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I've added "Ranks" which will give you status as "New" (0-19 posts), "Explorer" (20-99 posts), or "Veteran" (100+ posts). This isn't an exercise in forum vanity. It's a practical way of managing spam and reducing the amount of false-positives that put legitimate member comments into the spam queue.
Folks with the "Explorer" rank will bypass the spam filter, and "Veterans" will additionally get the "Title" and "Location" fields next to their names. It's a simple metric to say "you're not a spammer or you couldn't have made this many comments" before granting you some extra features that could be abused.
You will get a little popup announcing your new Rank when it triggers, probably the next time you sign in.
You've now been given a better office in virtual space.
I'm glad to see my my constant drivel has finally earned me a badge of honour. :clap:
New -Anyone open eyed and bushy tailed
Explorer -Navigating ones koans challenging waters.
Veteran -Sitting is a smoky legion by yourself staring into a pint of life's bitters.
Hmmm Perhaps new terms to reflect the gravitis of our new positions.
.....dibs on God Emperor
Not interested in "Enlightened" or other spiritual ones Methinks your forum posts have no bearing on that.
On topic I think whatever helps versus spam is good. We already get badges for number of posts so it is just a anti-spam tactic and not a carrot or stick.
# potty trained
# depends dependent?
Yah yah..I won't give up my day job.
How about
Clueless Novice
Karma Chameleon
Dharma Lama
More dhamma, less drama.
my environments IRL...workplace is total political drama....then
the house is teen-age drama...hahaha..the house is something
needs fixing always drama......this place is chill for
Apparently I'm a veteran. I Gus's that means I'm seasoned in war.
@how - you might need to explain what a "smoky legion" is. In Canada, veterans of the Armed Forces have social clubs that they call "The Legion". They are not allowed to smoke there anymore, thank goodness! (not that I spend any time there....)
@Lincoln - I was wondering how some people got to have their location added. For me you could put -soto zennie wandering in a the fog in Bucolic Victoria British Columbia - on the far left coast of Canada.
I am still trying to work out if this is in order:
Beginners Mind
Mined out
or we could have seasonal ones so for example Easter:
or Tantric:
Baby Boomer
or Theravadin:
or Zen:
know mounting
"I'll be back" holds new meaning.
p.s. I'm going to BC in two days!
(there is no snow where I live)
Someone, in brief, who is actually about as far removed from what Lincoln actually is, as you could ever hope to get.