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NewBuddhist Member Introductions



  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited April 2006
    wezz_975 wrote:
    hello everyone, my names Wesley, I've been reading off and on about Buddhism for the past year, just recently have I took my studies seriously, everyday I learn something new. I tend to think alot, I spend several hours a day pondering on things that people my age never take a second look at. to be a teenager I do not "live" a teenage life, I'm never out, I don't party, do drugs, drink, smoke, etc. I prefer to live a life of solitude. I hope one day to break off all my ties with the world, I have seen how people waste there lives, and how people are ignorant and misguided, it more saddens me than anything else. I wish everyone to be happy, I try my best to cheer others up, even when I am not well. I'm not really good at introductions, if anyone wants to know anything, just ask, I am a open person, and will answer you the best I can.

    with love,

    Welcome, Wes. Your teenage life sounds a lot like mine when I was a teenager - which means you should seek out professional help immediately! ;) Just kidding... Keep on doing what you're doing - please!

  • edited May 2006
    I'm sorry for not having myself introduced even though I already had a few posts here. Hi, my name is Andy. I came to approach Buddhism in hope of cultivating myself a better person. :smilec: Though, I'm so eager at everything and want to instantly somehow transform myself. :hrm: I figured that is the wrong way to approach Buddhism. So, now I'm ready to come here and start with elementary Buddhism. I'm also gonna look for a teacher for guidance, maybe in Tucson, Arizona when I move there this summer.

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Hi, Andy!

    So tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
    And welcome! Can I call you Andy from now on?

    Your friend,
  • edited May 2006

    I am the fat guy, no not that one. The one with the long grey pony tail and a beard like the a hollywood religious zealot.

    My name is Russell

    53 years old, feeling much older as i followed the live hard and die young livestyle of the 60's early 70's. And then i didn't die!

    Currently living in Panama City Fl.

    I consider my self as an urban hermit. I purchased a new car and have less than 22k miles on it.

    I have a bs double major in psch/sociology, a ms in clinical psychology, a masters of social work and 50 other graduate hours in other disciplines. I like going to college much more than working.

    I owned a bicycle shop for 21 years and worked in substance abuse counseling early in my professional life and in private psych hopistals later. For several years I did taxes in season and had a shrimp boat i worked at nights in the summer.

    Did I mention that i was diagnosed as manic in 1998? I just thought I was an over acheiver. That was when I sold my business and stopped practicing professionally.

    Currently living off my disabled veteran and social security benefits. I love that they overlap . So i guess the most beneficial i have ever done for myself was being hurt while in the military.

    Philosophicaly I dont believe in a conscious after life or an over mind/supreme being.
    I try to do no harm, enjoy nature when I can and enjoy my own company. Being my own best freind, when i do have an argument with myself I always let myself win.

    Was this too much information?
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Nope... it wasn't too much information.

    You'll learn more about all of us than you really wanted to!


  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Did I mention that i was diagnosed as manic in 1998? I just thought I was an over acheiver.

    LOL!! Great post, Russell. Love your humour. Just manic, without the depression? That's got to be pretty tough. You're very welcome here and we're glad to see you. Do you still go out in the shrimp boat? I'm a rural hermit, btw.

  • edited May 2006
    Actually i am depressed more often than manic now but it depresses to me talk about it. Great doctors-- feeling too good?.. we got a medication for that.

    About the shrimp boat. Losing my way, my means of support . my mind and ending up in a psych hospital led to an involuntary lesson in detachment and letting things go.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    LOL! Ooops! Sorry to bring up bad memories. I'm glad you found Buddhism, though. It's a great healer.

    I'm assuming you found your mind again because you sound pretty good to me. You know, Ozzy Osbourne once said that of all the things he'd ever lost, he missed his mind the most.

    I can't work either anymore. Permanent injury I got at work a few years ago. I'm still trying to get my ex employer's insurance company to take more responsibility, which sucks. I thought I would go crazy at first and when I have to give my employment status on documents and stuff, writing "Unable to work" still feels like a punch in the gut. But at least now I've got time to study Buddhism and hang out here all day. Oh, joy!

    I'm glad to meet you, Russell. Do you drink tea, by any chance? Because we drink a lot of that around here.

  • edited May 2006
    I like just saying I am a retired (which ever job I feel like mentioning at the time) to people I meet who are still wage slaves, (not all persons who work but the dollar chasers) rather than, as you mentioned in another post, one living in genteel poverty. I think I see seem saying to themselves " How in the heck did that dude retire so (relatively) young?"

    Insurance companies are only one step up from attorneys on the ethical practice scale.

    Yes i do drink tea but only a plebian Twinings Darjeeling most of the time.

    My comment on being depressed about talking about my depression is just an example of my humor. A wise crack is better than a dumb crack.

    Nice to meet you. I have only been reading this board for 2 days and I love the crowd here.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited May 2006
    .....Yes....I told you it was an eclectic bunch, didn't I?
    It takes all sorts....

    And we got all sorts.....;)
  • edited May 2006
    So something about me? I'm a Vietnamese American , 22 years old, turning 23 this October. I live in Oklahoma City, and been staying in college for 5 years getting my B.S. in Electrical Engineering. I'm graduating this month and just recently got accepted for a job which means I'll move to Arizona this summer. I'm the youngest son of four in my family, we are actually Buddhists, but we don't study nor practice Buddhism, though sometime on Sunday my parents go to a local Vietnamese temple to chant Pure Land sutta. I personally though have done a little reading of Buddhism, I guess I was trying to be a better person for I'm being low on self-esteem sometimes. That's all I have for now!

  • edited May 2006
    Hi ro10

    This might not be the appropriate thread and I am a bit rusty at this but here it goes.

    I have seen several postings by you mentioning low self esteem. Personally i dislike this term "self esteem". It is hard to strive for something with so vague a definition.

    I will focus on replacing self critism with awareness of what I am doing not how i am doing it is a goal better defined. I had to just mentally shout STOP when I was being self critical. Loving and compassion starts with you to you.

    I will STRIVE (not should) to be aware when I am comparing my self to others or some some ideal better person as this leads to self criticism.

    I beleive in the theory that thoughts trigger emotions that leads to behaviors.

    Rational thoughts not necessarily positive thoughts leads to more pleasent feelings. . I am a student rather than i need to a better student. Being a student meaning I am learning not that I should know and understand all that is lectured to me. Shoulds and have to to self statements and the like lead to negative-unpleasent emotions.

    Self criticism leads to shame which leads to social isolation is an example.

    Others telling you how they arrived at peace is not the way you should do to find peace but how they got there.

    Trite old saying..Focus on the journey not the destination

    Lastly I realize I wrote this more as a reminder to myself than instructing you how you SHOULD behave and think .

    BTW welcome, nice to meet ya
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited May 2006

    Be my guest, and go to 'Buddhism 101' and open up a new thread, on the subject of Self-esteem and the Ego...I think this would be an interesting one to have members' varied perspectives in, to comment.

    Great post.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Yes i do drink tea but only a plebian Twinings Darjeeling most of the time.


    Plebian's cool. You won't find a single elitist tea drinker on this board. lol! Darjeeling's my favourite. Great post, BTW.

    Hi, Andy. It's nice to know you a little better. Aing's advice is good, isn't it? He oughta know since it was his field. There's a lot in there that's useful to me.

    Hi to everyone!!

  • edited May 2006
    Hello everyone!

    I realized that i haven't introduce myself properly all this while..

    Here goes:

    Name : Amara Yeoh

    Hobbies : Cycling, gazing at the stars, day dreaming, reading, surfing the internet...

    Likes : Spending time with my family and friends, my sense of humour (wink wink) the Korean kpop group.. Dong Bang Shin Gi, learning cooking, collecting recipes, learning korean... gardening, animals... especially cats (dogs scares me sometimes coz I'm inclined to think that they might bite me... some look so violent... but i love them all the same! I had 2 dogs before n they were really affectionate... i wish i have one now), literature (am currently studying Golding's Lord of the Flies), making friends, religious philosophy, quotes, giving gifts on birthdays, debating... but i hate quarrels and conflicts.

    D.O.B : 27 August 1987 (Yep... I'm a Virgo born in the year of the rabbit - those cute, furry, peace loving n gentle creatures... the rabbits, i mean)

    Occupation : I'm currently in my foundation year for the TESL programme... Learning to improve my English... hehe
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Hi, Amara. It's very nice to meet you.

    I'd say welcome but you've been here much longer than I have so I guess I'll just say that I'm glad you introduced yourself and hello! lol!

  • edited May 2006
    haha I may have been here earlier but wasn't really around to post anything... (*blush.. so ashamed) :-P

    So, consider me a newbie!
  • edited May 2006
    I am new here, and wanted to introduce myself to you all.

    I am 67 years of age. 5ft 5in in height. Weigh 62 kilos (at present!) Hazel eyes and greying brown hair.
    I live in Brisbane, Australia,
    I live alone with my three dogs, who are my 'family'.

    I was brought up in the Christian tradition but now lean towards Buddhist philosophy, which I find more 'in tune' with my inner beliefs and understanding of life.

    My interests are music, art, writing and poetry. And dogs, as well as ALL animals.

    I was born in Brisbane on the 20th February, 1939 - so I am a Piscean on the cusp of Aquarius.

    Before I was 'retired' onto a disability pension, I have been a Welfare Officer, MassageTherapist, Photographic artist and retoucher and an Army Nurse (part time) I am interested in most things and love the ocean.
  • edited May 2006
    Welcome, Patience :)

    Lovely to 'meet' you!

    Sas :buck:
  • edited May 2006
    Welcome Patience.

    I hope you find this site as helpful and uplifting as I do.

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Hi again, Patience.

    Thanks for sharing some personal info.
    Lovely to have you hear.

  • edited May 2006
    Thank you Everyone, it is good to be here with you.
  • not1not2not1not2 Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Glad to have you aboard. Hope you find your stay enjoyable, and I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.

  • edited May 2006
    Hi Friends,

    I read somewhere that it's better to travel alone, than to travel with fools.
    I'm honored you picked us, I'm honored to be here. All of you sound like people I'd like to be friends with. Welcome, and thank you for joining.

    Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu. (May you be well and happy.)
    Have a beautifull day!
  • edited May 2006
    You are all very kind. It is nice to be among friends.

    I am still 'feeling my way around' - there is so much to read! But that's good!
  • edited July 2006
    Hello All,
    I've come back to this board after a period of lurking months back... and still very much enjoy it . Don't think I posted in this thread so I will go ahead now.

    I'm a 32 Y.O. Single Female living in Minneapolis/St Paul MN.
    I am a lesbian.
    I work as a Software Quality Analyst.
    I've been drawn to Buddhism for some time, awareness and compassion are beautiful things, no? and hope to join a local sangha in the fall (the one I'm interested in takes the summer off).

    Beyond Buddhist spirituality I am interested in jazz, movies, strong coffee and my cats and fish :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    Well Indigo, it's nice to meet you... I for one, am pleased you decided to un-lurk, and join the gang....
    We're a friendly bunch, and you'll find us all very accommodating and welcoming...and no matter what your likes or dislikes, we're not judgemental or prejudiced.....
    Nobody will be in the slightest bit biased or critical of the fact that you keep cats AND fish..... :D

    Nice to have you as a part of the team...! :)
  • edited July 2006
    federica wrote:
    Nobody will be in the slightest bit biased or critical of the fact that you keep cats AND fish..... :D

    [/SIZE] :)


    I knew that would get noticed


    thx for the welcome :grin:

    I gotta appreciate a site that can have a civilized indepth discussion around Satanism and what it represents no less. Much to learn, hopefully something to offer.
  • edited July 2006
    Good to meet you Indigo.
  • edited July 2006
    Welcome, Indigo!
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Welcome, Indigo! Nice to meet you.

    I have five cats that I love dearly. If you ever feel like talking about your cats fell free. You'll have at least one avid reader, if not many more.

    Put your feet up, make yourself at home and I'll get the espresso machine going.
  • edited July 2006
    Hello :)
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Hi, Indigo. We, too, keep fish and have two cats who deign to live with us.
  • edited July 2006
    Hi, Indigo. We, too, keep fish and have two cats who deign to live with us.

    deign to live with us.... YUP thats about it too LOL

    Thx for the welcome everyone.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    This is probably the most appropriate thread to post this, but...

    Is it only me.....? Am I the only one........That when I see "IntheDharma" has posted, and I read her name, I always get the tune to "In the Navy..." going through my head......?

    you can learn a lot of stuff -
    It's not triva and fluff -
    you can never get enuff -

    I just wondered......:rolleyesc :D
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited July 2006
    No, it's just you. Weirdo...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    Phew!! Thank goodness for that! I DO have a reputation to maintain, you know.... :crazy: :D
  • edited July 2006

    Thanks a lot Federica

    Now that song is going to be stuck in my head for days maybe FOR EVER!! Never thought about it that way before but now when ever I sign in and have to type inthedharma......I'm going to start singing that tune again...... It will be never ending lol

    If I'm going to singing it everyday ...........I'm thinking Theme Song
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006

    Thanks a lot Federica

    Now that song is going to be stuck in my head for days maybe FOR EVER!!

    That's exactly what Brigid PM'd me with - she was grateful too! I'm such a kindly soul - I aim to please....!!:tongue2: :D
  • edited July 2006
    lol....You are a kindly soul.........thank you so much :)
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Let's sing Padawan's song. What thread is it in?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    .....We have simply GOT to get an audioThread going.....!!
  • edited July 2006
    Oh yeah, can't you just hear
  • XraymanXrayman Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Just for those who care, you may see what I look like in colour on my profile. I took a photo with my Mobile. The camera/Phone seems to work okay!

    P.S. Brigid sugessted I use it as my avatar-I am not going to be responible for the ejection of vomitus.

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited July 2006
    You should use it as your avatar. It's a lovely picture. You gotta change things up a little, bro. (I should talk. I haven't changed my avatar in forever. I just don't have any other pics on my computer.)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2006
    Xrayman wrote:
    Just for those who care, you may see what I look like in colour on my profile.
    P.S. Brigid sugessted I use it as my avatar-I am not going to be responible for the ejection of vomitus.


    Oh my Goodness! You look so........respectable!!
    It's shattered my illusions, I had visions of Long hair, hippie beard, beads. a frock....!

  • PadawanPadawan Veteran
    edited July 2006
    federica wrote:
    This is probably the most appropriate thread to post this, but...

    Is it only me.....? Am I the only one........That when I see "IntheDharma" has posted, and I read her name, I always get the tune to "In the Navy..." going through my head......?

    you can learn a lot of stuff -
    It's not triva and fluff -
    you can never get enuff -

    I just wondered......:rolleyesc :D

    :lol: Nice! I was thinking more of re-wording the Elvis Presley hit 'In The Ghetto'.

    On a blue and warm Chicago Morn
    Another Bikkhu found their spiritual dawn
    in the Dharma...

    (Choir) In the Dharma.....

    And the guru smiled,

    For there's just one thing that this world needs,
    Another enlightened mind is freed
    With the Dharma....

  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited July 2006
    Nice, pic, Xray.

    You look like an office prairie dog. You live in a cubicle all day long?
    3. prairie dog
    13 up, 6 down

    to stick one's head up out of a cubicle to look at something. The term comes from prairie dogs, who burrow in the ground. In a field with prairie dogs, if there's a loud noise, typically many of them will pop their heads up out of the ground.

    John trashed his monitor in a fit of rage and all the prairie dogs popped up for a look.

  • not1not2not1not2 Veteran
    edited July 2006
    federica wrote:
    Oh my Goodness! You look so........respectable!!
    It's shattered my illusions, I had visions of Long hair, hippie beard, beads. a frock....!

    I was expecting more of a skeletenish look. ;) (Get it? Xrayman, skeletenish... boy I'm funny)

  • edited July 2006
    federica wrote:
    It's shattered my illusions, I had visions of Long hair, hippie beard, beads. a frock....!

    ME TOO!
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