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emptiness creates illusion?



  • Attachment to a view does have a tendency to negate progress in jhana.
    Dude, your mind has never entered jhana. Mere imaginings.

    You translate your books to the degree of your personal experience, nothing more. By pressuring others over and over again to believe that your truth is the all mighty clarity of the Buddha while putting them down? You accidentally reveal more about yourself with how you deliver what you say, than in what you say, like a Freudian slip. Yet plenty before you have translated the Suttas in ways that contradict your own, people with far deeper experience and realization. But you allocate them to the compartment of delusion in your mind, justifying yourself as crown of all translators, meanwhile putting others down, like a common bully on a playground.

    Someone with this level of insecurity has not entered very deeply into Jhana and cannot be trusted to translate the meaning of the Suttas.

    Because you have not seen your own past lives as clearly as I see you here, you doubt, only due to your bondage, encased by the 5 senses.

  • "Long have you (repeatedly) experienced the death of a mother. The tears you have shed over the death of a mother while transmigrating & wandering this long, long time — crying & weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing — are greater than the water in the four great oceans.
    More corrections are required.

    Not only does the sutta not include the term "transmigrate", it does not include the term "repeatedly".

    It simply states: "Long have you cried over the death of a mother, father, etc".

    It ends by stating:
    Long have you thus experienced stress, experienced pain, experienced loss, swelling the cemeteries — enough to become disenchanted with all fabricated things, enough to become dispassionate, enough to be released."
    But it seems we are yet disenchanted and dispassionate.

    To the contrary, we appear to crave to endlessly experience this samsara.

    With metta

    DD :)

  • xabirxabir Veteran

    What you have posted is a mistranslation. The Pali here means "running", like a horse runs. It does not mean "transmigration".
    Oh? From inconstruable beginning, you started running like a horse, like literally a horse running?


    Obviously it is a metaphor for transmigration.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011
    By pressuring others....someone with this level of insecurity...

    Try sticking to the topic and abstain from your mind's Freudian imaginings.


    Myself, I am merely engaged in a Dhamma discussion.

  • xabirxabir Veteran
    edited May 2011

    Your tainted views bound & fettered in a quagmire of different religious & superstitious beliefs do not accord with those of the peerless Lord Buddha.

    Eh? You mean interdependent origination is discussed in different religions? That's something new to me.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Obviously it is a metaphor for transmigration.
    Please not waste my time Xabir.

    Bhikkhu Bodhi, despite sharing similar superstitions to you, translates this correctly. So do others such as Patrick Kearney. Neither use the word "transmigration".

    I do not to justify myself. I have already advised you the Pali means to "run".

    The same term is used in the MN for the galloping of a horse.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Eh? You mean interdependent origination is discussed in different religions?
    No. That is why your views on interdependent origination going back to beginningless time are convoluted.

    The Buddha himself simply used interdependent origination do describe a stream of mental conditioning that leads to suffering. The stream can occur many times in one day.

    But you seem to be asserting a continuous stream back to before the big bang and before that.

    This discussion was about emptiness but for some reason you can to bring up the imagined mind stream, atman or "true self" of reincarnation.


  • By pressuring others....someone with this level of insecurity...
    Myself, I am merely engaged in a Dhamma discussion.

    Your fake smiles after putting people down, Xabir and I included in an endless array of people do not fool me. You think you are bringing people to the true dhamma, but you are wrapping and warping people into your lack of direct experience of reality. You are not discussing dhamma when you put others down. You are a hypocrite. As I said, "capacity is as capacity does." You quote the dhamma saying "May I be the lowest" but you brand yourself the highest authority and insult others along the way saying you are speaking true dhamma.

    Come on now?
  • Because you have not seen your own past lives as clearly...
    Dude, keep dreaming about "your" past lives that "you" have seen in "your" jhana.

  • xabirxabir Veteran
    Eh? You mean interdependent origination is discussed in different religions?
    No. That is why your views on interdependent origination going back to beginningless time are convoluted.

    The Buddha himself simply used interdependent origination do describe a stream of mental conditioning that leads to suffering. The stream can occur many times in one day.

    But you seem to be asserting a continuous stream back to before the big bang and before that.

    This discussion was about emptiness but for some reason you can to bring up the imagined mind stream, atman or "true self" of reincarnation.


    Wow, I didn't know atman is a mind 'stream'?

    How can atman, unchanging and independent, be a 'stream'?
  • You are a hypocrite.
    Sounds like you have succumb to defeat.

    When I say folks are voicing "unverified superstitions", that is true.


  • xabirxabir Veteran
    Obviously it is a metaphor for transmigration.
    Please not waste my time Xabir.

    Bhikkhu Bodhi, despite sharing similar superstitions to you, translates this correctly. So do others such as Patrick Kearney. Neither use the word "transmigration".

    I do not to justify myself. I have already advised you the Pali means to "run".

    The same term is used in the MN for the galloping of a horse.

    Uhuh... I didn't deny that.

  • Wow, I didn't know atman is a mind 'stream'?

    How can atman, unchanging and independent, be a 'stream'?
    All the same thing, really, in terms of sentiment.

    When there is craving to be, craving for external existence, it does not really matter what the thing craved for is called.

    The craving is the same. The realisation of emptiness is not there. Just craving.


  • You are a hypocrite.
    Sounds like you have succumb to defeat.

    When I say folks are voicing "unverified superstitions", that is true.


    Ah, pride, the root of being reborn into a Brahmaloka... well, it is a good place, much better than a lower incarnation.
  • xabirxabir Veteran
    You are a hypocrite.
    Sounds like you have succumb to defeat.

    When I say folks are voicing "unverified superstitions", that is true.


    I have verified that all things are interdependent arisen...

    And hence nothing arise from a creator, an uncaused first cause - there can be no uncreated creator or beginning.
  • VajraheartVajraheart Veteran
    edited May 2011
    There is no way that dependent origination can be understood without transcending the 5 gross senses and make sense in reference to everything occurring right now on a universal level. Only a mind fettered by the limitations of craving is hindered by the limits of 5 sense perception. Only a mind without direct cognizance of emptiness sees only with it's eyes.
  • Uhuh... I didn't deny that.

    But then, it is not a metaphor as you asserted.

    The only metaphor in that sutta is sheding tears greater than the ocean

  • xabirxabir Veteran
    edited May 2011

    All the same thing, really, in terms of sentiment.

    When there is craving to be, craving for external existence, it does not really matter what the thing craved for is called.

    The craving is the same. The realisation of emptiness is not there. Just craving.


    Yeah... it is a process of becoming brought by craving. It has nothing to do with atman (an independent, uncaused and unchanging being).

  • Ah, pride, the root of being reborn into a Brahmaloka...
    Dude, return to topic. You never told me you were a psychoanalyst of personality traits.

  • xabirxabir Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Uhuh... I didn't deny that.

    But then, it is not a metaphor as you asserted.

    The only metaphor in that sutta is sheding tears greater than the ocean

    So from an inconstruable beginning, you ran and galloped endlessly like a horse without sleeping, resting, and eating?

  • It has nothing to do with atman (an independent, uncaused and unchanging being).
    Nothing to do with an independent, uncaused and unchanging mind stream either.


  • xabirxabir Veteran
    It has nothing to do with atman (an independent, uncaused and unchanging being).
    Nothing to do with an independent, uncaused and unchanging mind stream either.


    'Stream' means: impermanent, arising and subsiding and arising moment by moment according to conditions. Ungraspable, like a river.
  • Ah, pride, the root of being reborn into a Brahmaloka...
    Dude, return to topic. You never told me you were a psychoanalyst of personality traits.

    There is no debating with a person who's mind is made up and insults others if their view differs. With a mind like a steal trap, every concept thrown at it is wrapped by it's hard, inescapable shell.

  • So from the time you were a baby, you ran and galloped endlessly like a horse without sleeping, resting, and eating?
    Talking about the mind, spinning, roaming & running in craving.

    If you watch Daniel Ingram's video, his psycho-babble will give you a good idea about how the mind just spins & runs in excited circles.

    This is samsara.


  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011
    There is no debating with a person who's mind is made up and insults others if their view differs. With a mind like a steal trap, every concept thrown at it is wrapped by it's hard, inescapable shell.
    What insults?

    The Buddha never encouraged any of his monks to declare things like they have seen their "past lives" because some listeners would regard them as liars & charlatans.

    Why? Because it is something the listeners cannot verify. They must believe blindly.

    The Buddha himself said such behaviour he finds "disgusting".

    But now "you" will start alleging the Buddha was insulting "you".

    When I say you are on the wrong path with your constant declarations, this is not an insult but genuine concern.


  • So from the time you were a baby, you ran and galloped endlessly like a horse without sleeping, resting, and eating?
    Talking about the mind, spinning, roaming & running in craving.

    If you watch Daniel Ingram's video, his psycho-babble will give you a good idea about how the mind just spins & runs in excited circles.

    This is samsara.


    No actually, mis-perception of the nature of circles and excitement is samsara. Circles and excitement are innocent. So, one should be drab, dry and listless? Enlightened beings are in fact more enthusiastic about life, and not afraid of it. They don't run and hide or try to transcend it.
  • Whatever

  • There is no debating with a person who's mind is made up and insults others if their view differs. With a mind like a steal trap, every concept thrown at it is wrapped by it's hard, inescapable shell.
    What insults?

    The Buddha never encouraged any of his monks to declare things like they have seen their "past lives" because some listeners would regard them as liars.

    Why? Because it is something the listeners cannot verify. They must believe blindly.


    You are that ignorant of your history of insulting others, even as recently as a half hour ago? Interesting.

    Anyway... There is a difference between not being able to physically verify something in the moment due to the medium of communication and completely denying that it is a possible fact of life.

    You seem to follow the ladder, denying every translation but those that follow your way of thinking? You should be more agnostic and not insult others so endlessly for possibly having a level of experience that far exceeds your own self esteemed state.

    I've noticed though, there is no debating this point with you as you will always turn it into the other persons fault. You will never humble down and agree that, "I do not know?" You are too secure in your insecurity, too certain of your uncertainty.
  • xabirxabir Veteran
    What is the main purpose for practice or goal of Dzogchen?
    To add on to what Vajraheart said..






    Directly meeting with one's own nature

    This fresh and present awareness beyond all consideration of the three times, is, in itself, the primordial awakenedness that is spontaneously present pure awareness. Such is direct introduction to one's own nature.

    Directly make one single decision

    Since all phenomenal appearance of both cyclic existence and the state beyond suffering do not go beyond the innate creativity of pure awareness, firmly decide that there is no other thing besides the continuous flow of this pure awareness .

    Have confidence in direct liberation–dissolution

    Whatever discursive thoughts arise, be they gross or subtle, by recognising them for what they are, they all arise and simultaneously dissolve into the vast expanse of the dimension of pure reality — awareness–voidness inseparable. Remain confident in this liberation.


  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    if anything you do practice patience and compassion. lol.
  • if anything you do practice patience and compassion. lol.
    Yes, Xabir is great, I mostly only listen to what he has to say. :)
  • edited May 2011

    "You .....

    you....... you should ..........your.......

    you ......... you ......... you ..........

    you are
    ......... :eek2:

  • "You .....

    you....... you should ..........your.......

    you ......... you ......... you ..........

    you are
    ......... :eek2:
    LOL! One of DD's protector deities speak!
  • Actually, I do have the refuge name of a Tibetan female deity.

  • Have faith in the meaning of that name. ;)
  • Best not to tell me what to do and just attend to your own practice, bro. ;)

  • As you wish.
  • DaozenDaozen Veteran
    edited May 2011
    So then i think you're both right
    That Xabir & myself are both right and that you can adjudicate on this matter is impossible.
    Well since Xabir has already agreed with you, i'd say my adjudication was spot on. :)
    Yourself and Xabir are both tied, bound, fettered, caught & stuck within the sphere of unverified superstition
    Haha keep your shopping lists of others' faults to yourself, you sound like a bitter old lady. I'm more aware of my faults than you ever will be.
    In the suttas, the Buddha simply said: "A beginning point of this samsara of beings roaming & wandering hindered & fettered by ignorance & craving cannot be discerned".

    That is all.

    The Buddha here is not talking about a "beginningless beginning". The Buddha here is simply saying the beginning point of when ignorance & craving commenced in the universe cannot be discerned.
    Check your facts: I never said "beginningless beginning", which is an oxymoron. I said beginningless time - which, like any statement about the origin of our cosmos is of course unverifiable, but unlike the idea of a "first cause", it is logically sound.

  • Everything is illusion and form is emptiness. Yet we reject nihilism.
    If the essence is emptiness, what causes the manifestation? and most importantly why?

    Another way of asking this question: Emptiness is emptiness and it should stay as empty then why/how illusion arise from emptiness?

    Tentatively we call it emptiness but it is not empty per se. To conceptualise it, is to miss it, but it is never absent. Anyway..
  • Emptiness is not what is conventionally understood in conceptual form. Emptiness is form - emptiness is void - it is neither - it is both. Incessantly asking why is the human tendency exploited by Zen masters to direct students to the enlightenment of knowing there is no answer to "why" and if there were it wouldn't matter anyway because it is impermanent. Every koan is a question with no answer designed to exhaust the solution seeking process of linear thinking. As DD says; Emptiness creates nothing - and yet all phenomenon arise from dwell in and return to emptiness. zen_world, you are doing a remarkable job pursuing answers and resisting "not knowing" - as taiyaki points out, we have been conditioned out of shitting in our pants, as we did in infancy - so will asking "why" condition one to regard the definitive answers to life's enduring questions as "shiny turds".
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    "There is the case where an uninstructed, run-of-the-mill person... does not discern what ideas are fit for attention, or what ideas are unfit for attention. This being so, he does not attend to ideas fit for attention, and attends instead to ideas unfit for attention... And what are the ideas unfit for attention that he attends to? Whatever ideas such that, when he attends to them...the unarisen fermentation of ignorance arises in him, and the arisen fermentation of ignorance increases. These are the ideas unfit for attention that he attends to...

    "This is how he attends inappropriately: Where has this being come from? Where is it bound?'( What is the original cause of ignorance, where does it come from to begin with)

    This is called a thicket of views, a wilderness of views, a contortion of views, a writhing of views, a fetter of views. Bound by a fetter of views, the uninstructed run-of-the-mill person is not freed from birth, aging, & death, from sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair. He is not freed, I tell you, from suffering & stress.

    "The well-instructed disciple of the noble ones... discerns what ideas are fit for attention, and what ideas are unfit for attention. This being so, he does not attend to ideas unfit for attention, and attends [instead] to ideas fit for attention... He attends appropriately, This is stress... This is the origination of stress... This is the cessation of stress... This is the way leading to the cessation of stress. As he attends appropriately in this way, three fetters are abandoned in him: identity-view, doubt, and grasping at precepts & practices."
  • Illusion arises because we are trying to perceive a reality that is infinite and beyond conceptualization. However, we are trying to do this with limited minds/brains. All we get is what is filtered through the senses and organized in to perceptions and concepts. It's a cartoonish, oversimplified representation of of ultimate reality, a virtual reality simulation. So we experience appearances, not actuality. In that process of simplifying, conceptualizing, perceiving, illusions are created.
  • Is the "Rainbow body" or "body of light" something that surpasses nirvana? If so how can that be if Nirvana is endless?
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited May 2011

    It seems personal arguments and personal attacks ran rampant during the night because no one has a sense of restraint. If those same personal arguments and personal attacks rear their ugly heads again, they'll be deleted. Please direct your conversations toward the end of answering the OP and with the intent of being helpful, rather than belittling each other.
  • ZenWorld you are asking the wrong question. It is not why but what.

    Once you see the answer to what, why is not so important.

    The Buddha when asked of such questions called them imponderable.

    Asking why emptiness is empty or why emptiness=form is asking why reality is the way it is.

    Zen embraces uncertainty. It does not obsess over it.

    Xabir - Good blog page on emptiness. Thanks

    Think I'll repost it as it may have gotten lost in the drama.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    It seems personal arguments and personal attacks ran rampant during the night because no one has a sense of restraint. If those same personal arguments and personal attacks rear their ugly heads again, they'll be deleted. Please direct your conversations toward the end of answering the OP and with the intent of being helpful, rather than belittling each other.
    This shows extreme patience and restraint, on the part of a Moderator who has not held the job that long.

    Kudos to him for such patient sagacity.

    Had I been in his place, this thread would have been half the length it is, because I would have just deleted with no warning or admonishment.
    Consider yourselves ALL EXTREMELY fortunate that Cloud touched on this before I saw it.

    Thanks, @Cloud. :)

  • Is the "Rainbow body" or "body of light" something that surpasses nirvana? If so how can that be if Nirvana is endless?
    According to Dzogchen, it elongates the ability to manifest for lower level beings because you are dissolving the constituents of the physical body into the radiance of the elements, so you don't die. You enter a subtler dimension of being, one that is easier for others to see who are meditating, as generally it takes a very high level Bodhisattva to see a Buddha on the Sambhogakaya level. So it's done for the sake of others and it surpasses Nirvana in as much as it's manifesting Nirvana more closely for the sake of all sentient beings and not just for self liberation. There are certain added powers that this level of realization grants.
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    Always so kind @federica. :D
  • upekkaupekka Veteran
    Everything is illusion and form is emptiness. Yet we reject nihilism.
    If the essence is emptiness, what causes the manifestation? and most importantly why?

    Another way of asking this question: Emptiness is emptiness and it should stay as empty then why/how illusion arise from emptiness?

    when you read this post you think you read 'upekka's post'
    you think you read (subject=I) and upekka's post (object)
    this is the duality
    you are deluded with the illusion of a thing, in this case 'upekka's post'
    why you are deluded? [wron view]
    you think 'upekka's post' has inherent existence
    and you have inherent existence
    what exactly happens is 'eye (internal sense base) + upekka's post (external sense base + eye conscioussness' come together and there is 'seeing' which has no subject or object [right view]

    as soon as you finied reading 'upekka's post' is in the past
    unless you read it again or recall back it in your mind, it is no more in your world

    writing in the'upekka's post' is the form that the eye contacts
    you take 'upekka's post' which is a perception that has inherent existence

    this perception is the illusion
    because of you do not know that is an illusion, you are deluded and your fabrication started (this is called cethana, vacci sankhara)
    you start to think, or say or do (this is called kamma created with thought, speech and deed)

    if we are not deluded, we do not fabricate (create kamma), then we ....

  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran

    you asked me why and i sat on your whys for a while.
    the answer i found was simply love. i know that isn't a satisfying intellectual answer.
    but when you realize that love is the cause and effect of everything, even if we don't "agree" that results in a deep acceptance of the great mystery of the infinite.

    love is the answer you are looking for. not your or anyone elses idea of love. but the love that cannot be put into words. the love that burns everything away until we are left with a clear spaciousness that welcomes everything in the world. the good and the bad. the love that transforms us into whole beings and into what we always were. it is the reason and purpose and function of all of this.

    hope you find that love within you. that seed that will bring your freedom and joy.
This discussion has been closed.