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NewBuddhist Member Introductions



  • Hello everyone, my name is Krista! I am a single mother of the most loving and beautiful 5 month old baby boy. I have always been intersted in learing about Buddhism but truly just don't even know where to begin!! I have been to many different churches over the years, and nothing has ever really made sense to me. Even just the thought of studying and learing about Buddhism feels 'right' to me and it always has. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I should start. It seems like there are so many different directions.... Are there many different kinds of Buddhism? I need a spiritual guide!! I don't know what I'm doing but I need to start somewhere right? This path just feels SO RIGHT!!!! Someone help me please!
  • Hello.

    My name is Elena. I'm a novelist and mother of two, also, for the past few years, caregiver to my husband who had an unexpected and severe stroke about two years ago.

    I was raised Catholic but did not have a good early experience with that (to be fair, my Catholic friends say my parish was atypical.) My husband was born Jewish though not raised in that faith. Together we have become Unitarian Universalists. It is a denomination that allows us to continue those Jewish and Christian practices that are meaningful to us. Our local UU church offers fantastic religious education, so our children have the opportunity to learn about diverse religions without being coerced into specific beliefs or practices (other than keeping to our basic principles, such as respect and kindness).

    I am interested in Buddhism because I am recovering from burnout from the long crisis of my husband's stroke and recovery (which is still ongoing). Stress has affected my health and only recently have I had time to get back to exercise and journaling. I have also started attending some Buddhist meditations at the UU church. Although my knowledge of Buddhism is limited at this point (and perhaps I may never embrace all of the concepts), I think the emphasis on compassion and meditation are pure gold. The teacher is wonderfully kind. It feels healing just to be around her. Someday, I want to be that sort of person!

    Although my time is still limited, I would like to learn more about Buddhism and its different forms, so that's why I'm here.


  • SabreSabre Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Hi all!

    I subscribed a while ago, but never introduced myself I guess. How rude!

    Been interested in and practiced Buddhism since the moment I decided to be my best friend years ago. ;)

    So here goes. Just to make it easy for myself I put down this list of totally unimportant things which I found on page 1.

    Name: Simon
    Age: 24
    Sign: The guy with the bow and arrow (saggatarius or something?)
    Hair: Yes
    Eyes: Yes
    Height: 1.87
    Weight: 70kg
    Born & Live: Netherlands
    Occupation: Student
    Favorite book: Haven't found it yet
    Favorite band: Sigur Rós
    Favorite food: As long as it is vegetarian it'll probably make me smile.
    Favorite movie: The Fountain (I really recommend this to all of you, great Buddhist attitude in this movie)
    Favorite colour: Gold

    Thanks for this nice forum and those lovely people here. :)

  • Name: Denise
    Age: 19
    Sign: Leo
    Hair: Currently, red.
    Eyes: Green
    Height: 5'5 ft
    Weight: Haven't you learned to not ask women about her weight? ;]
    Born & Live: Germany. Oklahoma, USA ( =[ )
    Occupation: Student
    Favorite book: Harry Potter series, 1984
    Favorite band: Queen
    Favorite food: Anything vegetarian.
    Favorite movie: Right now it's inception.
    Favorite colour: green
  • Hi, My name is Julio I live in los Angeles USA, sometimes I live in Mexico to. I'm 22 have a new baby 3 months old and I would like to put my life in the right direction so I'm really interested in buddhism I have recently started reading about it. I found this website an I hope someone can point me in the right direction to become Buddhist. I really believe in Karma and also if you make something bad it comes back to you, so I have always tried to make good things. This is a start I guess. Hope someone can help me become a Buddhist

  • I probably should have done this before I started posting. Where are my manners? LoL

    Name: Adam
    Age: 25
    Sign: Scorpio/Ox
    Hair: Dark brown
    Eyes: Hazel
    Height: Short
    Weight: Skinny
    Born: Hunstville, AL
    Currently: Mid-Mon Valley, PA
    Favorite color: Green
    Favorite band: This questions sucks. I'm a music nerd, so I can't pinpoint a favorite. However, some of the tops include Subhumans, Conflict, Aus-Rotten, Extinction of Mankind, Ghost Mice, Leftover Crack, GISM, blah blah blah.
    Favorite food: Seafood
    Favorite movie: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
    Favorite book: The Society of the Spectacle

    I was raised by some free-thinking conservative parents. Sounds weird, huh? My father and mother were Christian and Jewish, respectfully. Growing up, I became disenchanted with religion, politics, society...the whole shebang. I was heavily influenced by the local punk rock scene and started a band. :rockon: :rocker: :rockon:

    As I got a little older (and mellowed out a bit), I began studying various different philosophies and religions (mostly as an intellectual pursuit as I wasn't really searching for anything in particular at the time). Buddhism just kind of jumped right out at me and immediately got my attention. I began attending Dhamma classes at a local Thai/Lao Theravadin temple. I travel a lot, too, so in my travels I went to various different Sanghas and groups from many different traditions. Most of them Zen, a few Pureland, others Theravadin, etc.

    Well, now I'm here in PA with no real accessible group in my immediate area. However, once I get the funds for a car that may change as there are some that are a few hours away. Right now, I work at Subway (yes, I'm a "Sandwich Artist", don't remind me) so that may take a while. Also, I'm engaged to a wonderfully beautiful and all-around amazing woman so that also takes up a lot of my time and resources. ;)

    Yeah, there's more to it but I'm sure you get the gist of it.
  • Name: Miranda
    Age: a month away from 18 woooo :cool:
    Sign: Aquarius
    Hair: brownish/redish
    Eyes: brown
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: currently 140ish i got a baby on board :]
    Born: Tucson, AZ
    Currently: Tucson, AZ
    Favorite color: all the colors of the rainbow
    Favorite band: it changes from time to time but pink floyd will always be at the top
    Favorite food: eegees!! :D most likely foregin to you but the best fruit slushie drink eva!
    Favorite movie: hmmmmmm, there are very many different ones but for now i'll just say the cell
    Favorite book: i absolutely love alices adventures in wonderland and what she saw through the looking glass, tim burtons movie was shit! visuals were pretty cool but story line sucked ass!

    well i dont have much of a story to tell, i was baptised catholic and i remember goin to church here and there but honestly i dont know much about it other then give your life to jesus he died for your sins and the whole heaven and hell shabang my family isnt a very religious group of people, we've all been baptised and do easter and what not but never go to church

    i finally finished school and im gonna be goin to college in the next year i dont really have any path to start goin down other then motherhood :) and just take life as it comes
    i've also started doin chakra meditation and so far i really like it and
    im really liking buddhism and its teachings, its breath of fresh air :]
    well guess thats about it :D
  • Name: Tyler
    Age: 20
    Sign: Virgo
    Hair: Dark brown
    Eyes: Hazel
    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 150
    Born: Cary, North Carolina
    Currently: Raleigh, North Carolina
    Favorite color: Dark red, purple.
    Favorite band: Debatable. I try to to have a "favorite band" as every song, artist, or genre that I listen to has it's own individual significance.
    Favorite food: Sushi
    Favorite movie: Lord of the Rings - Series
    Favorite book: Many favorite books! Anywhere from Lord of the Rings to books by Philip Zimbardo or Alan Watts.

    I'm currently a college student here in Raleigh, North Carolina, studying psychology, philosophy, and religion. I was introduced to Buddhism by my writing professor, and after discovering lectures by philosopher Alan Watts, I decided to dig deep into the religion/philosophy of Buddhism.
    I'm still very new to the practice, but I'm trying! It's also rather hard to find a monastery or group retreat around North Carolina (Anyone with knowledge of the area have any suggestions?)

  • edited December 2010
    Namaste and welcome to:


    To Krista & Denise: Suggest you open a thread in "Buddhism for Beginners" with regards to any questions you seek clarity on.
  • Welcome everyone!


    Inception is my favourite movie right now too. It'll probably stay at the top of my list for a very long time. It was absolutely incredible. LOVED it. :)
  • Hello to all- hopefully this is the way to post 'new member introductions'-
    My name is John, I live in Monroe, OH- I've been 'practising' zen since 2008, but decided to be more mindfully serious this coming year. For Christmas this year, I actually purchased a mala to remind me of mindfulness.
    about me:
    married 2 children (my wife does not practice, but is supportive)
    Favorite movie?- too tough to call.
    Favorite TV show?- Twin Peaks
    my story-
    grew up with fundamentalist christian mother and uncle, and non religious father- my father's family is either very religious (protestant, fundamental, pentecostal) or non-religious. I'm definitely the first 'Buddhist'. I try to be mindful when 'religion' comes up in family discussions- my practice is not a 'chip' on my shoulder, I just try to live mindfully. My greatest adversary is myself. Hope to get good insight from everyone. namaste.
  • edited January 2011
    hi all!! about me:

    age- 27, female, cleveland, ohio, complicated relationship, 4 kids, favorite movie- kinda hard- favorite tv show- have to say the office (american version)

    I have been on a search for something more in life for a really long time. for the past 15 years i've been on again/off again practicing yoga and meditation. about 4 years ago i was introduced to buddhism. just in the past year have i been trying to get into things and establish some sort of personal practice. i don't have any "real life" friends that really share the same enjoyment in yoga and meditation and the beauty of buddhism that i do, so that makes things a little hard. looking forward to chatting with all and learning lots! namaste :)
  • Hi John and Verity,

    Welcome! It's lovely to meet you.
  • Hi all. Thought I would join this forum as I would like to learn more about buddhism. Last year my husband & I had a very hard year. We lost a few people & I was in my best head space when I was reading a little about Buddhism. Although my husband didn't read any of it, I think it helped me be more supportive & help put things into perspective. I figure that I may have a few questions to ask down the track & this seems like a friendly place to have have them answered.
  • Name: Anna (aka Ada)
    Gender: F
    Age: 44
    Born: 44 years ago in Kent
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: Too much
    Location: Somewhere in England
    Relationship Status: Civil partnership
    Children: 3
    Occupation: Carer to my autistic son and part-time student (Philosophy)

    I became interested in the Dharma about 5 years ago, having been an evangelical, fundamentalist Christian for many years before that. Initially studied with a Zen sangha in the next city, before switching to a local sangha (Tibetan Kagyu).

    I am currently working towards a Masters Degree in political philosophy with the Open University, and hoping to write commercially. However, my plans went belly-up due to becoming ill with a joint disorder so now I'm just following my nose to see where I'll end up, career-wise.

  • Hi & Welcome to Rach and Anna. :)
  • edited January 2011
  • Good morning everyone. It is time to introduce myself.

    Name: Matt
    Age: 36
    Sign: Virgo (Wood Tiger)
    Hair: Black (with some white shining through)
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 190 lbs
    Born: Illinois, United States
    Live: Quincy, IL
    Occupation: Registered Nurse
    Favorite book: Buddhism without Beleifs, Liberaton in the Palm of your Hand
    Favorite band: Right now I am all about Annie Lennox
    Favorite food: Steak and Potatoes
    Favorite movie: Star Wars (the real one)
    Favorite colour: Purple

    I have gone back and forth with buddhism for the last 7 years. I am still learning, trying to meditate, and deal with my ego.

    My spiritual influences include buddhism, toaism ,paganism, christianity, and others.
  • Hey y'all, quick intro from me. First the list:

    Name: Mike
    Age: 25
    Sign: Fish
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Erm... blue/grey I think
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 65kg
    Born: Lincolnshire, UK
    Live: South Yorkshire, UK
    Occupation: Computer programmer
    Favorite book: No specific book but I like fantasy in general (dragons, orcs etc)
    Favorite band: Too many to list but mostly poetic/spoken word hip-hop and metal atm.
    Favorite food: Thai green curry
    Favorite movie: John Q
    Favorite colour: Black I'd suppose

    I've been interested in Buddhism for a while now finding all of the other belief systems lacking. I'm not convinced by theism (although I do not flatly reject it either) and the ideals and beliefs that I have thus far encountered in Buddhism mesh well with my view on the world (well, most anyway). I quite like the open and questioning nature too.

    My story goes a little like this; Around 5 years ago through means I do not understand and have not been able to replicate I entered a state of extreme peacefulness for about 3 months. I think it was a gradual easing 'in to' and 'out of' this state as I do not recall there being a point when it was there and then it wasn't (or vice versa). My job at the time required intense focus, I was exercising well at the time and I had no troubles, financial or personal and my last recollections of being in this state are a few weeks after leaving my job so I can only presume it was a combination of these things.

    I have since encountered a similar state of mind when I am practicing mindful breathing meditation and I'd like to expand on that to try to bring it more in to my day-to-day life. Everything was truly peaceful and I was the happiest I have ever been. Two specific incidents I remember are as follows.

    I was walking to the train station from my dads house and it started to rain absolute buckets. For some reason though I was totally un-phased. I found it odd at the time and I remember thinking "Why am I not looking for shelter?" but I just kept walking in the rain. I was drenched but completely content.

    The other was that I had bought an MP3 player, quite a large one so that I could carry all of my music with me. It set me back about two weeks wages as they were still quite expensive. About 2 months after I'd bought it it was stolen from my bedroom. I remember noticing it missing and started looking for it. After about an hour of searching and asking my sibilings if they'd had it I concluded it was gone. Now at this point I thought to myself "I should be angry" but the only thing I could think was "Balls. Now I don't have any music.".

    So yeah, thats where I'm at and where I'd like to be.

    (Apologies for the ridiculously long post (but not really)) :D
  • Hi Matt & Mike. Welcome to the forum. :)
  • Hello all, after making a thread and getting a lot of helpful answers I decided I'd stick around a bit so here goes :)

    Most of these answers depend on mood and time of the year so some have multiple answers ^^

    Name: Bram
    Age: 26
    Sign: Scorpio
    Hair: Dark-blonde or something
    Eyes: Grey
    Height: 6'
    Weight: 70kg
    Born: Belgium
    Live: Belgium
    Occupation: System Administrator
    Favorite book: Catch-22, Island
    Favorite band: Radiohead, Muse
    Favorite food: Paella, Scampi with french fries :)
    Favorite movie: American Beauty, Sin City, Into the Wild
    Favorite colour: Blue, most of the time

    I'm not really a buddhist, but I've read alot about buddhism and I find it quite interesting. I'm at a point in my life where I know that I'm changing and I pay attention to alot of that to make sure I change into something good. However it's pretty hard to know what "good" is when all you have is your experiences. You can look to your environment and see how everybody reacts to the change but, just like myself, my environment is flawed. In this point buddhism has helped a lot to be a guideline.
    Typing this it seems strange, to let buddhism have such a big influence on my life since until a couple of years ago I was against everything that tells you how and who you should be. Somehow I don't have that feeling with buddhism.

    So reading these books I ran into a few questions I have about buddhism, which is how I got here. This place looks very interesting and I think reading about what other people have to say can open a lot of perspectives into buddhism.

  • Welcome to the forum, Supertramp. :)
    ........ Typing this it seems strange, to let buddhism have such a big influence on my life since until a couple of years ago I was against everything that tells you how and who you should be. Somehow I don't have that feeling with buddhism. .......
    Buddhism tells us to come and see rather than come and believe. I think this is what makes it so different from other religions.

  • @Supertramp

    I notice you like the book "Island". Is that the one where they're all clones living in an artificial city because they're told the world has been destroyed and they're the survivors? But in reality they're been harvested for body organs?

    If it is, it is interesting you are interested in Buddhism, but samsara is like that film: we're being told one thing (all you can see and touch is real) when in fact the Ultimate Reality is quite different.
  • @Supertramp

    I notice you like the book "Island". Is that the one where they're all clones living in an artificial city because they're told the world has been destroyed and they're the survivors? But in reality they're been harvested for body organs?

    If it is, it is interesting you are interested in Buddhism, but samsara is like that film: we're being told one thing (all you can see and touch is real) when in fact the Ultimate Reality is quite different.
    No that's a movie called island, it wasn't really my cup of tea but it was okay entertainment. :)

    The book is this one:
    A very important part in that book is the fact that we need to pay attention to the here and now, but that's not the only buddhistic influence.

    About samsara, I haven't yet reflected much about this aspect, but is it not so that everything we can see and touch is real, but just influenced by our experiences which make it false? And the ultimate reality is right infront of us but we cannot see it?
  • @supertramp Could I please ask you to ask that question on the Beginner Buddhism forum - I think a lot of people would be interested in the answers other than I can give! Thanks :)
  • Hello Friends!

    I am Jayam2000, a new comer joined with the group. I am a girl in late twenties, currently doing post graduate, Buddhist by the birth and living in a county where majority are Buddhists. But what I realize now is I was a Buddhist by name only for long time. I really started put Lord Buddhas teachings in to practice only few years a go.

    I have read lot of books on Buddhist teaching but mostly in our native language. I started to read Buddhist teaching in English only few years back. I am very interested in wherever the dhamma discussions are going on but I always feel that I don't have the fluency in English to communicate my ideas effectively. Though I have never engaged in those discussions yet, I have read many things written by other members.

    Therefore, I would really like to communicate with the people here who are practically engaging in meditation as well as disseminating damma among others.
    May all be happy and Metta to all
  • Hi,
    Dwitiya2 means second, and is my alternative name. I have seen half a century, and only recently got a serious intro. to Buddhism. It was actually a Vipassana Meditation course taught by SN Goenka. Though I learnt about Buddhism in school, I could not understand the teachings, till I attended this course. Nothing like experiencing something to really understand. However, I am still an absolute beginner, and do not call myself a Buddhist. I was born a Hindu, and still identify with Hinduism. At the meditation course, I felt there was no Higher source, but now I believe there is. That we are all one with this source ( that is really a Hindu belief). However, there is so much to learn, both in Buddhism and in Hinduism. From what I have seen of this site, I think it will help me a lot. I am impressed by the camaraderie of everyone here, and look forward to advancing my search for the End.. or should it be.. Endless?
  • Howdy - I'm Cody. I live in Des Moines Iowa. I was first interested in Buddhism through a philosophical lens. I had read a lot of Western philosophy in my own free time, being an atheist surrounded by Christians I think I wanted to rationalize my reality to the utmost. This led me to a book called Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, which in turned sparked my interest in Buddhist literature. I have been reading various texts for about two years now and want to move my focus beyond the intellectual realm of Buddhism into a more natural multifaceted understanding and living of these ideas.

    So I take a step forward by posting here on this website as it seems to help sort out some confusion. I want to thank the whole community (specifically this online community) for contributing to the better of humanity and beyond. I would say sentient beings but I that because I am a beginner I should maintain focus on people and expand that to everything later. It seems simple enough yet my effort in even making other people happy often lacks.

    Possibly more to the point of why I introduce myself would be for recognition with myself that reading doesn't usually make the world happy. It's what you do after your done reading. I am also beginning meditation but I can see it has the same attractive qualities that reading sound philosophy does. I wish to break free from this inversion and spread the happiness this brings me.

    I will continue to read and meditate I just mean to say that other areas of my life seem to need a little more effort. Socially I could be a bit more giving.

    I am 23 years old and grew up in Michigan with a type of family that seems rare these days. Very open and willing to change and listen.

    And pleased to meet you all in advanced! It is one thing to read postings and quite another to be a part of the interaction!

  • Name: Siva
    Age: 23
    Sign: Cancer
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Black
    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 48 kgs
    Born: India
    Live: Indianapolis
    Favorite book: I don't know
    Favorite band: N/A
    Favorite food: Fish and CHinese
    Favorite movie: Rudy
    Favorite colour: Green

  • Hello,

    It's been a long while since I have been here so I thought it only appropriate to post here.

    As I continue my Buddist education, which is still and may always be in its infancy, I wish to ask a question if I may.

    What is the meaning of the phrase "sadhu sadhu sadhu'?

    As I understand, a Sadhu is one who forsakes all worldy things and its pleasures, but what does the aforementioned phrase mean?

    Thank you in advance to your kind answers.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    What is the meaning of the phrase "sadhu sadhu sadhu'?
    In Pali, sadhu means 'good' or 'well-done.' For example, from Ud 5.6:
    Sādhu, sādhu, soṇa, gaccha tvaṃ soṇa, taṃ bhagavantaṃ dassanāya arahantaṃ sammāsambuddha"nti.

    Good, good, Sona. Go, Sona, to see the Blessed One the Worthy One, the Rightly Self-awakened One.
  • Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    Greetings from Dublin, Ireland. I hope this message finds you in good spirits in these troubled times. We are a small group of friends who are interested in finding peace and liberation through buddhism. Feel free to join us for friendship and discussion on our Facebook page We call ourselves the Free Irish Buddhists. We would like to make links with other buddhist groups and as we are quite new we woukld also be interested in some teachings. We can also be contacted at Wishing you peace and happiness now and forever.

  • Namaste _/|\_

    Hi all! New to the community and wanted to introduce myself!

  • What is the meaning of the phrase "sadhu sadhu sadhu'?
    In Pali, sadhu means 'good' or 'well-done.' For example, from Ud 5.6:
    Sādhu, sādhu, soṇa, gaccha tvaṃ soṇa, taṃ bhagavantaṃ dassanāya arahantaṃ sammāsambuddha"nti.

    Good, good, Sona. Go, Sona, to see the Blessed One the Worthy One, the Rightly Self-awakened One.
    Thank you Jason. There is much to learn, a lifetime of learning. I tried to find the answer on my own without success. I saw the phrase on a Buddhist site in its Cambodian language room. Unfortunately I do not know that language, but saw many participants type the phrase repeatedly and was unsure of its definition. Thank you very much again. - Namaste
  • Name: Zach
    Age: 18
    Sign: Libra
    Hair: Dirty Blonde
    Eyes: Teal
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 145 lb.
    Born: US
    Live: Elk River, MN
    Occupation: Student
    Favorite book: Frankenstein, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Green Mile, The Pact
    Favorite band: Pearl Jam
    Favorite food: Anything Vegan :)
    Favorite movie: 7 Years in Tibet, Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
    Favorite colour: Brown earthy tones and hues

    I grew up in a very religious close knit family of lutherans who some were open to me being a Buddhist and some were not. I was baptised and I was even confirmed and then I started to realize how all that time I'd been believing what other people wanted me to believe and not what I believed. Plus whenever I'd go to church I felt like a part of a cult and it made me uncomfortable. I first decided I wanted to investigate Buddhism and a number of other religions and philosophies about a year ago. I researched Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confuscionism (I knew Eastern practices appealed to me most), Islam (but the idea of a god never appealed to me), Atheism, Existentialism, Utilitarianism, and even got a little political with my search. I've always been a big activist for civil freedoms and social equality and change for the better. Particularily gay rights, animal rights, and religious understanding and freedom. I decided meditation was for me. I've always loved the euphoria of seclusion especialy when I'd talk long walks by myself late at night with a subtle breeze and brisk weather. Perfect. I admit when I started meditating it was very objective and physicaly uncomfortable for me thanks to my terrible flexibility (even half lotus was difficult for me at first), but since then have become quite adept and have done it every night for a few months now. Even before I looked into Buddhism I was a vegetarian for a year and plan on becoming vegan when I go to college and buy my own food. My best friend and ex-girlfriend used to always make such great vegan dishes. So delicious. I've been trying to find a Buddhist community to join when I go to college at the U of M Twin Cities and have found a number of centers. I particularily am quite interested in learning different meditation techniques and listening to lectures about different Buddhist parables. Taoism also struck a chord with me. The ideology of Tao resonated quite strongly with me and also read about Tao and some of the parables. They are quite insightful and I have learned a lot about lighting up inside as well as the outside. Balance (especially being a libra :P) has always been very important to me.

  • Name: Paula
    Age: 42
    Sign: Scorpio
    Hair: Auburn
    Eyes: Blue
    Born: US
    Live: North Carolina

    I have been practicing buddhism my whole life without knowing it. What I mean by this is that I am made fun of for saving insects and realizing at a very young age that the only person who can make me feel sad or angry is me. Many of my beliefs are buddhist beliefs. I was raised by a mother who studied many different religions/philosophies but buddhism was not one of them, not that I can remember anyway. Imagine my surprise when I became curious about buddhism and began to read about it. I still do not know that much which is why I am here. I know this is going to sound strange but I think it is time for me to learn about myself.
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    Welcome Zach and Paula!!!
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    Anyone know whats happened to Jellybean? Is she on vacation?
  • Hello everyone.

    I came across this website and signed up as a result of browsing some of the great postings here. Some of your members have already helped me out unbeknowingly and I express my sincerest thanks.

    A bit about myself, I'm an ex-Christian of thirty years, and have been since leaving the religion, been practicing "Buddha lite" for about 14 years now.

    I had initially expressed an interest in Soto Zen, but have a horrible lack of discipline whenever it comes to maintaining a daily Zazen regiment. I alternately found Bompu Zen as being appros as a viable practice in light of my disposition and am well for the decision to do so. I'm in no rush whatsoever.

    Just so you folks know, I'm not much for literary or intellectual
    dogmatism as I tend to relate more from experience, and will for the most part post from that perspective rather than using cut and paste quoting or referencing followed by it's interpretations and find that I'm am a bit irked by such practices orginally stemming from my Christian years and subsequently from a number of Buddhists as well. Dharma combat notwithstanding. That just the way it is.

    My intent here is just to interact, learn, find compassionate support and guidance, and just have some fun with my Dharma brothers and sisters. It is my hope to return the same as best as I can.

    Hands Palm to Palm,


  • *CoffeeBean admires the emptiness of the thread*
  • edited February 2011
    (Diden't mean to post it here CoffeBean) Sorry! (^^)

    Name: Lee
    Sex: Male
    Age: 21
    Sign: Capricorn
    Born: London, UK
    Currently: Stanford-Le-Hope, Essex, UK
    Favorite color: Purple
    Favorite music: Perfume, Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada Hikaru, Yui
    Favorite food: Sushi, Pizza, Noodles, Indian food, I try anything!
    Favorite movies: A.I, ダーリンは外国人(Darling is a Foreigner), 2012
    Favorite books: memoirs of a geisha

    Hello everyone, I am new to Buddhism (Not just this forum). Does anyone know the types of Buddhism there are? Thank you! (^^)
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    Welcome Lee... Make yourself at home :)
  • Hello everyone! I'm a 34 year old housewife. Originally I'm from Tioga, Louisiana. About a year ago I relocated to Vancouver, Washington with my husband and our 10 year old daughter. My husband and I are taking a Discovering Buddhism course at Maitripa College in Portland, Oregon.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited January 2013
    Hey, a fellow Pacific Northwesterner! I'm originally from Detroit, MI, but I'm currently living in Portland, OR.

  • Name: Meg(an)
    Age: four months.. :P
    Sign: Taurus
    Hair: blonde and wild (thank goodness for flat irons)
    Eyes: blue-grey
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 105-110 lbs (my scale is really cheap..)
    Born: in Small-rural-village, North Carolina (US)
    Currently: one town over, from said born village
    Favorite color: teal
    Favorite band: Enter the Haggis/ Tehan Perera
    Favorite food: who can pick just one? ;)
    Favorite movie: Lord of the Rings, Princess Bride, Tim Burton films
    Favorite book: The Flower Boy (Karen Roberts)

    hay-hay :) REALLY new to Buddhism, (like, a week new..).
    ~Southern, Irish-American, Blonde and now, Buddhist~

    Religious Bio:
    My first experience with religion was when my mother (unmarried at the time) and I became members at a Non-Denominational church.. a SOUTHERN non-demon. church might i add.. complete with jumping up and down, speaking in tongues, shouting, let's just act like this is normal at the door.
    Enough to scare a small child sh*tless.
    My mother married my dad (adopted dad, but I consider him a wonderful father, so "dad" it is :))who was raised as a laid-back Catholic (if that makes any sense). We still attended the same church up until I was about 12, visiting various churches when we moved (still, brimstone and fire).
    Mom and Dad finally found a permanent church (Episcopal). Mom and I were baptized (sprinkle, not dunk ;) ) and confirmed. Of course, this was my parents wishes, not really mine, but I went along with it because of the whole "honor thy father and thy mother" thing.
    Christianity never really did anything for me. I'd hate to live under a God who would throw me into a lake of fire if I didn't do EXACTLY what a book that was supposedly his "word" said.
    So, I lived with this regret in my heart for a while, attending fundamentalist schools (two: one closed down due to church-school board conflicts-- who woulda thunk it? :P and I started my current school towards the end of ninth grade).
    a couple years later, I met my boyfriend, Madhawa (pls, for everyone's sake, just call him 'Mad' :P :))who is Sri Lankan-Buddhist (Theravada). We never really disused religion, but I became curious one day and read a book or two about Buddhism. And whaddaya know? It. Makes. Sense!
    And now, here I am :) Learning from lurking, seeking advise, and best of all:
    Happy <3

  • @Meg, Awesome, glad that you found something that you don't regret! Glad to have you aboard.
  • Welcome ye newbies!
  • @Cloud, thanks! :) Glad to have found this place! You've no idea what great help this site has been to me.
  • edited February 2011
    Hello everyone,
    My name is Kayeron.
    I am 21 years old.
    I am an American.
    I was raised in a Methodist Christian home.
    I've had an interest in Buddhism for a very long time. I decided a few years ago to accept Buddhism as my way of life. I have only read books.... I don't have a teacher nor do I go to the meditation center (because there aren't any in my town...) I would really like to study it more... any suggestions?
  • greetings.

    my name is akira. nice to be among you happy folk.
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