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What movies are you watching?
Home away from home: The untold story of Canada's 'Little Tibet'

The Bastard Son of The Devil Himself.
Netflix UK.
Pretty good.
And it's British.
The song in the netflix trailer is so good.
The city I grew up in was a Jewish enclave, the directors grew up there, and this movie is set in my hometown. It was kind of exciting to have a big movie like that about the no name place I'm from.
That's pretty cool.. are there many connections between your hometown and the film? How'd the town receive it?
Its been too long since I've seen it. I remember a few references to local things, like a beach, and the houses and streets looked like they belonged. Aside from that I don't remember it being too much about the location though. As far as the reception, I (and the rest of my family) had moved away by then and weren't plugged into the local news.
I watched The Joker a couple of nights ago, found him portrayed in a surprisingly sympathetic manner as a man with mental health issues, basically schizophrenia. It shows you what could happen to a man with these conditions if all the things around him go wrong.
But it also casts the Batman / Joker conflict as a class struggle between the rich (Batman) and the underclass of Gotham City (the Joker). The Joker shows how Arthur becomes a bit of a hero figure to the disaffected who seek to rebel against the wealthy and powerful. The clown masks worn by his followers to me almost feel like a reference to Anonymous and the V for Vendetta masks they use.
I watched this… it was in the news and I had a trial of HBO Max. On the face of it it is a pretty simple thriller, but the themes of it, especially relating to male dominance, stay with you for a while after it finishes. There is some thought behind it.
When Bob Marley Came To Britain

A little loud

A little light relief…
Strangely enough this movie had a little dhamma in it. It was about the samsaric power of desire and clinging….
God Bless America: How the US is Obsessed with Religion ....and so it would seem... guns...

That was terrifying @Shoshin1
if you bring children up in a cult (and this sort of fundamentalism is a cult)
you end up with … well I will leave others to tell …
Buddhism as a choosing (for most of us) is a pragmatic and
healing template. Too rigid and it too may end up cultish …
Know the signs …
Yes, my first thought was WTF...
Today I has mostly bin watchin' Lockwood & Co., On Netflix. Quite engaging, harmless fun. 3 main protagonists in the vein of Harry, Hermione and Ron.
I've watched it a million times, it's among my top five favourite movies, but today I've been watching extracts of "Patch Adams" on Youtube. The trailer is not of the highest quality compared to the movie.
I quite enjoyed this, a docu about Papaji (H. W. L. Poonja) with some rare footage of Ramana Maharshi in there as well. Liked watching it, especially Papaji’s “no teaching, no teacher, no student” as a summation of his teaching.
The Fountain
Bit of a mind bender...
Not a film but a BBC series. Called "The Repair Shop", members of the public bring in precious family objects, in need of (as the title would suggest) repair. Some things are simple, some are very old and extremely fragile, which gives the restorer the onerous and complicated task of reviving the object to its former glory, without necessarily obliterating its value or sentimentality.
Restorers' skills range from the technical to the artistic; clocks, mechanical toys, musical instruments, paintings, leatherware, paper objects, porcelain, soft toys and wooden items are all given to the appropriate skilled restorer, and we follow progress as they transform the poor miserable object into a thing of often wonderful beauty, once more.
Some of these people also work as restorers in our British museums, so they are highly skilled, and experts in their field.
There is no fee to pay.
But the programme does show the item being brought in, and subsequently returned to the owner, in the space of 45 minutes. In truth, some of these restorations take months...but filming is cleverly put together to bring the initial heartfelt wish, and the eventual grateful admiration, all in one programme's viewing.
I know we practise detachment; everything has a beginning, a middle, and an end; but the programme is heartwarming, gentle and delightful viewing, to know there are people who care enough about other people and their precious belongings, to want to make them happy again, for while...
The Love Guru

The Menu

I haven't seen it, but judging by the trailer it looks interesting ....
"Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?"
Quote of the Blind Seer:
"You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek. But first... first you must travel a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril. Mm-hmm. You shall see thangs, wonderful to tell. You shall see a... a cow... on the roof of a cotton house, ha. And, oh, so many startlements. I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the obstacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward. Though the road may wind, yea, your hearts grow weary, still shall ye follow them, even unto your salvation."
Little known fact about “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?”
It is based on The Odyssey by Homer.
Netflix "The Strays"
Psychological Thriller...
Came across a new YouTube channel that features a diverse set of voices talking about the state of humanity with interesting animation. After Skool has 2.6 million subs so it seems fairly popular. Here's two videos by people here might appreciate, Terrence McKenna and Ram Dass.
This is a really good movie. It feels like one of those types where everyone takes away something about themselves. Everyone has a facet of themselves reflected.
Found this short video on an American Marine General called Smedley Butler

quite interesting
"War Is A Racket"
Times change but big business mind sets don't...
I know this should be about movies but am watching
'The Diplomat US' series. About an ambassador to London.
For those of you who like engineering, this was quite a fun little video.
That was start to finish delightful.
I enjoyed it too… there is something very satisfying in the choice of good materials, precisely machining them, fitting them together and seeing the end product run. A little bit of machine magic.
Here is another project… a physics enthusiast making a bike that runs on a magnetic eddy current instead of normal gears. Fascinating.
Yeah certainly. I've always found precise machining videos captivating so having someone that masterful walk you through the entire custom project with all its detail and thought process behind each choice was really enjoyable.
The bike project components remind me of hard drive disks. I've ripped open a number of broken and old hard drives and love taking the platters and neodymium magnets out to play with. I still have a box with HDD junk in it cuz shiny and magnets. The precision there too has always impressed me. If anyone hasn't had an opportunity to pull apart a junk hard drive, I highly recommend it.
Too bad the bike didn't succeed better though it was a cool project. At the very least, he's got a fitness bike he can hook to a stationary block and use it as a space warmer.
On a side note, found some hard to find movies and series Here and wanted to share the resource.
That’s a very handy site, thanks!
My cousin mentioned this Chinese sci-fi series ‘The Three-Body Problem’ which has been uploaded by Tencent Video to youtube in its entirety. 30 episodes of 45 minutes, very popular in China, the books on which it is based are often mentioned there alongside Dune and the Foundation series.
I enjoy watching wood working and wood turning videos on YouTube. That machining video was similar but with a different material, the precision was pretty incredible. I may watch more like that.
On the Road to Berlin. An excellent film.

This series has been out a while on Peacock, but I'm enjoying Brave New World. I'd say its a refreshing take on the dystopian trope, but the book is nearly 100 years old now. Some truths seem more persistent than others.

I watched this last night...I found the part about consciousness interesting (21 minutes in)...
Awakening Mind Part 1

...I dozed off part way through it
I very much enjoyed "Project Iceman" - documenting a Danish young guys efforts to become the first person to conduct an "Ironman" in Antarctica. An Ironman is around 4km of swimming, a marathon of running, and something like 150km of biking. Watching it is donation based, with a minimum donation of 5$.
Yesterday evening I watched A Fistfull of Dollars, an old favourite, part of western week here on tv, it has something almost operatic in it. The violence is almost cartoon like but still triggers reflection on how people who live by the sword also tend to die by it. Of course it is based on Akira Kurosawa’s classic Yojimbo.
Found this documentary interesting...

nandor fodor and the talking mongoose
Based on a true event … loosely
Was reminded of this show and might rewatch it in the future. Sort of a crime thriller comedy about reading people's microexpressions.