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@Brownbuddha @federica Thank you! I appreciate it! I have found much more meaning in my life from following The Way, and I figured that I can learn a ton on here, or at least make some new friends!
Welcome @Spekter!
Hi all, the name is Bartley or Bart for short. I am 47 and currently living in Haifa. Israel that is. I am a former Orthodox Jew. I got 7 kids to prove it. Ages 12 to 22. I have been practicing(if that's what you can call it) Dhamma for perhaps 3 years now. I was looking for an online forum to connect with other practitioners.
Welcome @bart Nice to meet you.
Hya Bart, and welcome home.
G'day @bart - hope you find something useful here
Thanks all.
Hi Eric
welcome to new buddhist. I'm a newbie too.
hello to all the other newbies. Still learning how to navigate this forum and not dig up old posts lol.
Oh no, not you again!
Replied in your other thread...
Hi @Per4umer,
Threads over a year old you can reply too but better still start a new thread (perhaps with a link) making a new query/thread. @federica our main moderator may already have informed you of this way of keeping things fresh ...
I think she may have actually already discovered that for herself.... Makes a noice change...newbie, reading.....
Namaste! I'm Nige. I'm 48 years old and live in Worthing, West Sussex, UK. I'm new to Buddhism and have been meditating on and off for a couple of years. Since going on a Buddhist meditation retreat I have been practicing more regularly and I'm learning more about buddhism and myself each day. Its an experiential process with no manual to follow, which I'm enjoying.
Hello all! I'm new here (obviously) and I'm looking forward to being involved on this site. I'm 52 years old. I've been practicing 9 years although most of that was not at a Sangha. For the past 2 years I was involved in a Sangha although now I've moved again and am once again without a Sangha. While my wife doesn't entirely identify with Buddhism, she is also getting involved. Anyway, I hope to here from you all in the forums.
Hi. Nice to meet you, both!
Hi everyone,
Im just finishing my 3 year diploma in person centred counselling, finished my academics now just about to complete my clients hours. I am interested in mindfulness meditation and establishing a regular practice for myself. Been doing it regularly for just over a year now. I try to do it daily. I wouldn't call myself a Buddhist. But I am starting to take my path more seriously now. I'm following a spiritual pagan path based in nature, goddess and self awareness. I'm interested in learning about Buddhism and I will see how it fits in with me. I have been drawn to explore this path for some 7 years since I accidentally stumbled into a Buddhist dharma mind group thinking it was something else. I was welcomed and it was the start of something new for me. I hope I can fit in here and meet some nice people. I'm looking forward to learning and sharing too. Thank you for this space.
Welcome. @ThinkRabbit , nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy the discussions here.
Well done to you for your academic achievements.... What exactly IS 'Person-centred counselling'...?
I read a psychotherapy book and the author said his supervisor was Carl Rogers - and that he secretly wanted to be adopted by him, and probably half the other students felt the same way. Must've been an amazing guy.
@ThinkRabbit, welcome aboard!
Thanks @Shoshin; I'm fairly sure @ThinkRabbit could have told me herself.... It was my amateur attempt to engage her in conversation and make her feel welcome....
Hi everyone,
Thank you for such a warm welcome! @federica, person centred counselling is a gentle talking therapy created by Carl Rogers. Its known for it's non-directivity, unconditional positive regard and empathy. It is as the name suggests and keeps the client at the centre at all times. It is not driven by the therapists needs, the client directs their session. I think It's really great stuff. Empowering the client to seek their own answers through self awareness. It was thoughtful of you to ask and did engage me in conversation. No one ever asks what I do
Thanks again everyone I'm looking forward to exploring the forum
Yes he was something! He believed in the goodness in people so much. He wanted everyone to reach their potential and live authentically. He was really inspiring. He thought we all had inside us the power to our own transformation.
Thank you. I'm happy to be here
Hi people,
I'm satcittananda, and in introducing myself here in this particular thread I'm hoping to express my particular metaphysical interest in your discussions, and look forward to participating with you all. I practice a particular form of buddhism which has evolved from my practice, and reading and understanding of the flower garland sutra, among other things.
What I love about this thread (and has made me participate) is the way it captures so many elements of mahayana buddhist thought - @persons quote is very familiar to my view! It is uncanny that whilst Zennists and Tibetans may posture against each other, and as expressed in the previous comments, they are really talking about the same thing, perhaps just failing to notice the unity in the disjointed conversation.
I look forward to engaging with you all in future conversations.
Hi @satcittananda, welcome; I have moved your introductory post to the New Members thread.... Nice to meet you!
Above post originally Here...
whoa there...
I'm feeling like my post has been whirled around in a tornado like Dorothy in the wizard of Oz!
nice to meet you @federica and other newbuddhists... are you the wicked witch of the west, or Glinda (from up north)?
Neither. I'm just your local friendly Moderator and 'housekeeper'....
Hello! I'm very new, I joined yesterday! My name is Rachel, and I'm a new Buddhist teen living in a family of Christians. I joined this site to find community, since unfortunately I don't have access to any anywhere else.
Hmm, about me.. I enjoy the outdoors, baking, exercise, and gaming. I'm a drummer and pianist, and I also do archery.
I'm happy to be here, welcome fellow newbies!
Welcome @zenyatta
I did archery for a little while, made me appreciate how difficult hunting is if you have no nearby supermarket ...
What is a Christian? Are they kind?
Only joshing. Thanks for joining our little group of right speakers ...
@zenyatta @satcittananda, welcome. It's lovely to have you on board.
I never did the introduction thing so here goes:
I've been meditating for about 15 years and Buddhist for about 5. Didn't come from a religious background but was looking for something for the longest while as I felt it would settle my soul. As I didn't believe in God, there weren't so many options nearby. My brother's family are more down the Christian end and I feel a pang of envy when I hear all that singing which is so beautiful. I love how churches celebrate all the rites of life - birth, marriage, death, and the community (in theory at least) provides support during sickness and difficulty.
But Buddhism I reckon has a great toolkit that (as far as I can figure out) is more practical. That, and the fact that there's no God and no heaven. We'll leave out the hell realms for another discussion.
Anyways, it's lovely to have you all here! Sure makes a big difference to my day.
@zenyatta it's lovely to meet you! You say you're a 'teen'... a young teen or older teen? Either way, you're very welcome! We have threads on here about food (we love it, we eat nothing else!) and hobbies are always up for a good discussion.... you seem to have a lot of skills at your fingertips, so that will make for interesting conversation! Glad to have you aboard!
I'm afraid, I'm much older, with eyesight dimming, hearing dulling, joints a'aching
- so contemplation is the only thing I can do without actually doing anything that appears to break me down! Hope to share and receive insight into our human condition!
Hello Everyone,
I know this is a older feed so I hope people see this.
I am 37 years old in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I have been a Roman Catholic because that is what I was told I was but never really beleived in it. AS I got older I considered myself an athiest because religion either seemed far fetched or too much ager and hatred and exclusion in religion. I have always felt that If I did believe in something it would be Buddhism because of it's practice and teachings (very beautiful).
The more the world became angry and hateful the more I was interested in Buddhism as a way into spiritualism. I will be honest, once I saw the seeds of hate blossom during and after the US election of Donald Trump I knew it was time.
I then started reading about Buddha's life from Prince Siddhartha to Buddha and I knew I have made it to where I need to be.
Anyway, I love the outdoors, hiking, camping, swiming, travelling, road trips, going to the gym and spending time with my amazing family. Look forward to my time with everyone on here :-)
**Hi my name is Paola and I live in Brazil but my heart is in America where I grew up. I AM a sculptor and love lisening to music mostly romantic. I like lisening to mantras too. I Take of care of my mother(full time job) that is elderly and hás alzeimers but not to an extreme. Love cats!! Like cooking too! Not married, not havê kids. Looking forward to participating in this web site!
Welcome @Paola, nice to meet you. Much metta and credit to you for caring for your mother.... role reversal is not always easy! Be well, have fun, welcome aboard!
Welcome from Down Under @Paola. Take care.
Insight welcome. Some of us (lobster raises claw) need any insight we can find ...
I live in meditation house.
Primarily Tibetan buddhists lineages multiple retreats, teachers.
Given my life to the Path
Blessings and peace to you all
Hello/ I'm Katherine

I'm new to NewBuddhist figured I would introduce myself. I'm the Founder of Barefoot Productions / a company I created 25 years ago in NC/ I'm pretty easy going & optimistic
I encountered Buddhism to begin with in a Buddhism class at UNC-G in the '80's & have been meditating since 1987.
Being respectful of a new acquaintance & on a Theatre History assignment I studied Theravada Buddhism then after a few years decided Tibetan Buddhism is more for me.
Glad to be here
Welcome @Kindhumanbeing
Welcome @terminal you might find my very olde page on the Book of Thoth of interest but perhaps not really very relevant to those using Buddhist symbolic systems ...
Glad to be here. Found this site after a search on mindfulness, and it looks a great place to find out more. Need to get some mindfulness and peace into my life as I’m constantly stressed, and I feel that it’s having a negative impact on me physically and mentally. Hopefully some of you guys can point me in the right direction.
I’m a Biology teacher from Scotland. An atheist, but with a pantheistic reverence for this wonderful Universe. Vegan. Love music – blues, reggae, rock, acoustic, shamanic drumming. Love hiking and camping whether it’s on the mountain behind my house or deep in a rainforest somewhere.
Look forward to meeting you all.
Welcome @RavenSpiral
I have dealt with and still dealing with stress myself. For me reading the Dharma actually helps a lot and meditation too, although I've been slow at that. I am not sure how new you are to Buddhism but a book that is really helping me is "The Mind And The Way" by Ajahn Sumedho. It deals with a lot of these kind of problems (i.e. stress, depression, jealousy) but puts it in a way you can understand.
I'm pretty new myself but there are some great people on here that can help you out along the way.
Thanks, Tigger. I'll check out the book you mentioned.
Hi guys,
I've been interested in Buddhism for a few years now, mainly since living in a Buddhist centre and loving the teachings. I wouldn't class myself as a Buddhist but I try and live by the principles.

I'm new here so thought I'd introduce myself
I've had a Vagrasattva empowerment so have mainly been meditating on purifying my thoughts and actions which I find positive and it helps me to realise things with myself that I can change. I tend to study Mahayana Buddhism as the teachings seem easy to understand, which is always a bonus.
I'm at university studying Psychology and want to do my dissertation on meditation and its effects on self-control (I think).
Looking forward to getting to know you all
Welcome @kerance - hope you find some help here! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions...
Hi @kerance nice to meet a Brummy! Welcome aboard!
Thank you for the welcome! I look forward to seeing you around the forum
There's always a Brummie dotted about somewhere
Pleased to meet you 
Hello all. I'll keep this short. I joined this forum because it was the top hit when I googled "Vajrayana isn't Buddhism" I just wanted to see what people thought. I remember a forum where someone was very much thinking along those lines and I happened to disagree. The discussion ended my membership at that particular forum. I hope to have healthy discussion and make some friends. Thanks for adding me.
Welcome @Razor!