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SYDNEY (Reuters) - Researchers in Australia have devised a test that can determine novel coronavirus infection in about 20 minutes using blood samples in what they say is a world-first breakthrough.
The researchers at Monash University said their test can determine if someone is currently infected and if they have been infected in the past.
Complacency is alive and well here too @Bunks ...It seems that many Kiwis have forgotten NZ is still in Level One lockdown and the virus is still lurking around... I guess it's a case of out of sight (no deaths)...out of mind(she'll be right mate) people are still going out and or to work when they are feeling sick, not washing their hands on a regular bases or if they do wash them it's just a very quick rinse under running water...
When the government tries to get people to do the right thing ( for their own good and for the welfare of others) and as the old saying goes it's like trying to herd cats....
Yeah @Shoshin - there's still a fair bit of the attitude that only about 110 people here have died and they were old so what's the problem?
Not sure how many people have to die before it's taken seriously - 1,000? 10,000? 100,000?
Anyways, whether people like it or not, word on the street is that Melbourne is going to Stage 4 lock down on Wednesday and regional Victoria will go to Stage 3. We can't just keep opening and closing the economy again for the next xx months / years.
If this lock down doesn't work though we'll just have to find a way to live with it as people's mental health and the economy start to be a factor.
I sincerely hope NZ can stay open. It really doesn't take much for this thing to spread. As someone said to me on Friday, "We were only one security guard away from having this licked!"
It would seem that we are all to some degree/level mentally challenged...
From a Buddhist perspective staying with the present moment as it flows is what many of us practitioners are aiming for...not clouding our minds by clinging to the past or worrying about the future...
However having some insight into dependent origination ie, knowing the potential consequences of our actions is paramount...
This from what I gather is why we are attempting to develop skillful means to enable us to have some foresight into what could happen if we carry out certain actions...
All dharmas ("phenomena") arise in dependence upon other dharmas: "if this exists, that exists; if this ceases to exist, that also ceases to exist"
And ....In a nutshell...
"Those who see Dependent Origination see the Dharma"
"Those who see the Dharma see Dependent Origination"
Watched an interesting doco about the Spanish Flu in Australia in 1918 / 19.
Killed about 10,000 people they think. 50 million people died worldwide.
Was actually introduced from New Zealand after a ship full of soldiers docked in Welllington and disembarked. They then brought it back on to the ship.
It’s quite eerie the similarities between the two pandemics.
So after about 18 months the virus didn’t disappear, it just became more like seasonal flu.
This goes in line with what I believe they call "herd immunity" no? It just becomes part of nature's cycle, our co-existence with Earth, which involves virus, bacteria, funghi, animals, etc.
Also... great photograph. Thanks for sharing. I love the fact that they are all smiling
personDon't believe everything you thinkThe liminal spaceVeteran
There's a few good Spanish flu histories on YouTube. It is pretty amazing to see how similar so many of the conditions are.
Beneath the hubris of view of our species specialness is an underlying definition of any life's behavior which is "life terraforms other life or it dies".
The views held separating one life as a host and another as a guest are little more than the ramblings of ego.
I guess we humans could also be seen as a deadly virus which has spread across the planet and gradually killing the host.... Mother Earth... (we are also the cure)
I'm just watching this interview...Jonathan Swan (An Australian political journalist) interviewing the Orange Dump...whose ongoing verbal diarrhea erupted throughout the interview ...If you look carefully at the beginning of the interview you'll see a yellow snake quickly slither across the set in the background...
@Shoshin said:
I'm just watching this interview...Jonathan Swan (An Australian political journalist) interviewing the Orange Dump...whose ongoing verbal diarrhea erupted throughout the interview ...If you look carefully at the beginning of the interview you'll see a yellow snake quickly slither across the set in the background...
"You know they say you can do too much testing...."
@Shoshin said:
I'm just watching this interview...Jonathan Swan (An Australian political journalist) interviewing the Orange Dump...whose ongoing verbal diarrhea erupted throughout the interview ...If you look carefully at the beginning of the interview you'll see a yellow snake quickly slither across the set in the background...
Jonathan Swan's father is quite a famous physician and TV presenter here in Australia.
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
I'm.......just........I have no words.....
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Trump. He has too many of them. Sadly, none of them make any sense when strung together.....
@Bunks the NZ government is now advising all Kiwis to buy masks in preparation for the second wave of community transmission, which the public health professionals think is inevitable...Some people are already masturbating mask debating
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
@Shoshin said: @Bunks the NZ government is now advising all Kiwis to buy masks in preparation for the second wave of community transmission, which the public health professionals think is inevitable...Some people are already masturbating mask debating
Tips to Deal with Quarantine Fatigue
So what can we do to work through quarantine fatigue? Dr. Marques and members of the Department of Psychiatry at Mass General offer the following tips:
Practice Mindfulness: While mindfulness may not feel like a normal practice to some, it is an effective strategy that can help manage stress and actually change your brain.
Mindfulness is being present, purposeful and nonjudgmental in the moment you’re existing within. Over time, practicing mindfulness can activate, and even strengthen, connections in our prefrontal cortex, which plays an important role in attention.
Four Mini Relaxation Exercises
Recharge Through Eating, Sleeping and Exercise: Proper nutrition, exercising for at least 30 minutes a day and getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night have major effects on our mood and mental health, immune system and helps to improve our memory and concentration.
Food vs. mood: Eating for physical and mental health during COVID-19
Three Tips to Help Manage Stress and Anxiety During the Pandemic
Connect with Others: While we may need to be physically distant from our friends and loved ones, we don’t need to be socially distant. Robert Waldinger, MD, director of the Center for Psychodynamic Therapy and Research at Mass General, says that a 75-year-long study on happiness has shown that one of the top predictors of how happy and healthy you are is the quality of your relationships. Use this extra time to reach out to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, make family dinner a fun event and invest in the relationships around you.
Yes it was to be expected, (expect the unexpected) ...
The cases are in Mt Albert
My boss just texted me to say that I don't have to come into work tomorrow and that she can manage on her own...However I might as well go in, we won't be doing face to face client contacts, just phone enquiries and making up food parcels for clients to pick up or doing some deliveries if they don't have transport...
I've got 3 and a bit hours to paint the island red, before level 3 lockdown begins at 12 noon
@Shoshin said:
Yes even though the island's 30kms from Auckland, we are still part of Auckland...
Fair enough, I suppose quite a few people would commute daily for work etc.
Yes and this is a big problem, it's only a 35/40 minute ferry ride to Auckland central, also quite a few locals jobs involve traveling around the country and are returning to the island daily....mind you this will stop during lockdown unless they are essential workers...
Safety measures are strange. There is a lot of queuing up and warnings everywhere regarding the virus. However, many people wear their masks wrong, either not covering their nose; or simply not covering their mouth at all. The latter is particularly prominent once you cross the body-scan / security check-up. Anyways... don't want to sound as Mask-sect purist. I'm still at a beginner's mask level.
I was checked for explosives and drugs. But not for COVID, nor my temperature measured.
By this point I'm thinking. Well.... what is all of this really about?
I will flying to pay a visit to my parents to Spain (Canary Islands). Let's see how it is there.
I have landed successfully and I have to say...hahaha! Some people had masks, some not, some just covered their mouth.... anyways....
At the airport there was a random temperature control. The staff there also behaved strangely. Like ... if they had to talk they would remove their mask. I seriously don't understand anything.
96 new cases reported in Edmonton yesterday. We went through the first wave remarkably well, but now I think we're going to be seeing a steady big jump in numbers for awhile.
The anti-mask, don't-tell-me-what-to-do mindset is strong here. We have a mask bylaw in effect, but the tall foreheads at City Hall decided to allow people to have 'I can't wear a mask' cards, no questions asked, no doctors note required. They stopped that nonsense today.
@Shoshin said:
A couple of face masks a friend at work made with Tuis on ( also called the parson bird)
I've ordered half a dozen to sent to family members overseas and my daughter in Wellington...
She made over a dozen on the weekend for the local upcycle shop which her and a friend run, and they flew off the shelf
I love Tui.
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
edited August 2020
So where does the boundary lie between getting on with life and being careful about Covid? Does anybody here go to the gym for instance, or go to real-life dharma meetings?
Personally I don’t really care about getting Covid, I’m not so mindful of death, but I wouldn’t want to expose other people who don’t think that way.
I'm skeptical of the virus and its magnitude. The reason I reported this was just to show how reality is in two scenarios (Germany and Spain). Let's remain safe but not behave like sheep. This goes for both the mask-radicals and the no-mask radicals.
The safest way to keep safe, is for one to act as if one already has the virus and for others to do the same, in this way, one will be mindful of one's thoughts words and deeds/actions....In other words one will have the well being of others at the forefront of one's mind...and act in a sensible manner...
However for some people to entertain such a thought of having Covid19 is cause for anxiety, so there needs to be a balanced/measured approached when contemplating this....( one size mask doesn't fit all)
Bearing in mind if one is not at high risk of dying from the virus, the chances of becoming complacent around those who are is high...
It would seem that the vast majority of people who oppose mask wearing and social distancing restrictions are those who are at lower risk of dying from it...
From what I gather there are two choices...both beginning with "S" Be Sensible, Safe & Save lives...Or Be Stupid & Spread the virus Sacrificing the lives and well being of others....
Being sensible just means going about one's daily life with other people's well being in mind as well as one's own...If one has this in mind, one is more likely to do the right thing....
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
@Shoshin said:... She made over a dozen on the weekend for the local upcycle shop which her and a friend run, and they flew off the shelf
They Flew off the shelf!!
I see what you did there!!
Our town has actually popped up on the Official Government Covid-Watch radar as being a location of High Risk.
Deep joy.
We have more than our fair share of covidiots, it seems....
Our town has actually popped up on the Official Government Covid-Watch radar as being a location of High Risk.
Deep joy.
We have more than our fair share of covidiots, it seems....
Stay safe @federica ....
Covidiots/conspiracists are also like a virus and if governments are not careful they will spread, but fortunately we do have an effective antidope for any outbreaks, it's call facts....
Yes, quite.
What a load of wankers
The rumour here is that we'll go into Stage 4 lock down soon.
Similar to what NZ did.
Not sure if it will be just Melbourne or all of Victoria.
The army have started to door knock people who have tested positive to ensure they are at home and to check on their welfare.
Of about 500 people they checked yesterday, 130-odd were not home when they arrived.
We've got no hope......
Covidiots will do what Covidiots will do ...You and your family stay safe..@Bunks
Complacency is alive and well here too @Bunks ...It seems that many Kiwis have forgotten NZ is still in Level One lockdown and the virus is still lurking around... I guess it's a case of out of sight (no deaths)...out of mind(she'll be right mate) people are still going out and or to work when they are feeling sick, not washing their hands on a regular bases or if they do wash them it's just a very quick rinse under running water...
When the government tries to get people to do the right thing ( for their own good and for the welfare of others) and as the old saying goes it's like trying to herd cats....
Yeah @Shoshin - there's still a fair bit of the attitude that only about 110 people here have died and they were old so what's the problem?
Not sure how many people have to die before it's taken seriously - 1,000? 10,000? 100,000?
Anyways, whether people like it or not, word on the street is that Melbourne is going to Stage 4 lock down on Wednesday and regional Victoria will go to Stage 3. We can't just keep opening and closing the economy again for the next xx months / years.
If this lock down doesn't work though we'll just have to find a way to live with it as people's mental health and the economy start to be a factor.
I sincerely hope NZ can stay open. It really doesn't take much for this thing to spread. As someone said to me on Friday, "We were only one security guard away from having this licked!"
It would seem that we are all to some degree/level mentally challenged...
From a Buddhist perspective staying with the present moment as it flows is what many of us practitioners are aiming for...not clouding our minds by clinging to the past or worrying about the future...
However having some insight into dependent origination ie, knowing the potential consequences of our actions is paramount...
This from what I gather is why we are attempting to develop skillful means to enable us to have some foresight into what could happen if we carry out certain actions...
And ....In a nutshell...
"Those who see Dependent Origination see the Dharma"
"Those who see the Dharma see Dependent Origination"
Well something along those lines....
You know the world's gone mad when Nick Kyrgios has become the voice of reason!
Sydney, 1918
Watched an interesting doco about the Spanish Flu in Australia in 1918 / 19.
Killed about 10,000 people they think. 50 million people died worldwide.
Was actually introduced from New Zealand after a ship full of soldiers docked in Welllington and disembarked. They then brought it back on to the ship.
It’s quite eerie the similarities between the two pandemics.
So after about 18 months the virus didn’t disappear, it just became more like seasonal flu.
I wonder if the same will happen with COVID?
This goes in line with what I believe they call "herd immunity" no? It just becomes part of nature's cycle, our co-existence with Earth, which involves virus, bacteria, funghi, animals, etc.
Also... great photograph. Thanks for sharing. I love the fact that they are all smiling
There's a few good Spanish flu histories on YouTube. It is pretty amazing to see how similar so many of the conditions are.
Beneath the hubris of view of our species specialness is an underlying definition of any life's behavior which is "life terraforms other life or it dies".
The views held separating one life as a host and another as a guest are little more than the ramblings of ego.
I guess we humans could also be seen as a deadly virus which has spread across the planet and gradually killing the host.... Mother Earth... (we are also the cure)
I'm just watching this interview...Jonathan Swan (An Australian political journalist) interviewing the Orange Dump...whose ongoing verbal diarrhea erupted throughout the interview ...If you look carefully at the beginning of the interview you'll see a yellow snake quickly slither across the set in the background...

"You know they say you can do too much testing...."
"Who says?"
"They do...the books"
"What books?"
"The manuals"
"What manuals?"
Jonathan Swan's father is quite a famous physician and TV presenter here in Australia.
I'm.......just........I have no words.....
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Trump. He has too many of them. Sadly, none of them make any sense when strung together.....
@Bunks the NZ government is now advising all Kiwis to buy masks in preparation for the second wave of community transmission, which the public health professionals think is inevitable...Some people are already masturbating mask debating
They have a mask fetish perhaps?
Really? Not surprising I guess.
Overcoming Quarantine Fatigue
Take care @Shoshin .
I hope you guys don’t wind up stuck at home for weeks like us, it really sucks! Hope your govt has learned from what’s happened in Melbourne
Morena & thanks @Bunks
Yes it was to be expected, (expect the unexpected) ...
The cases are in Mt Albert
My boss just texted me to say that I don't have to come into work tomorrow and that she can manage on her own...However I might as well go in, we won't be doing face to face client contacts, just phone enquiries and making up food parcels for clients to pick up or doing some deliveries if they don't have transport...
I've got 3 and a bit hours to paint the island red, before level 3 lockdown begins at 12 noon
3 minutes to level 3 lockdown...

So is Waiheke considered part of Auckland?
Yes even though the island's 30kms from Auckland, we are still part of Auckland...
Panic buying is in full swing at the supermarkets in Auckland
Fair enough, I suppose quite a few people would commute daily for work etc.
Yes and this is a big problem, it's only a 35/40 minute ferry ride to Auckland central, also quite a few locals jobs involve traveling around the country and are returning to the island daily....mind you this will stop during lockdown unless they are essential workers...
Reporting from SxF airport (Berlin):
Safety measures are strange. There is a lot of queuing up and warnings everywhere regarding the virus. However, many people wear their masks wrong, either not covering their nose; or simply not covering their mouth at all. The latter is particularly prominent once you cross the body-scan / security check-up. Anyways... don't want to sound as Mask-sect purist. I'm still at a beginner's mask level.
I was checked for explosives and drugs. But not for COVID, nor my temperature measured.
By this point I'm thinking. Well.... what is all of this really about?
I will flying to pay a visit to my parents to Spain (Canary Islands). Let's see how it is there.
Safe travels @コチシカ and may your parents be well...
Lock down will drive us mad. Fortunately I have been practicing for years. 😳
One step beyond madness

Thanks @Shoshin - I always think of The Young Ones when I see Madness. Greatest TV show of all time!
I have landed successfully and I have to say...hahaha! Some people had masks, some not, some just covered their mouth.... anyways....
At the airport there was a random temperature control. The staff there also behaved strangely. Like ... if they had to talk they would remove their mask. I seriously don't understand anything.
Anyways...time to eat some papas con mojo.
And everyone stay safe! I will be secluding myself by some volcanoes- even though my parents aren't very hermit-friendly.
Stay safe @ コチシカ
I think it's rather like cladding your feet with sandals, instead of wanting the world to be carpeted....
Look to yourself. Do the right thing.
Follow correct procedures, and keep alert, even "IF ...all about you... are losing theirs and blaming it on you"...
96 new cases reported in Edmonton yesterday. We went through the first wave remarkably well, but now I think we're going to be seeing a steady big jump in numbers for awhile.
The anti-mask, don't-tell-me-what-to-do mindset is strong here. We have a mask bylaw in effect, but the tall foreheads at City Hall decided to allow people to have 'I can't wear a mask' cards, no questions asked, no doctors note required. They stopped that nonsense today.
A couple of face masks a friend at work made with Tuis on ( also called the parson bird)

I've ordered half a dozen to sent to family members overseas and my daughter in Wellington...
She made over a dozen on the weekend for the local upcycle shop which her and a friend run, and they flew off the shelf
I love Tui.
So where does the boundary lie between getting on with life and being careful about Covid? Does anybody here go to the gym for instance, or go to real-life dharma meetings?
Personally I don’t really care about getting Covid, I’m not so mindful of death, but I wouldn’t want to expose other people who don’t think that way.
As soon as DJ trumpy orange pudding, the leader of the Karen World, banned Tik-Tok, I joined.
Still just watching, have not formally registered. What fun. Lot of shuffle dancing and crazy stunts.
Good advice from @federica
I'm skeptical of the virus and its magnitude. The reason I reported this was just to show how reality is in two scenarios (Germany and Spain). Let's remain safe but not behave like sheep. This goes for both the mask-radicals and the no-mask radicals.
The safest way to keep safe, is for one to act as if one already has the virus and for others to do the same, in this way, one will be mindful of one's thoughts words and deeds/actions....In other words one will have the well being of others at the forefront of one's mind...and act in a sensible manner...
However for some people to entertain such a thought of having Covid19 is cause for anxiety, so there needs to be a balanced/measured approached when contemplating this....( one size mask doesn't fit all)
Bearing in mind if one is not at high risk of dying from the virus, the chances of becoming complacent around those who are is high...
It would seem that the vast majority of people who oppose mask wearing and social distancing restrictions are those who are at lower risk of dying from it...
From what I gather there are two choices...both beginning with "S" Be Sensible, Safe & Save lives...Or Be Stupid & Spread the virus Sacrificing the lives and well being of others....
Being sensible just means going about one's daily life with other people's well being in mind as well as one's own...If one has this in mind, one is more likely to do the right thing....
They Flew off the shelf!!
I see what you did there!!
Our town has actually popped up on the Official Government Covid-Watch radar as being a location of High Risk.
Deep joy.
We have more than our fair share of covidiots, it seems....
Stay safe @federica ....
Covidiots/conspiracists are also like a virus and if governments are not careful they will spread, but fortunately we do have an effective antidope for any outbreaks, it's call facts....
Indeed. Politicians, Karens, bigots, homophobes, evangelists and dharma groovies are all viral.
Vaccinate your mind.
Or should it be Factcinate your mind