Is anyone experiencing any weird difficulties working on this site?
I believe @lobster had a couple of disappearing posts when beginning new threads.
I myself have had three PM messages I sent, go totally AWOL. Sometimes a page takes ages to open, and once I get the header and side-bar options, the main body of the thread stays missing, until I refresh the page.
Anyone else experiencing weird happenings?
If we could list some current and present issues, we could let @Linc know....
All is well here. No issues.
All fine here, well what passes for normal!
A few days ago, I was unable to mark posts insightful, awesome, lol. It seems to have straightened itself out a day or two ago...
I have not had any problems that I've noticed, neither on my computer (windows) or my phone (android).
Well, in that case, I'm wondering if it's a UK-side communication problem?
I'm currently waiting for a thread to download - it's actually reached a post part-way down and cut it in half, with nothing but blank white screen underneath....
I'm on Plusnet in the UK and I haven't had any problems.
Any chance you and @lobster have the same service provider?
No issues here in SE US, on two different ISPs
Me too ...I've notice I've not been getting any "Awesomes" or "Insightfuls" ... I'm sure there're a least a couple of thousand missing from my Reactions list .....

On a serious note no problems
Erm...maybe we're so used to the glitches (esp where quoting someone is concerned), we think it's now normal.
The above is the result of trying to quote your o/p.
Going on for a while now which is why I have to use quotation marks when addressing a particular post.
Try using a different accent @federica.
No problems on this side of the pond.
No problems in FL.
Yes, @ourself is right on that -- the quote function is a disaster
testing quote
test #2
That's weird. I didn't post a link.
I think #does that
Oh, OK
Now I'm getting another weird thing... Logged on this morning (Hi everyone!
) and am looking at recent discussions.... some threads have (for example) '6 new' and others have '4 new plural'...
...What - ?!
....Then when I write a comment, the only button not giving the option to select is the 'Post Comment'. Occasionally, all three are non-selectable, and I have to wait for them all to go 'bold' as it were....
I got this on both 'sky' and now 'Virgin'....
I just saw 2 new plural after you posted
The Gremlins are alive and well...
I am having trouble paying atten- oh look, a bird! -tion, but apart from that, all good!
Now I have 2 threads trying to download... blank pages, both of them. It's been over a minute.
I wouldn't fuss so much but it's only happening on this website.
Everything else (Facebook and three other forums) is working just fine...
@federica I recognise many of the difficulties you mention. They have now gone. In other words they are intermittent and possibly due to our ISP which are the same.
Whenever I have problems:
1 - done (as stated, this doesn't happen on other forums).
2 - Done. No joy.
3 - Done. Again, no difference.
4 - Ditto, ditto.
5 - haven't loaded any. I'm now typing this from a Toshiba Chrome book. Had this problem on my mum's Apple MacBook laptop too...
6 I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Besides, I don't have the wherewithal or luxury of just being able to 'change computer'....
7 & 8 - yes, thanks for that.... :Roll eyes: ("impermanence" and computer "withdrawal"...)
Yes, I'm getting that now. The internet will become self-aware soon, we computer illiterate humans will look like a threat and a bad actor will say "I'll be back..."
Oh gosh ... OS = Operating System
Try the Windows OS at your library, using a phone or chromebook
Otherwise not sure what to suggest ...
I'm used to things not working too well on NB.
i am seeing this 'new' and 'new plural' too. my guess is that those threads which we have not opened are marked with 'new', but those threads which we have opened and there are further new comments in it, those threads have the number of new comments marked with 'new plural' with it.
Yes, but I've opened all the threads. It's what I do....
Plural is now what is posted when there is more than one new comment.
Good grief, nobody tells me anything!!
Everything on the index has "plural" here.
Occasionally when perusing the member section I get a faint smell of sulfur in my nose then a sudden chill fills the room. Anyone else getting this?
I'm running this new OS a hooded, haggardly man under the turnpike walking bridge gave me, not sure if that has anything to do with it.
hopefully we are not hacked by former trolls/banned
I don't think its been hacked, more like a technical glitch, but.....
Have you ever wondered @Jeffrey what must go on in a person's mind for them to resort to hacking and disrupting the site ? All the misguided anger, hatred, ill will and resentment all packaged up in the desire for 'revenge' of some sort....
I'm amazed at the amount of crap some people voluntarily carry around with them day in day out....
Imagine what their life would be like if they could channel all that focussed attention/energy into something positive...
What an odd addition.
I can't quote but at least I know that if there are 10 new posts it isn't just 1.
It just seems to be a redundant comment... 10 new posts is 10 new posts... I fail to see the point of 'plural'... Maybe it's a change/improvement made to support something else going on... Until @Linc shows up, it's a mystery....
No UK probs here! Know that a chrome update caused all sorts of problems with various games a few weeks back but with firefox I've been fine. Hope nothing to do with your new internet @federica
The site used to be mobile friendly. Now it isn't anymore.
Sometime it works on first load then stop working when I hit back in browser. And the font on the index page seem to be changed for mobile devices (windows 8 phone)
No problem here in Canada , Safari works perfect with the newbuddhist site. Both Mac and iPhone .
I did change the spam filter recently, but that should only effect posts, not PMs, and certainly not moderators' messages which always bypass spam filters.
The "new plural" thing is likely a glitch in our server setup. We recently reworked our language handling in Vanilla which likely tripped things up for a minute.
^^^ Thanks @Linc,
That would explain my glitches as they were indeed responding to quite bizarre and complex usages of language and several links. As soon as the posts were simplified and the language normalised the posts went through. This was whilst editing in the provided editor, so explains my difficulties.
And that's a first coming from @lobster
"The quote had to be converted from Markdown to TextEx. Some formatting may have been lost."
Weird because I just came to this thread to say I was able to quote in a different thread.
Oh well... There are better things to itch about but I figured I'd just pipe up and say the problem still exists.
Yes, I get that one. I have no idea what it means so I ignore it. Not a good approach to spiritual practice but it's a way of coping with computers.
An interesting side effect of mobile vs desktop settings. I've fixed it so this will happen less and less frequently (new posts from now on will all be Markdown regardless of mobile or not).
All of my PMs have vanished. When I click on my Inbox, I get a blank page. If I click on the envelope icon next to my name, I get "There was an error processing your request. Please try again."