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Covid Cabin



  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Jeffrey said:
    "Beneath the image of the bull in the center of the painting, there was a pentimento of a ship’s mast."

    Kind of a vocabulary word that makes me think of artists, attitude, and image.

    It comes from the latin/Italian, 'Pentire' which means 'repent'. The artist 'regretted' having painted an image, and decides to use the canvas, to paint another picture, on top of the previous image, which then shows through faintly....

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited April 2022

    I am dying again …

    Think I had Covid, probably omicron after visiting a supermarket, which for the first ten minutes I wandered around totally bewildered.

    • First I had an unexplained soreness in my covid vaccination arm for two days
    • Then a fever, which has broken, moving into slight inflammation of upper lungs
    • May have lost some taste, hopefully temporary

    … And I am still alive … Yeah!

    Meanwhile one of the vulnerable I try to look after, went into 3 hours of semi-comatose shutdown. I think the use of electric cattle prods is forbidden? Ah well waited it out and back they came … :+1:

  • Feel better @lobster.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Have you been tested or had a rats test @lobster ?

    The manager at work caught Covid last weekend....
    I did my first test yesterday...

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    @Shoshin1 said:
    Have you been tested or had a rats test @lobster ?

    I have been tested. Quite severely. ;)
    Well I have whiskers in my lobster form … but pretty sure I am not a rat. However I will keep an open mind. Many thanks. <3

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Just tested positive this morning.

    So far just a slight cough and a little tired.

    Wish me luck =)<3

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran

    From what little I have learned about communicating with someone having an experience I dare not say is the same as mine, I hope you know your kindness is appreciated and we ask for both you continue in this world and keep shining your lantern of kindness and concern.

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    Maybe 5 % of folks here still wear masks and Covid stories are happening everywhere around us. Mostly they are describing basic flu like symptoms.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @how said:
    Maybe 5 % of folks here still wear masks and Covid stories are happening everywhere around us. Mostly they are describing basic flu like symptoms.

    For me so far I wouldn't even say it's as bad as a typical cold. But it could get worse.....

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    May you stay as well as well can be @Bunks ...The positive case numbers are starting to slowly rise again here on the island...

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    @Bunks said:
    For me so far I wouldn't even say it's as bad as a typical cold. But it could get worse.....

    Sounds good. Could be Omicron. I had it. Really improves your immunity to covid variants …

    May the Buddha/force be with you

  • Take care @Bunks, I hope it passes quick and with mild force.

  • Went out of state to visit family and spiked a fever the day I got home. Now I'm on the mend and my parents are gettin' it.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Hope it wasn’t covid… recent variants are a lot less deadly but still no fun

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    💗💗💗 ☸🛐☯ I will do medicine buddha practice for you @Shoshin1 … and be wearing a n95 mask when I go get some strawberry plants from lidl. Also been eating a clove of raw garlic for breakfast and … just get well! 💗💗💗


  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Well tested negative for the first time in since testing positive on Wednesday and I'm feeling in good health, with no symptoms since early yesterday morning...Plus the isolation period is up today...So I'm off into the village, but will where a mask if I go inside buildings...

    Well it seems I would have spoken too soon =) , I looked at the test a couple of hours later and a faint positive line had appeared...
    So I tested again and an after half hour another faint positive line appeared...

    I no longer have any symptoms, (well apart from a slight cough), but I read that a positive test can still show and this is because people with COVID-19 have infected cells in their body that release the virus into the environment through breathing, sneezing or coughing, or through their faeces and urine. and even up until yesterday I was still coughing quite a bit...

    I have started to use my air purifier again when I haven't got any doors or windows open....I've also got the extractor fan going ....

    The isolation period is over, I'm safe to go out and about again, so I walked into the village to buy some fruit and veges but I wore a mask inside the shop and kept my distance ....

    The symptoms reminded me of a few years ago when I caught one of those 24 hour bugs... for the 24 hour period I felt like death warmed up having what seemed like the same symptoms as Covid, but this was a few years before the pandemic...

  • The tests that I have used the directions say that there can be false positives if you read the test outside of the directed time frame. I think my test said to wait 15 minutes?? And read it then, but it said something like if you read it after 30 minutes the results might not be good. But I believe you when you said how you feel so probably you had Covid. I had it right when the Omicron first hit but my case was mild.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    edited November 2023

    Now that the pandemic is largely behind us, I've been hearing some conversations starting doing a post mortem on the way we all handled it. Sweden was an outlier in how they chose to handle lockdowns and was fairly widely criticized at the time. It seems though now looking back their results turned out pretty good, about the same as other countries, but notably had the lowest level of excess overall deaths (things like suicide or lack of treatment for other illnesses, etc.). And didn't suffer student learning losses.

  • marcitkomarcitko Veteran
    edited November 2023

    As you note, the pendulum seems to have swung more towards the anti-lockdown and anti-vaxer side. Maybe to the middle, I don't know.

    My concerns with these new discussions are:

    • these changes in sentiment seem to follow a pendulum pattern - will new findings in the future change the sentiment yet again? Does the pendulum come to rest at the middle ultimately? What is the middle for this issue?
    • at the beginning of the pandemic, there were many unknowns. What if some of the parameters turned out differently? Taking this into account, what can we conclude about the best response in the future?
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran

    @marcitko said:
    As you note, the pendulum seems to have swung more towards the anti-lockdown and anti-vaxer side. Maybe to the middle, I don't know.

    My concerns with these new discussions are:

    • these changes in sentiment seem to follow a pendulum pattern - will new findings in the future change the sentiment yet again? Does the pendulum come to rest at the middle ultimately? What is the middle for this issue?

    This is still early on in the post mortem, there are many unknown factors that still need to be parsed out. For me personally, the main thing is that the voices against what Sweden was trying were so certain and moralistic in their attitudes and this says, "maybe you weren't as correct and virtuous as you were acting."

    • at the beginning of the pandemic, there were many unknowns. What if some of the parameters turned out differently? Taking this into account, what can we conclude about the best response in the future?

    My rudimentary understanding is that Sweden was actually following many of the guidelines that existed pre pandemic and that a lot of the rest of the world's policy was motivated by in the moment fears.

    There was a lot of uncertainty and I thought acting out of precaution was wise. In my opinion some of that early precautionary stance got entrenched largely by the culture war and wasn't let go of as new information came in. My concern going forward is that if there is another pandemic and the parameters are different, which they most certainly will be, that we'll act like its Covid-19 and use it to fight all the old battles rather than seeing the new threat as it is. For example if some new pandemic does have a higher mortality rate, or effects children the way Covid effected the elderly and we act like it is Covid that could be disastrous.

    I don't know, I'm just tired of the pendulum. In my life I try to avoid the wild swings and look to set a truer course. During a group walking meditation people seemed to unconsciously speed up walking out of the meditation room and slow down going in, I tried to keep an even pace, I do the same sort of thing driving in traffic. But I suppose that is just my personal annoyance and the world will do what the world does.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    The lesson is very simple: do what the Swedes do. I don’t think the Western political infrastructure can be trusted to do what’s right, they are too much motivated by the media and election money.

  • marcitkomarcitko Veteran
    edited November 2023

    @person said: the main thing is that the voices against what Sweden was trying were so certain and moralistic in their attitudes and this says, "maybe you weren't as correct and virtuous as you were acting."

    I'm definitely guilty of this.

  • For me the lesson has been that rushing into experimental vaccines launched by greedy corporations which have a past of doing so (let's remember TAMIFLU, absolutely USELESS and bought IN MASS. In Spain, we wasted so much money on this, PUBLIC TAX PAYER) is not a good idea. There was chaos and a medical crisis to be tackled, yes, but the way it was handled and the results....

    Anyway, Dr Campbell 's YouTube channel is a good source to stay up to date with all the recent data analysis. He is a great source because he comments it as a medical scientist. He was staunch supporter of vaccines, using the data science had produced to back it up. It was his backbone of data. Now....with some years and vaccinations and seasons gone by.... the data is saying otherwise...

    The cases are growing and slowly coming out. People are pissed off here. In Spain we have discovered that lockdowns were a disaster to people's mental health and the deaths it was supposed to prevent...well.... i will still wait for more data to state what I believe. It does not look good though.

    And @Jeroen yes, too much money, election and bullshit. Here we have now 22 ministeries because they had to make a huge coalition government and there were not enough seats for all the caketakers :P

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