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Hmm, if down the track it turns out the Covid pandemic was a big hoax, and vaccines were unnecessary, mask wearing and social distancing unnecessary, and lockdowns unnecessary, I will be happy in that I've had the opportunity to cultivate kindness, compassion, empathy and patience...and Mother Nature got to have a breather so to speak...
And if it's the real deal, vaccines were necessary, mask wearing and social distancing necessary and lockdowns necessary...I will be happy in that I've had the opportunity to cultivate kindness, compassion, empathy and patience...and Mother Nature got to have a breather so to speak...
I guess from a Buddhist perspective... it's a win win situation 🙏🙏🙏
This morning went for a walk in the dark. Largely sticking to lit areas on the common. It is interesting walking dark paths. I keep meaning to bring a torch head band or similar. Tomorrow be back on the yoga and tai chi … really does help …
Lovely and sunny now. Maybe a spot of gardening. What can I use twigs for? Crunchy path maybe … mmm …
Had a delivery of wifi booster (boosts signal from router) and three smart plugs, which I will use to control … something or other …
Thanks everyone. Stay safe and look after mental and physical and emotional health. 💗
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
@lobster said:
Had a delivery of wifi booster (boosts signal from router) and three smart plugs, which I will use to control … something or other …
This sounds ominous. Are you experimenting with remote fish control @lobster?
Shoshin, what a beautiful and well presented win-win argument
Yesterday, while talking to a friend -anti vaccines and proud "conspiracy theorists- I mentioned something in the line. I have to also say, conspiracy theories are so absurd and fall quickly under scrutiny. However, I can't stop from remaining a little skeptical, so your first paragraph -regarding this possibility- is a great answer and antidote for my worries / doubt.
Some large unscrupulous corporations are profiting from this pandemic yes there's no denying that...this is not a conspiracy theory, in the past pre pandemic prosecutions and attempts to prosecute some large corporations for corrupt business practices are well documented ... no doubt some have found a way to make a buck from this pandemic...and in some countries the governments (well politicians especially the ones with ties to large corporations) are also cashing in on the pandemic...
( well in this pandemic's case their hands being in the tax payer's pockets) ..So I can see how some minds get sucked into conspiracy theories by reading more into a situation than what there really is....
At times I might ramble on about how selfish and inconsiderate some Anti vaxxers & Covid deniers can be ( individualism at its worst ), especially when it comes to the mental and physical well being of the vulnerable in their communities, those with underlying health issues and those who suffer from anxiety & panic attacks...Plus I have also been known to crack a joke or two (dozen) about how ridiculous some of their CTs are...I guess for some, If they didn't have such ridiculous beliefs, ( some are just plain crazy) they would not become such targets for ridicule.....
In saying all this I wouldn't wish for anyone to suffer or die from Covid, ( or fake Covid) even the anti vaxxers & deniers, well perhaps I would wish them just enough suffering to help them to climb out of the rabbit hole their minds have ventured into...
Today our local pharmacy guy hand delivered my mothers Alzheimer's disease medication. She is moving into dementia. He shared that his father and mother in law had died from Alzheimer's. He also reminded that caring is a time of great challenge and therefore opportunity.
We wish to find our true face/being? Pandemic plus [insert suffering, that we all know]!
How kind are kind people …
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
@lobster said:
Today our local pharmacy guy hand delivered my mothers Alzheimer's disease medication. She is moving into dementia.
That’s tough @lobster… my stepfather, who also lives here, is also slowly losing his memory. It’s at the stage of him continually forgetting where he puts things like glasses and gloves, and taking on odd habits like keeping the kitchen dry with paper towels at all times. We bought him an iPad so that he could stay a bit connected to the world, but he can’t remember what the apps are for, and now basically only watches YouTube videos.
@lobster a person in my sangha (with Lama Shenpen) wrote a book about communication in the case of dementia. It doesn't mention Buddhism specifically but the author is both a caregiver to clients with dementia and also a sangha member and studies Buddhism. But most of the ideas are from a secular study of communication that she came across I think before finding Buddhism.
With Covid restrictions in place in most countries (some more strict than others) what little things do you miss most?
Going to the £1 shop. I still don't consider it safe.
Going to a garden centre and browsing.
Cycling into central London, via a green route.
The lack of restrictions (at the moment) means these things are possible. However our present waffle based government is incompetent at best. Better to make our restrictions and freedoms.
For me the freedoms, which we might reflect on are:
I had a lovely day today with the sangha in the morning then two of my oldest friends this afternoon.
Due to lockdowns in this part of the world Over the last few months, I’ve spent a lot of time alone. While I enjoy my own company, I’ve realised how much I’ve missed people I care about too.
Sometimes you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone.
We really missed Christmas with Mum and Dad last year. It was the first year we hadn't spent the holidays with them since we were married. Hoping that we can get Mum here at her home and have Christmas all together. Preparations are happening to make that a reality, but the way things are going right now, I'm not so sure she'll be leaving hospital. She's having trouble swallowing anything, and is very weak. Still, she's having moments of clarity and there's signs of life and fight left in the ol' girl.
personDon't believe everything you thinkThe liminal spaceVeteran
The US truly seems like a world of its own. Even in the pretty progressive metro region I live in maybe half the people wear masks in stores these days. Unvaccinated people continue to get sick and die but still people think the vaccine is a greater threat to their health and freedom than the virus.
From my own perch in the world the largest impact covid is having is in the supply chain shortages.
I guess we are just starting to experience what some of you have already experienced.... An Island Divided
The rules are creating a divide amongst Waiheke locals, some say they are desperate for Aucklanders to arrive off the ferry, while other are more cautious.
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
The government here is reintroducing the measure for mouthcaps in public spaces, including shops and schools, and is encouraging people to practice social distancing, in order to bring down the pressure on hospitals.
@Jeroen said:
The government here is reintroducing the measure for mouthcaps in public spaces, including shops and schools, and is encouraging people to practice social distancing, in order to bring down the pressure on hospitals.
What’s a mouthcap?
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
Aha… Dutch for one of those cloth masks 😷 ‘mondkapje’ in the lingo here…
The rules are creating a divide amongst Waiheke locals, some say they are desperate for Aucklanders to arrive off the ferry, while other are more cautious.
At some time soon I think the locals will have to put their faith in the vaccine rates and open up to the world.
Is there a hospital on the island?
No hospital here @Bunks, only medical centres...People who need emergency care, are either airlifted off the island by helicopter or taken over by the police launch...
I think most islanders would like to open up when there's an high enough vaccination rate...
I live in West Waiheke the rates here are 90.1% first dose and 79.4% second dose, it's the area with the highest vaccination rates on the island...The percentages are for the eligible population...
Took my mother for her booster jab and flu vaccine. One in each arm. We walked there and back. Very pleased. She has not had a flu jab for three years. She can not walk far or fast but we were there, vaccinated and back in 45 minutes. 💉
Stay safe everyone. 💗
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
I know what you mean @lobster, my stepfathers memory is also getting steadily worse, and he is starting to show some of the symptoms of dementia.
The Delta spread has started to pick up the pace...over 200 cases today, the vast majority in the Auckland area....Sadly two more deaths during the week...with 70+ in hospital, 7 in ICU....
When it comes to the pro and anti vaxxers, it would seem the anti vaxxers are more vocal, in your face and aggressive of the two...They protest outside vaccination clinics, intimidating those wanting to get vaccinated...Reminds me of the anti abortionists employing similar tactics often violent...
@lobster said:
Took my mother for her booster jab and flu vaccine. One in each arm. We walked there and back. Very pleased. She has not had a flu jab for three years. She can not walk far or fast but we were there, vaccinated and back in 45 minutes. 💉
Stay safe everyone. 💗
Interesting! So many different approaches.
Here they were not recommending getting one vaccine within 10 days of the other. I was even told to put off a planned shingles vaccine for another 10 days after a flu jab.
Well, we now officially part the Covid in the community community...A positive asymptomatic case was reported last night ...no doubt there will be more popping up...
Somebody sent me this. Jimmy Dore is interesting. I have seen some of his other material. This raises some important issues which are not discussed in our mainstream media. Maybe they should be …
Discussion of conspiracy theories
In May 2017, Dore discussed conspiracy theories over the murder of Seth Rich on his show.[29][30] According to Salon, Dore continued to insist that there were "a lot of red flags" and there "is probably something more to this story" after the source of much of the conspiracy theory was discredited.[31] In December 2020, an article in New York magazine said Dore's discernment was questionable due in part to his "promotion of conspiracy theories implicating the DNC in Seth Rich's death".[32]
In 2017, Dore argued that the Syrian government's chemical weapons attack on the opposition-held town of Khan Sheikhun was likely to have been a "false flag," orchestrated by groups opposed to Bashar al-Assad.[33] The investigative journalism site Bellingcat reported that Dore received $2,500 from The Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees in 2017. The Association is responsible for the Serena Shim award and is described by Bellingcat as a pro-Assad lobby group.[33] According to Bellingcat, Dore featured Eva Bartlett in "another 2017 conspiracy-theory segment" about Syria.[33]
In 2018, according to Stephen Shalom writing in New Politics, Dore cited an op-ed which quoted US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis out of context as saying that he did not have evidence the nerve agent sarin was used in Syria.[34] During a press conference in February 2018, Mattis was referring to recent reports when he said he did not have evidence of sarin use, and he also said Assad's government had "been caught using" sarin during the Obama administration and "they used it again during our administration".[34]
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dore pushed misleading claims about the efficacy and safety of vaccines
I don't have the time or interest to put these points to Jimmy Dore or to investigate the British Medical Journals article etc
If anyone does, keep us informed as @Shoshin1 has …
My sister gets her pfizer booster on Saturday. My mother has had it. I am not eligible for a few months yet.
@lobster said:
Somebody sent me this. Jimmy Dore is interesting. I have seen some of his other material. This raises some important issues which are not discussed in our mainstream media. Maybe they should be …
Really??? Maybe the next time you don't have the time or the interest to vet out a source......
you just reconsider passing it on.
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
I quite like Russel Brand, but wouldn’t post every piece of his.
Tis said ...The first causality of war is the truth....
I'm under the impression that most of us here are aware of the corruption and misleading information put out by some big cooperations in order to try and save face and keep the profits rolling in...
It's important to have a healthy scepticism, after all the Buddha did say see for yourself
However the danger I feel with the likes of shock jock entertainers Jimmy Dore & Russell Brand is the impact their comments might have on the vaccine hesitant people who are already in two minds and quite anxious about the safety of vaccines...some also have deep mistrust of big pharmaceutical companies...
People can and have experienced adverse effects from the vaccine, this is well documented, however the vast majority being minor, sore arm, aching body, headaches which may last a few days...For a tiny minority of people (bearing in mind the amount of people who have been vaccinated worldwide) the adverse effects can be severe even fatal...
From what I gather this applies to most vaccines, not just Pfizer... there are no guarantees that vaccines will be 100% safe for all people...
We have to gather evidence AKA See for ourselves...and then accept the consequences of any choices we make...
However the danger I feel with the likes of shock jock entertainers Jimmy Dore & Russell Brand is the impact their comments might have on the vaccine hesitant people who are already in two minds and quite anxious about the safety of vaccines...some also have deep mistrust of big pharmaceutical companies...
Well as the cold weather hits, it looks like some countries in the Northern Hemisphere are going back into lockdown to ease the pressure on their hospitals...The shape of things to come....Stay safe folks...
When the conspiracy is proven false, there should be other penalties besides having your talk show taken down and getting sued by victims. There should be a greater accountability for widely publicizing a false narrative.
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
Covid booster shots were drop-in options; locally, that has now been suspended "until further notice"... fortunately, my Mum has had her booster, so I feel ok about that. My H. is awaiting HIS booster shot, and being diabetic, it shouldn't be long. Eventually, I will get offered the shot, but given my cold shower therapy, might not take it up... I mask up and scrub, so don't feel I am either vulnerable or a threat to others...
Yes the bottom end close to the ferry terminal, people walking around most wearing masks, the odd unmasked person, in fact unmasked people really stood out in the crowd...Signs in some shop windows "All our staff are fully vaccinated"...It looks like the message is getting across...
Well the island was on the local news this evening...
Most locals are already supporting the local business, plus many businesses are getting government hand outs to cover wages...
I think that the majority of non business owner locals want to wait until the traffic light system is in place at the end of this month before opening the island up to tourists, however in saying this, the bays around the island are already filled with boats from Auckland and beyond, some of the boaties have baches on the island...
The interesting thing is, businesses go out of business, sell up or go bankrupt, even before the pandemic there was quite a turn over of restaurants and cafe owners on the island, I have given up trying to remember the names of some of the cafes and restaurants in the village, change of ownership and name change ...
I guess this is quite common for places/businesses which rely heavily on tourism as the main source of income...
In Spain we have 89,1% of our population fully vaccinated and we are taking measures to ensure this winter everything goes well. The numbers aren't bad, but the country still remembers the first wave and how dreadful it was.
The legal bodies are denying all the measures such as COVIDpass for closed environments (bars, restaurants) except in two CAs(comunidades autónomas, quasi-states if the US reference works for you..).
Where I live infections are relatively low and vaccination numbers are high.
Hmm, if down the track it turns out the Covid pandemic was a big hoax, and vaccines were unnecessary, mask wearing and social distancing unnecessary, and lockdowns unnecessary, I will be happy in that I've had the opportunity to cultivate kindness, compassion, empathy and patience...and Mother Nature got to have a breather so to speak...
And if it's the real deal, vaccines were necessary, mask wearing and social distancing necessary and lockdowns necessary...I will be happy in that I've had the opportunity to cultivate kindness, compassion, empathy and patience...and Mother Nature got to have a breather so to speak...
I guess from a Buddhist perspective... it's a win win situation 🙏🙏🙏
Out for dinner.
Have to show vaccination certificate to be allowed in restaurants now!
This morning went for a walk in the dark. Largely sticking to lit areas on the common. It is interesting walking dark paths. I keep meaning to bring a torch head band or similar. Tomorrow be back on the yoga and tai chi … really does help …
Lovely and sunny now. Maybe a spot of gardening. What can I use twigs for? Crunchy path maybe … mmm …
Had a delivery of wifi booster (boosts signal from router) and three smart plugs, which I will use to control … something or other …
Thanks everyone. Stay safe and look after mental and physical and emotional health. 💗
This sounds ominous. Are you experimenting with remote fish control @lobster?
Shoshin, what a beautiful and well presented win-win argument
Yesterday, while talking to a friend -anti vaccines and proud "conspiracy theorists- I mentioned something in the line. I have to also say, conspiracy theories are so absurd and fall quickly under scrutiny. However, I can't stop from remaining a little skeptical, so your first paragraph -regarding this possibility- is a great answer and antidote for my worries / doubt.
Some large unscrupulous corporations are profiting from this pandemic yes there's no denying that...this is not a conspiracy theory, in the past pre pandemic prosecutions and attempts to prosecute some large corporations for corrupt business practices are well documented ... no doubt some have found a way to make a buck from this pandemic...and in some countries the governments (well politicians especially the ones with ties to large corporations) are also cashing in on the pandemic...

( well in this pandemic's case their hands being in the tax payer's pockets) ..So I can see how some minds get sucked into conspiracy theories by reading more into a situation than what there really is....
At times I might ramble on about how selfish and inconsiderate some Anti vaxxers & Covid deniers can be ( individualism at its worst ), especially when it comes to the mental and physical well being of the vulnerable in their communities, those with underlying health issues and those who suffer from anxiety & panic attacks...Plus I have also been known to crack a joke or two (dozen) about how ridiculous some of their CTs are...I guess for some, If they didn't have such ridiculous beliefs, ( some are just plain crazy) they would not become such targets for ridicule.....
In saying all this I wouldn't wish for anyone to suffer or die from Covid, ( or fake Covid) even the anti vaxxers & deniers, well perhaps I would wish them just enough suffering to help them to climb out of the rabbit hole their minds have ventured into...
Today our local pharmacy guy hand delivered my mothers Alzheimer's disease medication.
She is moving into dementia. He shared that his father and mother in law had died from Alzheimer's. He also reminded that caring is a time of great challenge and therefore opportunity.
We wish to find our true face/being? Pandemic plus [insert suffering, that we all know]!
How kind are kind people …
That’s tough @lobster… my stepfather, who also lives here, is also slowly losing his memory. It’s at the stage of him continually forgetting where he puts things like glasses and gloves, and taking on odd habits like keeping the kitchen dry with paper towels at all times. We bought him an iPad so that he could stay a bit connected to the world, but he can’t remember what the apps are for, and now basically only watches YouTube videos.
@lobster a person in my sangha (with Lama Shenpen) wrote a book about communication in the case of dementia. It doesn't mention Buddhism specifically but the author is both a caregiver to clients with dementia and also a sangha member and studies Buddhism. But most of the ideas are from a secular study of communication that she came across I think before finding Buddhism.
Hmm I have a question...
With Covid restrictions in place in most countries (some more strict than others) what little things do you miss most?
For me it's op shopping & hugging, I'm a serial hugger ...
Socialising in the office at work a couple of days a week.
The lack of restrictions (at the moment) means these things are possible. However our present waffle based government is incompetent at best. Better to make our restrictions and freedoms.
For me the freedoms, which we might reflect on are:
So the missing is replaced?
I miss not having to use a mask. It makes my ears look "elfish"
Like the ones in the Hobbit

...Thus have I heard ...Santa is also looking for elf staff over the Christmas period
Mind you if you lived in Aotearoa (NZ) you could always say you're applying for a part in the next Hobbit movie....
On a more serious note, I guess it's the same for most of us..I mean not having to wear a mask, wearing one can be quite uncomfortable at times....
I had a lovely day today with the sangha in the morning then two of my oldest friends this afternoon.
Due to lockdowns in this part of the world Over the last few months, I’ve spent a lot of time alone. While I enjoy my own company, I’ve realised how much I’ve missed people I care about too.
Sometimes you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone.
We really missed Christmas with Mum and Dad last year. It was the first year we hadn't spent the holidays with them since we were married. Hoping that we can get Mum here at her home and have Christmas all together. Preparations are happening to make that a reality, but the way things are going right now, I'm not so sure she'll be leaving hospital. She's having trouble swallowing anything, and is very weak. Still, she's having moments of clarity and there's signs of life and fight left in the ol' girl.
The US truly seems like a world of its own. Even in the pretty progressive metro region I live in maybe half the people wear masks in stores these days. Unvaccinated people continue to get sick and die but still people think the vaccine is a greater threat to their health and freedom than the virus.
From my own perch in the world the largest impact covid is having is in the supply chain shortages.
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney throwing Chief Medical Officer Dr. Deena Hinshaw under the bus. Bloody disgraceful.
I guess we are just starting to experience what some of you have already experienced....
An Island Divided
The government here is reintroducing the measure for mouthcaps in public spaces, including shops and schools, and is encouraging people to practice social distancing, in order to bring down the pressure on hospitals.
What’s a mouthcap?
Aha… Dutch for one of those cloth masks 😷 ‘mondkapje’ in the lingo here…
At some time soon I think the locals will have to put their faith in the vaccine rates and open up to the world.
Is there a hospital on the island?
No hospital here @Bunks, only medical centres...People who need emergency care, are either airlifted off the island by helicopter or taken over by the police launch...
I think most islanders would like to open up when there's an high enough vaccination rate...
Vaccination Rates by Suburbs
I live in West Waiheke the rates here are 90.1% first dose and 79.4% second dose, it's the area with the highest vaccination rates on the island...The percentages are for the eligible population...
Take care @Shoshin1
Took my mother for her booster jab and flu vaccine. One in each arm. We walked there and back. Very pleased. She has not had a flu jab for three years. She can not walk far or fast but we were there, vaccinated and back in 45 minutes. 💉
Stay safe everyone. 💗
I know what you mean @lobster, my stepfathers memory is also getting steadily worse, and he is starting to show some of the symptoms of dementia.
The Delta spread has started to pick up the pace...over 200 cases today, the vast majority in the Auckland area....Sadly two more deaths during the week...with 70+ in hospital, 7 in ICU....
When it comes to the pro and anti vaxxers, it would seem the anti vaxxers are more vocal, in your face and aggressive of the two...They protest outside vaccination clinics, intimidating those wanting to get vaccinated...Reminds me of the anti abortionists employing similar tactics often violent...
Interesting! So many different approaches.
Here they were not recommending getting one vaccine within 10 days of the other. I was even told to put off a planned shingles vaccine for another 10 days after a flu jab.
Well, we now officially part the Covid in the community community...A positive asymptomatic case was reported last night ...no doubt there will be more popping up...
Somebody sent me this. Jimmy Dore is interesting. I have seen some of his other material. This raises some important issues which are not discussed in our mainstream media. Maybe they should be …
Thanks Shoshin1,
I don't have the time or interest to put these points to Jimmy Dore or to investigate the British Medical Journals article etc
If anyone does, keep us informed as @Shoshin1 has …
My sister gets her pfizer booster on Saturday. My mother has had it. I am not eligible for a few months yet.
Really??? Maybe the next time you don't have the time or the interest to vet out a source......
you just reconsider passing it on.
I quite like Russel Brand, but wouldn’t post every piece of his.
Russell Brand fell down the rabbit hole a while back...It's the poor rabbits stuck down there with him I feel sorry for ...
Here is the BMJ report
Here is Jimmy Dore
And here is the straw man fallacy
Interesting @lobster ...
Tis said ...The first causality of war is the truth....
I'm under the impression that most of us here are aware of the corruption and misleading information put out by some big cooperations in order to try and save face and keep the profits rolling in...
It's important to have a healthy scepticism, after all the Buddha did say see for yourself
However the danger I feel with the likes of shock jock entertainers Jimmy Dore & Russell Brand is the impact their comments might have on the vaccine hesitant people who are already in two minds and quite anxious about the safety of vaccines...some also have deep mistrust of big pharmaceutical companies...
People can and have experienced adverse effects from the vaccine, this is well documented, however the vast majority being minor, sore arm, aching body, headaches which may last a few days...For a tiny minority of people (bearing in mind the amount of people who have been vaccinated worldwide) the adverse effects can be severe even fatal...
From what I gather this applies to most vaccines, not just Pfizer... there are no guarantees that vaccines will be 100% safe for all people...
We have to gather evidence AKA See for ourselves...and then accept the consequences of any choices we make...
Fallacy by association
Most of the false/public information on covid was provided by shock jock entertainers: Trump, Doris Johnson, Putin etc. They all got covid. We now have actual information.
Well as the cold weather hits, it looks like some countries in the Northern Hemisphere are going back into lockdown to ease the pressure on their hospitals...The shape of things to come....Stay safe folks...
Here is something on cheap working medicine v patent medicine that is very expensive …
Dr John Campbell is the researcher providing the medical research sources.
Stay informed.
When the conspiracy is proven false, there should be other penalties besides having your talk show taken down and getting sued by victims. There should be a greater accountability for widely publicizing a false narrative.
Covid booster shots were drop-in options; locally, that has now been suspended "until further notice"... fortunately, my Mum has had her booster, so I feel ok about that. My H. is awaiting HIS booster shot, and being diabetic, it shouldn't be long. Eventually, I will get offered the shot, but given my cold shower therapy, might not take it up... I mask up and scrub, so don't feel I am either vulnerable or a threat to others...
I take my advice from my GP. He seems informed and intelligent and has a focus on men's health.
Thanks everyone for the advice.
I will have the booster vaccine when I am eligible. Which should be in the New Year. I am very pleased to have had two vaccines.
I no longer wear a mask outside and try and go for a walk on the common whilst it is still dark. Practically no one about …
I try and find all the info I can
Just been over to Auckland, surprised to see everyone masked up...pleasantly surprised that is...

Is that Queen St @Shoshin1 ?
Yes the bottom end close to the ferry terminal, people walking around most wearing masks, the odd unmasked person, in fact unmasked people really stood out in the crowd...Signs in some shop windows "All our staff are fully vaccinated"...It looks like the message is getting across...
Well the island was on the local news this evening...

Most locals are already supporting the local business, plus many businesses are getting government hand outs to cover wages...
I think that the majority of non business owner locals want to wait until the traffic light system is in place at the end of this month before opening the island up to tourists, however in saying this, the bays around the island are already filled with boats from Auckland and beyond, some of the boaties have baches on the island...
The interesting thing is, businesses go out of business, sell up or go bankrupt, even before the pandemic there was quite a turn over of restaurants and cafe owners on the island, I have given up trying to remember the names of some of the cafes and restaurants in the village, change of ownership and name change ...
I guess this is quite common for places/businesses which rely heavily on tourism as the main source of income...
In Spain we have 89,1% of our population fully vaccinated and we are taking measures to ensure this winter everything goes well. The numbers aren't bad, but the country still remembers the first wave and how dreadful it was.
The legal bodies are denying all the measures such as COVIDpass for closed environments (bars, restaurants) except in two CAs(comunidades autónomas, quasi-states if the US reference works for you..).
Where I live infections are relatively low and vaccination numbers are high.