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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!



  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Oh my goodness.

    I am doomed, I tell you; doomed....
    I do.
    I tick all the boxes.

    Every single damn one.....

  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran

    @federica said:
    I tick all the boxes.

    Every single damn one.....

    I tick a few myself. One that I still have trouble with, to this day, is "effect" and "affect". No matter how many times I look it up, and read various answers (such as on Yahoo! Answers), I always forget when it comes time to use one of those words. Not always, just in particular cases.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Let me try to reinforce it for you:

    SwEar on forum, and the Effect will be immediate. (Effect = REsult)

    An immediate bAn will AFFECT you. (Affect = Alter your state)

    Does that help?

  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran
    edited June 2014

    @federica I know, and thank you for the primer, but it's just certain situations where I've had confusion (generally it's not a problem)... and I wish I could tell you, so we could get it sorted, but it's been relegated to the dustbin of my decrepit memory.

    I'm normally very good about stuff like this, the type of person that others will ask how to spell a word or what it means, so I find it hilarious when I fail at something that should be simple. Nothing's funnier than laughing at myself. If I remember the context that threw me off (there's at least one), I'll let you know!

  • EarthninjaEarthninja Wanderer West Australia Veteran


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @AldrisTorvalds said:
    federica I know, and thank you for the primer, but it's just certain situations where I've had confusion (generally it's not a problem)... and I wish I could tell you, so we could get it sorted, but it's been relegated to the dustbin of my decrepit memory.

    I'm normally very good about stuff like this, the type of person that others will ask how to spell a word or what it means, so I find it hilarious when I fail at something that should be simple. Nothing's funnier than laughing at myself. If I remember the context that threw me off (there's at least one), I'll let you know!

    2 words which get me and trip me up, (particularly as we have a lot of input from American members!) are 'diarrhoea' and 'knowledge' (Why does it have a 'd' when 'college', 'pillage' and 'manage' don't - ?!) :crazy: .

  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran

    Language is crazy. I think it's "diarrhea" btw, no "o" in there. See, I'm usually good at this. ;)  

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    You're right.
    In American English, it is.

    In British English it's as I have spelt it.

    I looked it up.

    I had to!!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    (Maybe 'runs' or 'squits' is appropriate. The latter is onomatopoeic, and they're easier to spell!)

  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran

    I'll never understand why American English has to be spelled differently. Isn't having a different accent and living in an entirely new country enough? Was there some grand reason we changed "colour" to "color", and so on? English is hard enough as it is, one of the hardest languages for foreigners to learn.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    An exceptionally good book, by an Author called Bill Bryson titled 'Mother tongue' explores this very phenomenon.

    And it may surprise you - as it surprised me - that actually, the British used to spell 'colour', 'vigour', 'splendour' (and other 'OU' words spelt differently to the USA version) as the Americans do now.
    it was due to an alliance and cohesion with the French, that prompted an addition of the letter 'u'.

    The book is informative, authoritative and not at all 'scholarly or dull'. In fact, it's very funny! I recommend it!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    For all its grammatical and lexicographical complexities, it is the universal language of Flight Control centres world-wide, and of technology as a whole...

    Extraordinary. I blame the British empire, myself....

  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran

    Wow, colour me surprised indeed!

  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran
    edited June 2014

    @federica said:
    An exceptionally good book, by an Author called Bill Bryson titled 'Mother tongue' explores this very phenomenon.

    I'll definitely remember that title. I'm more into fantasy fiction novels (I'm reading The Windup Girl at the moment), but it might just find its way into my hands anyway. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    It's a great book for that couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon when you find you've got spare time on your hands..... Nice read.

    on that word:

    Read rhymes with lead, but it doesn't rhyme with lead.
    Lead rhymes with Read.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited June 2014

    Typical. I read 'The wind up girls ('wind' as in 'breeze'!)


  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran

    @federica I got myself a copy of Mother Tongue, and it's so far it's riveting. Thanks again!

  • MeisterBobMeisterBob Mindful Agnathiest CT , USA Veteran

    Attention K-mart shoppers! There a blue light special in aisle 3.

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    Apparently the anterior collateral ligament in my right knee (one of those that hold your calf tight to your thigh) has disintegrated. I stepped on a nail at the beginning of May (tetanus UTD) and had vicious plantar fasciitis for a week, which has gotten way better, enough to notice my right knee, gradually falling apart from the inside, apparently injured at the same time.

    The orthopod said God purposely did a shitty job on the ACL ligament just to give orthopedic surgeons something to operate on. So I'm off work.

    As I've whined and moaned about my job previously, it felt like an epiphany to have a good excuse for a break from that place. I'm still pretty damn comfy with the idea! What is scary is that I really CAN'T work. I've milked a cold or sore throat for an extra day, but my knee is not better after 'a few days of rest'.

    I watch my 92 year old grandmother picking her steps ever so carefully when we take her out of her retirement home. Heck we watch her steps for her LOL, we're all watching her feet and ahead to the next several potential steps and keep a hand out toward her just in case.

    I have to do it like that, too. With my industrial strength hinged knee brace, I get around enough to do what I need to do. This brace is worthy of having an incense stick burned to it every night.

    There are people on this forum that WISH all they had to deal with was a bad knee. This is 'my first time' :) if you know what I mean.

    Prince Siddhartha had Four Sights. Maybe we meet them in that exact same order ourselves: I'm almost 50 and damn if I don't look, act and feel almost 50. This will not go away. Now it's the sick person.

    When I gimp off to the grocery store, people are falling over themselves to keep a door open for me (chivalry is dead unless you are an obviously handicapped). It is great because I smile and thank the person (even an old lady once) and that's good for an endorphin surge :D

  • howhow Veteran Veteran


    My sympathies.
    Blew out my right knee 8 months ago while not doing much of anything differently than anything else in a normal day.
    X rays and ultra sound were inconclusive except for a burst bakers cyst within it.
    Been waiting for an MRI and its coming up in a week...just as I can finally meditate on the ground again. It's like finding your old horse cantering again when passing by a glue factory.

  • lobsterlobster Veteran

    This is 'my first time' if you know what I mean.

    :bawl: .

    Not fun. However lighting incense to ones brace . . . sounds like a plan.

    The other day I did an eight mile walk. A couple of years ago walking back from the bus stop was an issue due to running injury.

    When real life kicks us in the Buddha Butt, then we get the dharma . . . give your brace a pat from me . . .

    Tayata Om Bekanze
    Bekanze Maha BeKanze
    Radza Samudgate Soha

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran

    Just want to HOLLA at @Jason!

    May you be havin' light afternoons. .. :) ...

  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator

    @Vastmind said:
    Just want to HOLLA at Jason!

    May you be havin' light afternoons. .. :) ...

    Thanks. :) This afternoon was kind of 'heavy,' though. Went on a Pedalpalooza bike tour of areas local areas negatively affected by gentrification.

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    I saw a seal recently. He was laying on his back in the water looking really chilled out and a bit lazy, like he was on a break. The last one I saw was surfing down a wave - what fun they have!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    You tell us these thing so we will envy you on porpoise, doncha....?

  • MeisterBobMeisterBob Mindful Agnathiest CT , USA Veteran

    I built an AOD-E transmission out of a 2003 Ford Mustang today. It was in pretty bad shape but now it should be right as rain.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Not so much an announcement: More a recommendation:

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    @how said:

    My sympathies.
    Blew out my right knee 8 months ago while not doing much of anything differently than anything else in a normal day.
    X rays and ultra sound were inconclusive except for a burst bakers cyst within it.
    Been waiting for an MRI and its coming up in a week...just as I can finally meditate on the ground again. It's like finding your old horse cantering again when passing by a glue factory.

    LOL, thanks. I go for my MRI on Monday. Apparently I had a Baker's cyst too, and ruptured it squatting to fill up a low tire on the car. It was completely painless, didn't know it happened at all until the next morning, my leg from the knee down looked like a stuffed sausage. Thought I had a blood clot in my leg. Now my knee is just lumpy on one side compared to the other. The ortho doc said the MRI is conclusive, so I hope yours shows exactly what is wrong so it can be fixed. I haven't dared sit and meditate, you are brave :D .

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator

    @how and @Hamsaka I can relate. I dislocated my kneecap bowling (of all things) on my son's 16th birthday, the day before Christmas 18 months ago. It's mostly back to normal but permanently injured. I look forward to an early knee replacement. I had surgery to remove the sizable chunk of cartilage I tore off my leg bone that was floating freely in my joint. Goofy bodies.

    Unrelated to knees>
    Tomorrow morning, my 17 year old son takes his ACT exam. (college entrance exam). At 8am. 2.5 hours from home. He had to work tonight, so we will be leaving promptly at 4:45am (to leave time to find the building and register and have breakfast). I am far more nervous about it than he is. Not in how he'll do, but just in making sure we get there on time, and have everything he needs (they need photo ID and a ticket they mailed weeks ago). On we go to the first college adventure for our kids. His first 2 choices of college are in MN (our home state). The other 2 are in...Colorado :O

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    So I had my knee MRI on Monday and today I saw the orthopod to discuss the treatment plan. Only the MRI only showed . . . nothing. Well, the Baker's cyst (excess fluid built up behind my knee) and the beginnings of arthritis on the medial aspect of my knee (I am knock kneed something fierce). In other words, a bit of inflammation and fluid built due to inflammation. Intact everything-else.

    Except my knee is twice the size of the other knee, is barely something I can cooperatively walk on. The ortho doc said "Yeah, that's obvious in the MRI. Your knee pain is definitely there. However, there is really nothing WRONG with your knee right now that I can fix."

    So he gave me a cortisone shot (absolutely horrible to anticipate but relatively painless). He said "Baby your knee and hopefully it will just get better on it's own. Either it will get better or you'll be pounding on my door in four or five months begging for a total knee replacement." Then he smiled very, very compassionately :D . I do see that uncanny ability in older doctors; to deliver your diagnosis (or lack thereof) with the utmost respect for you while laying it on the line.

    Ask me about it tomorrow and I won't write so wittily. Hoping the cortisone shot does the trick and I can go back to work (that toxic hellhole) next week? This nice break from the place has helped me put the toxic hell hole in a more skillful perspective, as breaks usually do.

    I was READY for surgery, and I was SURE the doc was going to say "I don't know how you are walking around on that knee!!" Go figure?

    I feel SO utterly relieved. And confused :D . Oh, the body.

  • CittaCitta Veteran

    Last year I posted on this thread to say that one of our cacti had flowered. Guess what...

    In addition to their beauty the flowers are wonderfully fragrant, lemony and sweet.

    Unfortunately each flower lasts only one day.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Put them outside... they may receive pollinating visitors.....

  • CittaCitta Veteran

    Next time it flowers I will try that..

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    edited June 2014

    For any parents here in TN...( I think I'm the only one)....(but I have to shout this from the rooftop) ....The Bill has been signed to provide 2 years college for graduates starting with the class of 2015....... Paid for! .........You can do 2 years community college or 2 years of a trade school. What a fantastic opportunity!!! .. :) ... The money will come from the state lottery/gambling program............ The deadline to get all the paperwork done is Dec....... This is social change in action!!!!.......... I feel such relief for my children and their prospects for the future. There was no way I could afford college for them and was never comfortable pushing student loans/debt.

    This state needed a real push for better education and/or working skills for people to better their lives and situations. I'm feeling pretty optimistic about the city and it's future......

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Just arrived in TNQ (Tropical Nth Queensland) for nine days of relaxation by the pool and at the beach with my family.

    So nice to go somewhere where you can wander around in shorts and t-shirt in the middle of winter!

  • CittaCitta Veteran

    Sometimes @Bunks you cant do that in the UK in the middle of Summer..but this year is nice..

    Enjoy yourself..

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    ...If the local weather report is anything to go by, this weekend just gone might well have BEEN our summer...

  • CittaCitta Veteran

    Indeed, wet by thursday...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    ...and of course, cooler.... :werr: .

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Bit of a 'low pressure' thing going on around us at the mo.... Clouds are high, and there's a glider circling above me now, at about 2, 2-and-a-half thousand feet... and it's skimming the lower surface of the clouds...its wing-tips keep disappearing as it skims the cloud.... there's a bird of prey keeping it company... circling round and round, at about the same height.... the under-belly of the clouds is pie-bald in different lesser and greater hues of grey... and the house-martins are circling high, which means the weather will change in a day or so...

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran

    Nice description to read @federica

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I should be a weather-gurl....!

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    I recall playing cricket in London one Saturday and forgot to take my hat with me.

    I don't have any hair so I need to take care with sunscreen on my head.

    It was a sunny day and I stood in the field all day with no hat or sunscreen and I didn't even get burnt! If you did that in Australia you'd be in hospital with heat stroke.

  • CittaCitta Veteran
    edited June 2014

    @Bunks said:
    I recall playing cricket in London one Saturday and forgot to take my hat with me.

    I don't have any hair so I need to take care with sunscreen on my head.

    It was a sunny day and I stood in the field all day with no hat or sunscreen and I didn't even get burnt! If you did that in Australia you'd be in hospital with heat stroke.

    We have our ( infrequent ) moments @Bunks. Last year the temperatures were in the 30's for weeks at a time.

    We thought we had died and gone to Hell.

    When the rain came people cheered and threw their hats in the air...

    Even Scots got a kind of tan..well, more freckles than usual.

  • anatamananataman Who needs a title? Where am I? Veteran

    But then we got the wind and rain, and it didn't stop for 6 miserable months at least! What's the long-range forecast for this winter @weather-gurl I mean @federica; I'm gonna need someone to blame it all on when it comes.

  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator

    Not necessarily random or useless, but this week is kind of exciting. Tonight Ajahn Jumnien, former abbot of Wat Thum Sua (Tiger Cave Monastery), will be in town giving a talk; and this weekend a number of prominent monks are coming for the grand opening ceremony of Portland Friends of the Dhamma's new home, including Ajahn Sumedho, Ajahn Pasanno, Ajahn Viradhammo, and Ajahn Sona.

  • ZetsuZetsu Explorer

    I got a new bed and I bashed my head when I sat up because I am not used to bunks XD

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    I have discovered I have a green hand for jade succulent plants (Crassula Ovata).
    I keep them all over the house for feng shui purposes (they are supposed to attract wealth), and after killing about three pots through trial and error the past year, the five pots I have right now have been around for over six months. .. :clap: ..

  • anatamananataman Who needs a title? Where am I? Veteran
    edited June 2014

    On this day in History, 26th June 1284, the Pied Piper lured 130 children away from the rat infested town of Hamelin never to be heard of again. Apparently this happened.

    @dharmamom - how much have you spent on this hobby so far?

    I know, I know, money is not an indicator of true wealth.... lol

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