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New? Introduce Yourself to NB Members!
Kia Ora @Tasey ..Welcome
Hi Everybody, nice to meet you.
About me.
I decided at ten that I was not a Christian. It took me many years to find the path that agreed with what I believed. So began my life as a newbie for some time now.
In my life, evil has been an overriding theme from spending too much time with monsters to studying why and how a person becomes evil. Most importantly is there ways to change the momentum? I understand the Buddha counselled a couple of serial killers who developed compassion.
In 91 was diagnosed with PTSD, and about 4 months ago with DID. At this point I am reviewing everything I remember with this new framework. I got to say it makes a lot of sense and seems to present as described.
I now know that some of the challenges I have with practice are down to the continual assessment of the dissociation process.
Thanks for reading these words.
Welcome to our forum, @PaisleySunshine ...
AFAIK, we have one other member who may have a similar disorder, but for many complex reasons they don't come in much.
I would add - if I may - that this forum deals specifically with addressing mental issues frtom a Buddhist perspective.
There are a couple of members who have also endured, managed and lived with psychiatric/psychological/mental afflictions, and 'm sure they will support and contribute, but of course, none of us is medically qualified or professionally capable of offering a professional angle, here...
Be assured we do not judge, we do not condemn, we do not criticise, we do not differentiate, we do not disparage, we do not discriminate.
We offer opinion and comment giving Buddhist perspectives as we have learnt or understood them.
I hope you enjoy your time with us.
Hi! I guess I should have posted here first.
I'm starting to get serious about my practice, and wanted to have a community that I could observe and participate in. I'm married to a non-denominational Christian pastor, and mom to an almost one year old. That limits my participation in real life community.
Glad to be here! I've been lurking for about a week.. might start to post more.
Welcome @Quidditch
Thank you @Bunks!
Namaste all,
I'm a working mum from South Australia. I'm an experienced meditator but only have a basic, superficial understanding of Buddhism. I'm not a big sports fan, but I'm a former gymnast and loved playing soccer (just local club level).
I'm looking to start attending a sangha and would like to learn some more online here as well.
Welcome @FeistyGibblets (cool name!) - I am just across the border from you in Victoria.
Hope you find this site beneficial. Ask lots of questions and get involved.....it's a fun group of people here.
Is there any particular tradition or school you're interested in? I know Ajahn Brahm (Theravadan tradition) has a small community in Adelaide.
Hi @Bunks
I'm open to all traditions at this stage. I'm in Hahndorf.
Ah yes @FeistyGibblets! I've heard of it but not sure I've visited. The 90's were a bit of a blur......
Might be worth checking out the group below....
Wonderful! Just start asking away, and we will do our best to come up with some answers...
Hello @FeistyGibblets nice to meet you!
I'm a wannabe enthusiastic chef, and wish chickens were still sold with their...
Wrong giblets.
Ok, carry on regardless!
Thanks so much
Yes Hahndorf is one of those quaint historical places that you usually visit to go the German Pub there (awesome place btw) or you live in if your family are established there (guilty as charged LOL)
I am a new practitioner of Jodo-shu. I've had the good fortune to have a very strange life thus far and find that I'd like a new framework with which to move forward.
Namu Amida Bu
Hi @karasu and welcome! We hope you enjoy your stay
Welcome @karasu 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
Hi everybody. New here and new to buddhism. Not new to meditation. I have learned the TM meditation technique many years ago. Looking forward to learning more about buddhism.
Kind wishes to all in these difficult times.
Hello @Frogpond. Welcome
Welcome, PaisleySunshine (like your name).
I'm a 70-year old, practicing Buddhism with a local Lama/Geshe since 2000.
Buddhism can be highly effective, but it is very slow. Don't be in a hurry.
And the better you do your practices, the more inner results you will get.
If you have no teacher, I would refer you to Theravadan Buddhism, which is designed for the solitary practitioner. And I would refer you to a book that I think is an excellent substitute for a live Theravadan teacher "Mindfulness in Plain English" by Bhante Gunaratana. I have seen it for sale on amazon and it is not an expensive book. I also highly recommend teachings (books or MP3 downloads or CD's) from Pema Chodron .. a Western Tibetan Buddhist nun, also previously a teacher, who has a knack for simplifying the path in ways we Westerners can wrap our heads around.
Welcome to what should become a fascinating journey into yourself.
Thank you @Walker. Good to meet you.
Thank you @Walker. Good to meet you.
Who's PaisleySunshine...?
Hi! I’m new. My name is Kate. I am fairly new to buddhism. I do not follow a particular branch but I have been looking into Zen, Bon and Theravā and just buddhism concepts generally.
I find dharma talks very calming and helpful to my life and have recently starting using meditation for healing as well as general well-being. Buddhism has made such an important impact on my life and I would love to share in a community of other people passionate about it also.
Otherwise. I am Australian 37, a musician; I make calming ambient ‘spacey’ sometimes ‘noisy’ music, I love to collect music and vinyl records, studying horticulture, listening to fun podcasts, reading dystopian sci-fi/magical realism and cooking vegetarian meals.
Looking forward to meeting everyone in the forums!
Hello - again! Nice to meet you!
(I'm wondering whether to warn you about our Village Idiot, @lobster... he is an idiot because he has far deeper wisdom than any of us have. And yet, he disguises it as madcap folly.
Read between the lines. he will teach you much. And make you laugh, as he does....)
Hi @federica! I posted generally first and then I realised there was this thread so thought, better to put it there. Thank you for the heads up. I will keep an eye out
Damn, tarnation and pink unicorns!
Was hoping to learn something for once ... 😲
Unmasked, eh @lobster?
Hi All, My name is Ron and I am new to the forum, thanks for letting me join ! I have been reading many of the posts for some time and would like to thank you all for the content, which helped me along on my path. I came into buddhism through Yoga/meditation and the reading of books. I am following the talks and instructions of Ayya Khema and try to take mini steps every day. I am doing this together with my wife( we have our own little sangha
)...which has pros and cons.
I am looking forward to many more interesting reads on this forum and hope to be able to contribute a little bit.
I'm interested in why having your own mini-sangha with your wife would have both Pro's and Con's...
Feel free to open a new thread. Maybe we can be supportive and offer input, if that's what you'd like. That's why we're all here. In it, together!
I am constantly amazed how many nuances and subtleties others offer. Welcome. 💗😌🦞
welcome @ronflonflon

Hello. I thought about introducing myself with a wee joke, like “reasons to be Choephal” but the answer to that, is that is a Tibetan Dharma name. I am a Dzogchen follower. Not a grim faced exclusivist type, but an ecumenical non fanatical type.
I am here to learn and exchange..🙂🙏🏻
Welcome @Choephal I know a few dzogchen people, and without exception they are insightful and knowledgeable.
Welcome @Choephal! Nice to meet you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤❤❤☀☀☀
Thank you.🙏🏻
I’ve been around with other usernames but have been away for a while, it’s good to be back. Hope everyone is having a great week.
Welcome! Hope you've been steering clear of those fires in your fine state?
Hello, Brothers and Sisters in the Dharma! I'm not a newbie, practice wise, I'm an oldie trying to be new again! Too stale, sitting is inconsistent, not following the precepts...I'm so glad I found this tribe! Since I'm number one million in terms of postgs to this thread I don't expect to get answered but I'll introduce myself to the group. Love you all
Welcome Baika!
We r loveable dharma tribe? Well I never ...
Welcome to the new old.
Hi @Baika . Nice to meet you. I was born and raised near you. Rockledge and Cocoa Beach. Still have a few family living in Melbourne.
I used to live in Melbourne too.....the other one! 😀
Thank you! Trying, air quality so bad I don't let my daughter come outside. Where do you reside?
I live just outside of Melbourne in Australia.
We had our own summer from hell earlier this year with bushfires.
Hi all, I'm not really new but have been away from active social media for around 10 years. The dharma's been a constant companion over that time though.
Coincidentally, I also am from Melbourne Australia...why do coincidences always coincide with Buddhism, it spooky in a fun way. Looks like this summer will be a wet one if La Ninya gets its way.
There's been lots of change over that time for myself, as of a few months ago I now have a PhD. It was difficult finishing off my thesis over covid, but others have had it much worse so I won't complain. I missed the conversations that I had here and look forward to chatting with you guys in future.
Welcome @Whoknows - I live in Geelong. Just down the M1.
Do you ever visit any temples or monasteries in and around Melbourne? We are blessed with many to choose from.
Hi everyone!
Another lurker just landed from the U.K.
I initially joined after enjoying reading the posts here and trying zen meditation from a zen teacher and clear awareness mantra from a Theravada Buddhist and found it incredibly liberating.
I’m a Christian also interested in zen teachings.
Haven’t read any zen related books yet but have stumbled on a meditation site I like( thanks @lobster
So yeh, just finding my way around and enjoying your postings.
Welcome @Littleleaf. Enjoy your stay.
waves from South Australia