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New? Introduce Yourself to NB Members!
G'day @MarcelNaultJr - welcome!
Moi aussi, je voudrais a dire bienvenue.
Did he look like this?
(sorry inside Aussie joke)
Hi all
I'm from Rhode Island, USA and am fairly new to Buddhism. For years I've been into 'self-improvement' and have strived to learn from those wiser than me. I was born and raised Catholic but never really fully embraced the religion and once I left my parents home didn't go back to the church except to baptize my children. That was over 20 years ago. Since then I've been searching to find a spiritual path I could embrace.
Through the Internet, particularly Pinterest, seeking out inspiration and guidance on how to live a more meaningful and mindful life, I was coming across so many quotes and references to Buddhism I felt the want to learn more. It's been about a year now and the more I learn I realize how in so many ways it goes along with what I believe in and how I want to live my life.
This is my first time involving myself in any kind of community and am looking forward to making some new like-minded friends and learning from you all ...
Hi @Daysleeper629 . Great to meet you. Greetings from Ireland.?
Hey, @MarcelNaultJr . I have GAD as well and I have just recently beat depression, which is one of the main reasons why I decided to follow Buddhism. You're not alone. Welcome to NB.
A big hug for you.
Hello everyone,
My name is Sachin Gopal and I am a new member. Been practicing Vipassana for some time and it feels great to be a part of this group.
Welcome Sachingopal
Welcome, Sachingopal!
Namaste Sachingopal.....
Welcome to the Sangha
Thank you all.
Hello all!!
My name is Craig. I joined the site about a month ago, but not introduced myself.
I have been practising Vipassana for just over four months now, and as commented on other threads, I have been reading up mainly on Theravada, but I have also read pieces on Zen, Tibetian and across to Taoism.
I am enjoying meditation in the mornings and evenings on my own, as I have yet to join a local sangha, as I can be shy/awkward at times- but I am finding my meditation helps counter this. I will join a local group, or at least go along and hangout and see what's what- as I understand how this will help my practice, but right now I am really enjoying my own studies...
New here. Been practicing a while, but have been trying to figure out lately which school best fits me. I think I've settled on Soto Zen, which is good because there's a group locally (in the sea devoid of Buddhist groups). Anyway I hope to be able to provide some value to others here from time to time.
Welcome @elcra1go & @BlueSpruce
My name is Arturo. You killed my father, prepare to die.
I'm new here and I'm here to learn more about Buddhism and such other eastern religions. Also here to improve my ect ect So nice to meet you.
Ah, the timeless classic 'The Princess Bride'. I remember it well.
Welcome Arturo. Nice to meet you.
Inconceivable! and welcome
Welcome welcome! It's okay to say you're welcome!
Hi, my name is Dan. I've been practicing mindfulness, insight, Samadhi meditation for only about six months now. I'm a pup to the Buddhist world, but with all the resources I've really immersed myself as best I could.
I started finding meditation guides with kundalini yoga, but it really didn't float my boat. Eventually I found a free book on google books, a guide for samatha vipassana meditation by Phra Thepyanmongkol! It helped me along and I've been researching and studying other traditions since (Theravada, Mahayana, Zen in particular).
I live in the Seattle area married with 2 kids, and do not currently have a community to share experiences, questions and doubts with (nor do I have the time, being a parent of two). We are planning on buying a house with some land in the next year so we can move towards our goal of being more self sufficient.
I have been working my way through my practice with books and most recently, especially the videos from the Seattle Insight Meditation Society on the Satipatthana sutta with Rodney Smith. They have been an excellent resource, he has some amazing insights.
As I read through the new posts its amazing how similar I felt about Buddhism as others from a beginners perspective. So I hope to add to the discussions, pose some questions and enjoy being a part of a Buddhist community!
Thanks for having me aboard.
(Mod note: Posts merged.
Welcome @CromeYellow .
We're a mixed bunch with all sorts of individual idiosyncrasies but our hearts are in the right place.
Ups and downs, like any family, but a strong sense of togetherness when the brown stuff hits the fan.
Not new but changed my name from Hozan.
Hi everyone, happy to be here! Twenty years ago I sat down to meditate for the first time and knew my life would never be the same again. I've been meditating for many years experiencing loss of self, truth, love, complete presence and equanimity but with no knowledge about it until much later when I read about it and naively had no idea other people were experiencing the same. To me it just seemed like some magic world that opened up by meditating, which nobody else I knew was doing. It is an enormous comfort and help I feel to realise so many people are on this path one way or another. It feels natural wanting as many as possible at least to get a glimpse of it. Thankful to everyone here and this forum and welcome to all other newcomers
Welcome @Niels!
Hi All: I'm Eric, a middle-aged married dad from NJ, USA, new to nb.com. Look forward to meeting y'all.
G’day @ericd724 . Welcome
I hope G'day is what I think it is. Look forward to it.
Google say no. Something to do with a regional Oz greeting and not the G-spot, which they only have as a bar in Australia ...
Must behave.
Hi Eric. Welcome indeed ... and to Niels and any others lurking their way to enlightenment ... gosh quite a few newbies. Must be kind to Newbies ... ??♀
you iz bad @lobster
That's just the way we speak down under cobber!!
Hello all, I'm an American living in China. Been an on-and-off meditator for years, used to go to a Theravadan temple in the USA, and I'd like to find a sangha now that I work in China, but my limited ability with Mandarin makes it really tough to make connections. In the USA I used to lead dhamma discussion groups and study sessions.
I've been off the meditation habit for a long while, and I feel I really need to get back on it. Hoping engaging with a Buddhist community online will help me stick with it.
@Airui Hello...nice to meet you
......I'm always ready to raise a glass...Cheers back at ya! See you around....
Hello everyone,
My name is Nerida and I live in a city called Odense. It is the capital of an island in Denmark called Fyn. I was born in Tipperary in Ireland (my father is Irish, my mother Danish) but we moved to Odense when I was still a toddler. I'm a singer by trade.
I was raised Catholic but am very interested in Buddhism. I started meditating during a bad time in my life and found it helps when I feel life is getting too chaotic.
I look forward to learning more here.
Hello @Nerida, nice to meet you! Stick around, you'll find an awful lot of humans here! Some of us have been on the Buddhist path for decades. Others have come and gone, and come back again... in the end, we're all beginners.... no matter what! Hope you enjoy being part of the gang!
Thank you very much ?
Welcome. I very much recommend Without Buddha I Could Not Be a Christian. You might appreciate it.
Welcome @Airui and @Nerida - hope you find some wisdom and motivation on here! Best of luck in your practice.
Hello Everyone :
My name is Tsultrim: discipline in Tibetan. I have been a buddhist practitioner for a long time.
I looked at this forum and was amazed at how well it is run and how friendly it is. I also enjoyed some of the dharmic comments. You are all fortunate to have such a wonderful place to discuss the dharma. Being an old timer, i'm having trouble with the t bbcechnology (im not editing the misspelling, it's too good), but as an old haiku says (paraphrasing): Snail, climb Mount Fuji, slowly, slowly
At present I dont have much more to say. If I find the forum congenial, I will open up about personal things over time.
Having been in many other spiritual groups, I have learned to be careful, finding that knowledge is power and can at times be used against you. Look how much you already know about me.? So let's see how it goes for me and for you, hoping that we can have an enjoyable nd insightful time together.. Yours in th Dharma, Tsultrim
G'day @Tsultrim - welcome aboard!!
Thank you Bunks. The G'day is great!
Hi, @Tsultrim , just to let you know, we also have a sub-forum called 'Members-Only'. This forum was created by the Senior Bod for all and any members to be able to speak freely about whatever is on - or in! - their minds, unhindered and openly, without fear of intrusion or discovery from any form of technical search engines. What happens in M-O, stays in M-O, if you will. Nobody off forum would ever see it, not even 'lurkers'. It's completely private.
We have the occasional minor spats here, ups and downs, the odd occasional 'mal-mot'... but they're few and far between (making my job easy!) but if any member posts in Members-Only needing "prayers", support or counselling of any form, I can't think of any members who would refrain from offering their shoulders to lean on.
We'll all huddle and cuddle, as I have heard said.
So don't worry about revelations.
We are none of us in the habit of spreading the love further than is right, unless of course, the OP has a request reflecting that measure, such as seeking ways of fund-raising or seeking reference to an organisation, for example. But discretion is our by-word.
Thanks federica for the reassurance.
Greetings all! I figured I might as well introduce myself. I am not a new Buddhist, but I am a new visitor of this forum.
I'm Caoimhghín.
My username is also Coëmgenu on SuttaCentral, if anyone here happens to also post there. Pleased to meet you all.
Hi @Vimalajāti and welcome... perhaps you’d like to tell us a little bit about your background in Buddhism, to give us a bit of context for your posts?
I did not see that there was already a thread for introductions, sorry!
I am a fellow dharma learner, although I can't really fairly call myself "new" to it. I got interested in Buddhism during my university days, after fairly superficially exploring it as a teenager.
I don't really know what to say, to be honest! I figured it would just be polite to introduce myself.
My dharma practice is with Tendai-shū. I live in Canada. I can't think of much else, sorry!
Welcome @Vimalajāti ! Are things warming up in Canada?
Alas, after a bunch of nice beach-worthy weather, it's turned cold for a week or so, the forecast says.
Ah yes, similar over here at this time of year.....we've just had our first blast of winter!
Welcome @Vimalajati.
Hello everyone! I'm a noobie too, only just joined yesterday. My name is Emma, I'm from England and I would love to learn more about Buddhism and finding peace of mind.