I saw another thread begun by a member, with a similar title, and actually thought it was going to be a humorous one, because there IS a game, called "Good News, Bad News"...
Someone starts off with a snippet of good news.... but the next person offers an unfortunate consequence, or aspect.
For example:
Good News! The Bride has arrived!
Bad news - She's in a Hearse....
Good News! It's because the Limousine broke down!
Bad news: the Chauffeur tried to fix it with her stocking garter
Good News! Her stockings stayed up!
Bad news: However, her underwear......
Get the gist?
Ok, let me begin:
Good News! Mary's Pregnant!
Bad news - the father's not Jewish
Good news! He got a new car.
Bad news: it's a two seater
Good News: Plenty of boot (trunk) space!
Bad news: The boot (trunk) lock's busted.
The Good News: The car fix-it place is right around the corner.
Good news: Uncle Luey is a Locksmith
Bad news: Uncle Luey expects a 6 pack for his services....
Good news: The bank gave me a free calender.
Bad news: The writing was in Russian.
Good News: The pictures were amazing
Bad News: I've been blind for thirty years.
Good news: The nudes are in braille!
Bad News: The nudes don't speak in Braille.
Edit @federica below: By speak, I meant Braille cannot represent nudes, or anything pictorial very aptly at all.
Good news: They don't need to speak at all!
Good news: What they know is that we all get free ice cream tomorrow.
Bad News: It's wasabi flavor.
Bad News: The cream used in the ice cream was expressed by a dog.
(What does expressed mean? ^^^)
Good News: the dog's cream is delicious!!
(omg is the dog's cream what I think it is? I was thinking a lactating female)
(I think expressed means made to come to fruition)
Good news: NB just floated on the NY stock exchange!
Bad news: I wasn't offered a stock option......were you?
I redid the decor on my Christmas tree this year...i decided to do colors I never have before.....red and gold. Well, white lights....no! multicolor...no! Of course.... red lights.
Good news: My tree came out beautiful.
Bad news: My living room looking like the red-light district....lololololol ....
Good news: You were looking for another work-from-home job anyway . . .
Bad news: after floatation @Linc now drives this:
and he was last seen dating FHM's no.1 I heard: http://www.fhm.com/girls/news/10-scarlett-johansson-85495
Boy is his luck down or what!
I know - censured
Good news, Fede has had all curbs, dips, and bumps leveled out for him!
(above word "Expressed", btw, must mean "pressed out of" a mammary gland, silly!)
Bad news: The Power lines are Down for the Winter.
Good news: it was a " Green," Red -Light district and all lights were solar powered.
The lights are back on.
No, I meant lactating dog.
Bad news: The weather is hot and 70-somethings are going around outdoors nude in your colorful district.
Goo News: So much of this thread I COULD delete, but won't...
Bad News : posts should be short, witty one-liners....
Good News: There are people who love bad news, because they don't like being the only miserable one.
Bad news: Good news only leads to more Bad news! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Good News: Bad News sometimes leads to Bears.
Or is that getting too silly?
Good news: when the good news leads to bad news leading to good news but then leading to bad news then that actually leads to good news.
Good news : @anataman gets the rules!
Bad news: anataman gets the rules.....
Bad news: No news is good news
Ok, obviously not going to plan...
Good news: no news
Good news: Anataman rules!
Bad news: So does @Federica!
Professor Farnsworth: Good News, Everyone! Bad News...
Worse news: she's in control!
Bad news : sometimes I really wonder...
Good news: I had pizza tonight!!