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Every once in a while I ask my pals the Boddhisatvas for blessings. You should similarly call on blessings for those in need. You may be in need. Formally call for help with prostrations. Dedicate merit or practice. Resonate a little or a lot ...
More good stuff ... from the Purelands ...
As we all know the blessing is in the giving ...
'Peace' as a blessing/mantra/state of refuge/puja is a given ...
Namo Amitabha
Somewhere between our ears, our temples, our perfect Buddhist masters, our good intentions, there exists reality ...
'Just this', as the zenniths say.
meanwhile a blessing ...
Just as the soft rains fill the streams,
pour into the rivers and join together in the oceans,
so may the power of every moment of your goodness
flow forth to awaken and heal all beings,
Those here now, those gone before, those yet to come.
By the power of every moment of your goodness
May your heart's wishes be soon fulfilled
as completely shining as the bright full moon,
as magically as by a wish-fulfilling gem.
By the power of every moment of your goodness
May all dangers be averted and all disease be gone.
May no obstacle come across your way.
May you enjoy fulfillment and long life.
For all in whose heart dwells respect,
who follow the wisdom and compassion, of the Way,
May your life prosper in the four blessings
of old age, beauty, happiness and strength.
Bodhisattva Prayer for Humanity
May I be a guard for those who need protection
A guide for those on the path
A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood
May I be a lamp in the darkness
A resting place for the weary
A healing medicine for all who are sick
A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles
And for the boundless multitudes of living beings
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and sky
Until all beings are freed from sorrow
And all are awakened.
Blue, Buddha, Blessing.
Tayatha Om Bekandze
Bekandze Maha Bekandze
Randze Samu Gate Soha
Tayatha Om Bekandze
Bekandze Maha Bekandze
Randze Samu Gate Soha
Healing practice
Just as the soft rains fill the streams,
pour into the rivers, and join together in the oceans,
so may the power of every moment of your goodness
flow forth to awaken and heal all beings–
those here now, those gone before, those yet to come.
By the power of every moment of your goodness,
may your heart’s wishes be soon fulfilled
as completely shining as the bright full moon,
as magically as by a wish-fulfilling gem.
By the power of every moment of your goodness,
may all dangers be averted and all disease be gone.
May no obstacle come across your way.
May you enjoy fulfillment and long life.
For all in whose heart dwells respect,
who follow the wisdom and compassion, of the Way,
may your life prosper in the four blessings
of old age, beauty, happiness and strength.
Join the prayer ... increase the blessing ...
Available in different languages ...
I used to have a "thing" with Tara, I must look her up again.
Cool gal, is our Tara. All 21 of 'em....
This month July in lunar Calandar is Ullambana festival.
Kshitigarbha (Earth Store) Bodhisattva mantra
Blessing to all our parents and ancestors
Blessing to all beings in the six realms
A Mi Tuo Fo
May the fearstruck be free from fear,
May the grieving be free from grief,
May the suffering be free from suffering.
So, too, may all beings be.
~The Buddha
Could you cite the source, please? (Many quotes, attributed to The Buddha, are in fact, at best, close inventions, at worst, fakes....
nmaddp and lobster,thanks ....their voice s are beutiful.
A little googling and as best I can tell is that it is part of a metta prayer from the Bhavana Society.
Thanks, @person. So not a direct quote. I suspected as much.
Apologies. I am usually keen to source things and avoid misattributing things to the Buddha as the web is rife with that. Is it possible to edit our posts?
Nope, not after a pre-determined period. (I believe it's 15 minutes).
After that, you gotta ask me....
Me too. But I think we have two very different Taras in mind.
Om Mani Padme Hum

Blessing to all beings happy and well
A Mi Tuo Fo
Don't worry, there are plenty to go around.
Dear Friends of the Mother Buddhas
Tara our sister, daughter, wife and Mother is a Great Being, manifesting Blessing
thanks lobster.tara ,what i read on the link , is awe-some.what an amazing vow!
Thanks for that @Lobster the blessing brightened my morning.
Na Mo Quan Yin Bodhisattva
Deep in my bones the Goddess is alive,
Deep in my cells and blood the Life Force is strong,
Deep in my heart and spirit,
I believe I will heal.
I feel Kuan Yin at my core,
Filling me with Faith and Health.
Abundant Life Forces of the Universe flow in me,
And banish all disease.
My blood, my bones, my cell and my body,
Are healing now...
Are healing now...
The Goddess force is in me
And healing me now ...
In Times of Trial
Goddess within me,
Your devotee seeks your aid,
Courage to face this,
Strength to stand!
Love to aid!
Na Mo Quan Yin Bodhisattva
Oṃ Amideva Hrīḥ
Oṃ Amideva Hrīḥ
Om! Homage to the Noble Arya Tara!
Praise to Tara, the swift Heroine! Your eyes flash like lightening.
Born from the tear of Compassion’s Lord, you arise from a blooming lotus.
Praise to Tara, whose face, like the gathering of a hundred full autumn moons,
Blazes with the illuminating radiance of a thousand star nebuli.
Praise to Tara whose hand is adorned with the blue-gold lotus.
You are the embodiment of generosity, joyous effort, discipline, patience, peace, and meditation.
Praise to Tara, zenith crown of the Buddhas! Infinitely Victorious One,
Having attained all transcendent perfections you are revered by all Bodhisattvas.
Praise to Tara who fills the three realms with her seed syllables “TUTTARE” and “HUNG!”
Your feet trample the seven worlds and all beings are drawn to you.
Praise to Tara! You are honored by the great gods Indra, Agni, Brahma, Vayu and Ishvara.
Spirits, ghosts, demons and celestial beings all sing your praises.
Praise to Tara! Your wrathful mantras “TRAT” and “PHAT” Annihilate the magical spells of your enemies. Trampling with right foot up and left extended You sit gracefully amidst a blazing conflagration.
Praise to Tara, the Great Wrathful One whose mantra “TURE” destroys the mighty demons.
The fierce expression on your lotus face slays all enemies without exception.
Praise to Tara whose hand is at the heart in the mudra of the Three Jewels;
Right palm adorned with the Universal Wheel, emitting beams of light in all directions.
Praise to Tara whose brilliant crown, majestic and joyous, radiates garlands of light.
Your mocking laughter of “TUTTARA” subdues all worldly negative energies.
Praise to Tara who is able to summon all guardians of the Earth.
Your wrathful utterance of the syllable “HUNG!” rescues all from misfortune.
Praise to Tara crowned with crescent moon, and adorned with ornaments fully ablaze.
In your hair knot sits Amitabha Buddha eternally radiating great beams of light.
Praise to Tara, abiding in a blazing garland that resembles the apocalyptic fire at eon’s end.
Sitting left foot crossed, right extended, in the posture of royal ease, you destroy the enemy armies.
Praise to Tara! With your palm you strike the ground and pound the earth with your feet.
With wrathful scowl and the syllable “HUNG!” You conquer the sevenfold underworlds.
Praise to Tara, Oh happy, virtuous and peaceful One abiding in calm Nirvana
Empowered with the mantras “OM” and “SOHA,” You completely destroy the great evils.
Praise to Tara infused with Joy! You shatter the bodies of enemies
With your ten syllable mantra, with the knowledge syllable “HUNG” you liberate all.
Praise to Tara, born from the seed syllable “HUNG!” Stamping your feet and proclaiming “TURE”
You cause Mt, Meru, Mandara, Kailash and the three worlds to tremble and shake.
Praise to Tara who holds the moon like a celestial ocean.
By twice uttering “TARA” and “PHAT” you dispel the poisons one and all.
Praise to Tara, honored by the Divine Kings, Gods and Kinnaras.
Your magnificent armor and joyful splendor dispels bad dreams and conficts.
Praise to Tara whose eyes are brilliant with the light of the sun and full moon.
With twice-spoken “HARA” and “TUTTARE” virulent epidemics are dispelled!
Praise to Tara, enlightened in Body Speech and Mind, and perfectly endowed with the power of serenity.
You destroy the hosts of evil spirits, zombies and yakshas. O Ture, most excellent and sublime!
By the merit generated by these offerings and requests to you precious Guru, compassionate Mother Tara grant that I and the limitless beings cleanse the obscurations of duality, complete the accumulations of merit and wisdom and quickly attain unsurpassed enlightenment.
Until then, in all our lives, may we attain the joy of the higher realms. In the lands that we dwell please pacify all hindrances, harmful spirits, epidemics, disease, untimely death, nightmares, ill omens, the 8 great fears and all other harmful influences.
Prayer for a turkey anyone?
meanwhile ...
Here is a prayer dedication
My Bathroom Buddha sitting

I am the Buddha Thrown
into the least space
Emptying my beggars bowels
My dreams of samsara mascara
When I look in the mirror
Who should I see in the pan left
Blessing this log head ...
You are your own refuge and the source of your own enlightenment. Don't ask from outside for what you need. Besides, happiness is not about what happens but about how you learn to react to whatever happens. This is entirely up to you and it arises from years of Practice and a willingness to let go of needing things to turn out a certain way for us.
Instead, ask that others be blessed ... this is the path to taking your focus off yourself and putting it onto others. And the more we care about others and let go of our self-attachments, the more free we become.
May your supply of Neapolitan be infinite, with the flavours in perfect harmony. Homage to the Tantric Triad!
A blessing from the 16th Dairy Lama
“You are the sky.
Everything else,
It’s just the weather.”
— Pema Chödron
May we all become Buddhas so we can best help everyone else become Buddhas then they can help others become Buddhas and then those Buddhas can help others become Buddhas.
@JaySon , what a note THAT would be to finish on -