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NewBuddhist Member Introductions



  • @zenpocalypse :wavey: welcome, i like your username!

    big hello and welcome to all new members :buck:
  • Hi from the UK. I've been interested in Buddhism for 10 years now (reading books etc) but it's only been in the last few months that I've realised that I actually want to "practice" I don't know which path to follow yet although there are two Buddhist centres within an hours drive from me they have both had some bad press and that's made me a little concerned......but I think I will go and check them both out then make up my mind for myself. I look foward to asking lots of questions so be warned.
  • :wavey:
    Welcome @Rainbow! Nice name too... who doesn't love a rainbow? Glad to have you here. I hope you get some good insight on your questions. Ask away!
  • Name: Lindsey
    Age: 29
    Sign: Gemini
    Live: Maine
    Occupation: Stay at home mom, writer
    Favorite book: House of Spirits by Isabel Allende
    Favorite food: Italian
    Favorite color: Green

    I have been mentally out of control most of my life. Typical tragic stories about alcoholic father, dysfunctional (loving) family, sudden loss of dad in a house fire, abusive relationships, codependency issues, failed relationships, moved a lot, had an amazing daughter with a boyfriend I didn't know that well (although we are still together 3 years later - good sign). I recently began attempting Vipassana meditation that was introduced to me by a family friend, who is coincidentally Buddhist. I learned about the basics of Buddhism in high school and was intrigued. However, my life was apparently not ready for the change then. I believe it is ready now. The meditation is calming and quieting my mind, though it is obvious I need more of it more consistently. I am hoping to become a parent my daughter can look up to and raise her in a way that does not leave her as chaotic as I was for so long. I need help being quiet sometimes, but enjoy it when I can be. I am trying to navigate my way around this amazing religion and bring it into every aspect of my life. I practice yoga on a daily basis and have a goal of being a yoga teacher to bring peace into more people's lives once I am healthier and more grounded.
  • Hi @lindsea, it sounds like you have been through a lot in your life but are making good choices and moving in a positive direction. Keep it up! Your goals are definitely attainable so don't get discouraged.

    Enjoy the forum :wavey:
  • Name: Vicki
    Age: 24
    Sign: I don't like my western sign, it says i'm overly emotional I'M NOT! lol Eastern sign is a tiger though...rawr
    Hair: Yup and its true colour is well hidden under black colouring
    Eyes: Dark green
    Height: 5ft 5
    Weight: Umm round the 9 stone area
    Born & Live: I was born in scotland but i live in southern spain most of the time
    Occupation: Mum/Student/Entrepreneur
    Favorite book: Anybody out there, Out & memoirs of a geisha
    Favorite band: Anything thats half decent
    Favorite food: Most chinese meals...or eggy bread if i can't be bothered cooking
    Favorite movie: Spirited away or Battle royale
    Favorite colour:Red

    Hi everybody!

    As i said my name is vicki, At the moment i'm living in the east coast of scotland but heading back to spain soon ( i really don't like the cold weather anymore)

    I've always been interested in Buddhism since i can remember and have read many books on the subject. Religion has never played any part of my life and i would say that it plays no part in my family either. My family members all believe in a Christian sort of set up but they don't speak about it, and are not church goers. The Jehovah's stopped calling as did the Mormons as i wouldn't stop asking questions, I wasn't being rude i just wanted to learn lol

    While i don't consider myself to be a Buddhist i try to live by the basic percepts and can honestly say my life is better this way. I'm happier than others i seen on a daily basis and i have less than them in a material sense but possibly more to share, if you know what i mean.

    I haven't chosen a path yet, but i would like to become a practising buddhist, there are some questions i'd like to ask and i was looking for someone with a fountain of knowledge to help me!!

  • Welcome @littleKotara :wavey: Please feel free to ask as many questions as you like. Just be aware that the majority of members are beginners like you, so if you're looking for a "fountain of knowledge" you may have to find a qualified teacher in real life, not the internet. I hope you find what you are searching for!
  • Name: Collin
    Age: 17
    Sign: Libra
    Hair: Dirty Blonde
    Eyes: Light Brown
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 150 lbs
    Born: Missouri
    Live: As above
    Favorite book: The Cry of The Icemark, 100 Years of Solitude
    Favorite band: AFI, My Chemical Romance, Blue Foundation
    Favorite food: Cheese Pizza, Fried Rice
    Favorite movie: Stranger Than Fiction, Running With Scissors
    Favorite color: Blue

    Nice to meet everybody, I'm Collin. I've been interested in Buddhism for about a year and have self-educated a lot. I'll probably just be a bystander for awhile until I become experienced in my own practice. I'm a Junior in high school. I'm gay and have known this since a young age. I'm grateful for sites like this and all of you out there. :)

    Nice to meet everyone,
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    Hey Collin, Welcome to the site...
  • Welcome Meg! I can totaly relate to your religious situations. Except my turn off was when the church my parents made me attend decided to ban gays from church and I decided there was too much hypocracy. I've always loved eastern philosophy so since then I've read up on everything from Buddhism to Toa to Shinto to Jainism and prefer Theravada. I haven't been able to find a monostary nearby and really wish to seek out a techer. I live in suberban Minnesota and will be going to the Twin Cities for college. Any advice? The school doesn't offer any student organizations and strictly prohibits a lot of my practices...
  • I am young enough to rebel and old enough to know better ...

    Favorite book: Me
    Favorite band: The songs in your heart
    Favorite food: Living
    Favorite color: Black

    Look up the Phoenix, lotus flower and ankh and their meanings; within these you will find me, as mist, shifting from one to an other.

    I look forward to knowing you ...
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    Welcome to the forum Sage.
  • hey! I am very excited to be part of this community!

    Name: Pat
    Age: 21
    Favorite book: The Life of Pi, Never Die Easy
    Favorite band: Michael Franti, O.A.R., Dave Matthews, Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers
    Favorite food: Pizza :)
    Favorite movie: Good Will Hunting, Invictus

  • SeMichSeMich Explorer
    Hello. New to the path here, excited to learn and share.

    Age: 28
    Nationality: American
    Occupation: Attorney
    Sign: Irrelevant :-)
    Favorite Food: Thai
    Last Nonfiction Book Completed: Confessions of a Buddhist Atheist, by Stephen Batchelor
    Last Fiction Book Completed: Revelation Space, by Alastair Reynolds
    Last Movie Watched: Salt (2010)
    Currently Reading: The Inner Tradition of Yoga, by Michael Stone; Buddhism Plain and Simple, By Steve Hagen; Rebel Buddha, by Dzogchen Ponlop; No Death No Fear, by Thich Nhat Hanh; The Beginner's Guide to Zen Buddhism, by Jean Smith; Redemption Ark, by Alastair Reynolds; A Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin, various others
    Next Cinema Movie Planning to See: Battle: Los Angeles (This Friday)
    Other Notable Things: Gay, yoga beginner, quitting smoking, non-drinker, liberal

    Looking forward to hearing from you all
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    Welcome both cavs12 & SeMich!
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Hi everyone. I’m Vincent, currently living in Colorado Springs, although originally from New York State and lived most of my adult life in Virginia. I was raised as a Methodist, then became a Catholic…the problem there being the requirement of confession…not because I personally fear to do it, but because since it is a Catholic requirement in order to “go to heaven”, that means that those who don't confess to a Catholic priest -- most of the world -- can't go to heaven…that is exclusionary and I cannot accept it.

    In the mid-1980s I began visiting Thailand (for all the right reasons), was introduced to Thai Theravada Buddhism, and have long considered myself a Buddhist/Christian (or perhaps a Christian/Buddhist?). I don't believe that any of the great religions have all the wisdom or all the answers to the great questions man has always asked. Two years ago, after retiring, I went to live in Thailand, and spent a great deal of time visiting many temples. All was going well in Thailand until demonstrations turned into anarchy (and then virtual martial law) last May, and in June I returned to the States.

    I have been keeping up on Thai Buddhist thought on the Buddhism forum on, but recently have become very disillusioned with the discussions there. In fact, the longer I remained on the forum, the more I questioned the wisdom of Buddhism. I was disturbed by the inability of many in that forum to differentiate between what they described as the science of Buddhism and what was really pure faith (nothing wrong with faith…I have great faith…but I think I know the difference between faith and scientific belief); that much of what was being expressed was not that much different than what fundamental Christians and fundamental Muslims were pushing (e.g., if you don’t believe what I believe you’re not a real Buddhist); and, of the various schools of Buddhism, only Theravada Buddhism was “real”. In addition, one of the two thaivisa moderators on the Buddhism forums ruled by pure whim.

    So here I am, seeking a more positive and open-minded forum that can accept the positive aspects of the various schools of Buddhism, hoping to expand my understanding of wise principles from the various schools of Buddhism, and hoping to refresh my faith in the wisdom of Buddhism while remaining open to wisdom found in other religions.
  • ...I ... then became a Catholic…the problem there being the requirement of confession…not because I personally fear to do it, but because since it is a Catholic requirement in order to “go to heaven”, ...
    That's not my understanding. Can you give a source for that view?

  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited March 2011
    @vinlyn, Welcome to NewBuddhist!

    @cranreuch, Please take that to Private Messages, we don't want to turn this thread into a debate, it's one of the few not intended for debate. :)
  • My name is Bowie. Living in Singapore, does anyone lives in Singapore too? I'm 16 this year and would like to learn more about Buddhism. And was once a taoist, more into buddhism now.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    @Bowie, USA here. They say the Tao speaks of the same reality that the Buddha spoke of, so I'm not surprised you've gone from one to the other! Welcome to the forum!
  • @Cloud, Thanks :) I chose Buddhism as Buddhism is more like saving even the evil sprits, enlightening them. But from my perspective of Taoism, its more like Destroying the sprits, was a Taoist cause my parents was Taoist, til i read more about buddhism, i chose Buddhism. :)
  • Hi there!
    My name is Jodie....but everyone calls me Blongs. I'm 41 year old woman and I live in Gippsland, Australia. I have 4 children...holly 23, Tayla 18 (with my first husband)...and a son, Kai, 4 years and a new 18 week old baby girl, Piper. I am currently a stay at home Mum......and I'm loving being home with my babies, I am lucky to have this time with them. They will be grown and gone before I know it, so I treasure it. In my pre-mum days I worked in the mental health area for many many years.....I was also a singer and had my 15 minutes of fame.....and found out that I didn't really care for it! I run a community women's music group which is heaps of fun.....and I'm LOVING! the yoga that I have started and wish to keep exploring this. My husband is a buddhist and has been for many years......I guess i've always had buddhist beliefs but didn't know what to name them. I have a thirst to learn more, but it's hard here in this small country town....not many buddhists around here, thats for sure! I would love to learn all that I can.I'm new to this site and hope to get some advice from those more experienced and to make some on-line friends with the same beliefs. Hope to chat with you soon. xx
  • Name: Shanel
    Age: 24
    Sign: Leo
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 152.4cm
    Weight: 65-75 kg
    Born: Altus,OK USA
    Live: Atlanta,GA USA
    Favorite book: 1984, Parable of the Sower
    Favorite band: No earthly idea…it varies
    Favorite food: Anything from Café Sunflower
    Favorite movie: Pan’s Labyrinth, Fight Club, The Fifth Element
    Favorite colour: Yellow

    I have been interested in Buddhism since I was around 10 but growing up ‘southern baptist’ made it a little difficult. I managed to avoid baptism and regular attendance and to research on my own. Though I consider myself to be Buddhist I have no friends who are. I have not attended a temple of any kind and I am a little torn between which tradition to follow. Any assistance or knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

    I look forward to getting to know you and speaking to you soon.
  • I think we should keep this thread going. So bump!
  • I saw a fair amount of people using this format, so I'll try it out... :)

    Name: Megan
    Age: 26
    Sign: Cancer
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 5'4
    Born: Worcester, MA
    Currently: Boston, MA
    Favorite color: Green
    Favorite band/musicians: PJ Harvey, Oasis, Deadmau5
    Favorite food: Tofu Masaman Curry with Jasmine Rice. :D
    Favorite movie: Babel, Sylvia, Me And You And Everyone We Know
    Favorite book: The Bell Jar-Sylvia Plath, Lolita-Nabokov, and anything by Joyce Carol Oates

    So, my name is Megan and I'm from Massachusetts (as laid out above...). I was born and raised Catholic, but began exploring all other faiths as a teenager. Catholicism never "fit" me completely and I knew that something out there would.

    I came to start learning about Buddhism because my older brother had an interest in it and anything that he was interested in, I automatically became intrigued by. I did a lot of reading, but nothing beyond that, and then college studies consumed all of my time. Now that I'm working and married, my life has slowed down to the extent that I am able to actually start searching more deeply.

    Last week I went to my first meeting at a Tibetan Buddhist Center in the city and loved it. Since then, I've been reading non-stop and eagerly looking forward to this Tuesday night's gathering/practice.

    I am ecstatic to being posting at this forum and meeting other new Buddhists and learning even more! :)

  • CloudCloud Veteran
    Welcome Megan!

    By the way @Arjquad, this thread doesn't bump. It's an "announcement" type thread in the Buddhism for Beginners section, so it's always on top there... but it doesn't bump on the homepage, so no need.
  • Ah well I didn't see that since I use my iPod and I never see it on the list so I wasn't sure. Sorry
  • Greetings to all. My name is Brandon, I'm 23, from Southern California, and I recently started reading about Buddhism and becoming interested in it. I grew up in a Christian household which was pretty lax. When I was about 14 or 15, I decided to become an Atheist. I was an Atheist for about 7 years before I recently started reading about Buddhism. I came across this site while searching for more information about Buddhism, and hopefully I can learn more, be informed, and take the necessary steps to become a Buddhist (if there is such a thing) I have a few questions though: can Atheism and Buddhism go hand-in-hand, and is Buddhism a religion, a philosophy, or both?

    Thank you.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    Welcome xRA! Buddhism is whatever you use it for, since it has such widely varying forms. You'd have to be looking at a specific school/tradition of Buddhism in order to get specific answers, but in general it's not about what we can't know; it's about what we can know (about ourselves and everything we experience in life).
  • Let me tell you something! My name's dirt dawg ain't no frontin!

    Name: Bruce
    Age: 28
    Sign: sagittarius
    Hair: black
    Eyes: brown
    Height: 176cm
    Weight: 75 kg
    Born: Tianjin, China
    Live: Auckland, New Zealand
    Favorite book: (back then) Dune, (now) "The Rabbit's Horn, a commentary on the platform sutra"
    Favorite band: (back then) alot, (now) Don't specifically listen to music anymore
    Favorite food: vegetables and rice
    Favorite movie: (back then) way too much horror, anime and "deep psychological" movies, (now) don't really watch movies anymore (although "The Book of Eli" is pretty mean
    Favorite colour: black and white

    Was a deluded individual entangled in a world of entertainment, pop culture, political views, music, computer games, alcohol and drugs. Now I practice Mahayana Buddhism with emphosis on Ch'an and Pureland practices.

    Feeling much better now :)
  • I am another newbie.
    Lets just say I am 66 going on 16 and at my age & sag being a mother type is better then my body type. Love all sorts of foods and am a self studied Buddhist. That's why I am here: To start learning the right way. Met the Dali Lama's interpreter yrs.ago & had a wonderful chat & been a believer ever since.
  • Hi all,
    I'm a new member to this site....thanks for having me

  • Name: Ella
    Age: 14 (kinda young):p
    Sign: Leo (although i dont think im very leoish)
    Hair: Brownish goldenish
    Eyes: Green/Grey
    Height: 5ft 3 1/2
    Weight: I have no idea!
    Born & Live: Canada, BC
    Occupation: High school :crazy:
    Favorite book: Love the classics!
    Favorite band: The Beatles are cool!
    Favorite food: Almost everything! (except meat!)
    Favorite movie: Oh, where to begin! There's so many!
    Favorite colour: Purple (NOT because of justin beiber!)

    I used to be a very materialistic gossipy girly-girl. After a while, I kinda realized that my life was missing meaning. I didn't have any religion or philosophy so I started some research. I tried out several faiths (Including Christianity for a while) which did not work for me. Then one day I was watching the Simpsons episode where Lisa becomes a buddhist. I liked the sound of buddhism so after that I read 4 books on it and tried some meditation, and i loved both. I have only been at it for only a few months and am excited to learn more! :)
  • I am called Amanda. I've been "alive" for fifteen years, I'm from Toronto, ON and life is like a box of chocolate dynamites. At this age, you never know what you're going to get, but hey! It's most likely going to blow up into a big dwelling that will cause you insecurity, and restlessness, and desperation. I may not have many obligations, direct responsibilities and conflicts, but I sure do have an unsound mind that is in great need of tuning. You may notice that I speak very generally about my disposition, but this is because I am like any teenager. Confused, naive, egotistical (at this point, presumably) Except, I seek a Real solution; tranquility and peacefulness through meditation. Life can be too beautiful to be rushed, and it is apparent that it is made haste in our chaotic and delusional society. I am here to absorb information and wisdom and meditate on such through a just, and unclouded mentality. I seek technique, advice, perspectives, and ultimately: happiness in it's truest form, granted from within. I know very little of Buddhism, but I have prevailing interest and sort of nostalgia to the practice. At this point, I have to learn a lot. I will do so tenaciously.
  • Now that I see some of us are sharing our zodiac signs, I would like to do so also:

    In western astrology: Aquarius moon, Aries Ascendant, Cancer sun.
    In Vedic astrology: Aquarius ascendant, Aquarius moon.
    In Chinese astrology: The wooden Pig.

    Astrology has been getting to me recently, however. I am a true believer in free will, and the power of our own minds... But there has been continuous congruency in astrology, which has me scanning the world around me in the back of my mind, through the astrological perspective. I wish to liberate myself in the act of living in the now, for in doing so, there is no destiny.
  • Now that I see some of us are sharing our zodiac signs, I would like to do so also:

    In western astrology: Aquarius moon, Aries Ascendant, Cancer sun.
    In Vedic astrology: Aquarius ascendant, Aquarius moon.
    In Chinese astrology: The wooden Pig.

    Astrology has been getting to me recently, however. I am a true believer in free will, and the power of our own minds... But there has been continuous congruency in astrology, which has me scanning the world around me in the back of my mind, through the astrological perspective. I wish to liberate myself in the act of living in the now, for in doing so, there is no destiny.
  • Howdy, y'all!

    Name: Justin
    Age: 17
    Sign: Taurus
    Hair: Dark Blonde
    Eyes: Bright Blue
    Height: 5'9.5''
    Weight: 180 lbs
    Born: Colorado, USA
    Live: Texas, USA
    Occupation: Student
    Favorite book: Fahrenheit 451
    Favorite band: Coldplay
    Favorite food: Pasta!!
    Favorite movie: V for Vendetta
    Favorite colour: Green
  • To all you teenagers interested in Buddhism! Congradulations! If you truly practice you will avoid alot of suffering in life and avoid developing many bad habits that will trouble you later! Just like smoking, start em early so you get into a GOOD habit sooner rather than later!

  • Name: Rob
    Age: 17, about to be 18
    Sign: Gemini
    Hair: Really anything, I had it long, then short, now I'm kinda in between.
    Eyes: Shifts between blue and green. Worthy of compliments from what I hear.
    Height: Probably really close to 5'6" even though my license says 5'7"
    Weight: On average, 115 lbs. I'm trying to gain weight though.
    Born: Location? Alabama. Day? May 24.
    Currently: Mobile, AL
    Favorite color: Recently, Orange has had my attention. It's just something that catches the eye quicker.
    Favorite band: I would have to say KoRn. Not the cheeriest bunch, but they help me realize that I have an enjoyable life, and that there are people out there who could really use my help as a kind person.
    Favorite food: Anything edible. I always enjoy Italian.
    Favorite movie: I'm not one for movies. I enjoy Romantic Comedies and Action/Adventure though.
    Favorite book: Probably the Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks. It's a great Fantasy series that I loved.

    I got into Buddhism kind of recently. Before, I was Catholic, but wasn't able to continue going to church due to difficulties with distance. I then began going to Baptist churches, but didn't enjoy youth groups, and could never really apply myself without feeling awkward. I eventually switched schools to one with a larger atheist base, which challenged many Christian beliefs. The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't enjoy following Christianity. I don't know what pulled me towards Buddhism other than a desire to find out what it was about. After learning about it, I'm all for it.

    Well there's my religious story. I enjoy having conversations, but haven't quite found a place that could fulfill that desire like an old forum I used to frequent. After reading just a few posts here, I can easily say that I'm glad to join and can't wait to make some new friends.

    Bis bald!
  • Hey all! I'm Sam (Mind Zenith will do!) from Australia. I'm a Nichiren Buddhist who's independent of any sects, but I'm liable to join something like Nichiren-Shu or even Rissho-Kosei Kai (for those Nichiren nerds out there) if they were in my area (or continent).

    I live near the Nan Tien Temple if anyone's ever heard of that. My buddhist social circle is unfortunately small however, so signing up to this forum seemed to be the best idea!

    If anyone wanted to ask a question, feel free to PM me!

  • Hello, new community! Thanks for having me! I'm happy to be here and excited to start learning from you all.
    I'm an MBA grad student in the San Francisco Bay Area and love it here.

    When I was a kid I had a dream to become an astronaut, but now I see it as a symbol and reminder of the connectedness of our universe. Well, and to live long and prosper. ;)
  • Hello everyone! :D

    Name: Gretchen
    Age: 25
    Sign: Virgo
    Hair: Light Brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 4' 11"
    Weight: I fluctuate, but I try to keep it at 128 lbs.
    Born: Iota, LA
    Currently: Same place
    Favorite color: Shades of blue
    Favorite food: Momma's spaghetti! I also enjoy hibachi.
    Favorite book: The Hunger Games, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, Memoirs of a Geisha

    I'm very new to Buddhism! I look forward to making new friends and learning new things on this site. :)
  • Age: 33
    Hair: Shoulderlength light brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5f 7in
    Weight: 11 stone
    Born: Location? Kent England Birthday 14th Oct
    Currently: London
    Favorite color: Purple and pea green (not together!)
    Favorite band: The Smiths
    Favorite food: Italian, Indian, er everything really!
    Favorite movie: Apollo 13, Shawshank,
    Favorite book: Far too many to mention

    Hi all,

    Been Buddhism "curious" for about 5 years. Been reading the odd book here and there over the last few years but over the last few months I've started reading something daily to try and learn more and I've also started to meditate. I don't seem to find the time to meditate as often as I'd like as I work 12 hour days and have a young daughter too! But do it when I can. Just wish I could do it more!. Really enjoying this forum! Thanks

  • Lazy_eyeLazy_eye Veteran

    I've been reading this site for years, and joined some time ago but have yet to post. Figured this is as good a time as any to start, it being spring and all...

    Name: Rob
    Age: 44
    Sign: Leo
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 5 ft 7 in
    Weight: 175 lbs (US)
    Occupation: editor at an IT firm
    Born: Chicago IL
    Live: Maryland
    Favorite book: changes often; currently "The Goldilocks Dilemma" by Paul Davies
    Favorite music: Shostakovich, Schumann, Borodin, Miles Davies, Faye Wong
    Favorite food: grilled portabella mushrooms, pref. marinated in balsamic
    Favorite movie: Yi Yi, North by Northwest, Notorious, Lola (Jacques Demy), Babette's Feast, Wings of Desire
    Favorite colour: Blue

    I would describe myself as a "student of Buddhism". Had a fairly regular meditation practice going for awhile, but have dropped off lately. These days I mostly focus on applying the teachings to my daily life and interactions.

    Good to meet everyone!

  • mugzymugzy Veteran
    Welcome all new members! :wavey:
  • Hello there. I'm bad at introductions, so here goes.

    Name: Christopher
    Age: 35 (36 next Saturday)
    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Brown
    Favorite Band: Too numerous to list.
    Hobbies: Fish keeping, model building, and cooking dinner for the wife and son.

    I came here looking for ways to learn to deal with my anger better. I'm classified as an Acute Type I Bi-Polar with severe mania with violent tendencies. It is not how I want to go through life because my anger hasn't gotten me to where I would like to be. It's caused me pain, anguish, and on an emotional level, has stifled my ability to grow. So I decided to stick my nose in, liked what I found, realized I may never be a true pacifist, but not wanting to start a fight with someone who talks too loud on their cell phone is definitely a step in a more peaceful direction.
    Lots to read, learn, study, and meditate upon, but, for the little time I've spent dealing with Buddhism with any seriousness, things are changing for the good.
    Any further questions, go ahead and PM me as I love a good conversation.

    Nice to meet you all, and best to you,
  • Name: Jake
    Age: Information classified
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Brown
    Favorites: Calmness, happiness
    Dislikes: Being confused
    Why I joined: Confused

    I came here because I have just started following Japanese Zen Buddhism. Since I started looking into my mind a bit more, things started to get a bit confusing.
  • AmidaAmida Explorer
    Name: Jeremy
    Age: 31
    Sign: Gemini
    Hair: Dark Brown
    Eyes: Brown/Green
    Height: About 6 Foot
    Weight: 215 lbs.
    Born: Michigan, USA
    Live: Michigan, USA
    Occupation: Laborer
    Favorite book: Dhammapada/Tao Te Ching, etc.
    Favorite composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
    Favorite food: Pizza
    Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption
    Favorite color: Sky Blue

    I was raised in a Christian home, and was a devout Christian for many years. I came to accept Evolution as true and began to question all extraordinary claims, which have no evidence. With this, I lost faith in the extraordinary claims of the Bible. I didn't lose faith altogether, as I had experiences, but now I'm searching for the real nature of things. I find the Teachings of Buddha, the Tao Te Ching, the Upanishads, and the words of Jesus when taken out of Christianity's context to sound some truth. Now, I find myself with Pilate, asking, "What is truth?"

  • I guess I'll follow the format of the other new comers.

    Name: George Waites
    Age: 18
    Sign: Never seen the value in them, so I don't actually know my own sign.
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 155lbs
    Born: England, Hertfordshire
    Currently: England, Hertfordshire
    Favorite Band: Nirvana (no irony intended), Foo Fighters, Deep Purple.
    Favorite color: Green

    My Story So Far...

    Well I'm pretty young so forgive me for not having a wealth of life experience to bring to this forum. Normal up bringing, three older brothers so I know how to look after myself. Never been a religious person, my parents were never openly religious although privately my mother has some interesting claims about Christianity. I dabbled in Christianity myself felt as if it was right and then found myself debating others about it, through that debate I found questions I was unable to answer. Slowly I started doubting and eventually dropped all religious belief, becoming an atheist and arguing for the side I once argued against. I thoroughly enjoyed Philosophy and Ethics in school as debating is not a passion but an interest of mine, I enjoy the challenge.

    Through debating against religion I found Buddhism and immediately knew something was different about it. Before I really knew much about it I found myself conversing with Buddhists over youtube, I watched Buddhist videos with the intention to strike up a debate in the comment section afterwards. But when ever I was contacted by any Buddhist they met me with such politeness and seemingly genuine kindness that it threw me off a little ( Debating with Christians I'm used to being told I will burn in hell ) so this was a little different. I looked into Buddhism more and more but there is such an abundance to learn, so I came here off the recommendation of someone I know to learn more about Buddhism and see if and how it's teachings could fit into my life.
  • I just wanted to say a quick hello to everyone and introduce myself.
    Name: Christiane
    Age: 56
    Born: France
    Currently: USA
    Wife, mother, and grandmother.
    I just started reading about Buddhism about one year ago, and it just seemed to make sense to me.
    I am interested in learning more about it and practicing meditation.
    Thank you for allowing me to learn more through your comments.
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