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NewBuddhist Member Introductions



  • edited July 2010
    I have been attending Buddhist meetings for a month or so. I just went along to see what it was all about and I felt like I had come home, as when I was a child, teenager and very young adult, I always felt different to the rest of my family somehow, in the way that I wan't quick to judge and always sought to hear both sides of a story.

    I am so glad at last that I have come home... (big sigh)

    Hope to meet some nice friends on this forum

  • edited July 2010
    Oh man, that's such a GREAT movie and I love it too. I used to watch it over and over some years ago, but then my VCR crapped out and I lost all my tapes. I've been meaning to get it again tho, this time on the computer.

    My screen name on some other forum used to be "Tonguey" after that movie. Hahaha. I'm a big fan. You have good taste, and welcome to the forum!
    Hahaha, it's great to find a fellow fan. :DNo one seems to have even heard of the movie!

    Now I want to watch it again...
  • edited July 2010
    Hi Pieter,

    Thanks for the tip, the Zen buddhism of Thich Nhat Hanh sounds really inspiring, especially the focus on being engaged in the community, emphasizing the value of volunteering or other initiatives to help others. I shall look into that. I saw there is a sanga not to far from where I live in Groningen, so that could be an option.

    Is this also the sanga you attend to?


  • edited July 2010
    Hi Dirk,

    No, I go to the Open Heart Sangha in Bergen (N-H). It really inspires me and helps me in my practice. It is exactly as you say, TNH' s engaged buddhism is about life; your life and the other' s lives, everything inter-is with everything that is. It is very inspiring to meditate on this together and talk about this in relation to your (daily) life in the sangha. If you' d like to go deeper into this and if you have questions, you can always mail me.

    A lotus for you,
    buddha to be.

  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Welcome Northern Lights :wavey:

    Nickidoodle Jellybean
  • edited July 2010
    Name: Teresita
    Age: 44
    Sign: Taurus
    Hair: Light brown going grey…
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 1.68 m (5’ 6”)
    Weight: 64 kg (141 lb)
    Born: Mexico City
    Live: Mexico City
    Favorite book: I have read so many books! Lots of them are favorites! Love historical fiction.
    Favorite band: Also many and I like almost all genres of music (classical, salsa, indi rock, goatrance, blues,...)
    Favorite food: Mexican! :)
    Favorite movie: Many, but one I have seen many times is Fried green tomatoes
    Favorite color: Blue

    Hello. I am a mother of three (ages 19, 17 and 15), I work on research about ecology and animal production and love to read and to watch movies. I was introduced to Buddhist thinking when I was at college, a friend of mine talked about things that made so much sense to me, but at the moment I didn’t know it was Buddhist philosophy. In 1994 I went with my husband and kids to Berkeley and we lived there for 7 years, oh, how much I loved that place and how much I miss it… but nothing is permanent… There I knew Zen Buddhism at the Berkeley Zen Centre; I could only go on Saturdays when they offered child care during zazen, the meditation has been always difficult for me, but how I loved the talks that went after practice of zazen! The sad part is that I discovered the Centre just a few months before returning to my country... I came back to Mexico on 2001, and went to a great talk on introduction to Buddhism from Casa Tibet, I would’ve loved to go there for continuous practice, but I live in the outskirts of the city…yes, kind of far (mainly because of the traffic) from there. Later I found a Buddhist meditation group nearby home, I liked it a lot and I participated in it while it lasted. I went also to a Diamond Way Buddhism retreat about four years ago. I only meditate when with a group, it is very difficult for me to find the discipline to meditate by myself (there is always so many other things to do!...). And right now I would like to start to be aware and close to the teachings of Buddhism again and lets say… keep on the path to enlightment, so, I am very glad I found this forum where I can keep in contact with other people and maybe find in the community the strength to start the practices of meditation and mindfulness again. And although I was born in a Catholic family, and in a Catholic culture, I have been an agnostic for most of my life.
  • edited July 2010
    Hello all!

    I'm from Michigan and am coming from a Christian background.
    I met a friend who was buddhist and he let me a few books and it completely rocked my world. I've had a rough 9 months or so and the things I've learned and practiced have brought such peace into my life.

    I'm currently overseas but am looking forward to going home and finding a community in my hometown.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Welcome Teresita and soulja*girl :wavey: enjoy the site! :D

    Nickidoodle Jellybean
  • edited July 2010
    Hello, my name is Geoff, and I'm from Kentucky. Just graduated high school, and I'm majoring in music in college (I've been playing viola for about 7 years). I compose music and write poetry (more the former than latter), and I read a lot. I like walking very much, and don't care for sports.

    I was raised a Baha'i and have been looking into and studying religions for maybe 3-4 years. I'm not sure how to describe my outlook regarding religion; it isn't outright disillusionment, but I don't really feel part of one, either. It rather disgusts me to find so many religions operating by blind "faith" (brainwashing, spoonfeeding, whatever you want to call it). I've been attracted to Buddhism and read some books on it, and I've been meditating off-and-on for a while. Getting to a Buddhist gathering at all is nigh impossible right now (that situation will change when I get to college though).

    I don't know what else to say. I'll see you around the boards!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Welcome Geoff :wavey:

    Nickidoodle Jellybean
  • edited July 2010
    Thank you (LOVE N PEACE). I have learned alot about myself these last couple of years. Learning that our thoughts become our reality, happiness begins within and that we are all connected. We should love all things above ourselves.
    I am having an amazing spiritual journey and love the challenges that I face on a daily bases.
  • edited July 2010
    Wellcome Ruth,
    I am also new to here and hoping to meet lots of nice friends x
  • edited July 2010
    Hi Butterfly mama,
    I am new to this forum and Budhism too.
    I also have a mother that chose a man over my son and myself and it hurts so bad. You can move past the anger though, as I am living proof of that.
    Patience and perseverance will be good friends of yours and your spiritual journey will enable you to free those feelings of anger.
    I am here if you want to chat
  • edited July 2010
    Name: Chase
    Age: 24
    Sign: Leo
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Brown but I have seen my eyes change color
    Height: 69 in.
    Weight:No idea
    Born: Orlando,FL
    Live: As above
    Favorite book: The Gunslinger, The Iron Coffin
    Favorite band: changes Daily right now its Ballyhoo and New School Drop Outs both are rock/reggae bands and I also listen to a lot of Metal Bands Testament, Iced Earth, Kreator Morbid Angel, Emperor etc. . .
    Favorite food: Mac N' Cheese
    Favorite movie: ZombieLand, Boondock Saints, The 13th Warrior, Das Boot
    Favorite colour: Red, Blue, and Black

    Where do I start? I was brought up in a christian household. My mother was a non practicing Catholic and my father was a Southern Baptist. My first experience with Buddhism was going into my grandfather's room and finding a statue of Buddha. Years later I found out that my grandfather was indeed a Buddhist. Lately I have been seeking tranquility and a way to overcome my past and become at peace with myself. So over the past few weeks I have been looking into to Buddhism and I have that it just made sense. I am here seeking knowledge and a community to participate in.
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Welcome, Chase! That's pretty cool to find out that your grandfather was a Buddhist! Hope you find some interesting conversation and answers to any questions you're asking here.
  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    edited July 2010
    New member here, I'm glad to have found a forum of active Buddhist discussions. Most general religion forums I've been on have mostly been dominated by Christian topics, so I'm looking forward to participating in more than just religious debates.

    I've been enjoying it so far! Very interesting :)
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Welcome Chase and Mugzy :wavey:

    Nickidoodle Jellybean
  • edited July 2010
    Name: Loz
    Age: 19
    Sign: Aries
    Hair: Strawberry Blonde
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: About 178cm
    Weight: 75kg?
    Born: NZ
    Live: Australia
    Favorite book: I do read a lot, but Flowers in the Attic would be my all time fav.
    Favorite band: Guns N' Roses
    Favorite food: Vegetarian!! (Only food hahah)
    Favorite movie: Almost Famous
    Favorite color: Green at the moment, but it changes constantly.

    Oookay well, I'm not a 'Buddhist' exactly (I hope that's okay), but Buddhism is something that has really started to interest me, and after reading several books and looking it up on the net, I thought I'd join the forum. :) It just makes sense!!

    I think I first found out about Buddhism when I read the book, "How to meditate". It went into a bit of detail on things like attachment, anger, death, emptiness, and I just felt as though it was all so right, like I had known it all my life but it had never been put into words.

    Yesterday I bought an "intro to Buddhism" book, and it was so engaging I've finished it already.

    Anyway, look forward to meeting some of you. Lovely place you have here. :)
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Welcome, Sapphire, it's totally okay that you're not a Buddhist. Lots of folks here aren't. I don't know that I'd put that label on myself, either. But I love the information I gain from these boards and the friendly folks that frequent them. I hope you find the same good experience!
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Welcome, Sapphire and everyone else I've missed. I agree with TreeLuvr that this place isn't about labels but exploration of what Buddhism is and what it means to each of us. You might want to read "The Myth of Freedom" by Chogyam Trungpa also. He is really good at going beneath the surface of the teachings and getting the meat out.

  • edited July 2010
    Name: Robert
    Age: 29
    Sign: Pisces
    Hair: black
    Eyes: brown
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 190
    Born: New Jersey
    Live: Newark
    Favorite book: anything by E.Lynn Harris
    Favorite band: NA
    Favorite food: Soul Food
    Favorite movie: Too Many to list
    Favorite colors: brown, cream, green red, black

    Hello everyone my name is Robert I'm new here I've been looking for a place to call home for a long time I just start looking into Buddhism over the last 2 years I think I found a Temple I would like to visit in NYC but have not went yet just because Buddhism is so deep and I don't know which teaching to follow and what would be good for me. I love the buddhism story-line in the cartton avatar the last airbender I love that carttoon I watch all the season. I think Buddhism is the calling of my heart any info that you could share would be nice or just say hello I'm alway looking to meet new people.
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Hi, Robert! Welcome to the forums! I hope you find a ton of stuff here to help you learn more about Buddhism.
  • edited July 2010
    rl3311 wrote: »
    Name: Robert
    Age: 29
    Sign: Pisces
    Hair: black
    Eyes: brown
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 190
    Born: New Jersey
    Live: Newark
    Favorite book: anything by E.Lynn Harris
    Favorite band: NA
    Favorite food: Soul Food
    Favorite movie: Too Many to list
    Favorite colors: brown, cream, green red, black

    Hello everyone my name is Robert I'm new here I've been looking for a place to call home for a long time I just start looking into Buddhism over the last 2 years I think I found a Temple I would like to visit in NYC but have not went yet just because Buddhism is so deep and I don't know which teaching to follow and what would be good for me. I love the buddhism story-line in the cartton avatar the last airbender I love that carttoon I watch all the season. I think Buddhism is the calling of my heart any info that you could share would be nice or just say hello I'm alway looking to meet new people.

    Hi Robert,
    Welcome, I am new here too and also new to Buddhism. Have a wonderful journey!!
  • edited July 2010
    Hello here. I'm from South Carolina and have been studying Taoism for some time although I have a strong interest in Buddhism as well. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone! :)
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Welcome Tranquilsoul...

    I too studied Taoism before delving into Buddhism, I find in many ways they are quite complimentary...

    I hope your experience on this forum will be as fruitful as mine has been.
  • edited July 2010
    hi! all

    Name: somo
    Age: 47
    Hair: black
    Eyes: brown
    Weight: 171
    Born: Phisanulok

    i'm a new on here and want to know everyone.
  • edited July 2010
    Brief introduction,

    I am Dawn Perri. I currently work as an RN in Sacramento, CA. I am following a path to graduate studies in bioethics. Too many "I"'s ...... but introductions demand them... at least from one as lowly as ........

  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Welcome new members!!
  • edited July 2010
    Name: Najee
    Age: 19
    Sign: Sagittarius
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 140
    Born: Cincinnati, Ohio
    Live: As above
    Favorite book: Tao Te Ching, Tears of the Tiger, and Feng Shui
    Favorite band: N.W.A
    Favorite food: Chow Mein
    Favorite movie: Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift, My baby's daddy, Balzac and the Chinese Seamstress, and Rush hour.
    Favorite colour: Black, Red, Grey, and yellow.

    Xiawu Hao wo de Pengyoumen!

    I am Najee Woods, I was brought up a Roman Catholic since my father association is a Catholic Church. I went to a Catholic junior high school for one year and graduated from a catholic high school. During my time at Purcell Marian (Catholic high school) I started to see "God," as a symbol of Propagandist. In my Freshman year, I converted into three philosophies; Agnostic, atheist, and Buddhism. I was a Buddhist for a year until I converted into Islam because I got robbed. I was Muslim for 3 years until the Summer of 2009; My mom didn't have much income, she lost her car to the bank, and we didn't have much food in the house during the time. During those suffering times, I decided to revert to Buddhism for many reasons; I am tired of suffering, I want my mind to be fully awaken, and I want to experience life fully with the new path. I have been Buddhist for a full year without converting to any other form of religion. I have decided to place myself in the Pure Land Buddhism; but I may need help understanding my branch more :)
  • edited July 2010
    Hello and welcome to all our new members! :)

  • edited July 2010
    pleased to be here
    Hope to be here for a long stay
    I am a buddhist living in cornwall uk
    my biggest wish is to be completly harmless and bring peace to as many people as i can starting with my wife, family and pets
    and of course myself

    may i never do any harmZen%20GPS.jpg
  • edited July 2010
    I am Michael. I want to be a happy person. I want to let go of the things that weigh down my heart, my consciousness, my ability to be a husband and father to the people that love me. They deserve better than what i have offered up to now. I deserve it too. I have "lurked" here for a time and I like what I have read and learned. Thank you for that. I hope to contribute to your enrichment, as you have contributed to mine.
  • PalzangPalzang Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Hi, Michael, and welcome. All beings wish to be happy. The problem is we don't know how to produce the causes that result in true, lasting happiness. Oh, we can be happy for a little while, whether it's after drinking a few beers or getting your paycheck or marrying the one you love. Trouble is, of course, it doesn't ever last very long. The beers wear off and leave you with a hangover, the paycheck gets spent all too fast, the honeymoon ends and you wake up one morning how you ever ended up in bed with this person! Buddhism is the only way I've found to find happiness. It takes a lot of work, yes, but it's worth it. I wish you well on your path and pray that you also may find some happiness in this miserable world, and I think you'll also find that as you gain inner peace and happiness, those around you will feel it and also be happier.

    Love the Zen GPS, Daniel!

  • edited July 2010
    Name: Frank
    Age: 39
    Sign: Libra
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 254 pounds
    Born: Scotland
    Currently: Scotland
    Favorite color: Green
    Favorite band: Have a varied choice in music
    Favorite food: Italian, Indian as well as local
    Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption
    Favorite book: Touching The Void (By Joe Simpson)

    Where do i start... Like a lot of people on here i was brought up in the Catholic faith. But i never really practiced like my Grandmother and Mother. Thankfully i wasnt pushed into a religion and thankfully been allowed to choose my own spiritual path. I have also found that lately i have been quite an angry person. I dont know why but i feel that i have a lot of built up anger inside for no apparent reason. I am hoping that finding my right spiritual path in life will help me find out what is causing this anger and even help me get rid of it

    I am happily married with two beautiful girls aged 5 and 18 months. Since the birth of my first child i have noticed that there was something big missing in my life and i beleive it is my spiritual path in life.

    I have never taken on board the god/diety worship that comes with the whole christian/pagan religions and have been searching to see if i am comfortable with any religion out there.

    Then i came across an article on Buddhism in The National Geographic magazine. After reading the article i read it again right away and found that something had connected with me especially the bit about Buddhism being used in prisons and the way it helped prisoners change there way of life. Another thing that struck me was the fact that Buddha was a living person that walked the earth and that Buddhism itself is actually a way of life and not a religion and that it encourages you to ask questions about your faith rather than take someones word and believe it.

    Since reading the article i have started to poke round on the internet but have been quite cautious about what i have taken on board. I am planning on trying to get to a local sangha. Hopefully i will get a lot of questions answered there and this will be a great starting point.


  • edited July 2010
    Good luck to you Frank. And Welcome!
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited July 2010
    hoy y'all :D

    Nickidoodle Jellybean
  • edited July 2010
    Name: Shaina
    Age: 17
    Sign: Aires
    Hair: Blonde
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 110
    Born: San Antonio, Texas
    Live: San Antonio
    Favorite book: Natsuo Kirino's books
    Favorite band: i have a lot
    Favorite food: sushi
    Favorite movie: Candy, The Dark Knight, Scary Movie series, Borat
    Favorite colour: Black, blue

    Hi I'm Shaina, I was raised Christian but never really felt like it was the right faith for me. In the past few years I started looking into Buddhism and recently converted. I've come to the forum to learn more about Buddhism and meet some new people :)
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Velkum Shaina

    Nickidoodle Jellybean
  • edited July 2010
    hi there, my name is chryssa, new to the site and really want to know more about buddhism thru people's experiences.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Welcome Chryssa :wavey:

    Nickidoodle Jellybean
  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Welcome to all the newest members here!
  • JakbobJakbob Explorer
    edited July 2010
    Hello "newbuddhist" :)
    Hello one and all,

    My name is Jake. I'm 16 and recently have come across Buddhism. I was "raised" catholic but I don't follow the belief of the Church and don't participate in masses either. I've questioned my beliefs for a little while but I've been very mellow about it so as to not cause uneeded worry or panic on myself if I couldn't figure it out right away. At one point I said, "Right now I just don't need faith in my life" and I was okay with that. I don't believe in certain aspects of other religions but do for some others. (I pick and choose ) I had determined at one point that I was a Unitarian Universalist, but found that to be lacking because it offered no real spiritual comfort except act as a form of classification on myself. (Cop-out if you will) I did not want that. My beliefs are a mix of a few religions with some of my own thrown in. I don't know if I will name them now so I do not offend others but I can say Buddhism does include parts of it. I have been a vegetarian for almost a year (prior to even looking into Buddhism), and believe in peace and unity between all peoples. I hope I can learn a lot from this forum and engage in great discussions. Maybe this is the path for me, maybe not. But it doesn't mean I can't learn a great deal from it. Thank you ~

    P.S- I'm sorry if this is not in the right section, still new here but I thought it appropriate to do a 'introduction' thread first.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2010
    Jakbob, what a lovely post!
    It's great to meet you bud, welcome to the forum.

    (PS: Don't worry about the other thread. I swept it up, picked it up with the dustpan and brush, and tipped it into the trash can. No harm done!):D

    Fancy a drink?
    I make a great cappuccino!
  • JakbobJakbob Explorer
    edited July 2010
    federica wrote: »
    Jakbob, what a lovely post!
    It's great to meet you bud, welcome to the forum.

    (PS: Don't worry about the other thread. I swept it up, picked it up with the dustpan and brush, and tipped it into the trash can. No harm done!):D

    Fancy a drink?
    I make a great cappuccino!

    Thank you for your warm welcoming. :o This seems to be a very nice community. I barely begun my studies in Buddhism but I hope to learn a lot. It's possible that some of the morals I had already applied in my life could be also Buddhist related, but there is surely more to be learned :p I would like to ask, where is a good starting point? It seems like a silly question, but I liked to study the philosophy, the different types, explanations, anything really :). Me loves philosophy :o
    Thank yous ~
  • edited July 2010
    Welcome Jakbob. I am impressed by you. I wish I were as thoughtful at 16! May you find the answers you seek. Then, may you find new questions.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited July 2010
    Welcome Jakbob :D I sincerely hope you have a great time here :wavey:

    Nickidoodle Jellybean
  • edited July 2010
    Hi guys. I'm so happy to have found this forum where I can exchange opinions with other buddhists and I'm so fortunate, really can't emphasize that enough, so fortunate to have stumpled upon buddhism, gaining interest in it and started practicing it.
    I'm new. Very new. I started meditating a week ago. Well, truth to be told I had some interest in buddhism a year ago but I gave up on it early, guess back then I didn't have much more interest in than in any other religion.

    However right now...this is it. Buddhism is something I will live my life by.
    Just a week ago, I was miserable. Had a long period of just feeling depersonalized, depressed, full of fear, just awful. However as soon as I started meditating things started getting better. My self awareness got much better. I will continue meditating, reading about buddhism etc. It's a great thing and it really helps. Peace to u all.
  • NamelessRiverNamelessRiver Veteran
    edited July 2010
    I'm glad that you are being able to find such joy in Buddhism. :-)

    What books on Buddhism are you reading?
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited July 2010
    hello and welcome mr new guy :p glad to hear you have gotten yourself out of your 'down period.' It is inevitable as you know, to get out of it. It will pass just as it had arisen :)

    I have done something similar to you my friend, I gained an interest in buddhism about a year ago and gave up on it for the majority. I couldn't make myself meditate or concentrate, but I kept some things in mind such as compassion, honesty and karma.
    About a few weeks ago I started up again FULLY and I feel better for it already. One thing that really helped me and is helping me even in this moment is a selection of talks given my en english monk living in aus named ajahn brahm. He is truly inspiring and it really helps to listen to these wise and compassionate people. He gives a new talk every friday, but there are all of the talks on there spanning 2 years maybe, here's the link

    But it is great you have gained some enthusiasm and direction, some motivation. Stay on the dharma train because it is about the journey and not the goal :)

    regards, tom
  • edited July 2010
    Chill wrote: »
    Hi guys. I'm so happy to have found this forum where I can exchange opinions with other buddhists and I'm so fortunate, really can't emphasize that enough, so fortunate to have stumpled upon buddhism, gaining interest in it and started practicing it.
    I'm new. Very new. I started meditating a week ago. Well, truth to be told I had some interest in buddhism a year ago but I gave up on it early, guess back then I didn't have much more interest in than in any other religion.

    However right now...this is it. Buddhism is something I will live my life by.
    Just a week ago, I was miserable. Had a long period of just feeling depersonalized, depressed, full of fear, just awful. However as soon as I started meditating things started getting better. My self awareness got much better. I will continue meditating, reading about buddhism etc. It's a great thing and it really helps. Peace to u all.

    Welcome--to this community, and to Buddhism!

    I, too, feel very fortunate to have found this path. It is among the wisest of all paths, and a great gift to those who find it. As the Dhammapada says:
    "The awakened are few and hard to find.
    Happy is the house where a man awakes.
    Blessed is his birth.
    Blessed is the teaching of the way.
    Blessed is the understanding among those who follow it,
    And blessed is their determination.
    And blessed are those who revere
    The man who awakes and follows the way.
    They are free from fear.
    They are free.
    They have crossed over the river of sorrow."
    Good for you, turning to meditation in a time of difficulty! Meditation is a powerful tool, and you should practice it as often as you can.

    Enjoy your journey! :)
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