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US Presidential Election



  • RebeccaSRebeccaS Veteran
    edited November 2012
    "If your personal ethics are Logic and Compassion this would not be the guy to vote for Obama is certainly the more prefered candidate."

    :banghead: Some people :lol:

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    Romney hasn't even answered for his own statements, which I find quite troublesome. During the primaries he was quite vocal about removing FEMA and having states and the private sector pay for disaster management and recovery. now that Sandy wiped out the Jersey Shore, he just smiles and says nothing when people ask what he'd do if he was president, and if he still wants to remove FEMA.

    Here's an example of why I have a problem with many republicans (not all, mind you, my inlaws are republican Catholics and they are wonderful, accepting people).

    Yesterday I was reading on the blog of a lady who is a conservative republican. She has written many times about how people need to work to provide for themselves, how you can't ask the government to help you when you need it, because that is not what they are for. That if you or your parents didn't plan accordingly for life, then tough cookies, you're on your own.

    Except she lives in Staten Island. She is without electricity, and running low on food. She is now asking "Where is Obama? he isn't helping us! We need food and electricity and some of us don't even have homes!" Why isn't anyone helping us, it's been DAYS!"

    And she sees no hypocrisy in her words, whatsoever. She wants the govt. help for her, yesterday (even though she was warned to evacuate and ignored the warnings) yet those who live in those conditions every day, are undeserving of the government's help. They are typically all for themselves and not for anyone else.

    Of course not all republicans are like that. Many of them will vote against the best interest of people, including themselves, because of one issue: the economy. And it makes no sense. Things will come full circle when everyone is looking out for each other, when we have love and compassion for ALL people. Not when we are only looking out for ourselves.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Actually, Karasti, in the past couple of days he said he would maintain FEMA.

    I do agree with the rest of your statement.
  • The problem is that we look at the evidence through our own 'glasses'. Republicans access a different media. So if you have watched fox news the past 10 years then everything looks different to you. So whereas I come to one conclusion and it seems 'I am right' some other person would come to a different conclusion.

    But I don't think it is elitism to think you have the right answer. It's just a persons opinion.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    of course he will, because he flip flops on every issue out there based on what is popular at the time. He can't pick any issue and stick to it besides "Get Obama out of office."

    I get tired of the "it's just my opinion." In some cases, yes, it is. But excusing hatred as religion, excusing hatred or ignorance as "my opinion" is BS.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Jeffrey said:

    The problem is that we look at the evidence through our own 'glasses'. Republicans access a different media. So if you have watched fox news the past 10 years then everything looks different to you. So whereas I come to one conclusion and it seems 'I am right' some other person would come to a different conclusion.

    But I don't think it is elitism to think you have the right answer. It's just a persons opinion.

    Interestingly, the Pew Institute just came out with a study that showed that MSNBC is "more negative" than FOX.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    karasti said:

    of course he will, because he flip flops on every issue out there based on what is popular at the time. He can't pick any issue and stick to it besides "Get Obama out of office."

    I get tired of the "it's just my opinion." In some cases, yes, it is. But excusing hatred as religion, excusing hatred or ignorance as "my opinion" is BS.

    In all fairness, first you complain because he didn't make a statement about FEMA, and now you complain because he did.

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    edited November 2012
    No, it's just what I'd expect of him. I'm not complaining that he did make a statement. I'm complaining about the statement he made. The right thing for him to do would be to stand by his convictions and his statements, instead of constantly back tracking and changing his statements to fit what is going on on a daily basis. Either he wants to keep FEMA or he doesn't, but I don't believe for a second that he now supports FEMA because he had a change off mind and heart. He just knows saying "yes I still want to disband FEMA" with so many suffering and needing FEMAs help isn't the popular thing to say.
  • @vinylyn, I'm really not one to make a big deal about fox. I only used it to make a point about media.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I understand @Jeffrey. I think that -- to some extent -- FOX on one side is somewhat to MSNBC is on the other side, with CNN somewhere in the middle.

    @Karasti, I understand what you're saying. But I think we also have to be careful not to say that politicians should be rigid in their views, either. A legitimate change of heart on an issue (i.e., Obama on the gay issue) should be welcomed. But you're right, Romney does it constantly, as demonstrated so well in the debates.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    I would certainly welcome a change of heart from many politicians, if it comes from the right place. For me, that's what it comes down to in this election. Obama might not always get it right, but I think he comes from the heart, and I think Romney comes from a place of power and control. I can relate to Obama, and I think he understands, and cares about people. Romney just does not, not all people.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I can agree with that, @Karasti.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Mitt Romney flip-flop compilation. This is from 10 months ago, from what I've seen he's moved again from the primaries to the general election.

  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    vinlyn said:

    ^^ It isn't that I disagree with you on who the best choice is, it's a sort of elitist attitude that your viewpoint in superior to at least 47% of the people (his current standing in the most recent poll).

    Some viewpoints are superior and some Ideals are better. :)

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
  • DaozenDaozen Veteran
    edited November 2012
    With less than a day to go, it looks like Obama has had a "hurricane bounce" in the polls and is pulling ahead. Tips on the best places to follow the results online? I'm thinking NY Times.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    I'll probably mostly be watching NPR, because I can follow online and on the radio. I'm going to try to avoid the tv, but I know that's probably unlikely.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    Sabato has a 99% record for accurate predictions of presidential, senate, house of reps, and governor races. I'm crossing my fingers he is correct this time, although he feels his prediction this time around is not firm.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Fingers crossed for the President !
  • spread this around everywhere- Facebook, twitter, everywhere -- No matter who you're voting for, (But I hope it's Obama/Biden!)

  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
  • RebeccaSRebeccaS Veteran
    edited November 2012
    If that's real that's really bad. :-/

    But that's not the reason that Republicans are doing well. People aren't stupid, they're going to see (as the guy who posted the video did) that the machine isn't working and they're not going to be dumb enough to register the vote.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    Touch screens are notoriously choosy and are, IMO, a horrible thing to use in an election. People using fingernails on the screen, constant use, it's all going to change the calibration, and they require specific pressure to be able to use it correctly. Most of the cases of problems with the machines has been shown to be user error and not a problem with the machine.

    We're having problems in our state with churches not taking down their election signs when they serve as polling places (in MN nothing can be displayed at a polling station that sways a vote, includin personal tshirts and buttons) and with election officials communicating with voters in ways they aren't supposed to. It's going to be a long day.
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
  • We had a problem with this in Canada. They still haven't found out who was behind it.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    Vote my mail is the way to go.
  • Jason said:

    Vote my mail is the way to go.

    Do you have to have a reason to vote absentee?

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    My impression is that it varies by state. Here in Colorado it is very easy to vote absentee, and all of my friends did. I voted early, but by going to a polling place.
  • B5CB5C Veteran
    Jeffrey said:

    Do you have to have a reason to vote absentee?

    Actually, vote by mail is easier and cost effective. It's basically fill in the bubble and drop the ballot in the ballot box at the courthouse or mail it in. Also the ballots are sent in weeks in advance.

    My county is 100% mail in only.

  • My dad says that he has to give a reason for absentee and he says (to them) that he is out of town. So then he and his wife make a road trip so that... well as an excuse for a road trip!

    But that's why I had the idea that you needed to have a reason.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    In MN you need a reason but it's pretty easy to get by with it. Illness/disability, absence from precinct, religious observance, serving as a judge in another precinct, and declared emergency within your precinct. Many of the nursing home and elderly people here vote absentee.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    RebeccaS said:

    I feel that if we're blown away by a nuclear Iran then gay issues won't mean anything at all.

    Nice false dilemma. Good thing we focused on WWI instead of women's suffrage, right?
    RebeccaS said:

    I can't tell if politics just brings out the worst in people or if it makes us show our true colors.

  • Lincoln said:

    RebeccaS said:

    I feel that if we're blown away by a nuclear Iran then gay issues won't mean anything at all.

    Nice false dilemma. Good thing we focused on WWI instead of women's suffrage, right?
    RebeccaS said:

    I can't tell if politics just brings out the worst in people or if it makes us show our true colors.

    Oh bore.

    You know that's not even remotely what I meant.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    Jeffrey said:

    Jason said:

    Vote my mail is the way to go.

    Do you have to have a reason to vote absentee?

    In Oregon, all voting is done by mail.
  • LincLinc Site owner Detroit Moderator
    RebeccaS said:

    You know that's not even remotely what I meant.

    I think I got the gist of it.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    B5C said:

    Jeffrey said:

    Do you have to have a reason to vote absentee?

    Actually, vote by mail is easier and cost effective. It's basically fill in the bubble and drop the ballot in the ballot box at the courthouse or mail it in. Also the ballots are sent in weeks in advance.

    My county is 100% mail in only.

    We are, too, on local elections.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Lincoln said:

    RebeccaS said:

    I feel that if we're blown away by a nuclear Iran then gay issues won't mean anything at all.

    Nice false dilemma. Good thing we focused on WWI instead of women's suffrage, right?
    RebeccaS said:

    I can't tell if politics just brings out the worst in people or if it makes us show our true colors.

    I've always believed we each only as good as we are at our worst.

  • Lincoln said:

    RebeccaS said:

    You know that's not even remotely what I meant.

    I think I got the gist of it.
    Well, if you say so I'll believe you.
    vinlyn said:

    Lincoln said:

    RebeccaS said:

    I feel that if we're blown away by a nuclear Iran then gay issues won't mean anything at all.

    Nice false dilemma. Good thing we focused on WWI instead of women's suffrage, right?
    RebeccaS said:

    I can't tell if politics just brings out the worst in people or if it makes us show our true colors.

    I've always believed we each only as good as we are at our worst.

    I hope that's not true about people - that as good as we are at our worst is only as good as we are. Something to think about though.

  • I couldn't embed it, but it's homer simpson voting hehe
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran

    Can we all go back to being freinds now?
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    I'm hearing about 2+ hr long lines at poll closing. I wonder how long the lines were where people live? Where I vote and a couple other people I talked to didn't have to wait more than 5 minutes to vote. Are some states just clueless on how to run an election or is there purpose behind the long lines, as in not wanting people to vote?
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited November 2012
    person said:

    is there purpose behind the long lines, as in not wanting people to vote?


    btw, it was in the news about a week ago: Iran has agreed to talks with the US on its nuclear program. But they're waiting for the outcome of the election before they begin. Obama has been conducting a behind-the-scenes dialog with them all these years, to get them to the table, and finally succeeded. So let's hope he wins so he can go forward with that effort.

  • RebeccaSRebeccaS Veteran
    edited November 2012
    Dakini said:

    person said:

    is there purpose behind the long lines, as in not wanting people to vote?


    btw, it was in the news about a week ago: Iran has agreed to talks with the US on its nuclear program. But they're waiting for the outcome of the election before they begin. Obama has been conducting a behind-the-scenes dialog with them all these years, to get them to the table, and finally succeeded. So let's hope he wins so he can go forward with that effort.

    Yeah, Iran have played that game before. Long story short, they use diplomacy to buy time and further their nuclear programs and technology. You can also see how "waiting on the election" is simply an ultimatum/manipulation. They view Obama as weak and malleable.

    See 2002 onwards, particularly until 2006. Those were a very productive 4 years for Iran's nuclear program regardless of numerous sanctions, treaties (signed by Iran) and attempts at engagement, mostly by the IAEA, UN and the EU.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    edited November 2012
    Florida is a dead heat, please don't let the election come down to Florida again. :shake:
  • Great page to see results coming in:

    For the sake of the free world, go Obama!
  • Obama wins. Congrats Mr Pres.
    thank god or buddha or jesus.
  • Yeee-hah!
  • Happy with the results upon waking up this morning. Also, here in MN, we were the first state to defeat a constitutional ammendment to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. I feel proud.
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