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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!



  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    I've been toying with the idea of getting some pet rabbits. Any handy hints and tips from experienced rabbiteers?

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Have a wonderful time... log your adventures and let us know aaaaaall about it when you get back!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Put them in a part of your garden you really don't care too much about.
    Make sure the hutch is very secure... we think either a fox or even a cat, may have taken our last rabbit..... And if you get 'one of each' for goodness' sake, neuter them....

    Give them plenty of safe wood scraps to chew on. It keeps their teeth short....

    This may help.... or hinder....!

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran
    edited June 2015

    @SpinyNorman Keep an eye out for wild rabbits trying to bust 'em out. And watch that seagull of your neighbour! Kehaar
    just kiddin' ;) As fede says, make sure you have a very secure hutch for them.

  • lobsterlobster Veteran

    Have a great summer Howard <3

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran

    Bye Howard... luv back at cha! Be safe!

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    @Walker said:> SpinyNorman Keep an eye out for wild rabbits trying to bust 'em out. And watch that seagull of your neighbour! Kehaar
    just kiddin' ;) As fede says, make sure you have a very secure hutch for them.

    I have a small garage out the back which I don't use so they'd be safe from Archie in there. But what names to give them?.....

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran
    edited June 2015

    Well, I suppose General Woundwort and Father Jack do share certain attributes...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I have a pounding headache. Plus, I think I got bitten/stung by something nasty while gardening, and now, my whole arm aches.....

    On the plus side, our lawnmower was delivered, and I got a free pair of damn fine good secateurs with it!

  • silversilver In the beginning there was nothing, and then it exploded. USA, Left coast. Veteran

    Do you have any idea what it was that bit you?

    Take care of yourself!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I have noooo idea... maybe a beetle... or a wasp.... I don't really remember feeling anything.... maybe I even scratched it on some newly-cut shard of wood.... or it could have been an irate NB member..... :lol:

  • silversilver In the beginning there was nothing, and then it exploded. USA, Left coast. Veteran

    I hope you're wearing long sleeves and gloves to do that kinda work. (I'm dying to see your new garden...since I live in an apartment with no gardening space for myself, I have to live through others' gardening hobbies.)

  • bookwormbookworm U.S.A. Veteran

    The first 11 and half seconds of the song called "All Tomorrow's Parties" by the Velvet Underground before the drums is out of this world awesome, I've heard a lot of great rock intros in my life but that songs intro is perfection.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    That's the best cake ever!! Congrats, and congrats and oh yes - congrats!!!

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    Hurrah! Nuffink like an iced donut!

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    edited June 2015

    I saw a seal today. I thought he looked a bit fishy though [groan]

  • lobsterlobster Veteran

    @Invincible_summer said:

    Our wedding "cake":

    Awesome. I love the decoration. Eh Mah Ho [how wonderful].
    Love over cake. Sounds like a plan. <3

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    Congratulations @Invincible_summer!!!

    As to me, I'm down with flu yet again.
    Two days ago it was rather cool and windy, yet I insisted on going on my walking meditation with wet hair, straight out of the shower, and no jacket.
    So here I am now, down with fever, sore throat, and my body aches...
    So much for the antioxidants I should be supposed to get from the litres of green tea I gulp down every day... :(

  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran

    no fair flu in June @DhammaDragon

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    No, indeed, @Jeffrey.
    Today it was hot, and it was when I came back from my walking meditation that I began to feel like hell...

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran
    edited June 2015

    Congrats @Invincible_summer That 'cake' looks awesome. When my brother got married, they had Marble Slab ice cream instead of cake. Both neat alternatives.

    Mrs. Walker and I both saw our GP today. My therapist agreed to let me try coming off Effexor, and she wanted me to have a physical so she could have a baseline of my health if things go sideways with the withdrawal. I also asked the doc about my hip which has been bugging me since last fall, and he had me try to bend my leg and said it's probably something with the sciatic nerve. So, X-rays for me.

    Mrs. Walker has been having problems with her wrist. She has palindromic rheumatism and also has developed a ganglion cyst. Not fun! So, X-rays for her, too. And visits forthcoming to an occupational therapist to see about getting a wrist support that she can use at work, and a plastic surgeon to see if she can be operated on. Two surgeons have already declined to touch her, since the cyst is so close to the carpal nerves.

    We did have a good chuckle about being an old, sick couple (I'm in my forties and she's only in her thirties). At least we can laugh at ourselves. :p

    @DhammaDragon Colds & flus in the heat are awful. Get well soon!

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    Thank you, @Walker <3

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    My summer moment they were a mix of expedition kayaking and retreats.

    The next.....

    a high speed dismount from bike resulting in groin pull, assorted skin removal from ankle to head, wrist damage and some floating ribs.
    I had a couple of seconds just before my crash ( racing for a ferry departure down an island mountain gravel path) where I was wondering if I was still within my biking skills for the local conditions, when a wasp struck & clung to my eye lid.

    Apparently, flailing away at that wasp, was not within my riding calculations.

    So now I'm back at home, happiest when no part of my body has to move for any reason.

    Perhaps in retreat...right up until I laugh, cough or sneeze.


  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Oooooooh!! I genuinely FEEL for ya, @how.... sorry to hear that! 'magine, with all the global disasters going on right now, it just took a damn pesky flying critter to lay you low....

    Get well soon!!

  • silversilver In the beginning there was nothing, and then it exploded. USA, Left coast. Veteran
    edited June 2015

    Eww...Gravel + wheels = Disaster :dizzy:

    Heal quickly then, @how. :star:

  • lobsterlobster Veteran


    Sorry to hear that Howard. Not fun. Get well soon <3

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    Ouch. I've gone over my handlebars on a gravel road before. I feel for ya'! Get better soon.

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    @how said: Perhaps in retreat...right up until I laugh, cough or sneeze.

    Apply generous doses of TV and ice-cream. ;)

  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran

    @how - Tegaderm is your friend for road rash! Hope you heal quickly!

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    I'm going to a Quaker meeting this morning. I hope they don't mention God too many times though. ;)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    God, me too!

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    For God's sake, would you two quit it!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Jeezus, who asked you - ?!

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran

    It wasn't too bad this morning. They're an interesting bunch, including an atheist ex-vicar. ;)

  • lobsterlobster Veteran

    ^^^ happy for you <3

  • robotrobot Veteran

    @Vastmind said:

    I have made the big time, people!!! I have a lawn guy!!!! I'm so stinkin' happy!!! Worth every penny I saved.

    " I feel like a sweepstakes winner" -- Bob Marley

    Right now @Dhammadragon is wondering why she never thought of this.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Aren't we all...!?

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran
    edited June 2015

    So @Vastmind is happy that she has a lawn guy and hubby travels a lot.... =)
    Our garden is pitilessly tiny, @robot.
    No way I have a good excuse to ask for a lawn guy...

  • DairyLamaDairyLama Veteran Veteran
    edited June 2015

    Don't let this lot on your lawn:

  • silversilver In the beginning there was nothing, and then it exploded. USA, Left coast. Veteran

    Good grief!

    They look sooo innocent in the package. :scream:

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    This Saturday, my best friend Laura is visiting us from Argentina for three weeks.
    The first and third week, we'll travel all over Switzerland, the German Black Forest and French Alsace with my men.

    The second week, we'll go some days to Paris and London on our own, for some chick talk and fun.

    Since she has a phobia for planes, and this is her first long-haul trip all alone, I can only hope she'll arrive safe and sound <3

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Is that Nico...? What a great kid!

    @DhammaDragon said:
    This Saturday, my best friend Laura is visiting us from Argentina for three weeks.
    The first and third week, we'll travel all over Switzerland, the German Black Forest and French Alsace with my men.

    I honestly picture you leading the way up some scluded Forest path, pointing out the views... with an entire regiment of the National Swiss guard following silently in single file.... :D

    The second week, we'll go some days to Paris and London on our own, for some chick talk and fun.

    But not necessarily in that order! Wish I could join you! Let me know when it is, we might be able to meet up!!!!!

    Since she has a phobia for planes, and this is her first long-haul trip all alone, I can only hope she'll arrive safe and sound <3

    Let us know. Hopefully she will be fine, Airlines are very understanding. Cabin Crew are trained I believe in many things, including helping flyers with their fears...
    It would be a very good idea for her to contact the airline and advise them she will be boarding. Honestly, if they are prepared, they will certainly help her...

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    Thank you, Fede <3
    I'll let you know when I make the bookings....which I should have made long ago, actually :(

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Ooops....Paris and London? During prime tourist/Holiday time....?

    Gosh, good luck with that, seriously!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I might be getting a tortoise soon.... O.o

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    I love tortoises.
    As it seems, that should be easier than getting a good holiday deal...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    It's a Horsefield, or Russian tortoise... I can't wait, but I have to get it's living quarters set up first....She's 3 years old....

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @DhammaDragon said:
    I love tortoises.
    As it seems, that should be easier than getting a good holiday deal...

    Oh, bummer..... No London visit then....? :(

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