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  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I'm frim England too. We Frimists have to stook together.... ;)

    Welcome, @LadyEmmaE , nice to meet you!

  • LadyEmmaELadyEmmaE Shropshire, England New

    @federica Oops! Fixed now. I will try and be more careful with my typing...I think I got too excited introducing myself.

    Thank you! :) Nice to meet you too.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    That's right, correct it.... make ME look an idiot....


  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    G'day @LadyEmmaE - welcome!

  • ScottPenScottPen Maryland Veteran

    I've been around for a little while but I just started posting yesterday. I began my meditation practice around 6 weeks ago and have found a few teachers in the modern Insight tradition that are teaching in a way that I believe I can understand pretty well.
    I'm 40 years old, married, 2 kids, 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 fish, and a hermit crab. I work as a legal assistant here in Maryland, USA. I'm a homeowner so my main hobby is my house and yard, but I'm also a visual artist and musician.

    It's become clear to me that my attachments and clinging are really damaging my well-being. I'm working on it and it feels pretty good to be proactive.

  • TsultrimTsultrim Hawaii Veteran

    Hello @ScottPen welcome to the forum.

  • Ugyen_YesheUgyen_Yeshe Toronto New

    Hello NB forum, I thought that I would take a moment to intoduce myself. I practice in the Tibetan tradition and although I see that alot of people here follow the Theravada tradition I think that fundamentally dharma is dharma. Having said that, I look forward to the discussions!

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    G'day @Ugyen_Yeshe - welcome!

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran

    Hi there! =)

  • Ugyen_YesheUgyen_Yeshe Toronto New

    Thanks @Bunks , hi @Vastmind ?

  • kandokando northern Ireland Veteran

    Hello to all, just joined after enjoying the discussions for a while, my name is Dawn and I follow a mainly Zen path, as they have the best poets and even a Way of poetry! Live in Northern Ireland with my partner and a lot of rain ☔ I write poetry and am an artist. Apart from that I'm reasonably sane.

  • HozanHozan Veteran

    Welcome @LadyEmmaE @ScottPen @Ugyen_Yeshe and @kando . Lovely to meet you all. ????

  • kandokando northern Ireland Veteran

    @Socair said:

    Welcome @LadyEmmaE @ScottPen @Ugyen_Yeshe and @kando . Lovely to meet you all. ????

    Thank you Socair <3 still getting the hang of the controls! Mayday, mayday........ :o

  • HozanHozan Veteran

    @kando said:
    @Socair said:

    Thank you Socair <3 still getting the hang of the controls! Mayday, mayday........ :o

    You're in the right place @kando . I've learned a huge amount from everybody sharing here and am very grateful for it.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    @kando said:
    I write poetry and am an artist. Apart from that I'm reasonably sane.

    Yo! Welcome to all those unreasonably sane (does not seem so reasonable to be reasonable these days) ???

    Watch out for non kosher lobster who has moved himself to the naughty corner - reserved for those who talk about themselves in the third person, give dharma a bad name and generally confuse those seeking clarity (allegedly) ...

    Welcome all Buddhist newbies Won and Whole ...

  • kandokando northern Ireland Veteran

    As Zen also seeks to confuse those who seek clarity - lobster is ok with me B)

  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman England Explorer
    edited August 2018

    Hi everyone. I’m Finn the Human. (not really tho, although I am human) and I’m 26 and from Harrogate in England. I’m soon to be starting a PHD in religion and theology in Manchester, studying existentialist philosophy and linking it with the paths found in religion(s). I like religious mysticism. I started meditating properly in January, and now I don’t know why I haven’t always been meditating. Anyway, Hi.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @FinnTheHuman said:
    Hi everyone. I’m Finn the Human. (not really tho, although I am human) and I’m 26 and from Harrogate in England. I’m soon to be starting a PHD in religion and theology in Manchester, studying existentialist philosophy and linking it with the paths found in religion(s). I like religious mysticism. I started meditating properly in January, and now I don’t know why I haven’t always been meditating. Anyway, Hi.

    Hi @FinnTheHuman - welcome aboard! Hopefully this site can help you in your personal development plus your PHD.

  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman England Explorer

    Thank you @Bunks

  • RojehoRojeho CT Explorer

    Hi, I'm Ron on here Rojeho. I joined a few days ago. I have been practicing for the little more than two years, immersing myself on everything I can find, which has of course only brought me to a fundamental understanding, but a great foundation. Nothing has deterred me from this journey. It only has enhanced me, now also closing in on being two years sober. I was lost and now I've found that no one is ever lost, but forever searching for the peace of the other shore. Thanks for having me and I look forward to your wisdom, experience, and knowledge.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran


    G'day Ron! Welcome.....hope you get something out of this place. Congrats on the upcoming anniversary too. Respect!!

  • RojehoRojeho CT Explorer

    Thanks Bunks, me too.

  • Zazen1Zazen1 London Explorer

    Not sure if this is the right place for introducing oneself. Luke here in London. I have been meditating on and off for years but looking to make a committment to a daily regular practise. Good to be here. I can see there is a lot I can learn.

  • ShoshinShoshin No one in particular Nowhere Special Veteran

    Welcome Luke...There is an intro thread, which no doubt @federica will transplant your post to...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Zazen1 , @Shoshin - and here we are! Welcome @Zazen1 enjoy every moment with us - no time like the present! :D

  • Zazen1Zazen1 London Explorer

    Thank you @Shoshin and @federica

  • LotusMindLotusMind San Francisco Explorer

    Hi everyone. New here. Based in San Francisco. Looking forward to learning here. Been a buddhist about a year now. Learning every day.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Aren't we all...? Welcome! Enjoy your stay with us, jump in, join, contribute, ask and have fun learning!

  • Zazen1Zazen1 London Explorer

    Nice to meet you both @Buddhalotus and @LotusMind .

  • LotusMindLotusMind San Francisco Explorer

    @Zazen1 said:
    Nice to meet you both @Buddhalotus and @LotusMind .

    Thank you. Nice to meet you both.

  • LotusMindLotusMind San Francisco Explorer

    @federica said:
    Aren't we all...? Welcome! Enjoy your stay with us, jump in, join, contribute, ask and have fun learning!

    Thank you @federica

  • BuddhalotusBuddhalotus Here and now Explorer

    Thank you for the welcome, @Zazen1
    Hello, @LotusMind

  • Hi friends,
    I'm herbie. I live in Germany and buddhist traditions and views have inspired me throughout the last 15 years. During this time I contacted Theravada, Zen and Tibetan buddhism. The diversity of 'buddhisms' that has been confusing in the beginning is now what I do appreciate very much because it seems to be an offering buddhism makes to a variety of personality traits and needs and phases in life.
    After having renounced buddhist internet forums for some time I've now decided to give it a try again here to explore whether mutual inspiration can be a feature of a buddhist internet forum, too.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    hi @herbie, and welcome to the forum! My step-son works in Munich, so if you're ever near there, you might bump into him, together with the other one-and-a-half odd million people who live there. Hey, you never know!
    We're a nutty, diverse and sporadically wise bunch here, with a lot of humour and good-natured chatting going on. Jump in to any discussion you want, we're all very mutually-supporting individuals!

  • Hi @federica
    Thanks for the welcome! :)

  • ColinAColinA Explorer

    Hi there. Colin here. Since retiring 4 years ago I have become interested in mindfulness and meditation. This in turn has led to an interest in buddhism. I am a novice just looking at the very beginnings and the four noble truths. So I am here in a learning capacity. I am arriving to buddhism relatively late in life.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Hello @ColinA Welcome to our humble, modest but big-hearted friendly forum! Nice to meet you, thanks for joining!

  • ColinAColinA Explorer

    @federica said:
    Hello @ColinA Welcome to our humble, modest but big-hearted friendly forum! Nice to meet you, thanks for joining!

    Thank you for the warm welcome @federica . It is great to be here. I'm kind of excited to be starting out on the buddhist path though I know excited probably isn't the best buddhist state of mind.

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Trust me, everyone's 'excited' when they're late to the party and they've just started. I couldn't shut up to begin with. You'll find the love of it grows exponentially to your level of calmness settling in. It's nice to feel this good about something, and it feels right too. :)

  • And the site — unlike many — is well-moderated, with tough-love metta or TLM!

  • ColinAColinA Explorer

    @federica said:
    Trust me, everyone's 'excited' when they're late to the party and they've just started. I couldn't shut up to begin with. You'll find the love of it grows exponentially to your level of calmness settling in. It's nice to feel this good about something, and it feels right too. :)

    It certainly feels good and right. Thank you @federica

  • AmanakiAmanaki Norway Explorer

    Hello :) I am a 41year old Norwegian Thravadin who join to learn more aboout Buddhism and to share of my own knowldge about the path.

    Hop to have a great time in here :)

  • ColinAColinA Explorer

    Hi @Amanaki . I am new here also but unlike you I am fairly new to buddhism too. Good to meet you.

  • AmanakiAmanaki Norway Explorer

    Hello ColinA Good to meet you too, Yes i have been on the path for more then 20 years now, but even today i found new insight that help me on the path :) So even after all this years there is still much to gian wisdom from :)

  • ColinAColinA Explorer

    That's great @Amanaki . I feel fortunate to have found buddhism.

  • AmanakiAmanaki Norway Explorer

    Buddhism as a path is the tool to meditation and to enlightenment, The part that is very difficult for many is the letting go of attachments. it can take years to see once own attachments, but upon seeing it, it is more easy to let go :)
    The last insight i gained what that in meditation, often called mindfulness or insight meditation, vipassana meditation this is actually not the meditation Buddha was teaching. Meditation on the 4 jhanas was what buddha was teaching :)
    The one who opend the understanding of this for me was Ajahn Brahm, a senior monk :)

  • KundoKundo Sydney, Australia Veteran

    Nice to meet you @Amanaki . My family are from Kristiansund and Oslo

  • TaseyTasey Montana, USA New

    Hello everyone!
    I am... apparently not sure how to introduce myself anymore.
    I stay at home, at the beck and call of two tiny people I'm trying to raise with compassion. I realized the best way to do that is to cultivate it within myself as well, and remembered that the little bit of delving I did into Buddhism in my teen years was very fulfilling. Life happened and I fell out of practice, then I had kids and forgot most everything about life before.
    Now I'm here! So... I will probably need some hand-holding in this process. I've been listening to Alan Watts' lectures, and some other podcast-type content to get a better understanding of Dharma and how I can apply that understanding to improve my own practice (and life, if I'm being totally honest. I have a lot of anxiety and other issues to overcome).
    I've used malas and simple meditation for years, as well as yoga and breathing exercises, but I'm trying to take it a few steps further. I have also fallen into a sort of mental trap of trying to follow every "rule" regarding setting up a shrine in my home, and I need some kid-friendly ideas (or just encouragement that it's okay to break some of the rules? Unless it's not!) I am terrified of blundering and doing something disrespectful to the culture or to the Buddhas and just need some direction.
    Yep. Definitely don't know how to do introductions anymore. But I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all!

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Hello @Tasey! We have had several threads in the past talking about the creation of our own personal altars; what I shall do, is open a thread on DIY Altars, and we can link a few threads for you. But feel free to ask whatever questions you want.
    Don't sweat it. Even a flower in a vase, with a postcard photo of a Buddha, can suffice...

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