'll have to channel finances sensibly for a while.... so we are without a house 'phone, mobile 'phone, TV or computer for a wee while, until we can budget purchasing same....

    But should anyone feel it within their abilities, to resort to the previous century's means of communication.... pen and paper...., feel free to PM me, and I'll give you our address!!

    :ukflag: :rockon:
  • edited July 2006
    That is good news! I'm so happy for you :)
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited July 2006

    Send me your addy.

    Maybe I'll dig out the quill sometime...

  • edited July 2006
    BF - pm me when you get back and we can talk about my issue and how I handled it. Gorgeous picture, by the way. How nice. I am on vacation next week (not going anywhere, my mom is coming for a visit), so I may not be online much, but I will chat with you when I get back!

    fede - a BIG CONGRATS to you! How exciting! And I would like your mailing address as well...can you pm it to me?
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2006
    BIG congratulations, Fede!!! I knew something bright was coming your way and I'm so glad it's finally arriving. PM me with your new address as well and I'll get out my fancy stationary that I haven't used in years. Without all those modern conveniences you could almost consider it a rustic holiday! lol! Except you'd be going to work, of course. WORK!! Yaaaayyy!!
  • JerbearJerbear Veteran
    edited July 2006
    I'm already missing you! Now I may start my plan to overtake............I mean be more kind and considerate here at!
  • edited August 2006
    It's raining for the second time today. This is making me ridiculously happy since everything, including my mood, feels very "off" when there hasn't been enough rain.
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited August 2006
    aquula wrote:
    It's raining for the second time today. This is making me ridiculously happy since everything, including my mood, feels very "off" when there hasn't been enough rain.
    The weather here, in the UK bit of Europe, has been a bit odd, with our prevailing sou'westerlies replaced by nor'easters! High pressure has been sitting over us so that we have had one heatwave and another coming. Today we have had pelting rain - not h to replenish the reservoirs but welcome in the garden.
  • JerbearJerbear Veteran
    edited August 2006
    The weather in the Midwest has been HOT HOT HOT!!! Every day getting over 90 degrees. One more day of it still! A possible break on Thursday. Hope it happens!
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited August 2006
    Us, too. Big heat wave and we don't have air conditioning! It's been absolutely brutal and the Ontario power system's on the verge of a breakdown. We've already had one blackout already.

    I'm sleeping during the day and getting up when it's a little cooler at night although last night it only went down to about 28 degrees Celsius so we didn't get much of a chance to cool off the inside of the house. I have to go around soon and close up all the windows. The fog is starting to lift which means the sun is starting to burn. I hope it burns up some of this humidity.

    Also, my feet, especially my right foot, has swollen up like crazy! It scared the hell out of me because that's never happened before. My folks think it's because of the heat but I'm thinking it's the heat and the fact that I was up for 36 hours that did it. I have this elaborate setup at my computer with my chair and footstool and it's all positioned just right so that I can semi-recline and stay at the computer for much longer than I can normally sit in a regular chair. And sometimes when the pain gets strong it's the only place I can get relief so I tend to stay here for a long time. But even with my legs up my feet still swelled up like balloons. I guess they have to be higher than your head. Very weird and scary. I thought I was having an allergic reaction to something which would NOT be cool in this weather. When I woke up last night at around 4:00am I went to the bathroom with trepidation, expecting my face to be swollen but luckily everything's okay. The swelling's even gone down in my feet.

    It's 6:30am and I have to close the windows and seal up the house.
  • edited August 2006
    It rained for almost a day straight and temperatures are down a bit. Even my room is cooler. It's at around 27C (in my room) now after having been well above 30C for a couple of weeks. I'll be happy when it's autumn.
  • edited August 2006
    It's cooler this morning and a little less humid. Our high today is suppose to be only 88 F
    It's sad when you get excited because it's going to be only 88 But back up in the 90's tomorrow with humidity coming back......We only have about 5 more weeks of fall is coming :)

    Make it a Great Day!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited August 2006
    Hello everyone...
    well, brief update.
    Got a temp job as a european market sales & distribution analyst (posh title for a foreign telephonist!) with I am definitely on contract until end of august!

    Nick has started his training as Security officer at Kingston University...But the training is so basic and wet, he's leading most of the lessons.... ! Wouldn't'cha know it!

    Access to a PC for personal stuff will be difficult though, so I really don't know how often I'll be able to call in here....

    I may have to ask one of you brave souls to step into the breach and be a Mod.....
    Contact Brian if you'd like to chance....or even if you think it's necessary.....

    So then guys, I'll be in as often as I can, until I get my own PC....

    Until then, it's occasional visits through the Public Library facility!

    Love to you all....
    as ever, me!

    PS; Simon - Got it, thanks! Brilliant and very nice to receive! Thank you!! XX


  • edited August 2006
    It's back up to "way too hot" here again, though the current high pressure was supposed to only last over the weekend. My computer is not too happy about the heat, but I vaccuumed it yesterday and the graphics drivers haven't reset yet today so that must have helped a little.

    I noticed last night that it's started getting dark at night again. It always creeps up on me for some reason, same when the light starts returning after the winter solstice. It's easier to sleep when the nights are dark again.
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited August 2006
    That's odd - it always gets dark at night here in the US... :)

  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited August 2006
    buddhafoot wrote:
    That's odd - it always gets dark at night here in the US... :)


    Go North, young man! See the White Nights.
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited August 2006
    Go North, young man! See the White Nights.

    Wasn't that a song by the Moody Blues?

  • edited August 2006
    buddhafoot wrote:
    That's odd - it always gets dark at night here in the US... :)


    That's what I found most bizarre when I was over there in April. It was well into spring (summer even when we went down to NC) but still getting dark at 7-8! That was an odd experience.

    I live in the south of Sweden so the sun does set for a few hours even in the middle of summer, but it never really gets dark (well, maybe for an hour or two around one or two in the morning, but I wouldn't know since I'm not usually up then). Now it's turned and is already almost dark at 10 and getting there at 9-9.30.
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited August 2006
    Happy Birthday, BeautifulSpringtimeFist!


  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited August 2006

    Happy Birthday BSF! Been thinking about you - hope you are doing well.

  • edited August 2006
    Jerbear wrote:
    The weather in the Midwest has been HOT HOT HOT!!! Every day getting over 90 degrees. One more day of it still! A possible break on Thursday. Hope it happens!

    Jerry...if you don't mind me asking, where in the Midwest are you? I am in the Midwest as well. Last week, the weather channel said it was 106 degrees here and 102 degrees in Phoenix! That's a little odd, isn't it? It was hotter here than in Phoenix.
  • edited August 2006
    What a trip! Italy was fantastic! It was amazing to stnad among ruins that were over 2000 years old!!!
    We took a side trip to Venice that was absolutely breathtaking!
    For me, as wonderful as a vacation can be, it is always good to come back home...

    I am glad to see that everyone is still here and hopefully, healthy.

    Yogamama, great avatar!

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited August 2006
    Welcome home, SharpieGirl!!! Glad to see you home safe and sound. I'm so glad you had a good time. Do you have any photos? If you feel like sharing anything please feel free 'cuz I'd love to live the experience vicariously through you. lol!!
  • edited August 2006
    Happy Birthday BeautifulSpringtimeFist! I know this is late, but I just saw this thread! LOL!

    Adiana:cheer: :birthday:
  • edited August 2006
    I have hesitated to post this... why I'm not sure. I'm single again. It was a mutual decision and we are friends. It was the right decision - we want different things from life and our paths are diverging - but there will still be some sadness for a while for both of us.

    My brother seems to be doing much better since my sister realised that he's still on the same dosis that he was prescribed when he was nine, and that she was taking twice, and on bad days four times, as much as he was. Something the doctor should have noticed on his own... This won't matter to the investigation going on, they may just take it as proof that he's not really sick at all or something stupid like that. I am not happy to know that I am part of a society that is like this.
  • edited August 2006
    Brigid wrote:
    Welcome home, SharpieGirl!!! Glad to see you home safe and sound. I'm so glad you had a good time. Do you have any photos? If you feel like sharing anything please feel free 'cuz I'd love to live the experience vicariously through you. lol!!

    Thanks for the 'welcome home' Brigid!

    I have a TON of photos!!!!!!!!!!!!! as they were the only souvenier I could afford! (but the only one i need)...
    I can't wait to share them but they are not downloaded on my computer yet. My sister-in-law still has them on hers. But as soon as I get them, I will post some! my oh my, how will I choose which ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????
  • edited August 2006

    Just thougt I would steal a few moments to say hi to all of you! I am at work at the moment on the first day of 7 12 hr night shifts yay me! Seriously it is nice to be able to get a pay packet at last and help fund my imminent Law degree. I have like Fede missed being able to come on the site as regularly as I would like.

    I hope you are all in good health and life is working its magic for you. I always think of this place as a "Safe haven" a place to come and learn, laugh and sometimes feel a little sad ( sometimes a good soul cleanser lol).I am hopeful of having a computer soon, so Fede and I will return....Sounds of people running away to hide!

    Blessings to all of you

  • edited August 2006
    I have to apologize, I don't know how to make the pictures smaller....

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited August 2006

    WOW!!! Gorgeous! Man, I'd love to go to Italy!! Those pics are very, very cool. Thanks for posting them! I don't know how to make them smaller, though. I don't them to be smaller because I have a handy add on for Firefox that lets me fit the image into the page properly.


    I'm sorry to hear about your breakup but I'm happy that you're not heartbroken and you seem to be in exactly the right place about it. I'm wishing much peace and joy for you.


    Long time no see!! So glad you have employment and law school happening. Thanks for checking in with us and telling us how things are going. Yours and Fede's absence makes our hearts grow fonder.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited August 2006
    What a trip! Italy was fantastic! It was amazing to stnad among ruins that were over 2000 years old!!!

    Yes, I remember telling the builders they had the mortar mix just right. As I recall, I did say, "THis one should last a while....."!
    We took a side trip to Venice that was absolutely breathtaking!

    Yes, but the streets are full of water. Once upon a time, only Jesus could walk them, but he too keeps sinking, now. I think it's to do with the holes in his feet......
    For me, as wonderful as a vacation can be, it is always good to come back home...

    I am glad to see that everyone is still here and hopefully, healthy.

    It's weird to see some of the places I've been to....I'm glad you had a good time, but I know what you mean about 'coming home'.
    Nice to have you back, SG...
  • edited September 2006
    Well the start of the new school year has started and so far everything is great!

    I am out of a relationship that left me unappreciated and emotionally wounded. I am das but see its the best thing for me...

    HH Dalai Lama will be in the Buffalo area in a few weeks. I looked into getting tickets but they were sold out. I out my name on a 'waiting list' in case tickets (magically) became available. Well, I was contacted today andmy name was picked out of the lottery drawing! So in Sept. 19 I will be present to one of HHDL lectures!!!!! I am sooooo excited!
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited September 2006
    OMG!!! That's fantastic, Sharpiegirl!! I'm sooooo happy for you!! How absolutely wonderful!! That's only 13 days away!! You have to tell us all about it. I'm so excited I could pee my pants! (I'm such a nerd...but I just love him so!)
  • edited September 2006
    Me Too, Brigid!
    I have read many of his works and books...
    I will be sure to share the details and any pics if I can get any!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited September 2006
    I am out of a relationship that left me unappreciated and emotionally wounded..... HH Dalai Lama will be in the Buffalo area in a few weeks......

    I hope we're not meant to make a connection.....!!:wow: :lol:

    My job is great. I am having such a good time, and it looks as if at one point, I shall be going from the lowly, yet useful position, of 'Temp' to one of a more permanent nature.
    I have managed to establish connections for this company, with organisations in Europe, that they had previously tried to communicate with, but failed. This could therefore lead to other luctative partnerships, and an expansion of their business base. Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to say it's all down to me, because there are others in a similar boat to me who are doing the same in places like Denmark, Germany, Finland, Spain and the Netherlands. But it feels nice to be doing something constructive at last, and to provide some positive input.
    The great thing is that finally, my age/experience/know-how is being valued and put to good use!

    Nick is plodding on. His job is more physically taxing than mine, and soon he'll be starting University too, so we'll see how he copes. But he knows that giving up his job, to study, leaving me as sole breadwinner, is not an option at the moment.

    Send him good thoughts.
  • PadawanPadawan Veteran
    edited September 2006
    federica wrote:
    Yes, but the streets are full of water. Once upon a time, only Jesus could walk them, but he too keeps sinking, now. I think it's to do with the holes in his feet......

    I think it was Noel Coward who went to Venice and telegrammed home with "Streets flooded- please advise..." :lol:
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited September 2006
    Robert Benchley.

    Noel Coward, on being asked (during the Coronation Ceremony) who was sitting next to the Queen of Tonga ( a woman tipping the scales at nearly 28 stone) replied -

    "That is her lunch."

    Noel Coward was the epitome of elegant wit and verbal brilliance.
  • PadawanPadawan Veteran
    edited September 2006
    We could start a new thread entirely about the wit and wisdom of Noel Coward!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited September 2006
    .....and it would likely never end....!
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited September 2006
    I love the story that Beryl Reid used to tell of the time that Coward came backstage at Sister George. She was showing off as she walked out on the Master's arm and said a clear 'good night' to everyone she saw to notice her. The last person was the fireman who stands by during the performance.

    "Good night, Fireman," sang out Beryl.

    "Isn't she wonderful," mused Noel Coward, "Knows everyone by name!"
  • edited December 2006
    How was my day, well, it hasn't really started and it's been rather sleepless.
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