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A comfortable, transparent, sealed mask means face recognition works. Working masks with siri/alexa or other smart phone inserts will be available for future requirements ...
personDon't believe everything you thinkThe liminal spaceVeteran
All the masks have been an issue for deaf people who read lips. This would be nice for them if all the masks could be like this.
@Kerome said:
I find the financial bail-outs staggering... it seems governments are shouldering much of the burden, and so in the end it comes down to the tax-payer yet again.
A few things about that that bother me, not the least of which is how much it pains the government to give to the people, but that pales in comparison to the fact that they have all that stolen money around to DO so!
Our Covid, Who art in US
Hallowed be Thy Corona;
Thy vaccine come,
Thy teaching be done, on earth as it is in WestWorld.
Give us this day our daily crisis,
and forgive us our bus passes,
as we forgive those who pass against us;
and lead us not into trump damnation,
but deliver us from ventilators.
oh man!
Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Be kind to nature, for example I am soaking my dead headed flowers and feeding slugs (also training birds in slug removal but that is another story)
An apple a day keeps the Dr away, Garlic for everyone else
Music changes moods
Make like a cushion
Energy can be transformed. Aka one Nob Truth.
Are you alive yet?
You are fine. If not ... then that will have to do ...
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
People are starting to relax the restrictions a bit now, a lot of the smaller shops are worried that they will be able to fit only a few people into their floor space. But the cafes and restaurants are re-opening on the 1st of June, some of the parking lots are open again and some tourist accommodations are starting again as well.
After full lockdown, that is not leaving the house ... for about 2 months, I went for a walk with a friend. I wore a disposable mask.
Wearing masks is only used by about 30% of people ...
What fun!
I didn't get far in a disposable mask outside and only got a chilly response about it from the neighbors.
I should have known that it was just wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.
On the news last night there was a clip of a young woman in the States being interviewed, regarding her defiance of social distancing restrictions...
She tells the reporter "I'm over it" .."I'm not going to let coronavirus stop me from interacting with my friends and family"...
(as if the deadly coronvirus was someone that could be stared down ...🙄)
I can just hear the coronavirus's response "Okay...you win...I can't compete with your ignorance & impatience .. .Go ahead and socialise as normal... but I can't promise that I'll stop infecting and killing people"
Hmm...Young lady, the coronavirus is not some terrorist cell ( but it does attack cells) that you can defy and carry on business as usual ...It's a silent killer with no need for bombs or guns...Sneezes, coughs, touches, hugs, ignorance & impatience are it's deadly weapons of choice...
The mind boggles ...as cases of human ignorance & impatience ( along with the virus) run rampant in many parts of the world...
There is thoughtless & there is thought less....
DavidA human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First NationsVeteran
I just found out there's a case in the retirement home I'm going back to fulltime. It's been a bit over a week and still only the one case and I don't start til the 15th.
Still feel a bit spooked but I pretty much have to do it. The reason I got out of it was because my headaches and tinnitus started up at the same time and it really screwed me up for a while. That and here, it is a big ordeal trying to snag a fulltime gig.
At least until the virus came around. Now people are running from the job and suddenly, private homes want to obtain fulltime staff since going from one home to another is a big problem.
There were no cases when I took the job a week ago and now there is 1.
No regrets but I'm just a wee bit more weary of the whole idea than I was, lol.
Oh well, that's the nature of the beast, right?
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
Who was it here, who said:
...So nothing is unsatisfactory unless the mind makes it so.
Oh... yeah. That was you.
I wish you much happiness and fulfilment in your proposed travels.....
personDon't believe everything you thinkThe liminal spaceVeteran
@David said:
I just found out there's a case in the retirement home I'm going back to fulltime. It's been a bit over a week and still only the one case and I don't start til the 15th.
Still feel a bit spooked but I pretty much have to do it. The reason I got out of it was because my headaches and tinnitus started up at the same time and it really screwed me up for a while. That and here, it is a big ordeal trying to snag a fulltime gig.
At least until the virus came around. Now people are running from the job and suddenly, private homes want to obtain fulltime staff since going from one home to another is a big problem.
There were no cases when I took the job a week ago and now there is 1.
No regrets but I'm just a wee bit more weary of the whole idea than I was, lol.
Oh well, that's the nature of the beast, right?
You can take some comfort that the generally reported Case Fatality Rates are the rates comparing the diagnosed cases to deaths and that there are a large portion of mild unconfirmed cases and totally asymptomatic cases. So the actual fatality rates or Infected Fatality Rates (IFR) are estimated to be about half of the official numbers. Also as someone under 60 or 70 really (the average age of a C19 death is 83) your IFR is several times lower than the overall rates.
I should add though that even though your personal risk may be fairly low I think we all still have a responsibility to try to keep from spreading the virus for those who are at higher risk and for the overall systemic risk to our public health systems.
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
@David said:
I just found out there's a case in the retirement home I'm going back to fulltime. It's been a bit over a week and still only the one case and I don't start til the 15th.
Still feel a bit spooked but I pretty much have to do it. The reason I got out of it was because my headaches and tinnitus started up at the same time and it really screwed me up for a while. That and here, it is a big ordeal trying to snag a fulltime gig.
Good for you that you are going to work fulltime in a retirement home. Looking after the elderly can be quite rewarding, and it’s actually unqualified good works kind of work. Very right livelihood.
Yeah, my niece was putting in some long hours at the retirement home where she works. She had to cut back, as she was falling behind in her school work. She's graduating from high school this year, and her and her classmates have had to some up with some impromptu grad celebrations. Interesting times.
DavidA human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First NationsVeteran
@David said:
I just found out there's a case in the retirement home I'm going back to fulltime. It's been a bit over a week and still only the one case and I don't start til the 15th.
Still feel a bit spooked but I pretty much have to do it. The reason I got out of it was because my headaches and tinnitus started up at the same time and it really screwed me up for a while. That and here, it is a big ordeal trying to snag a fulltime gig.
Good for you that you are going to work fulltime in a retirement home. Looking after the elderly can be quite rewarding, and it’s actually unqualified good works kind of work. Very right livelihood.
Thanks, but I'm not sure how unqualified it is since I do have the diploma and am giving medication.
You better hope I'm qualified, lol.
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
@Walker said:
Yeah, my niece was putting in some long hours at the retirement home where she works. She had to cut back, as she was falling behind in her school work. She's graduating from high school this year, and her and her classmates have had to some up with some impromptu grad celebrations.
Never underestimate the feelings, opinions and requirements of the elderly...
When I lived in Aldershot, in Hampshire, 25 years ago, my neighbour worked in a Retirement/care home, and would often have the morning shift, starting at 07:00. First duty was to take every resident a nice cup of morning tea or coffee, and it was far from unusual to find one room, with an empty bed, and another room with an unexpected extra occupant...!
Interesting times.
Isn't there a Chinese 'curse' that states "May you live in Interesting Times"...?
I think I understand that one better, currently....
Today at 4.30 AM I donned my black hat, glasses, turned up collar raincoat, high quality mask, disposable gloves and prepared to murder no one. In other words I went for a walk in London. Practically no one about. It was raining. I am still shielding.
personDon't believe everything you thinkThe liminal spaceVeteran
Thought I'd share this interesting blog on some of the psychological reasons people may not act to limit the spread or even intentionally act in ways that do.
Your Covid19 Risk....
Some may find this international individual risk assessment developed by a group of scientists from around the world, of interest... Find your risk
@Shoshin said:
Your Covid19 Risk....
Some may find this international individual risk assessment developed by a group of scientists from around the world, of interest... Find your risk
I'm not sure why this is @Bunks, from what I gather it's international, because part of the assessment is to select which country you are living in ....What happens when you click on the link ?
@Shoshin said:
I'm not sure why this is @Bunks, from what I gather it's international, because part of the assessment is to select which country you are living in ....What happens when you click on the link ?
On a continent with 16 states having ever spiking levels of Covid 19, Mr. Trump is hoping to soon pack stadiums full with his fans that think Darwin's theories of selective evolution can be dismissed with a note promising not to sue if they catch something while ignoring social distancing at an electoral evangelical shouting out together event..
I just don't trust myself to say anything more about this.
& while the borders between our two countries are sealed against non essential travel, a loophole allowing travellers to drive directly from the USA to Alaska...through Canada is allowed..as long as they promise not to dawdle along the way.....
So guess what "non quarantined" visitors from heavily infected areas, are now showing up all over?
I'll say it @how He's an idiot. A dangerous idiot.
Numbers are going up here again in Wild Rose Country.
I need to go get some bloodwork done tomorrow. Really hoping to not walk into any COVID zombies at the lab. At least I can have a phone consult with my doctor and I don't have to go to his office.
On a continent with 16 states having ever spiking levels of Covid 19, Mr. Trump is hoping to soon pack stadiums full with his fans that think Darwin's theories of selective evolution can be dismissed with a note promising not to sue if they catch something while ignoring social distancing at an electoral evangelical shouting out together event..
I just don't trust myself to say anything more about this.
& while the borders between our two countries are sealed against non essential travel, a loophole allowing travellers to drive directly from the USA to Alaska...through Canada is allowed..as long as they promise not to dawdle along the way.....
That is the first semi-realistic strategy I have heard. ✅
Meanwhile our team of hopeless brexiteers are allowing more profit not people protection schemes ...
People die. Statues are under lockdown. Non essential shops are being opened. Corona Clown Bojo Boris tries to be serious ...
@person said:
Lots of people are missing sports. We're all looking to you now New Zealand, there will be lots of new Cricket and Rugby fans (had to google that ).
@person said:
Lots of people are missing sports. We're all looking to you now New Zealand, there will be lots of new Cricket and Rugby fans (had to google that ).
Don't worry about following Kiwi sports!
Get on board the NRL and AFL seasons in Australia that re-started recently....
personDon't believe everything you thinkThe liminal spaceVeteran
I just came across this piece about different political perspectives on Covid and how we can learn to come together better.
The crisis has been marked by a rush to label, and demean, the other side. Partisans on both sides lack even a modicum of curiosity about their political opponents’ views regarding how to solve the Covid-19 crisis. Certitude is pervasive.
Individuals and cultures differ in the extent to which they’re willing to tolerate risk, so disagreements about safety are inevitable, whether deciding how to protect people from car accidents, crime or Covid-19. But everyone tolerates some risk…
The onslaught of social and news media makes it easy to make general assumptions about each side. When bombarded daily with statements from Governor Cuomo, the lockdown position seems like safetyism: an obsession with avoiding contact with the virus at all costs, even if it means national suicide. Similarly, when those on the left hear only from people on the right who think the virus is either a bad flu or a hoax, the open-up position can look like a reactionary ideology of anti-safetyism: an obsession with freedom at all costs, even if it means sacrificing our grandparents’ lives…
Blame and recrimination are certainly common responses in pandemics. But they’re also counterproductive. Those who fall on the safetyism side of the spectrum are not fascists, and those who fall on the anti-safetyism side are not human sacrificers.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/01/opinion/safetyism-coronavirus-reopening.html?smid=tw-nytopinion&smtyp=cur
Graphene is an interesting material
It can be made transparent, for the new phone masks ... coming soon.
Better than the current efforts ...

@lobster cool find on the article about graphene and masks. I was a chemistry major and was interested in materials science part of it.
Hmm what if we eat it? it could mask the lungs... I'm no medical doctor but I think it'll work, because I know stuff...tweet tweet

Hang on I'm going to try to microwave myself after inhaling some carbon soot
(Dang I can't fit in the microwave)
A comfortable, transparent, sealed mask means face recognition works. Working masks with siri/alexa or other smart phone inserts will be available for future requirements ...
All the masks have been an issue for deaf people who read lips. This would be nice for them if all the masks could be like this.
A few things about that that bother me, not the least of which is how much it pains the government to give to the people, but that pales in comparison to the fact that they have all that stolen money around to DO so!
Rant finished. Back to the mat Rob...
Some people just don't get it. People are driving out of Calgary for haircuts.
Mrs. Walker noticed a complete lack of social distancing in the grocery store today.
Yes, we're having that kind of a problem...

You may need a Lama ...
“When you’re around a Lama, you become very calm and at peace,”
Ana Claire Mancia
m m m ... [lobsters cogs start to plot a plan]
It may be a bit soon but let us pray/puja ..
Our Covid, Who art in US
Hallowed be Thy Corona;
Thy vaccine come,
Thy teaching be done, on earth as it is in WestWorld.
Give us this day our daily crisis,
and forgive us our bus passes,
as we forgive those who pass against us;
and lead us not into trump damnation,
but deliver us from ventilators.
oh man!
Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Top tips:
You are fine. If not ... then that will have to do ...
People are starting to relax the restrictions a bit now, a lot of the smaller shops are worried that they will be able to fit only a few people into their floor space. But the cafes and restaurants are re-opening on the 1st of June, some of the parking lots are open again and some tourist accommodations are starting again as well.
Free. Free at last.
After full lockdown, that is not leaving the house ... for about 2 months, I went for a walk with a friend. I wore a disposable mask.
Wearing masks is only used by about 30% of people ...
What fun!
Jain (not tarzen) in devotional gear
Getting people to follow simple safety procedures is like trying to herd cats...

I didn't get far in a disposable mask outside and only got a chilly response about it from the neighbors.
I should have known that it was just wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.
We have been told we don't need to wear masks here. Go figure...
How very, very true.
Amazing and interesting stuff, hope you can read and prepare for the worse best 🌈🙏🏽💗
It confirms my understanding that pro-biotic, positive attitude and personal health maintenance is a possible requirement ... 🥳
What will be my neo-rasayana approach:
iz masterplan ☸
On the news last night there was a clip of a young woman in the States being interviewed, regarding her defiance of social distancing restrictions...
She tells the reporter "I'm over it" .."I'm not going to let coronavirus stop me from interacting with my friends and family"...
(as if the deadly coronvirus was someone that could be stared down ...🙄)
I can just hear the coronavirus's response "Okay...you win...I can't compete with your ignorance & impatience .. .Go ahead and socialise as normal... but I can't promise that I'll stop infecting and killing people"
Hmm...Young lady, the coronavirus is not some terrorist cell ( but it does attack cells) that you can defy and carry on business as usual ...It's a silent killer with no need for bombs or guns...Sneezes, coughs, touches, hugs, ignorance & impatience are it's deadly weapons of choice...
The mind boggles ...as cases of human ignorance & impatience ( along with the virus) run rampant in many parts of the world...
There is thoughtless & there is thought less....
I just found out there's a case in the retirement home I'm going back to fulltime. It's been a bit over a week and still only the one case and I don't start til the 15th.
Still feel a bit spooked but I pretty much have to do it. The reason I got out of it was because my headaches and tinnitus started up at the same time and it really screwed me up for a while. That and here, it is a big ordeal trying to snag a fulltime gig.
At least until the virus came around. Now people are running from the job and suddenly, private homes want to obtain fulltime staff since going from one home to another is a big problem.
There were no cases when I took the job a week ago and now there is 1.
No regrets but I'm just a wee bit more weary of the whole idea than I was, lol.
Oh well, that's the nature of the beast, right?
Who was it here, who said:
Oh... yeah. That was you.
I wish you much happiness and fulfilment in your proposed travels.....
You can take some comfort that the generally reported Case Fatality Rates are the rates comparing the diagnosed cases to deaths and that there are a large portion of mild unconfirmed cases and totally asymptomatic cases. So the actual fatality rates or Infected Fatality Rates (IFR) are estimated to be about half of the official numbers. Also as someone under 60 or 70 really (the average age of a C19 death is 83) your IFR is several times lower than the overall rates.
I should add though that even though your personal risk may be fairly low I think we all still have a responsibility to try to keep from spreading the virus for those who are at higher risk and for the overall systemic risk to our public health systems.
Good for you that you are going to work fulltime in a retirement home. Looking after the elderly can be quite rewarding, and it’s actually unqualified good works kind of work. Very right livelihood.
Yeah, my niece was putting in some long hours at the retirement home where she works. She had to cut back, as she was falling behind in her school work. She's graduating from high school this year, and her and her classmates have had to some up with some impromptu grad celebrations. Interesting times.
Thanks, but I'm not sure how unqualified it is since I do have the diploma and am giving medication.
You better hope I'm qualified, lol.
Never underestimate the feelings, opinions and requirements of the elderly...
When I lived in Aldershot, in Hampshire, 25 years ago, my neighbour worked in a Retirement/care home, and would often have the morning shift, starting at 07:00. First duty was to take every resident a nice cup of morning tea or coffee, and it was far from unusual to find one room, with an empty bed, and another room with an unexpected extra occupant...!
Isn't there a Chinese 'curse' that states "May you live in Interesting Times"...?
I think I understand that one better, currently....
Today at 4.30 AM I donned my black hat, glasses, turned up collar raincoat, high quality mask, disposable gloves and prepared to murder no one. In other words I went for a walk in London. Practically no one about. It was raining. I am still shielding.
Came across this a free electric bike service for key workers, mostly NHS ...

Yeah! Save lives.
Iz plan ...
Thought I'd share this interesting blog on some of the psychological reasons people may not act to limit the spread or even intentionally act in ways that do.
Congratulations New Zealand. Officially Covid free......
It's early days @Bunks ...but it looks promising....
Apart from international travel, things are getting back to normal ( well a new normal )....larger gatherings and hugs, hand shakes all round...
Your Covid19 Risk....
Some may find this international individual risk assessment developed by a group of scientists from around the world, of interest...
Find your risk
It shows how at risk one is by one's behaviour...
"This site can't be reached"
I'm not sure why this is @Bunks, from what I gather it's international, because part of the assessment is to select which country you are living in ....What happens when you click on the link ?
See below:
Try this one .... https://your-covid-19-risk.com/
We're seeing a bump in new cases here. I hope it's just a blip on the downward curve, and not the start of a second wave.
Turns out to be my device.....work laptop doesn't like it but it opens on my iPad
I did a little dance...
Odd, isn't it? 5 years ago, this was a topic of discussion...
Now, we're all being encouraged to wear masks...
Oh, the irony.
UK to declare war on NZ
On a continent with 16 states having ever spiking levels of Covid 19, Mr. Trump is hoping to soon pack stadiums full with his fans that think Darwin's theories of selective evolution can be dismissed with a note promising not to sue if they catch something while ignoring social distancing at an electoral evangelical shouting out together event..
I just don't trust myself to say anything more about this.
& while the borders between our two countries are sealed against non essential travel, a loophole allowing travellers to drive directly from the USA to Alaska...through Canada is allowed..as long as they promise not to dawdle along the way.....
So guess what "non quarantined" visitors from heavily infected areas, are now showing up all over?
I'll say it @how He's an idiot. A dangerous idiot.
Numbers are going up here again in Wild Rose Country.
I need to go get some bloodwork done tomorrow. Really hoping to not walk into any COVID zombies at the lab. At least I can have a phone consult with my doctor and I don't have to go to his office.
That's understandable @how ...the mind boggles...
Lots of people are missing sports. We're all looking to you now New Zealand, there will be lots of new Cricket and Rugby fans (had to google that
That is the first semi-realistic strategy I have heard. ✅
Meanwhile our team of hopeless brexiteers are allowing more profit not people protection schemes ...
People die. Statues are under lockdown. Non essential shops are being opened. Corona Clown Bojo Boris tries to be serious ...
Maybe....maybe not...Two new cases reported today,
As the old saying goes...Don't count your chickens before they hatch
Don't worry about following Kiwi sports!
Get on board the NRL and AFL seasons in Australia that re-started recently....
I just came across this piece about different political perspectives on Covid and how we can learn to come together better.