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@Shoshin1 said:
Yes people like that are a real pain the the arse...
However, I feel for those who are unaware they have it and feel crap when they find out they do and could have infected others, like the Omicron case here, by all accounts he is devastated...
He knew, he announced it when we walked in asking if we did in room testing. I literally THREW a box of masks at him and told him to put one on, QR code in, go to a drive through and go home to isolate till he received a negative test....
Then I saw him walking around 20 mins later, maskless with a newspaper under his arm and a bag from the bakery 🤌🤌🤌
. . . and now for the good news. Despite everything. Clown governance, misinformation etc etc etc. We seem to be with omicron, coming to a natural mild symptom immunity booster. At least for the rich countries, vaccinated, healthy. That's us karmically privileged …
That is the hope.
Because of the mild weather, spring bulbs are coming up in the garden …
I got my negative result six hours before New Year. So at least I can go back to work tomorrow hehehe. I've been trying to avoid the numbers announcements and just meditate and stay as calm and centred as possible during my downtime. I've had some success. Even managed to start running again.
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
Got my booster shot scheduled for Tuesday morning early, so that should help.
DavidA human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First NationsVeteran
@federica said:
I'd rather endure a small prick than be one.
This tired, grumpy healthcare worker wants to make this our national slogan
I'd vote for it as our global slogan.
On the way in to work on New Years day and got the email that our place is in lockdown. 2 staff and 1 resident tested positive with 28 total in isolation.
This virus is like electricity or water. It takes the path of least resistance.
Just had a mate over for the day for a barbecue.
When he got home he texted me and said has son has just tested positive for Covid.
The wait begins…..50k cases here today. It appears to be inevitable.
@Shoshin1 said:
Well it's arrived earlier than I thought it would more Omicron cases, in the community now , the country moves to red a . midnight to night...
Red setting
Red is the most restrictive traffic light setting, but domestic travel can continue. There would be no more borders around regions, such as the recent Auckland borders.
While lockdowns would not be widespread, there could be lockdowns localised to a workplace or school, for example, depending on what was happening in the outbreak.
In red, face coverings are mandatory when travelling on public transport, in retail and to an extent in education. Public facilities and retail outlets are open, with capacity limits.
With a vaccine pass, many businesses and events can have a maximum of 100 people, including hospitality, gyms, weddings and tangihanga. Without passes, hospitality services must remain contactless and the aforementioned gatherings are limited to 25 people.
Education centres stay open but with extra health measures including year four and up will be required to wear masks.
Tertiary students must study remotely if they don't have a vaccine pass.
Gyms and close contact businesses such as hairdressers and beauty salons can open in red as long as public health measures are in place.
I just biked past what looked like at least a thousand very vocal and agitated anti mask/ vax demonstrators in a town that is lucky to draw a couple of hundred people to protest the present clear cutting of our local old growth forests.
Today, the scariest virus it seems to me is whatever is allowing societies crazies to become so organized and empowered.
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
The number of new infections every day is still very large, but hospital occupancy is falling as is the level of intensive care use. There seems to be a good case for doing what the UK and Spain are doing, which is treating it like seasonal flu without further special measures.
@Jeroen said:
The number of new infections every day is still very large, but hospital occupancy is falling as is the level of intensive care use. There seems to be a good case for doing what the UK and Spain are doing, which is treating it like seasonal flu without further special measures.
Kids coming back from summer holidays here shortly.
Govt talking about them having to wear masks and do Rapid Antigen tests twice a week.
Call me cynical but give it two weeks and it’ll be dumped. No one cares much any more.
Call me cynical but give it two weeks and it’ll be dumped. No one cares much any more.
Yes people here are very lax and outright defiant with masks. I must admit, given I wear a P2 mask everyday for 8 hours, I'm starting to get fed up with having to wear one in public too. But it is what it is - breathe, reset, meditate etc.
@Shoshin1 said:
Booster shot tomorrow afternoon...Lucky they texted me a reminder... When I made the appointment. I thought the 26th was a Thursday ,,,
Hope no side effects mate…..just seems to be a sore arm from those I’ve spoken to and my own experience
Well two Omicron cases 'identified' on the island this morning (one of my clients who I do home visits told me this morning when I rang to say I was on my way round to see her..to be safe she didn't want me to visit her, she's got major underlying health issues )...
Omicron being Omicron there will soon be more cases...I guess the local medical centre will be confirming this shortly...I think the island is prepared as it will ever be (vaccination wise) for Omicron onslaught...
Plus it's a long weekend this weekend so lot of day trippers will be visiting the island...
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
I hear that in the UK they are abandoning all special covid measures…
I shudder to imagine what would happen if any Canadian politicians tried to implement mandatory vaccines right now.
Massive protests taking place in Ottawa. And a border crossing between Alberta and Montana is clogged with hundreds of vehicles. What started as a protest by truckers upset over mandatory 14-day isolation for unvaxxed truckers crossing the border (The US has an identical policy), has gained a lot of hangers-on upset by pretty much any and all public health measures.
The protesters are unfortunately being a bloody nuisance. They've basically shut down businesses in downtown Ottawa by refusing to mask up when entering, and clogging up the streets so badly that nobody is getting around anyway. Honking their horns at all hours and making a general mess of the neighbourhood. Vaccinated truckers, just trying to do their jobs, and keeping an already damaged supply chain working, have been unable to deliver anything between Alberta and Montana.
Prime Minister Trudeau has called them a fringe movement, but I think he's either underestimating them, or not trying to alarm the general public. It's a sizeable chunk of the population that supports the protesters, though some of the support will probably crack once people get fed up with their shenanigans.
Personally, I'm sick and tired of these anti-mask, anti-vaccine snowflakes and anyone that gives them any sympathy. They need to get their vaccines, wear their masks and get with the program. Everybody else has had to go through changes to their lifestyles, made huge sacrifices, and suffered loss of employment and/or housing. Relationships have been strained and most importantly, loved ones have been lost. But the silent majority have just gritted their teeth and gone on with life, however different it was from two years ago.
2 days after they start charging the unvaccinated for their own self induced Covid medical expenses, Canada will suddenly have a 1% unvaccinated rate.
personDon't believe everything you thinkThe liminal spaceVeteran
edited February 2022
@how said:
2 days after they start charging the unvaccinated for their own self induced Covid medical expenses, Canada will suddenly have a 1% unvaccinated rate.
I've been saying this for a while. I'm against mandates, and especially repelled at the idea of threatening people's livelihood, education, housing, connection to their loved ones or general excommunication for Covid vaccines when the greatest threat is to themselves.
But if you're going to make that choice it shouldn't be on the rest of us to pay the bill or postpone other health promoting and life saving treatments because the hospitals are full. Especially at this point when we have as much data as we do on how beneficial being vaxxed is as opposed to their miniscule threat.
@how said:
2 days after they start charging the unvaccinated for their own self induced Covid medical expenses, Canada will suddenly have a 1% unvaccinated rate.
I've been saying this for a while. I'm against mandates, and especially repelled at the idea of threatening people's livelihood, education, housing, connection to their loved ones or general excommunication for Covid vaccines when the greatest threat is to themselves.
But if you're going to make that choice it shouldn't be on the rest of us to pay the bill or postpone other health promoting and life saving treatments because the hospitals are full. Especially at this point when we have as much data as we do on how beneficial being vaxxed is as opposed to their miniscule threat.
I tend to agree but then do we start forcing smokers to pay all medical expenses? Or the obese? Or alcoholics and drug addicts? They often cause much harm to the community.
If the obese, alcoholics, drug addicts or any other grouping of people could infect anyone just by breathing on them, with a potentially fatal disease that was sweeping the planet, that had already taken 5.7 million lives in 2 years, was causing a breakdown of the medical system and there was an available low risk medication that could stop it that they were refusing to take....then Yes they too should take on the financial responsibility for their decision.
personDon't believe everything you thinkThe liminal spaceVeteran
@how said:
2 days after they start charging the unvaccinated for their own self induced Covid medical expenses, Canada will suddenly have a 1% unvaccinated rate.
I've been saying this for a while. I'm against mandates, and especially repelled at the idea of threatening people's livelihood, education, housing, connection to their loved ones or general excommunication for Covid vaccines when the greatest threat is to themselves.
But if you're going to make that choice it shouldn't be on the rest of us to pay the bill or postpone other health promoting and life saving treatments because the hospitals are full. Especially at this point when we have as much data as we do on how beneficial being vaxxed is as opposed to their miniscule threat.
I tend to agree but then do we start forcing smokers to pay all medical expenses? Or the obese? Or alcoholics and drug addicts? They often cause much harm to the community.
On a principle level that makes some sense. I think there is an important difference here in the level of impact they are having and the ease of which it is possible to overcome.
Its similar to the idea of sin taxes. Many behaviors have negative impacts on our and others health so taxes or bans of things like sugar or meat or limiting the amount of TV people watch could all be justified by having negative impacts for society.
Public policy is almost always about balancing competing values and interests. This is probably about balancing individual liberty and the common good.
I think where I justify it the most isn't so much in not wanting to pay for the consequences of their actions but in that their actions collectively are having a negative impact on the rest of us when they overload hospitals. That and most of those who aren't getting vaxxed are heavily in the personal responsibility crowd and generally think people should be responsible for their actions. Its a sort of free rider problem when people take all the benefit without shouldering any of the cost. And potentially a moral hazard in not holding people responsible to some degree it enables and incentivizes that behavior in others.
Hmm...It's interesting when it comes to those who choose not to get vaccinated...It would seem the restrictive/protective measures many governments around the world have put in place, (eg vaccine mandates/passes) are there to protect both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated ( especially those in both camps with underlying health issues)...
No doubt many of us have family members, relatives, friends, work colleagues who for whatever reason have not been vaccinated, some so it would seem have genuine concerns about the safety of the vaccines available...
Some say they are holding out for a safer vaccine to become available...hmm or are they ???
Quite a while ago, a friend who is in voluntary self isolation (she has been since August 2021 not leaving her property), said she's waiting for the Novavax because it's 'more natural'...then just the other day she's now saying Novavax has recently started updating the vaccine to accommodate the new variants and she thinks they are now going to use the same mRNA approach as the others on the market ...
She went on to say Pfizer must got to the Novavax people and 'forced' them to toe the mRNA line...She's now interested in the Covid patches , nasal sprays and or pills... (hmm another year or two before they are on the market)
When it comes to vaccine safety (in whichever form these vaccines take), somehow I don't think she'll ever be satisfied...She keeps moving the goal posts...
Another friend was also 'holding out' for Novavax, but when the the government announced that "Gillick competent" children age 12 and upwards could be vaccinated,(which is in line with some other Western countries ) she got really irate about it, saying the government has no right to allow children age 12 to get vaccinated without their parents consent and said now she is never going to get vaccinated...
No doubt these goal post moving excuses not to get vaccinated will also apply to other non vaxxed people...
Mandates are reasonable when it comes to public health. Children are required to have certain vaccines to attend public school in order to prevent the spread of communicable diseases and the like. There's no reason we shouldn't require the same for adults entering public spaces. Living in an interconnected society where we are all responsible for one another's health and safety, I see no good reason not to mandate masks or vaccines when a global pandemic is killing hundreds of thousands of people in this country alone.
My daughter works in the Beehive (Aotearoa's Patliament building), I just asked her if she had to run the protestor gauntlet getting into work, she said she's managed to avoid the protestors outside, but they are quite noisy...
It turns out some have been quite agressive towards the media....plus some tried to break through the police lines protecting the Beehive....
It's starting to heat up (in more ways than one) at the Beehive, the police have started to arrest some protestors, the council's traffic wardens are issuing tickets for illegally parked vehicles...Protestors vehicles which are blocking right of ways and causing havoc in Wellington's city centre...
Those people who were working who refused to be vaccinated were giving four weeks paid leave during which time they could make up their minds to get vaccinated or no longer be employed...and the stand down period before they could receive the benefit has been cut from 6 to 2 weeks...And yet they still whinge, bitch, and moan about how evil and wicked the government is....The same evil wicked government who the protestors have 'happily' accepted financial handouts during the lockdowns and which continues to support them financially ...
In a sense these protestors are biting the hand that feeds them...Perhaps the government should stop feeding them, this would really give them something to bitch and moan about....
Sadly...many anti mask/vaccine mandate protestors are only focussed upon themselves, the freedom they speak of is their freedom to do what they want regardless of the impact their actions will have on the vulnerable...which are just seen as collateral damage...
I say many and not all, because there are some who I know who are against the vaccine mandates but not against protecting others, they will wear masks and for the most part will abide by the restrictions in place to protect others...
Yes this pandemic has been tough going for many, however when frustration makes one begin to loose their compassion and respect for others, especially the vulnerable, it would seem the sense of self grows stronger in a negative way, and selfishness comes to the forefront....
However a couple of key things many of us will take from this pandemic is the ongoing beneficial practice of patience and compassion..
It's not just the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a positive attitude while waiting
personDon't believe everything you thinkThe liminal spaceVeteran
Not sure those of you outside the US can get this, but South Park did a great job of lampooning the whole mask debate.
Here we go...Omicron numbers are rapidly increasing ...a couple of days ago we had reached around 400 cases, today over 900, mostly in Auckland...However, one epidemiologist believes the number of cases is much higher, possible in the thousands...many people are not getting tested...
Hmm ....Just out of interest have any members here had Omicron or any of the other Covid variants ?
He knew, he announced it when we walked in asking if we did in room testing. I literally THREW a box of masks at him and told him to put one on, QR code in, go to a drive through and go home to isolate till he received a negative test....
Then I saw him walking around 20 mins later, maskless with a newspaper under his arm and a bag from the bakery 🤌🤌🤌
Wow...he sounds like a real piece of work...
Well I just found out the DJ did break the isolation rules by going out before receiving his last test results, (the one which turned out to be positive) ...
This highlights the importance of practicing patience...Sadly it would seem something the DJ was lacking...
Take care @SuraShine - hope everything is ok

. . . and now for the good news. Despite everything. Clown governance, misinformation etc etc etc. We seem to be with omicron, coming to a natural mild symptom immunity booster. At least for the rich countries, vaccinated, healthy. That's us karmically privileged …
That is the hope.
Because of the mild weather, spring bulbs are coming up in the garden …
Thanks @Bunks
I got my negative result six hours before New Year. So at least I can go back to work tomorrow hehehe. I've been trying to avoid the numbers announcements and just meditate and stay as calm and centred as possible during my downtime. I've had some success. Even managed to start running again.
Got my booster shot scheduled for Tuesday morning early, so that should help.
I'd vote for it as our global slogan.
On the way in to work on New Years day and got the email that our place is in lockdown. 2 staff and 1 resident tested positive with 28 total in isolation.
This virus is like electricity or water. It takes the path of least resistance.
Stay safe @David
Just had a mate over for the day for a barbecue.
When he got home he texted me and said has son has just tested positive for Covid.
The wait begins…..50k cases here today. It appears to be inevitable.
I've been following the Aussie Covid news, the shape of things to come for Aotearoa...
Remember your practice @Bunks
Stay safe and well....
Well it's arrived earlier than I thought it would more Omicron cases, in the community now , the country moves to red a . midnight to night...
What does red entail? Stay safe mate
Thanks @Bunks ...
Life goes on with certain restrictions....
I just biked past what looked like at least a thousand very vocal and agitated anti mask/ vax demonstrators in a town that is lucky to draw a couple of hundred people to protest the present clear cutting of our local old growth forests.
Today, the scariest virus it seems to me is whatever is allowing societies crazies to become so organized and empowered.
The number of new infections every day is still very large, but hospital occupancy is falling as is the level of intensive care use. There seems to be a good case for doing what the UK and Spain are doing, which is treating it like seasonal flu without further special measures.
Kids coming back from summer holidays here shortly.
Govt talking about them having to wear masks and do Rapid Antigen tests twice a week.
Call me cynical but give it two weeks and it’ll be dumped. No one cares much any more.
Yes people here are very lax and outright defiant with masks. I must admit, given I wear a P2 mask everyday for 8 hours, I'm starting to get fed up with having to wear one in public too. But it is what it is - breathe, reset, meditate etc.
Take care @SuraShine
Booster shot tomorrow afternoon...Lucky they texted me a reminder... When I made the appointment. I thought the 26th was a Thursday ,,,
Hope no side effects mate…..just seems to be a sore arm from those I’ve spoken to and my own experience
I just had a bit of a sore arm when I had the other shots...
I was sick for a day and a half after the booster, but it wasn't all that bad - mostly a severe lack of energy.
Well just had my booster shot at the local centre...

Bought the staff a box of chocolates to thank them for the work they do for our community...
Wow! Good on you @Shoshin1
Well two Omicron cases 'identified' on the island this morning (one of my clients who I do home visits told me this morning when I rang to say I was on my way round to see her..to be safe she didn't want me to visit her, she's got major underlying health issues )...
Omicron being Omicron there will soon be more cases...I guess the local medical centre will be confirming this shortly...I think the island is prepared as it will ever be (vaccination wise) for Omicron onslaught...
Plus it's a long weekend this weekend so lot of day trippers will be visiting the island...
I hear that in the UK they are abandoning all special covid measures…
No doubt BoJo came up with this plan during one of his many drunken lockdown parties with his cronies cabinet ...
Hmm I think we should wait and see what happens to the guinea pig the UK first before abandoning all other measures...
Austria is implementing mandatory Covid vaccination.
I shudder to imagine what would happen if any Canadian politicians tried to implement mandatory vaccines right now.
Massive protests taking place in Ottawa. And a border crossing between Alberta and Montana is clogged with hundreds of vehicles. What started as a protest by truckers upset over mandatory 14-day isolation for unvaxxed truckers crossing the border (The US has an identical policy), has gained a lot of hangers-on upset by pretty much any and all public health measures.
The protesters are unfortunately being a bloody nuisance. They've basically shut down businesses in downtown Ottawa by refusing to mask up when entering, and clogging up the streets so badly that nobody is getting around anyway. Honking their horns at all hours and making a general mess of the neighbourhood. Vaccinated truckers, just trying to do their jobs, and keeping an already damaged supply chain working, have been unable to deliver anything between Alberta and Montana.
Prime Minister Trudeau has called them a fringe movement, but I think he's either underestimating them, or not trying to alarm the general public. It's a sizeable chunk of the population that supports the protesters, though some of the support will probably crack once people get fed up with their shenanigans.
Personally, I'm sick and tired of these anti-mask, anti-vaccine snowflakes and anyone that gives them any sympathy. They need to get their vaccines, wear their masks and get with the program. Everybody else has had to go through changes to their lifestyles, made huge sacrifices, and suffered loss of employment and/or housing. Relationships have been strained and most importantly, loved ones have been lost. But the silent majority have just gritted their teeth and gone on with life, however different it was from two years ago.
2 days after they start charging the unvaccinated for their own self induced Covid medical expenses, Canada will suddenly have a 1% unvaccinated rate.
I've been saying this for a while. I'm against mandates, and especially repelled at the idea of threatening people's livelihood, education, housing, connection to their loved ones or general excommunication for Covid vaccines when the greatest threat is to themselves.
But if you're going to make that choice it shouldn't be on the rest of us to pay the bill or postpone other health promoting and life saving treatments because the hospitals are full. Especially at this point when we have as much data as we do on how beneficial being vaxxed is as opposed to their miniscule threat.
I tend to agree but then do we start forcing smokers to pay all medical expenses? Or the obese? Or alcoholics and drug addicts? They often cause much harm to the community.
If the obese, alcoholics, drug addicts or any other grouping of people could infect anyone just by breathing on them, with a potentially fatal disease that was sweeping the planet, that had already taken 5.7 million lives in 2 years, was causing a breakdown of the medical system and there was an available low risk medication that could stop it that they were refusing to take....then Yes they too should take on the financial responsibility for their decision.
On a principle level that makes some sense. I think there is an important difference here in the level of impact they are having and the ease of which it is possible to overcome.
Its similar to the idea of sin taxes. Many behaviors have negative impacts on our and others health so taxes or bans of things like sugar or meat or limiting the amount of TV people watch could all be justified by having negative impacts for society.
Public policy is almost always about balancing competing values and interests. This is probably about balancing individual liberty and the common good.
I think where I justify it the most isn't so much in not wanting to pay for the consequences of their actions but in that their actions collectively are having a negative impact on the rest of us when they overload hospitals. That and most of those who aren't getting vaxxed are heavily in the personal responsibility crowd and generally think people should be responsible for their actions. Its a sort of free rider problem when people take all the benefit without shouldering any of the cost. And potentially a moral hazard in not holding people responsible to some degree it enables and incentivizes that behavior in others.
Hmm...It's interesting when it comes to those who choose not to get vaccinated...It would seem the restrictive/protective measures many governments around the world have put in place, (eg vaccine mandates/passes) are there to protect both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated ( especially those in both camps with underlying health issues)...
No doubt many of us have family members, relatives, friends, work colleagues who for whatever reason have not been vaccinated, some so it would seem have genuine concerns about the safety of the vaccines available...
Some say they are holding out for a safer vaccine to become available...hmm or are they ???
Quite a while ago, a friend who is in voluntary self isolation (she has been since August 2021 not leaving her property), said she's waiting for the Novavax because it's 'more natural'...then just the other day she's now saying Novavax has recently started updating the vaccine to accommodate the new variants and she thinks they are now going to use the same mRNA approach as the others on the market ...
She went on to say Pfizer must got to the Novavax people and 'forced' them to toe the mRNA line...She's now interested in the Covid patches , nasal sprays and or pills... (hmm another year or two before they are on the market)
When it comes to vaccine safety (in whichever form these vaccines take), somehow I don't think she'll ever be satisfied...She keeps moving the goal posts...
Another friend was also 'holding out' for Novavax, but when the the government announced that "Gillick competent" children age 12 and upwards could be vaccinated,(which is in line with some other Western countries ) she got really irate about it, saying the government has no right to allow children age 12 to get vaccinated without their parents consent and said now she is never going to get vaccinated...
No doubt these goal post moving excuses not to get vaccinated will also apply to other non vaxxed people...

Mandates are reasonable when it comes to public health. Children are required to have certain vaccines to attend public school in order to prevent the spread of communicable diseases and the like. There's no reason we shouldn't require the same for adults entering public spaces. Living in an interconnected society where we are all responsible for one another's health and safety, I see no good reason not to mandate masks or vaccines when a global pandemic is killing hundreds of thousands of people in this country alone.
We no longer have to wear facemasks in Borisland.

However I choose to …
Did I go wrong again …
Don’t think those were the kinds of facemasks being referred to, comrade @lobster…
Newspeak, FarceBook 'Fact chequeing' and the British Medical Journal

All you might consider for your Cabin ...
Not our finest export.
Sorry 'bout this Aotearoa.
My daughter works in the Beehive (Aotearoa's Patliament building), I just asked her if she had to run the protestor gauntlet getting into work, she said she's managed to avoid the protestors outside, but they are quite noisy...
It turns out some have been quite agressive towards the media....plus some tried to break through the police lines protecting the Beehive....
This is the problem with idiots....every village has one!
It's starting to heat up (in more ways than one) at the Beehive, the police have started to arrest some protestors, the council's traffic wardens are issuing tickets for illegally parked vehicles...Protestors vehicles which are blocking right of ways and causing havoc in Wellington's city centre...
Those people who were working who refused to be vaccinated were giving four weeks paid leave during which time they could make up their minds to get vaccinated or no longer be employed...and the stand down period before they could receive the benefit has been cut from 6 to 2 weeks...And yet they still whinge, bitch, and moan about how evil and wicked the government is....The same evil wicked government who the protestors have 'happily' accepted financial handouts during the lockdowns and which continues to support them financially ...
In a sense these protestors are biting the hand that feeds them...Perhaps the government should stop feeding them, this would really give them something to bitch and moan about....
RIP Ruby

That's really sad @Bunks ..
It is! It’s easy to forget that this virus is still devastating the most vulnerable among us
Sadly...many anti mask/vaccine mandate protestors are only focussed upon themselves, the freedom they speak of is their freedom to do what they want regardless of the impact their actions will have on the vulnerable...which are just seen as collateral damage...
I say many and not all, because there are some who I know who are against the vaccine mandates but not against protecting others, they will wear masks and for the most part will abide by the restrictions in place to protect others...
Yes this pandemic has been tough going for many, however when frustration makes one begin to loose their compassion and respect for others, especially the vulnerable, it would seem the sense of self grows stronger in a negative way, and selfishness comes to the forefront....
However a couple of key things many of us will take from this pandemic is the ongoing beneficial practice of patience and compassion..
It's not just the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a positive attitude while waiting
Not sure those of you outside the US can get this, but South Park did a great job of lampooning the whole mask debate.
Dear friends,
How fortunate you are to have vaccination options. If you are healthy, how fortunate. If having health care available. How fortunate.
Some points to remember:
Stay well (less suffering involved).
Here we go...Omicron numbers are rapidly increasing ...a couple of days ago we had reached around 400 cases, today over 900, mostly in Auckland...However, one epidemiologist believes the number of cases is much higher, possible in the thousands...many people are not getting tested...
Hmm ....Just out of interest have any members here had Omicron or any of the other Covid variants ?