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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!



  • CittaCitta Veteran
    Well done Andy Murray...!
    I doubted you. I thought you would bottle it.
    I was so wrong. Your Scottish heart was staunch..and my Anglo-Welsh heart salutes you.

  • Speaking of "Scotties"... I just saw this and can't get over the adorableness factor... omg...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    Citta said:

    Well done Andy Murray...!
    I doubted you. I thought you would bottle it.
    I was so wrong. Your Scottish heart was staunch..and my Anglo-Welsh heart salutes you.


    Absolutely phenomenal final.
    Djokovic threw everything he could, at Murray, and the guy just hit back with everything he had, and then some. Superb match!
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    He didn't flinch did he. Didn't waver. Completely committed to each serve and each return..In the zone..hats off to him.
    I loved the bit after the match where he didn't realise that his mum was behind him until he heard her... :)
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    I had a jag with tea before but now coffee again because I participate in that ritual with my mom.
  • I finally ordered the kyanite stone pendant I wanted. I wont arive till the 18th to 24th though. Its comin from Hong Kong :-/
  • I finally ordered the kyanite stone pendant I wanted. I wont arive till the 18th to 24th though. Its comin from Hong Kong :-/

    I have grown old and senile apparently. I once knew my rocks and minerals very well (I loved geology), but kyanite doesn't ring a bell! I looked it up on Google though and it looks a lovely blue color...

  • riverflow said:

    I finally ordered the kyanite stone pendant I wanted. I wont arive till the 18th to 24th though. Its comin from Hong Kong :-/

    I have grown old and senile apparently. I once knew my rocks and minerals very well (I loved geology), but kyanite doesn't ring a bell! I looked it up on Google though and it looks a lovely blue color...

    It is. Im sooooo excited. Its a teardrop shape. Ready so I can put it on a chain. Yay!!! :D
  • Saw a groundhog kinda do a moonwalk. It was tre cool.

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    edited July 2013
    My first born child has obtained a drivers license. Job, license, kinda-girlfriend, checking account, college on the horizon. Constant letting go. But I tell you those minutes between when he leaves and when he texts that he arrived safely are some serious clinging for me right now, lol.
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    edited July 2013
    karasti said:

    My first born child has obtained a drivers license. Job, license, kinda-girlfriend, checking account, college on the horizon. Constant letting go. But I tell you those minutes between when he leaves and when he texts that he arrived safely are some serious clinging for me right now, lol.

    The next stage is finding yourself in the vacated bedroom looking at the empty bed..sob.
    I used to find the words of a 1950's song going round my head
    ' I wonder how a mother knows what baby tries to say
    how little children learn to walk..and one day walk away '..

    Its painful. It does pass...enjoy each day now as it comes.
  • riverflowriverflow Veteran
    edited July 2013
    @karasti - perhaps you might know of this band (they live up your way) --- but you reminded me of this song by Low (with Alan Sparhawk & Mimi Parker's baby daughter happily squealing in the studio) ... perhaps lending some expression to the internal contradiction of loving your child dearly and yet at the same time not wanting them to grow up:


    Filling holes with tiny sounds
    Shining from the inside out
    Picture of you where it began
    In metal
    In metal

    Partly hate to see you grow
    And just like your baby shoes
    Wish I could keep your little body
    In metal
    In metal
    The song reminds me of what Thich Nhat Hanh says-- that without impermanence, your child couldn't grow!
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    That's great, thanks, @riverflow!
    @Citta He is my oldest, but I have 2 younger kids. In all, they are 16, almost 11 and almost 5, so I have many years to ease into kid's moving out. But I have no doubt each one leaves the house emptier. It'll be interesting to see how it goes. My mom said she felt like someone died when we left, which seems pretty dramatic to me, but we'll see. She was divorced by that time, hopefully by the time all the kids have moved out I'll still be married. and I'll still always have my tortoise, who will likely outlive me!
  • I just put this together...

    Not exactly a Zen garden, but it will nevertheless make a lovely spot for morning tea under the pine trees. Birds however, concern me somewhat... (anyone ever see Mel Brooks' High Anxiety? LOL)

    cute.JPG 867.2K
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    My beloved Buddhist cat tore up a Tibetan thangka of mine so I've decided to rename her Chairman Meow. :thumbsup:
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    I bought a moped today, little 50cc thing. Now all I have to do is overcome my fear of accidentally giving it too much throttle and running into something.
  • SillyPuttySillyPutty Veteran
    edited July 2013
    I want to permanently move to Maine or Vermont or some other quaint, quiet, nature-filled New England-esque state. Probably will never happen, but I figure if I type it out loud, it may happen some day. :D I've always talked about moving up there since I was in my early 20's, but the ex wouldn't have it. Now my friend would like to, but if he ever decided on it, it would probably be in another 20 years. Blah. :D

    Also, the Tibetan singing and offering bowls I order this past Friday are already at my PO BOX! That was FAST!
  • ^^^ kid in a candystore syndrome! :D
  • SillyPuttySillyPutty Veteran
    edited July 2013
    riverflow said:

    ^^^ kid in a candystore syndrome! :D

    :lol: I normally don't get excited about anything material-wise, but receiving things like this just feel "right." It's hard to explain. It's something useful and special; something I like to celebrate. If I had the money, I'd buy everyone on here one of each. :D
  • Uh oh, now I've got the kid in a candy store syndrome!

    I just got an email from my flute maker. He has completed my flute and he will mail it to me this week. He sent pics, and it looks more gorgeous than I could've imagined:

  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Gentle Man Veteran
    riverflow said:

    Uh oh, now I've got the kid in a candy store syndrome!

    I just got an email from my flute maker. He has completed my flute and he will mail it to me this week. He sent pics, and it looks more gorgeous than I could've imagined:

    Very nice! Congrats.... I am waiting for a book on Adobe Photoshop, myself, eager for it to get here....

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    It's hot and humid, and we're going to the beach! It'll probably be the only day of the year where we near 90, so I plan to spend it outside in the sun.
  • SillyPuttySillyPutty Veteran
    edited July 2013
    karasti said:

    It's hot and humid, and we're going to the beach! It'll probably be the only day of the year where we near 90, so I plan to spend it outside in the sun.

    Have fun at the beach! But I must ask... "only day of the year"...? Please tell me where you live so I can move there, too. :lol: We are in the midst of at 90+ heatwave this week with no break in sight. I can't wait for the 70 degree weather again. I live in a really big old home with no central air and only about half of the windows are operational (i.e. they aren't painted shut or missing screens). We do have one room with a window A/C unit, but it still doesn't prevent dealing with the heat moving about the house. Since it's an older, larger home, it takes a long time to cool down in the summer and hard time to heat up in the winter. So if it's 90 degrees outside, it's more like 100 inside. I miss my tiny 2nd floor condo with the awesome insulated windows/low energy bills and central heating/cooling. :D
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    LOL we live in far north east MN, about 12 miles from the Ontario border. We don't get above 85 very often, and above 90 very rarely. Usually a few times in July, but this is the first time we've gotten close and the next week looks much cooler, highs in the 70s which is more average. But our winter lasts from November to April, sometimes longer. This past year it was more like October to May, LOL.
  • SillyPuttySillyPutty Veteran
    edited July 2013
    @Karasti -- That's awesome... well, I guess it's awesome if you like the wintertime weather! Like I said earlier in this thread, I've just been wanting to move towards Canada (but stay on the US east coast side, i.e. VT, ME) for the longest time. Last summer and this summer are just building a case for me to just do it already because I do not like the sun and/or the heat. I am sun-ophobic and am as pasty white as a person can be. I'd rather be bundled up in layers of clothes in the wintertime than running around all hot and sticky in the summer. Ick! Plus my one dog has a thyroid issue and she's hot and having a meltdown if the temperature goes above 75 for some reason. Poor thing. :(
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    @zombiegirl, did you ever play soccer?
  • zombiegirlzombiegirl beating the drum of the lifeless in a dry wasteland Veteran
    @Jeffrey Nope. Sports were never my thing. But as I've gotten older, women's soccer is literally the only sport I enjoy watching. Hockey is okay, but anything else, I really dislike. It could be because I really enjoyed watching the US Women's National Team, so because they distributed the players across the league, I frequently find myself loving both of the teams playing. It really gets rid of that ugly ultra-competitive spirit that I hate in other sports and even the players tend to be more kind to each other.

    In case anyone else is interested, the NWSL is the new incarnation of the America's women's soccer league that just started this year after the demise of the WPS in 2012 due to lack of funding. The NWSL streams almost all of the games for free on their youtube channel. You know... just getting the word out... :)
  • banned_crabbanned_crab Veteran
    edited July 2013
    im trying to think of good jokes but I cant

    damn, now ill never get to be cool

    I just wanted to be one of the cool kids

    guys can i be cool? please?
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Gentle Man Veteran
    We all have cool aspects, including you! Announcement!
  • We all have cool aspects, including you! Announcement!

    I won't fall for your flattery!

    is flattery a word?
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    edited July 2013
    Very useful work announcement:
    They have decided to 'cancel' our last 2 furlough
    days. Yeah! First full pay check in 3 months!

    I worked hard and scored all 5's on my evaluation...
    however, Congress feels us at the bottom shouldn't
    get our award bonus. Union is fighting like hell...but
    I think it's a wrap.....The top guys already got theirs...
    ain't that the way?

    Another announcement: Since I wont be getting that
    'huge' bonus check of $350 ( before taxes)..
    I wont be very productive tomorrow....just sayin'......hahaha

    Yes, I realize there needs to be spending control and
    budget cut needs...I just feel that the employees doing
    the work, collecting, bringing in the actual revenue thats
    paying the bills and the people dealing with an upset public is not
    the area that needs the most attention when it comes
    to these issues.

    *steps down off soapbox*
  • SillyPuttySillyPutty Veteran
    edited July 2013
    My pointless announcement: I don't think I like Vajrayana Buddhism anymore (no offense meant to the practitioners of it). This always happens to me. I am like 95% "there" in terms of being committed, and then I find out something which totally turns me off to said thing and there I go, a'changin' plans once more. With this, I nearly have an actual altar set up and have been getting into the teachings/rituals, then I finally receive confirmation about some disturbing things in relation to my involvement with it. Fears/suspicions confirmed. *gripe* Shoulda stuck to Ajahn Brahm/Thai Forest Tradition from the get-go. :(
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    Just watched the 'yes men fix the world'
  • SillyPuttySillyPutty Veteran
    edited July 2013
    Love the little outdoor tea set, @riverflow! :D Everything looks great-- and great deals, too! Enjoy!
  • When to get a pedicure for the first time 7 months. My feet went in there feeling fine, now it appears the supposed hangnail on my big toe that the nail tech tried to cut out has now left the area sore, purple, and obviously infected. My announcement? I'm realllly grumpy today.
  • My "picture is worth a 1,000 words" useless announcement for today:
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    LOL @SillyPutty I love that one, makes me laugh every time.

    Going to try to get out berry picking today. We pick juneberries (aka service berry) blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. The blueberries should be in their prime right now and my secret spot is usually all mine! Berry picking is serious business here and no one shares their locations with anyone else, lol.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    This particular Moderator is getting heartily sick and tired of CONSTANTLY having to place new threads into their correct categories/sub-forums because people have the annoying habit and constant, irritating tendency to create a new discussion then hit submit - WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT WHICH CATEGORY THE DISCUSSION SHOULD GO UNDER!!!
  • NevermindNevermind Bitter & Hateful Veteran
    Don't blame the messenger. :-/
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