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emptiness creates illusion?



  • So how this "I" or "perosnal choice" become from emptiness?
    this "I" or "perosnal choice" becomes from IGNORANCE

    man...your understanding is all mixed up

    what is ignorance?

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011
    so why there is delusion/illusion? where does it come from?
    buddha did not answer this question

    he said no cause of ignorance can be found

    it just is

    like a baby so full of does not know fire burns until it touches it

    all beings without exception are born with ignorance

    ignorance is a mental thing, just like blood is a physical thing

    Pali says all beings are born with ignorance but Mahayana says all things have "buddha nature"

    this is why Pali is different to Zen
    (AN 10.61: ) "A first beginning of ignorance cannot be conceived,[58] (of which it can be said), 'Before that, there was no ignorance and it came to be after that.' Though this is so, monks, yet a specific condition[59] of ignorance can be conceived. Ignorance, too, has its nutriment,[60] I declare; and it is not without a nutriment. And what is the nutriment of ignorance? 'The five hindrances,'[61] should be the answer.

  • what is ignorance?
    ignorance is 'not knowing' emptiness

  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    can the mind know emptiness?
  • santhisouksanthisouk Veteran
    edited May 2011
    can the mind know emptiness?
    Yes it can.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    can the mind know emptiness?
    It can experience it, not sure if it can "know" it though. If you catch my drift.

  • xabirxabir Veteran
    Everything is illusion and form is emptiness. Yet we reject nihilism.
    If the essence is emptiness, what causes the manifestation? and most importantly why?

    Another way of asking this question: Emptiness is emptiness and it should stay as empty then why/how illusion arise from emptiness?

    Emptiness precisely means that things are not created, nor self-existing, but arise dependent upon requisite conditions. Shunyata (Emptiness) means whatever appears are empty of independent or inherent existence, be it a sound, a form, or any other phenomena. This is because it is the 'interconnectedness' that give rise to the sound or experience (The person, the stick, the bell, hitting, air, ears, etc, i.e. the conditions).

    Thus, whatever arises interdependently is vividly clear and luminous, but empty of any *independent* or *inherent* existence. This is not the same as nothing or nihilism.


    Whatever is dependently co-arisen,
    That is explained to be emptiness.
    That, being a dependent designation,
    Is itself the middle way. (Treatise, 24.18)

    Something that is not dependently arisen,
    Such a thing does not exist.
    Therefore a nonempty thing
    Does not exist. (Treatise, 24.19)
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    edited May 2011
    can the mind know emptiness?
    Yes it can.
    if the mind can know emptiness. then is the path one of knowing? rather than realizing?
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    So how this "I" or "perosnal choice" become from emptiness?
    this "I" or "perosnal choice" becomes from IGNORANCE

    man...your understanding is all mixed up

    what is ignorance?

    attachment to thinking.

  • xabirxabir Veteran
    can the mind know emptiness?
    Emptiness can be realized. But it is not a conceptual understanding.

    “I pay respect to the best among speakers who, having attained Enlightenment, has taught relative origination (Pratītyasamutpāda) which is no-cessation, no-origination, no- annihilation, no-abiding, no-one-thing, no-many-thing, no-coming-in, no-going-out; being the termination of linguistic description (Prapañcopashamam), it is the good (Shivam)"

    ~ Nagarjuna

  • so why there is delusion/illusion? where does it come from?
    buddha did not answer this question

    he said no cause of ignorance can be found

    it just is

    like a baby so full of does not know fire burns until it touches it

    all beings without exception are born with ignorance

    ignorance is a mental thing, just like blood is a physical thing

    I know Buddha didn't answer this question...
    Cannot be found doesn't mean that there is no answer!
    why he said: " no cause of ignorance can be found" why ignorance is "just is"?
  • if the mind can know emptiness. then is the path one of knowing? rather than realizing?

    The path is to realize thus knowing.
  • can the mind know emptiness?
    Yes it can

  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    if the mind can know emptiness. then is the path one of knowing? rather than realizing?

    The path is to realize thus knowing.
    i agree knowing is the result of realizing.
  • xabirxabir Veteran
    So how this "I" or "perosnal choice" become from emptiness?
    this "I" or "perosnal choice" becomes from IGNORANCE

    man...your understanding is all mixed up

    what is ignorance?

    attachment to thinking.

    Not just that... the view of inherency (of self and things), and the view of duality (subject-object duality)... are the two kinds of ignorant views affecting our every moment experience.

    Even if we are able to calm our minds and let go of attachments to thought through practice... ignorance is not removed as easily as that. It requires realization and breakthrough of view.
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Emptiness precisely means that things are not created, nor self-existing, but arise dependent upon requisite conditions.
    Emptiness precisely means that things are empty of "self", that is all

    Forget the Mahayana intellectualisations

    These just lead to getting lost and missing the real meaning that liberates

    Now Xabir will start cutting & pasting page after page, just like Daniel Ingram talks video after video of psycho-babble

  • xabirxabir Veteran
    can the mind know emptiness?
    It can experience it, not sure if it can "know" it though. If you catch my drift.

    It is not just an experience... the realization is more crucial as without realization and fundamental change of view, whatever experience you have will be temporary.
  • aMattaMatt Veteran
    One of my teachers said knowing was the booby prize... it is realizing, activating that is the genuine goal.
  • But why things are arise dependent upon requisite conditions? And why are there "conditions"?

  • xabirxabir Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Emptiness precisely means that things are not created, nor self-existing, but arise dependent upon requisite conditions.
    Emptiness precisely means that things are empty of "self", that is all

    Forget the Mahayana intellectualisations

    You will onnly get lost and miss the real meaning that liberates
    Nope... Emptiness is not just emptiness of self. There are two emptinesses: emptiness of self and emptiness of objects. And these are two distinct (though related) experiential insights that has nothing to do with intellectualisations.

    Here is an excerpt from a Buddhist glossary site on the definition of twofold Emptiness:

    Two emptinesses (二空) include (1) emptiness of self, the ātman, the soul, in a person composed of the five aggregates, constantly changing with causes and conditions; and (2) emptiness of selves in all dharmas—each of the five aggregates, each of the twelve fields, and each of the eighteen spheres, as well as everything else with no independent existence. No-self in any dharma implies no-self in a person, but the latter is separated out in the first category. Realization of the emptiness of self in a person will lead to attainment of Arhatship or Pratyekabuddhahood. Bodhisattvas who have realized both emptinesses ascend to the First Ground on their Way to Buddhahood.

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    @zen_world There is a way to answer your question. Become a Buddha! :om:
  • xabirxabir Veteran
    edited May 2011

    But why things are arise dependent upon requisite conditions? And why are there "conditions"?

    Those conditions are also empty, and dependently originated.

    In short everything is like an illusion, like sky flowers, like a mirage... looks there but not really there - being merely a dependently originated designation and appearance.
  • attachment to thinking.
    attachment to thinking is attachment to thinking

    ignorance is ignorance or "not knowing"

  • xabirxabir Veteran
    Those who want to read more about the experiential realization of the emptiness of self, and the emptiness of objects should read this article:
  • Okay I am lost... too many posts coming. I can't follow anymore:)
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011
    But why things are arise dependent upon requisite conditions? And why are there "conditions"?
    The Buddha said this is merely natural law

    It just is. It is "such" or "thus"

    "Thus" = Tathata

    Buddha called himself the Tathagata = "The One Gone to Thusness/Suchness"

    If you must ask "why again" then forget about the Theravada monastery

    Stick to your Zen Mahayana

  • xabirxabir Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Okay I am lost... too many posts coming. I can't follow anymore:)
    Take your time, read and think through :)

    Now when you push the ball, the ball moves.

    You may think 'why does the ball move when I push the ball'? It is simply that: when there is a cause (hand?) condition (ball?) an effect takes place (ball moves)
  • Lets not attach ourselves to emptiness. Let us have the good things in life attach itself onto us. :)
  • xabirxabir Veteran
    Lets not attach ourselves to emptiness. Let us have the good things in life attach itself onto us. :)
    Let us not have any form of attachments at all...
  • Nope... Emptiness is not just emptiness of self. There are two emptinesses: emptiness of self and emptiness of objects. And these are two distinct (though related) experiential insights that has nothing to do with intellectualisations.
    Liberation only requires emptiness of self

  • Okay I am lost... too many posts coming. I can't follow anymore:)
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    edited May 2011
    But why things are arise dependent upon requisite conditions? And why are there "conditions"?

    It's because things are interdependent that they can exist at all. This is a complicated philosophy and I'm not able to explain it in a forum post. You'll just have to dig in and study it. So to answer your question in a way, if things weren't conditioned and interdependent then there wouldn't be anything at all, the condition of emptiness is what allows form to function and be.

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Something that is not dependently arisen,
    Such a thing does not exist.
    Therefore a nonempty thing
    Does not exist. (Treatise, 24.19)
    Ha, ha, ha

    Buddha said Nibbana is not dependently arisen

    Therefore, Nagarjuna was WRONG!

    :buck: = Nargajuna = :buck:

    Nargajuna = :screwy:

  • The Buddha said this is merely natural law

    It just is. It is "such" or "thus"

    "Thus" = Tathata

    Buddha called himself the Tathagata = "The One Gone to Thusness/Suchness"

    If you must ask "why again" then forget about the Theravada monastery

    Stick to your Zen Mahayana

    Hahaha....I have to ask "why" again.
    Everybody has their own reasons for chosing Buddhism. The answer to this question is the reason I chose Buddhism even though Buddha didn't give the answer.
    I don't want to become enlightened to save myself from cyclical existance or to get supernatural powers. I just want to know (or realize) the "truth".
    Since my childhood I ask the question "why things the way they are"
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    i believe nagarjuna is empty. can something that is empty be wrong?
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Something that is not dependently arisen,
    Such a thing does not exist.
    Therefore a nonempty thing
    Does not exist. (Treatise, 24.19)
    Ha, ha, ha

    Buddha said Nibbana is not dependently arisen

    Therefore, Nagarjuna was WRONG!

    :buck: = Nargajuna = :buck:

    Nargajuna = :screwy:
    Can Nibbana be said to exist?

  • Okay I am lost... too many posts coming. I can't follow anymore:)
    Take your time, read and think through :)

    Now when you push the ball, the ball moves.

    You may think 'why does the ball move when I push the ball'? It is simply that: when there is a cause (hand?) condition (ball?) an effect takes place (ball moves)
    I understand there is cause and effect...I am looking for the answer as to why there is cause and effect...

  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    Okay I am lost... too many posts coming. I can't follow anymore:)
    Take your time, read and think through :)

    Now when you push the ball, the ball moves.

    You may think 'why does the ball move when I push the ball'? It is simply that: when there is a cause (hand?) condition (ball?) an effect takes place (ball moves)
    I understand there is cause and effect...I am looking for the answer as to why there is cause and effect...

    projections of the word cause and effect. then your attachment to the words cause and effect.
  • But why things are arise dependent upon requisite conditions? And why are there "conditions"?

    It's because things are interdependent that they can exist at all. This is a complicated philosophy and I'm not able to explain it in a forum post. You'll just have to dig in and study it. So to answer your question in a way, if things weren't conditioned and interdependent then there wouldn't be anything at all, the condition of emptiness is what allows form to function and be.

    Absoulately...there shouldn't be anything at all...Nihilism should be the answer but obviously nihilism is wrong!
    So why there is existance (call it illusional or delusional)

  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011
    Nibbana isn't a thing though DD
    Buddha said sabbe dhamma anatta, which includes Nibbana

    For non-Nibbana, Buddha said sabbe sankhara anatta

    sabbe dhamma = all things, including Nibbana

    sabbe sankhara = all conditioned things, excluding Nibbana

    Buddha said Nibbana is the asankhata dhatu or unconditioned element

  • projections of the word cause and effect. then your attachment to the words cause and effect.
    No no no! why and how there are projections and words at the first place!

  • DaozenDaozen Veteran
    Just because we 'experience' something doesn't mean we can explain everything about it.
    Because "you can't explain it" doesn't mean that there is no answer...
    Obviously. My point is, I believe no one can answer it. So far, according to you, I am correct :) If you do find someone who can convincingly answer "why?" the cosmos is exactly as it is, i'd love to hear it.
    When will you die?
    I do not know...but that doesn't mean that this question has not answer...
    Who could know your exact moment of death? As i understand it, the theory of chaos proves it is impossible. If you think someone, anyone, could, please explain how.
    We can answer how: because the nature of emptiness is impermanence. Without emptiness, nothing could exist; a seed must grow to become a tree.
    This is not the answer to my question. Let me repeat the question again. Emptiness is empty then how cause and effect is created from emptiness?
    You state "emptiness is empty", so i ask, "empty of what?". The answer is: emptiness is empty of permanent essence. And what is impermanence? It is change: cause and effect. In other words, emptiness does not CREATE cause and effect; it IS cause and effect.
    As for "why?". Well, even my toddler knows that, if you ask "why?" enough, eventually the answer must be "nobody knows".
    why nobody knows? i.e. beyond our capacity? or there is no answer so we do not know? "Beyond our capacity", is, for our own practical purposes, the same as "there is no answer".

  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran

    projections of the word cause and effect. then your attachment to the words cause and effect.
    No no no! why and how there are projections and words at the first place!

    thinking. i won't say it again. this is my last time.
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited May 2011

    Hahaha....I have to ask "why" again.
    three strikes, your out! ha :lol:
    Whether or not there is the arising of Tathagatas, this property stands — this regularity of the Dhamma, this orderliness of the Dhamma, this this/that conditionality. The Tathagata directly awakens to that, breaks through to that. Directly awakening & breaking through to that, he declares it, teaches it, describes it, sets it forth. He reveals it, explains it, makes it plain
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Nibbana isn't a thing though DD
    Buddha said sabbe dhamma anatta, which includes Nibbana

    For non-Nibbana, Buddha said sabbe sankhara anatta

    sabbe dhamma = all things, including Nibbana

    sabbe sankhara = all conditioned things, excluding Nibbana

    Buddha said Nibbana is the asankhata dhatu or unconditioned element

    Isn't conditioned essentially the same as dependently arisen?
  • Daozen:

    I understand we do not know the answers but that doesn't mean that there are no answers. You initially said: Some questions have no answers. I am responding to you that there ANSWERS to every questions. We may not know it but there are Answers. This is the key I am trying to convey to you.
    So I am looking for the answer "why things are the way they are"....For instance you said emptiness is cause and effect and my question is how and why is it cause and effect? why not something else? or if it is cause and effect why is it the way it is?

  • projections of the word cause and effect. then your attachment to the words cause and effect.
    No no no! why and how there are projections and words at the first place!

    thinking. i won't say it again. this is my last time.
    why "thinking" arise from emptiness?

  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    the problem is simple you're asking a question from the mind and you are looking for an answer that is conceptual.
    you're not going to find the answer in a conceptual format. you're going to have to realize it through insight into the nature of reality.

    it all comes down to thinking. you think this and you think that. you think that is right and you think that is wrong. you think and you create your conditioning and the universe. you think that there is answer thus you try harder to find that answer.

    there is no answer. there is only the existential realization, which is i suppose an answer. but it isn't intellectual though i can
    be expressed in concepts.

    have fun trying.
  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran

    projections of the word cause and effect. then your attachment to the words cause and effect.
    No no no! why and how there are projections and words at the first place!

    thinking. i won't say it again. this is my last time.
    why "thinking" arise from emptiness?

    examine your own experience. where does thinking come from and where does it go it?
  • xabirxabir Veteran
    edited May 2011

    I understand there is cause and effect...I am looking for the answer as to why there is cause and effect...

    Let's break this down.

    It goes something like this:

    Me: "When the candle is placed and it is lighted up, fire burns, and all these serve as the condition for a rise in temperature."

    You: "But what is all cause of all the causes such as candle, fire burning, etc (and its effects) to begin with?"

    Me: "The candle is made of wax, which is formed by .... [explains the process of causality in which candle comes into manifestation], whereas the fire is lighted up because of the matchstick and the action of striking the matchstick and putting the flame on the candle, etc..."

    You: "But what is the cause of ? ..."

    Me: "[explains again]"

    This process can go in for infinity.

    There is NO first cause of anything! There is no first cause of manifestation and causality.

    There is just an infinite regress of causality... that has no beginning and source. Every manifestation is the interaction of the entire universe... the total exertion of the universe, the totality of causes and conditions, gives rise to this moment of manifestation. Causality is simply the natural law - when there is this, that is, when this is not, that is not, when this arises, that arises, when this ceases, that ceases.

    There is no origin, no source, no creator.

    Even the so called creator God is simply a being deluded into thinking (since he was the first to re-appear in this universe while the previous universe was destroyed) he was a creator... where in fact he himself is born due to karma (causality), and all the beings that came after him as the first-born in this universe was also born out of karma.

    There is no beginning, no origin.
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