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  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Despite all the efforts of my teachers at school and university, and the strictures of my editor, I love the exclamation mark!

    LOL! Me too!!
  • edited July 2006
    I do love the exclamation mark!!!!!! But my all time favorite is the .................

    As you will get to know me......... And I start feeling more comfortable writing here.........

    I'll be spelling more words wrong and adding a lot more..............I love to do that...... just try it......... it's so easy.........see isn't it fun...............

    Also......... it has been brought to my attention that inthedharma is kind of a pain to type and ITD sounds like some kind of contraceptive. lol which I agree......... Sooooooooo ( I like to do the oooooo thing too) If anyone would rather call me Deb than inthedharma please, be my guest.
    I am totally cool with that!!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    ....How about..........DebintheDee......?

    Hey guys!!

    Three cheers!

    I have two - I say TWO - didja hear me, TWO interviews tomorrow!!

    The first is at 10:00 in the morning, for an Informations desk Supervisor at a local garden centre (Yay me! I LOVE plants - watch me go bankrupt as I spend all my salary on enough green growing things to restock the Amazon Forest!) and the second is at 3:00 in the afternoon, for a Receptionist office assistant at a Private Girls' Catholic School! I can live with that - hey, I did before....! I actually rang the Head Teacher of the Catholic Primary school, where my two daughters went, and where I used to be a Governor....
    His name is Bill James, and the conversation (when I was put through to him,) went like this....

    "Hey Bill! The thorn in your side is back!"

    "Alex! What the heck are you doing back here....?!"

    "Well, you know...I missed the place so much, I thought I'd come back! How are you? Did you miss me?"

    "Alex, I'm hiding under the desk as you speak...You're not in the office, are you?! You know how nervous you make me....!"

    "Aw c'mon Bill, I was never that bad...... was I?!"

    "Naw...not really....Anyone who can reduce a six-foot seventeen-stone bully to tears, is a hero in my book!" (I had forgotten about this. I did, it's true.....)

    "Look, Bill, I'm applying for a post as a receptionist/secretary for a local Catholic Private school, here in Twickenham....If I ask you nicely, would you give me a reference?"

    "Oh you silly mare! Like you even need to ask, you great Gumpher! of course,l I'd be delighted to!"
    (He's from Wales. I don't know what a 'Gumpher' is, but I expect it's a Welsh thing. Rude maybe. I dunno. But it seems I am one.)

    And he wants me to go back and visit, because he says the place hasn't been the same since I left. It's either flattery or relief.
    I leave you to decide.

    But I'm happy.
  • edited July 2006
    Yeah, Fed!!! I will have my thoughts with you tomorrow!:bigclap:
  • edited July 2006
    Good luck! I'll be thinking about you.
  • edited July 2006
    Very Cool! Good luck tomorrow Federica..............I will send you positive energy and good thoughts!!

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2006
    You're probably getting ready for your interview as I type this and I'm wishing you great success at finding the right place to be. Much love to you, Fede.
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Cool, Alex...

    I'm glad to hear things seem to be turning around.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    Believe me, I had you all in my thoughts too as I sat interviews for the first time in a long while...
    The one in the morning was a went on for over an hour, it turned into more of a chat than a grilling, and I have to say, I've got my fingers crossed fro this one...

    The one in the afternoon was more hard work...
    I arrived at the school, as scheduled at 3:00pm, having spent over an hour at the Employment Agency trying to run up some impromptu skills on the PC (Excel, Publisher) which apparently, according to my 'Employment Liaison officer' (They do like posh titles over here....I saw a job advertised, I kid you not, for a Rural Environmental External Hygienist..... This was for someone to sweep the pavements in town.....ANYWAY....!)
    ....she said I would find an asset, as they would prove useful.... well, I'm sorry, but as many of you will know, I'm not too hot on PC stuff, and I have never had to use these two programs before, or needed to, so the in-house training programme which was completely on the pc, not human-guided or personally assisted at all, proved a bit daunting.
    ("you have answered incorrectly. Please move on to the next question." Aaaargh!!!)

    I got to the school, where over the next three and a half hours, I was interviewed by six different people, all wanting to know slightly different things about me, but who nevertheless managed to make all their questions very similar, and who all left me, in no uncertain terms, in no doubts that Excel and Publisher were two very vital skills, at which I was supposed to be really good at.
    Very long, very tiring, very pleasant, but very unlikely....!

    Still, not to worry...Don't know that I would be entirely comfortable being chosen, knowing I couldn't give it 100% from the start.....

    Will keep you all posted, naturally.

    Oh, and.......

    Thanks, guys. :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    Believe me, I had you all in my thoughts too as I sat interviews for the first time in a long while...
    The one in the morning was a went on for over an hour, it turned into more of a chat than a grilling, and I have to say, I've got my fingers crossed fro this one...

    The one in the afternoon was more hard work...
    I arrived at the school, as scheduled at 3:00pm, having spent over an hour at the Employment Agency trying to run up some impromptu skills on the PC (Excel, Publisher) which apparently, according to my 'Employment Liaison officer' (They do like posh titles over here....I saw a job advertised, I kid you not, for a Rural Environmental External Hygienist..... This was for someone to sweep the pavements in town.....ANYWAY....!)
    ....she said I would find an asset, as they would prove useful.... well, I'm sorry, but as many of you will know, I'm not too hot on PC stuff, and I have never had to use these two programs before, or needed to, so the in-house training programme which was completely on the pc, not human-guided or personally assisted at all, proved a bit daunting.
    ("you have answered incorrectly. Please move on to the next question." Aaaargh!!!)

    I got to the school, where over the next three and a half hours, I was interviewed by six different people, all wanting to know slightly different things about me, but who nevertheless managed to make all their questions very similar, and who all left me, in no uncertain terms, in no doubts that Excel and Publisher were two very vital skills, at which I was supposed to be really good at.
    Very long, very tiring, very pleasant, but very unlikely....!

    Still, not to worry...Don't know that I would be entirely comfortable being chosen, knowing I couldn't give it 100% from the start.....

    Will keep you all posted, naturally.

    Oh, and.......

    Thanks, guys. :)
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Having been brought up to 'make my own decisions', I have always hated job interviews: the outcome is taken out of my hands!

    I hope you get the job that best suits you, Fede.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    I doubt that very much Simon....It's really difficult finding posts for wee folk sitting on speckled toadstools, casting their little fishing rods into the miniscule garden pond.... but hey! IF I DO get the job in the garden centre, I might just crack it after all!!

    Thank you all for your good wishes and...

    ending on the high note as ever.....

    Nick got his job today, as a Night Security Officer for a local university.

    He starts on the 21st July. 7pm until 7am, 7 nights....then off for a week.... Which will give him the opportunity, during his weeks off, to study and do his course work....:rockon: :bigclap: :woowoo: :cheer: :ukflag:

    I'm quite chuffed.....
  • edited July 2006
    Yeah You! Yeah Nick!:cheer:
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Yaaaaayy!! Things are getting better and brighter! Keep slogging away at it, Fede, and let the Path guide you.
  • edited July 2006
  • edited July 2006
    I don't know where my mind, or my mindfulness, is today. This morning I turned over a glass of juice in the fridge while getting something else, poured the milk that was supposed to go in my tea in my glass of water instead, and now, I closed the window on my thumb. :lol: :wtf:
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    THANK GOODNESS!!! I thought I was the only one to have days like that.... melon into the oven....milk in the cupboard under the sink.... Clothes washing liquid into the fridge....and all before nine am - !! Aquula - We rock!! :rockon:
  • edited July 2006
    HOORAY for you and Nick, fede! I am so glad Nick got that job, and I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and hope that you find the right position there. I have always hated interviewing.....but I guess it's just one of those "necessary evils". :) Hang in there!
  • edited July 2006
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    Well....OK....Brief update....

    I didn't get the school secretarial job, because my IT skills weren't up to scratch. That's ok.... I'm off for a training session tomorrow morning to try to deal with that...

    I didn't get the Garden Centre Job because , and I quote, they think "an awful lot of aspects of the job will be tedious", and they're worried I don't have sufficient 'Leadership qualities' in case 'promotion would be profferred'......?:hrm:

    I didn't get a post I applied for as senior sales Assistant/supervisor with Boots the Chemist because the Management felt I was over-qualified......?? ditto:hrm:

    I even applied as a driver for public transport buses....It appears I don't meet the standard minimum height requirement....:lol:

    ....But I'm still looking - !! :bigclap:
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Good lord.

    What a circle-jerk!

    Keep yer spirits, dearie!

  • edited July 2006
    Sorry to hear that, fede. Can't you just get a booster seat for the driving position? ;) I'll keep you in my thoughts (just like always) and hope you find something soon.
  • edited July 2006
    And here is a little update from me:

    I have a hernia and I am really bummed about it. From what I have been hearing, it can only be corrected with surgery, and that's a bummer. The thing that bums me out the most is that I am not able to do any yoga, no running, etc. And that makes me crabby. But it's a good lesson in "attachments lead to suffering", because my hubby likes to tease me by telling me "Your need to exercise so much is a sickness" - LOL. So I go back to the doctor tomorrow to find out what I need to do.
  • edited July 2006
    I'm so are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • edited July 2006
    Oh, thank you...I really am not in that much pain or anything. Just a little uncomfortable. Just more bummed out about the surgery and the fact that I can't do yoga!
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited July 2006
    I bet you wouldn't have that problem if you had more fiber in yer diet. But... here's wishing you the best.

    Reminds me of my old bagpipe instructor. When I started taking lessons from him, he was in his mid to late 70's.

    Now, while you may not realize it, there is a lot of pressure exerted by the diaphram. You have to blow up a bag, squeeze the crap out of it to get the pipes to sound, and then be able to blow harder than you're squeezing to keep the bag filled.

    During one practice session - my instructor popped an odd bulge in his lower abdomen... hernia from blowing too hard.

    He got that fixed and had to rest (because if it's in the lower abdomen, you need to have time to have those stomach muscles to heal) and then blew out 3 hernias at one time the next time he played.

    He was great for instructing - but I never got to hear him play again.

    Damn bagpipes.

    There is a joke by the Irish that goes: "We gave the Scottish the bagpipes... they just haven't caught on to the joke yet."

  • edited July 2006
    More fiber in my diet? Are you kidding me? I live off of raw fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Trust me...I get PLENTY of fiber! Ironically, I got the hernia from working out in the gym.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Yogamama. That totally sucks! On the bright side I've had a few friends who've had the operation and they recovered fully and went back to all their usual activities and haven't had a single problem with it since. And the last one was ten years ago. Imagine how much better the surgery is today. There are some things that Western medicine is good at and this is one of them.

    Also, there are techniques that you can practice pre-surgery that can help you heal much faster and have less complications. I don't know the specifics but I'm sure it involves things like relaxation techniques, meditation and positive thinking and probably visualization stuff. So look into that before you have the surgery and you'll be all set! In the meantime, take it easy and be gentle with yourself.
  • edited July 2006

    My day was relatively peaceful and that's a good thing! Jennifer is swimming at the next door neighbor's house and my two oldest children have left to return to their respective lives and spouses. Jason and Stephanie have been up here in Indiana with me ever since I had my heart attack. Since I am now on the mend, I told them I would be fine and gave them both a big hug and kiss and said thank you for being here. I also gave Jennifer (my nine-year-old) a big hug and kiss as well and said thanks. She then looked at me and said:"Mom, can I go swimming at Zach's house?" LOL! Ahh, there's nothing like the nonchalance of youth! HEHEHE!


    I have also read of what's been happening in your's and Nick's lives as well. I am glad to hear that he got a job. Good luck and all the best in your interviews and your job search! SIGH! I am taking some much needed time off right now. Man! I did not realize that I was still so tired! Anyway, all the best to you and Nick.


    I am sorry to read of your getting a hernia at the gym! That IS rather ironic! I hope you feel better soon. Take care!

    Adiana:smilec: :usflag:
  • edited July 2006
    Maybe if it weren't so easy for us to get on a plane and fly away from difficult situations, we'd have a harder time ignoring the reality of them. Maybe.
  • edited July 2006
    They're starting their investigation next month.
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    edited July 2006
    Well today (yesterday now, technically) was my 8th wedding anniversary. It wasn't even mentioned by my wife, and when I brought it up it was a very uncomfortable moment :(

    At any rate, that's not the worst part. My friend called me today, drunk, and told me his wife just left him, took their kids, and emptied their checking account. He got so angry while he was on the phone with her that he fainted, hit his head on the counter, and fell to the floor, bleeding. His wife called 911 and the police arrived at his house, woke him up (he had been out over 15 minutes) and generally made a big scene because they had to break his window to get in the house. His kids are devastated, he's very embarrased by all the police and everything so now the whole neighborhood knows what's going on, etc. He has been sober for many years and tonight got wasted again because of all the stress.

    What a world :-/
  • XraymanXrayman Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Oh dear. I think the good word of someone going through similar circumstances can help like oil on water.

    Perhaps the both of you could discuss things-this to me sounds like an interesting coincidence.

    peace, my friend.
  • edited July 2006
    I haven't been sleeping well for a while so I'm starting to get very tired. It's hard to fall asleep at night when it's so hot and when there are too many thoughts, and then when I do fall asleep, I keep waking up, a lot of the time because of bad dreams.
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited July 2006
    aquula wrote:
    I haven't been sleeping well for a while so I'm starting to get very tired. It's hard to fall asleep at night when it's so hot and when there are too many thoughts, and then when I do fall asleep, I keep waking up, a lot of the time because of bad dreams.

    Insomnia is an old companion of mine, Aquula. And it's as hot as hell here atm, with today being the hottest July day since records began. Previous hottest was the Coronation summer of 1911!

    I have found my mala/rosary/prayer-rope a great comfort on long nights, although not always.
  • edited July 2006
    Two more weeks and I am off to Rome! I am very excited!!

    With the summer off, I am just tutoring three times a week, so I have had the opportunity to get my 'crafty juices' flowing steadily! I am humbled (and a bit proud) that some of my paintings and homemade cards have sold at some local sales!!!

    Brian: I hope things are/will smooth out with your wife!
    Yogamama: Get healin' girl!
    Aquula: Hang in there, my friend!
    X-Ray: cool pic! I too pictures a more rugged bloke..
  • edited July 2006
    It's happened before and will happen again, but I hate it because I don't function well on too little sleep.
  • XraymanXrayman Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Two more weeks and I am off to Rome! I am very excited!!

    With the summer off, I am just tutoring three times a week, so I have had the opportunity to get my 'crafty juices' flowing steadily! I am humbled (and a bit proud) that some of my paintings and homemade cards have sold at some local sales!!!

    Brian: I hope things are/will smooth out with your wife!
    Yogamama: Get healin' girl!
    Aquula: Hang in there, my friend!
    X-Ray: cool pic! I too pictures a more rugged bloke..

    I kind of knew I'd get mixed reaction to the pic ....maybe some are wondering if in fact it is me...

    MMMM Geez I must come across as a bit of an obstructionist, Hippie, Long hair grubby and now not really "Rugged" oh dear.:hrm:
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    X, You know we're just joshin' ya...

    Just a quick update for all and sundry....;
    Nick passed his University of Hertfordshire Law School Entrance exam with flying colours, and has officially been accepted and entered as a student for the new term, beginning september 2006.
    Of the twenty-one people who took the intense study/Entrance course and exam, only ten passed.

    He will also be starting his job as a security Officer for another university, (Kingston, Surrey) and will have the means at his disposal of using their library and facilities for extra study, at no cost, as he is an employee - !!

    He's thrilled, and so am I. It does me proud....

    Sharpie, you make sure you have a good time, but always carry all valuables around your waist, in one of those bum-bag things... and if you're with someone, distribute your valuables, (Cash, credit cards,) and if possible, carry ID documents (Passports) in a separate inner pocket. At the Hotel, use the safe facility in the room, if available, or when you go out, leave any stuff you value, but don't want to carry around, with reception for security.

    It's just common sense and peace of mind....

    I'm not trying to scare you, but incidents of bag-jacking and tourist thefts are, unfortunately not rare, in Rome....
    However, I'm sure you'll be fine.... Enjoy!
  • edited July 2006
    Congratulations to Nick, well done.

  • edited July 2006
    Thanks, Fede!

    It's a relief to know that I am staying with family (well, my sister-in-law's American sister) and her Italian husband. So it's as if we are going "home" at the end of te day! Thanks for the tips..I have my around my shoulder, through my legs bum hugger ready to go!!!!

  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Excellent news, Freddie.

    Good to hear things are making a turn for the better!

  • edited July 2006
    My day started out crummy. No one remembered to lock the chickens up last night, and our coop was raided. It was...horrible. I can't get the death screams of our rooster out of my head. It was a pet...and no one had the heart to break it's I had to find a vet who would put down 'an exotic'. Even the vet had tears in her eyes.

    Another instance where I wish I that 'pensieve' bowl from 'Harry Potter.' :(
  • SabineSabine Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Aw, poor chickie :( Are the other chickies okay, Harlan?

    Fede: Wow! Go Nick! Law school is crazy hard.

    My day started off normally, but then I went outside and tried to turn on my car. Didn't start. I tried a few more times, but it just sputtered and kinda did a car laugh at me. So I ran back inside, called my dad at work, and let the waterworks go. He just listened to me for about 10 minutes, and then he said, "Well, I'm not shocked. Your lights were on all night long..." "....why didn't you tell me?!?!?!!?11one"

    "Life lesson."

    Gah! I almost had a mental breakdown. :-/
    Otherwise, everything else is great :grin:
  • edited July 2006
    It is a beautiful day in Missouri where I live........The heat index has been 110 or more for the last 3 days or so. Today the temp. is 84 and a cool breeze..........I love this kind of weather....
    I've been up since before 6a.m. just so I could enjoy nature and the cooler temps........

    Just had to share what a glorious day it is today :)

    Make it a Great Day,

  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited July 2006
    I had a wonderful finish to a day.

    Sitting out on the beach on a piece of driftwood, watching the sky burn in purples and pinks as the high tide drifted ever closer and closer to me. Then, my son came out and we walked up and down the beaches dodging waves as they would roll in. We romped until dark and then I slept the sleep of the dead :)

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2006
    For your son that's probably going to be one of those memories he has forever and that he calls up during difficult times. That's very cool, BF.

    I have a memory from when I was 6 or 7 and my father and I were walking along the beach on the East coast. It got very, very windy all of a sudden and the sand was flying up and biting my legs and arms and it really hurt but I didn't want to tell my father because I didn't want to ruin the moment but as my father was talking he made his way around me and stood between me and the wind so he would take the beating from the sand. I'll never, ever forget it.
  • MagwangMagwang Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Some of my favorite memories are going to the beach on Lake Huron with my family, back when you could drive on the beach and you never heard of sun block.
  • edited July 2006
    Fede - a big congrats to Nick and you!!! :) I am so happy to hear that. sorry to hear your chicken coop was raided. How sad. I hope your other chickens are doing ok.

    I just got back from my trip to visit my family and have my "family meeting". Some of you know what I am referring to. It went well...I feel better now than I ever have about the situation and my mom and I are on the road to healing, and having a much better relationship. There were a lot of tears shed for several days, and I was 100% DRAINED yesterday, but today I feel like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders, and I am so glad I had the courage to do what I did. What a relief! Now I am on the right path for healing myself.

    Thnaks to all of you who have supported me through know who you are. :)
  • edited July 2006
    BF - do you live by a beach, or on the beach? That sounds so lovely.
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