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  • edited March 2006
    buddhafoot wrote:
    No comment.

    I still don't know that I can part with this particular...desire.


    Which desire? The one to umm...well, you know....ummm....nevermind! I can't say it.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited March 2006
    Yogamama... some men must have their secrets...

    I just happen to know what it is.....!! ;)
  • edited March 2006 it his secret about how he picks his nose when no one else is looking? Or is it the one about how he loves to wear his girlfriends bras and high heels?
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited March 2006
    No... But come to think of it... he sounds like he's got a thing for ZM....???:eekblue: :eek2: :crazy: :lol: :thumbsup:
  • edited March 2006
    Well, this isn't about today but tomorrow.
    I have a meeting with a parent of one of the first graders in my class. I have my opinions of him...but to keep it at nicely as I can...major personality conflict.
    We will be discussing his son who is a smart boy, but puts little to no effort in his work.
    According to the father, this is my fault. Anyway, this adult has made both professional and personal cheap shot attacks on me. I've have thus far kept my professionalism. Tomorrow's meeting will be with the school's principal, councelor (sp?), the parents, and myeslf. I have all I need to prove my case. But I fear this man will continue with his attitude and attacks. Thank goodness that my boss and councelor are in agreement with me and I have thier full support.
    It should be a full test of my following Right Speech, Intention, Action, and Mindfulness! When I am angry is when I loose these things!
    Let's hope I pass, wish me luck!
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited March 2006
    Good luck with that, Sharpie.

    Remember to stay focused on the task at hand - which is the child's education.

    Any education is a two way street between a teacher and a student.

    How willing the teacher is wanting to impart knowledge and how willing the student is to receive this knowledge.

    As Buddha did - if you are met with rantings and ravings - do not accept this gift and leave it with the giver - while maintaining your peace and mindfulness.

  • edited March 2006
    Thanks, Bf. That reminded to look up a Tibetan wisdom tale I read awhile back. It' called
    The Monk's Dream. It's lesson is: when you are feeling anger or vengeful, (I am not vengeful, by the way), pray to the arhat Vajriputra.

    For anyone interested, I found this book to be very interesting. It teaches great Buddhist lessons, without the heavy duty language. The book is called, The Snow Lion's Turquoise Mane. It is a collection of wisdom tales collected by Lama Surya Das.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited March 2006
    Just as a side note, Sharpie....
    In my recent experience in court, I am conscious they tried to make it personal (by attacking my honesty and integrity, and questioning the impartiality of Nick's statement....)

    I'm sure this is a redundant thing to say, but at all costs, try to keep your personal feelings for the boy and his dad, and even the situation, firmy to one side. Just focus on the professional assessment and requirement. Keep calm and breathe very deeply.... and speak slowly. not because they're idiots, but because you'll never get the second chance to say the right thing.

    Measure your words..

    All the very best, sweetie.... ;)
  • edited March 2006
    In case anyine is wondering, I have NO issue with the child. I bang my head aganst the wall sometimes, but other than that...i treat him as I do any of the other children. It is the father that has spouted off....anyway, thanks for the reminders....
  • buddhafootbuddhafoot Veteran
    edited March 2006
    YogaMama wrote: it his secret about how he picks his nose when no one else is looking? Or is it the one about how he loves to wear his girlfriends bras and high heels?


    I missed all of this crap.

    Yoda - you said you wouldn't tell.

  • edited March 2006
    It's about time you caught up to my shenanigans!
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited April 2006
    Hey Everyone!

    Please don't think that because I'm not posting I'm not reading, 'cuz that would be untrue. I must say, though, that I've been very busy.

    My hat's off to all of you cool gals and dudes!


  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited April 2006
    I was wondering where you were, Nirvana. I'm glad you're still here.

  • edited April 2006
    Likewise, I was going to post a "Where's Nirvana?" thread but you beat me to it!
    Glad to hear you're OK and haven't left us :)
  • edited April 2006
    Absolutely brilliant thank you! On the drive home, I got to drive down the avenue that goes through the forest, the smell of the fresh flora coming through my window. The dark green trees towering above my car with a nice blue, warm evening sky.

    But before I left college, I was left wishing I had my camera on me because I had a baby bird sitting in a bush next to me chirpping to his friends. When I looked over in it's direction, it looked back at me and calmly retreated back into the bush and continued to chirp with it's friends. Beautiful atmosphere overall, my spirit feels really refreshed after being in such an environment, especially after rushing from college to the airport and back to the college which I had done earlier.
  • edited April 2006
    My day has been really good, been a really peaceful Friday, I'm half through the 2 books that I have recently bought, babysitted for a while, been on the net (as always) but right now I feel really sick (and sad) I 99% doubt I would offend anyone if I posted why, but if you would really like to know just PM me, just would like to stay on the safe side and not hurt anyones feelings (if you, by any chance, you believe in whats making me sick) lemme give ya a hint: a major organization that promotes fraud, mind-control, and has been around a half a century, can ya guess??

    but anyways, good day non the less, and tomorow I get to see my aunt that came back from florida a few weeks ago, she's like, my coolest aunt, and has several Buddha statues lying around, so if I get bored I can always have something to look at and reflect on :D.

    with love,
  • not1not2not1not2 Veteran
    edited April 2006
    a major organization that promotes fraud, mind-control, and has been around a half a century, can ya guess??

    Is Tom Cruise involved with them?

  • edited April 2006
    not1not2, you hit the nail right on the head.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited April 2006

    I would not be offended in the least if you wanted to share your feelings about the cult. I think a discussion of Scientology would be interesting and could be informative if we all have our facts straight. I've never personally spoken to anyone who was involved in this cult and I really only have a cursory understanding but if you felt like discussing it I'd certainly be more than happy to do some research so we could have a fruitful discussion.

    You could start a link in the "Buddhism and the rest of the world" forum. I think a discussion about cults and mind control would be a great idea. It's important to put Buddhism through a test of this sort in the sense that whenever we get involved in any kind of religion we are handing ourselves over, in a sense, to either a belief system, or in the case of Buddhism, a system of understanding, and we need to analyze what ideas we are clinging to and why. Fortunately in Buddhism, clinging to ideas is something to be avoided which is so different from belief based religions and a clear understanding of this is important when it comes to our trust in the Buddhist process.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited April 2006
    This was posted on another forum I is a multiple topics forum, but this is one focused on Christian discussion.... and the main discussion was about whether Adam and Eve committed incest, if the story of the creation/old testament is to be believed....

    It was quite an interesting chat until Madam below piped up....


    I guess I have been away for too long!!

    First and foremost, I want everyone to stop and take a look at what forum you are in.

    In here we adhere to the truth and validity of the Bible as God's Word. It's literal. If you don't agree, that's fine, but there will be no bullying in MY forum.

    If you are not willing to accept what is said regarding this truth about the Bible, then your in the wrong room.

    I don't know how other forums are run here at Bella, but there is a Bella Online Forums code of conduct that is general across the board for everyone here. In this forum, there is also a code of conduct:

    1. We will not challenge the Bible as the Word of God.

    2. We don't have to agree with one another, but we will not judge God.

    3. If we don't know what a certain scripture means or says we will look it up in our own Bible and discuss what it says to us personally.

    4. We will recognize that in the rest of the world we always face harsh criticism and negative reactions, but here everyone is safe.

    5. Jesus Christ is Lord, Son and Saviour. He will be respected at all times.

    6. We will treat everyone the way we expect everyone to treat us.

    7. If you can't adhere to this code of conduct, then you need to find another forum.

    8. I am the moderator of this forum and if you receive an email from me asking you to edit a post, then you must do it or be expelled.

    I am a fair person, but I have been moderating this forum for 5 years now, and I have seen alot of stuff. I refuse to be a babysitter and expect everyone to behave like an adult, so I developed this code of conduct for everyone here. I guess I'll have to repost it here in the forum."

    I also received a request to modify one of my posts, or that it would be deleted....
    Gobsmacked doesn't cover it....

    Wesley, go right ahead and follow up on what Brigid has suggested.
    With regard to subject matter, absolutely anything goes, so feel free. :)
  • edited April 2006
    okay! i'll be compiling info in the next couple days, so expect a thread at least my Monday! heck, the nights still young (10:24 p.m here) i'll probably do it tonight. hopefully I won't forget!!

    in other words, I got me a really nice Shakyamuni Buddha statue today, I love it!!! :D:D
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited April 2006
    I am hopeful that I have returned to these boards for a while after an absence during which much has happened.

    Synchronously, I came back from a clean bill of health after my angioplasty with a hospital acquired infection and my computer gave up the ghost.

    What was all-consuming to me is wonderfully trivial at the same time. I didn't die nor am I permanently disbled as so many are by HAIs. And I finally got my new money through and was able to perform surgery on my computer. This, of course, was more complicated than at first hoped but I learned more about computers again.

    And I also took time to go away for a writing weekend at a wonderful convent retreat house in Clifton.

    And my garden is beginning to recover from four years of neglect.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited April 2006
    It's so nice to have you back Simon.... You have been missed.

    My day, yesterday, seemed to indicate that I had reached the pinnacle of my own personal Nadir - !

    We are still awaiting the results of the tribunal case against the company who treated me so badly... that should be announced May 31st.... However....

    In the meantime, my Unemployment Benefit period has now expired, and I am "transferring" to Income support....
    Our bank account has been continuously in the red (in fact it's so far red, it's deep crimson!) for longer than the accepted period, so now our bank cards have been rendered null and void, and I've had to hand in the chequebooks too.
    the bank is prepared to authorise a weekly maximum sum of €100 ($125) per week, for all and any expenses (shopping, fuel, etc) but all standing orders and direct payments have to be halted unless they are bank related.
    So my car insurance has to be suspended, as will Nick's... Which is a pity, given that his insurance is paying for a Lawyer to fight the case in court regarding the fraudulent state of his car when we bought it ( the owner had clocked it and made illegal modifications)....

    To top it all, we are having an enforced gas/fuel delivery (no piped gas here... all in bottles or containers...) because at the last delivery, in february, when I carefully budgetted and ordered sufficient gas to last until June) the delivery engineer reported the Gas holding tank as being outdated. So they opted to come and change it to a new one, but in doing so, permitted a certain quantity of stored gas to escape. Which meant we ran out a lot earlier than I had anticipated. However, the lost amount is too low to justify a delivery, so I have had to order the minimum quantity specified, and I will be paying the difference.
    About $250.
    The bank will doubtless be thrilled.
    I haven't had a shower for three days, because the gas has been so low, and I daren't cook anything for too long, in case of mid-cooking end of gas - ! You can imagine, can't you?
    'Place in a low oven and cook for three days.... remove, throw away. '

    next month, My car has to go through it's compulsory MOT (Contrôle technique) mechanical inspection, and I know, (from the last time!) that there are things requiring attention.... And Nick has to somehow finance his trip to the UK to do this Law exam....

    But other than that, the skies are blue, my bulbs are all coming up, the rose, grape-vine and wistaria cuttings I took last year have all rooted, and my favourite tree, my Ginkho, is sprouting it's beautiful, acid-lime green leaves....My tree paeonies all have fat solid buds, and the blossom on my minature plum is white and abundant....

    I am fit, hale, hearty and healthy.... I can walk, talk, breathe, see hear and sing.
    And now - Right NOW - All is exactly as it is.

    Thank you for allowing me to off-load, and above all, thank you for 'listening'.

  • edited April 2006
    Hello all,
    I don't know how many of you know, but I work in the aged care/mental health industry. At the moment their is a resident in my work who has MS type symptoms, who continuously crys at breakfast because her body refuses to take the messages her brain is sending out. The problem here is that everytime she cries she has been rushed back to her room where she feels safe. I however wanted her to stay with the others as I felt that by rushing her back to her room everytime she cried we (the staff) were negativly reinforcing the behavior. I felt that we should encourage her to modify her behavior and to learn patience.
    However I ask myself, "Am I being a total A-hole?" I understand her frustration and her sense of fear but do I have the right to make her work out her problem/s even though I am trying to help her cope better? Where do I draw the line? Unlike some there who have demetia and need constant prompting from me, she doesn't, only constant help with physical things....Compassion starts here?

    I look and think, "this could be me one day". I know I will end up here, unless I'm killed off early. I just hope, I have my mind(brain) and that I'm continent. Oh and that I can bloody spell correctly!!!!!!

  • edited April 2006
    Simon, I am glad to see you back and in good health. Your thought-provoking posts I have missed.

    Federica...I have total respect for your ability to even take NOTICE of your beautiful garden! I have been in the red plenty of times (especially in August when I haven't received a paycheck all summer!)....and it is NOT pleasant!!

    Esau: I have had a similar experience...not with patients, but with very shy children at the beginning of the school year (I teach grade one). I had the child and a few friends sit together in the classroom (instead of the dining room). It made her sit with others, but not in the overwhelming setting of the dining room with 100 other children.
    Perhaps if you tried something like this. A small group setting with a few of those friends that know her and/or have similar symptoms.

    Thoughts and peace to you both,
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited April 2006
    I had the child and a few fiends sit together in the classroom...


    I think you'll find in a lot of cases, they are one and the same.... !
  • edited May 2006
    My day is starting off pretty gosh darn well.....
    I had an early morning meeting at work (ON A SATURDAY!) but it was very productive....
    when i arrived home....i had a very exciting message....
    My sister-in-law and I had been discussing a trip to Italy over the summer but were not sure if it was feasible. I received a message today that my brother purchased two tickets. I can pay him back whenever I can!!

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    ITALY!! WOW!!

    I'm sooo happy for you, Sharpiegirl! What fun. I bet Fede can give you all sorts of pointers and recommendations. I always wanted to go to Italy. I hope you can post a few of your pics when you get back. That would be cool.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited May 2006
    My sister-in-law and I had been discussing a trip to Italy over the summer but were not sure if it was feasible. I received a message today that my brother purchased two tickets. I can pay him back whenever I can!!


    Make sure you get it in writing, and that there's no fixed time limit, or interest on the sum, and that the sum is agreed....

    Oh my goodness....
    I've been watching too much 'Judge Judy'...!!

    I need to get out more....
    I need to get a LIFE!!

    Sharpie - forget I said anything - !! :lol:

    (Being Italian, I declare a vested interest.....Where are you guys going? )
  • edited May 2006
    Yes, we've agreed on all that Nitty gritty (but important stuff)
    Amanda (my sister-in-law) has a sister that lives there with her family. They live on an American University in Rome Univ. of Dallas or Washington). One of the professors that rents a furnished apartment on campus will be out of town in August and has given the OK for us to stay there (Amanda's family has done this before).

    We'll be there the first two weeks of August (Of course I will post pics).
    We will go to the Med. Sea and also visit one of the volcanoes....thename excapes me. All I remember is that is has black sand...
    The funny part is that my niece and nephew (ages 5 and 8) are going with us. They have been there before and are telling me the places we will visit!
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited May 2006
    Volcano? Could be Vesuvius, in Naples, which is down the coast...Etna is in sicily... :)
  • edited May 2006
    federica wrote:
    Volcano? Could be Vesuvius, in Naples, which is down the coast...Etna is in sicily... :)

    I'll have to get back to you on the name...all I remember is that it is an inactive volcano not too far from the top is a pool of water and black sand...
    monte Nuovo or Vulcini maybe???
  • edited May 2006
    Today was a bad day for me. The last two days I did well on daily mindfulness. Though yesterday, I didn't sleep for whole night to study for the final exam at 10:30 AM today. I got to drink 2 cans of Red Bull to stay awake. After sleeping of 3 hours after the exam, I woke up to play tennis. I couldn't play or concentrated well, I was being self-conscious again somehow. Even though I have told myself to stop watching over myself the way I was before and only keeping what is necessary in mind, I couldn't still wasn't able to be that focused. It might be that I need some sleep, thoug I still can't sleep now. Or I am forcing myself too much on the focusing thing? Or I hadn't developed a very firm basis of sitting meditation. Anyway, sitting meditation today was also not very good, my monkey mind is all over the place, my 15-minutes session was not much of sensing my breath neither. It could probably be that I'm so weak as I didn't eat much for the last 20 hours. I don't feel like eating after staying awake for so long. Anyway, the thing that worried me the most is that I'm starting to have that restristed, mechanical feel again. Trying to focus to day was a burden too.

    I know that this is not an approriate place to ask question, but since I started my post here with my mindfulness problem, so I'm quoting my previous post from the mindfulness topic below
    [2] "Furthermore, when walking, the monk discerns that he is walking. When standing, he discerns that he is standing. When sitting, he discerns that he is sitting. When lying down, he discerns that he is lying down. Or however his body is disposed, that is how he discerns it.
    "In this way he remains focused internally on the body in and of itself, or focused externally...unsustained by anything in the world. This is how a monk remains focused on the body in and of itself.
    [3] "Furthermore, when going forward and returning, he makes himself fully alert; when looking toward and looking away...when bending and extending his limbs...when carrying his outer cloak, his upper robe and his bowl...when eating, drinking, chewing, and savoring...when urinating and defecating...when walking, standing, sitting, falling asleep, waking up, talking, and remaining silent, he makes himself fully alert.
    "In this way he remains focused internally on the body in and of itself, or focused externally...unsustained by anything in the world. This is how a monk remains focused on the body in and of itself.

    The full link to this sutta is

    So, there was a time I practiced this. I tried to focus on every detail action that I did like described above. I remember I walked to the refrigerator to get food, the distance from the room to the kitchen I focus on how I walked, then when I got the refrigerator I just opened the door and stare at it, my mind was blank, don’t know what I wanted to get in the first place. Now I figures it was these concept of mindfulness that I’ve been having in my mind, whenever I tried daily mindfulness, I somehow did tried to watch myself like that. So I think I must have misunderstood this sutta somehow, why would it teaches mindfulness that lead one to being self-conscious?

    I still somehow got this idea of mindfulness in me that made me unconsciously practice this, like when I picking up an object, I actually tried to keep this action in my mind. It's like I observed that there is this self that picks up this object. I hope it will be better tomorrow.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited May 2006

    I think the best way for you to become less anxious about your practise, and about whether you are doing it right, and about what you could improve, and where you are going wrong and tripping up, and where you are forgetful or not mindful - is to stop thinking about it.
    Stop focussing so far inward that you fail to notice the outside world.

    You have to strike a balance, and realise The Middle Way. You are still turning Right Effort into Wrong Struggle.

    Alter your focus and shift the attention to others.... be Mindful of their happiness, contentment and freedom from suffering.

    In other words, try to make it less about you, and more about them....

    Just look to the Eightfold Path and take each section in balance and in harmony with all the others...Right Mindfulness is just One of the more, no less.

    Have a nice day. :)
  • edited May 2006
    Thank you Federica, you reminded me I need to put my attention in the right place.

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    That's exactly the right advice in my humble opinion, Fede.

    Andy, listen to Fede. She's right.

  • edited May 2006
    My day was not too good for a praacticing Buddhist...though I am new at this.....

    It seems I can keep the 8FP in practice, until it comes to relationships...(romantic ones).
    I realize that in the grand skeem of things, my situation is rather trivial when compared to our (everyone here included, family, ect.) health and such.

    Yesterday I was distraught about a very important person to me not coming home when I WANTED him to. I feel as though I was 'put on the back burner' if you will. I am not sure that the feelings I have are mutual t the extent that I WOULD like.

    I began venting toa dear frind of mine yesterday at lunch. My lesson soon came to 'slap me in the face'! Another faculty member sat down to join us. I knew she was having medical issues with both her husband and mother and she looked tired and upset. I stopped my pettiness and asked her if she was OK. She began her story... and there had been some scaary moments the night before..she eventually broke down to tears.

    Boy, did I feel like 2 cents. Who am I to complain about a relationship not going the way I WANT IT TO!? This put me in perspective for the rest of the afternoon....Until later that evening when I no longer had that in mind, nor did I have Right Mindfulness, Right Speech, Right Action, or Right Intention.

    Darn it! I had been doing so well!
    Thanks for letting me vent.
  • edited May 2006
    The later part of my day today was good. Today is my graduation day, though I was depressed somewhat for the whole afternoon, I was thinking about mindfulness, again. :)

    Well, until the family party in the evening, I started to think that I've been based my happiness on something very unstable. That is, I was basing my happiness on how successful I am at being mindful, (I happened to think until I master this mindful thing, I'm not gonna be a better person), I got anxious often when I was self-conscious, very insecure when it doesn't go my way, sometime I even wanted to cry and hate myself so much for why does everybody is just normal and I am here stuck with these thoughts and struggling for things that other people don't.

    Guess what, I was then recalled about a post/dharma talk about happiness that said happiness need to be built on more stablize thing. So I then realized that this daily mindfulness thing is what I've been based on for happiness. Then I realize that I am too anxious everytime the practice didn’t give me what I wanted. Then I then think about how everybody in my family is prepraring so many things for me at the party. I then tell myself that I need to be mindful of this, I’m so lucky to have a very caring family, my happiness need to be based on this. I ended up being more open, I interacted with everybody in a loving way, it was a very fun party today. :)

  • edited May 2006
    Congratulations, Andy! On your graduation and your realizations!:bigclap:
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Way to go, ro!!
  • edited May 2006
    Yesterday, a bunch of my close friends played a nasty prank on me without considering my feelings. The prank scared the hell out of me n initially, i laughed it off because my sense of humour kicked in then.

    Now, I feel upset and disappointed that i was nothing more than just simple amusement to them. Don't they understand that i'm NOT a toy n i have feelings too???!! If it had been someone else who played the prank, i would not have cared two hoots at all... but my own close friends... it's a different matter altogether.

    I do not feel angry anymore. Just hurt.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    Hi, Amara.

    Do you feel like talking about what happened?

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited May 2006
    This is desperately sad, Amara....
    Would you care to share what the prank was....?
    Feel free to PM me if you would prefer.

  • edited May 2006
    Thanks a lot for your care and concern... Really appreciate it a lot. I talked things out with them yesterday and it's all alright now. They said that they never thought of me as a toy and they realized too late that their prank hurt me deeply... It's all back to normal now

    Thanks again!

    ...and how was your day? :-)
  • edited May 2006
    Glad to hear it's all cleared up, Amara...It's OK to let people know that you will not be 'walked all over'.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited May 2006
    I'm relieved things are cool now, Amara.

    If anyone ever picks on you again just use the great French Canadian warning "You fight fight my gang!" lol! (No one's going to get this joke unless they're from Quebec. *sigh*)
  • edited May 2006
    Hehe Thanks! I like the French Canadian warning! Really cute n funny! Thanks a lot for all your concern...
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited May 2006
    Brigid wrote:

    If anyone ever picks on you again just use the great French Canadian warning "You fight fight my gang!" lol! (No one's going to get this joke unless they're from Quebec. *sigh*)


    Thanks for that.

    No, Really.....



  • edited May 2006
    Absolutely terrible. I've had a rather heated discussion with a couple of people close to me and I'm going through some problems right now. Things started to cave in on me, and I'm always seeing the "light at the other end of the tunnel" that keeps me going. But yeah, terrible and I'm in a terrible spot.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited May 2006
    You are not alone...;
    Everyone at one moment or anothe has these experiences.... we think we have walked at least three more steps,a nd then we believe we have slipped back five...

    This is not so....

    We have conflicts within ourselves, because our Egotistic Subconscious (E/S)sees that we are shedding old habits...these old habits were to do with 'Control'...control of ourselves, BY ourselves, or control of ourselves from outside influences....

    As we discard and work through these old habits, the E/S realises it is losing its grip... and throws all kinds of obstacles in our way, to trip us up, hinder our progress, fill us with self-doubt and anxieties - anything to not lose us...!!

    And so we come to a halt.... we view ourselves as damaged, imperfect, "sinful"...

    But it's all a cunning ploy....

    Take a deep breath.
    Thank 'it' for the heads-up.... This is just, after all, an indication of yet something else we have not yet let go of....

    No problem.
    Put it aside....
    Then, in a calmer state, you can address it dispassionately...

    Go to those with whom you have disputed....
    Embrace them....
    Apologise for your insistence on being right....
    Tell them you respect their views, and you're sorry if you offended them....

    Then move on....

    Good Luck.
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