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Covid Cabin



  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited October 2021

    @Jeroen Said:
    Can't say I've heard of this happening here. But maybe it just hasn't made the news.

    Came across this Dutch study

    The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown evoked great worries among professionals in the field of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) as they expected a rise of the phenomenon. While many countries reported increased DVA, the Netherlands did not. To understand this discrepancy and the overall impact of the lockdown on DVA support services, we interviewed DVA professionals about their experiences with DVA during the rise of COVID-19, the impact of the lockdown on clients and working conditions, and views on eHealth and online tools.

    Semi-structured interviews were conducted among 16 DVA professionals with various specializations. This data was analyzed using open thematic coding and content analysis.

    Most professionals did not see an increase in DVA reports but they did notice more severe violence. They experienced less opportunities to detect DVA and worried about their clients’ wellbeing and the quality of (online) care. Furthermore, their working conditions rapidly changed, with working from home and online, and they expressed frustration, insecurity and loneliness. Professionals feel eHealth and online tools are not always suitable but they do see them as an opportunity to increase reach and maintain services when physical contact is not possible.

    This study suggests DVA was probably under-detected during the lockdown rather than not having increased. The Dutch system heavily relies on professionals to detect and report DVA, suggesting a need for critical evaluation of the accessibility of professional help. Professionals experienced significant challenges and should themselves be supported psychologically and in their changed work practices to maintain their ability to aid survivors.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Just seen this on the island's local community notice board page on fb, posted by one of the local board members/councillors

    STOP PRESS the Government has just introduced changes to the personal movement regulations for Auckland. They have restricted access to Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier to anyone who is not a resident or either providing essential services or permitted to work under level 3.
    Waiheke residents can still travel in the other direction to the city for permitted reasons under level 3 e.g. recreation, sharing a bubble outing.
    I have spoken to the other board members who are greatly relieved and also delighted that the government has been so responsive to our unique situation.
    The board has been disappointed with so much misinformation on social media but has been pleased with the messages of goodwill and support from so many thank you. >The board will never resile from our statutory and moral obligations to the well-being of our community and its economy.
    It’s great news.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Hope the above works for @how
    Could never find info on 'covid toe' before.

    I had a brief adverse reaction to the vaccine, 'Spikevax nose', which may have been from the n95 mask which I don't think was mine.

    Anyway I should be relatively safe after my two shots.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    The island's border restrictions are not working that well...

    Jaffas (The name for Aucklanders) are still sneaking onto the island, especially those who have summer homes on the island, they lie to ferry staff and police, telling them they are permanent island residents...Then we also have the boaties who sail over to the island on their yachts and set up camp in the bays...

    All trying to escape Auckland, for the peace and relative safety of the island and not thinking about how easy Delta can spread, especially on a small island...

    Delta is already starting to spread to areas outside of Auckland, mind you this was to be expected...

    And it's only a matter of time before it makes its presence felt here, hopefully the vaccination numbers are high enough on the island to reduce the risk to vulnerable locals...

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Stay safe @Lionduck and @Shoshin1

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    You stay safe too @Bunks... it looks like numbers are rapidly rising in Vic...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Our best wishesto you and yours, @Walker.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited October 2021

    She's very weak and is speaking incoherently

    It is my normal condition :3

    … meanwhile my mother who is moving into dementia is also eating decently. Coming back from a long walk (with rough ground wheelchair) she decided she was hungry enough to eat … us … She is eating indecently! :o

    She's eating decently

    Good news. Life is short. <3


  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    It's a difficult one - I think the mental health affects of the length of lockdowns in Australia (apparently Melbourne has been the worlds longest locked down city) will only be fully realised in years to come.

    But on the other hand we've only had just a tick over 1,000 deaths with Covid in Australia.

    A price had to be paid one way or the other.

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    One of the nurses in Saskatoon mentioned that they are noticing a marked increase in confusion and general mental decline in their patients. They think that the isolation that people have experienced in the last 18 months is a major contributor.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    This whole locking down business, I think there is a very cavalier approach with politicians just pressuring the public into doing what they want. There has to be a better way than telling people to huddle in their houses for a couple of years…

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @Walker said:
    One of the nurses in Saskatoon mentioned that they are noticing a marked increase in confusion and general mental decline in their patients. They think that the isolation that people have experienced in the last 18 months is a major contributor.

    I think that’s very possible. People are stimulated by social situations and being able to talk with others, and when that falls away there is a stultification. But my experience is also that this is reversible, that if you do come back into contact with people you pick up the old pattern again.

    The one case where it isn’t is beginning Alzheimer’s, and I think that those people may have suffered a lasting decline as a result of the lockdowns.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited October 2021

    This is what freedumb freedom looks like in America today...

    It's quite sad really...a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts....when it comes to those now filling the hospital beds who were once saying ..."Me Get Vaccinated!!!...Over my 'dead' body" ....

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran
    edited October 2021

    “The current rate is that 40,000 people a year are dying of covid. It’s not normal, but the government are treating it as the new normal. It’s a national scandal, but one that seems to have slipped largely from view.”

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    I am actually not comfortable with mandatory vaccination. The government here is making it as difficult as possible for people not to get vaccinated which I understand too.

    The facts are there now for all of us too see. If people choose to ignore them then so be it.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Walker said:
    Mandatory vaccination policies are not a new thing, not here in Canada anyway. Schools have mandatory vaccines for children (measles, mumps, rubella etc.), and some employers have mandatory vaccines for their workers (eg workers in long term care facilities sometimes are required to get an annual flu vaccine).

    I don't really have an issue with it, unless a person has a genuine medical reason for not taking a vaccine. The mRNA vaccines are one vaccine that I can get (I'm not supposed to get any live vaccines because of the TNF inhibitor that I take once a month.)

    The irony is most of these anti-vaxxers would probably be up in arms if governments decided to relax other public health measures that have been in place for decades. Want to run a restaurant with a dirty kitchen, well that should be your personal liberty, no? It's all about freedom baby!

    The government has made the covid vaccine mandatory if you work in essential services. It’s actually quite a wide ranging bucket of industries from health care and ambulance workers to politicians and personal trainers.

    It’s kicked in now and I have heard of a few people who have given up their job because they don’t want to be vaccinated.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited October 2021

    How I see it....well somewhat roughly....

    There are pro vaxxers who trust what most scientists are saying about the virus and vaccines, most (but not all) it would seem are also happy to follow health guidelines regarding mask wearing and social distancing and also accept lockdowns as part and parcel of pandemic control...

    There are those with medical conditions for whom getting vaccinated could be more harmful than good, plus wearing a mask can cause them problems...

    There are the vaccine and Covid fence sitters who still follow health guideline regarding social distancing and mask wearing, but are hesitant when it comes to the vaccine's safety, some are also unsure when it comes to how dangerous Covid really is...

    There are the anti vaxxers who see all manmade vaccines as poisons, (some may personally have experienced severe adverse affects or know of someone who has after being vaccinated) not all are Covid deniers, so will follow government and health official guideline regarding mask wearing social distancing and lockdowns, but draw the line when it comes to being vaccinated... Some (well maybe quite a few) are also more inclined to follow fringe science and scientists who tout conspiracy theories and snake oil cures, however they don't dismiss mainstream science outright, they know of the benefits which mainstream science has afforded them..

    There are the Covid deniers who are not against vaccinations in general, but they don't believe Covid exists or it is not as serious as the government or health officials say it is and can't see the point in being vaccinated for the non existent,...Some are also anti vaxxers who see all manmade vaccines as poisons ...All are anti mask wearers who begrudgingly wear a mask for travel and entering premises where wearing one is required...

    Covid deniers and anti vaxxers tend to be involved in fringe science and conspiracy theories...

    It would seem all Covid deniers & anti vaxxers are anti lockdowners, some pro vaxxers are also anti lockdowns...

    Some of the more religious minded people 'believe' their god will protect them, some believe Covid was sent by a god to punish sinners...

    The religious and irreligious are found in all of the above times making strange bedfellows ...

    It's may not be quite as black & white as I describe, as there are always exceptions to the rules...

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    Yep, it's pretty wide-reaching here as well for most provinces. Basically, if you have a public service job, you're required to get vaccinated.

    A lot of private sector jobs are now requiring it too.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited October 2021

    Aotearoa (NZ) is also looking at doing the same, making vaccinations mandatory for essential services....
    Here's what NZ Human Rights has to say on the matter...

    The following information is only intended as a guide and is not legal advice.

    Balancing human rights in a Covid environment
    The Government measures to combat Covid-19 are extraordinary and place significant restrictions on New Zealanders’ human rights. Even during a pandemic, everyone has human rights and freedoms under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act and the Human Rights Act. However, there are times when limiting these rights and freedoms can be justified under section 5 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act.

    The Covid-19 pandemic raises complex questions about when these restrictions are justified, and where the balance lies between individual rights and freedoms and the right to health, which includes public health and safety. The right to health is a human right protected under both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), which New Zealand is a State party to. In fact under the ICESCR, States must take necessary steps to prevent, treat and control epidemic diseases in order to realise the right to health. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the UN treaty body for the ICESCR, has emphasised that States must ensure public health measures are reasonable and proportionate to protect all human rights.

    A recent case in the High Court provides a useful example of how the Courts approach these questions. The case was a judicial review of the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 by a former Customs worker who lost their job after they refused to get vaccinated for Covid-19. As part of the judicial review, the High Court considered whether the Order infringed on the right to be free from discrimination under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act.

    Ultimately, the High Court decided that it did not. In coming to this conclusion, the judge wrote “the Court’s task in this case is to balance the benefit of the vaccine and the risk of being unvaccinated against any discrimination in relation to those affected”.

    The judge went on to say that if the benefits of the vaccine outweighed the potential discrimination against the affected employee, then the limitation of rights under the Order was proportionate and justified under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act. In this case, the judge decided the scientific support for the vaccine and the benefits of the Order to the wider community outweighed any potential discrimination against that employee.

    This approach to balancing rights will of course depend on the particular issue and context. For example, the Human Rights Act applies differently to public decision-makers compared to private entities, such as businesses. What is ultimately important is that human rights guide decision-making, whether by government decision-makers or businesses. The Human Rights Commission encourages businesses, service providers and employers to seek legal advice to ensure their Covid-19 policies do not breach the rights of others.


  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Melbournians will come out of lockdown (hopefully for the last time!) this Thursday. It's been a long winter....

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Well the bullet has finally hit home....

    Well this morning at work (before the positive case came to light) I made a notice in Spanish (thanks google translate :) ) for our office window letting the foreign nationals( who are mostly Spanish speaking South Americans) know that they can get a free vaccination against Covid19 regardless of their visa status...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    And in the meantime, I continue to take cold showers/baths, and feel invigorated and healthy. Whether this is a sufficient strategy to boost my immune system, which, together with my double vaccine, is an effective barrier to contracting something nasty, I don't know. But I have to say, I feel invincible. Which is not to say that I am stupid enough to believe I actually am.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Employer says man with Covid-19 on Waiheke can't be trusted, breached health orders

    Well tongues/fingers are wagging, it's all over our local community page on fb, virtual lynch mob, I wouldn't like to be in his shoes if his name is made public, mind you, a small island being a small island it's only a matter of time before some local will identify him and makes his name public ...

    Some local are very anxious, my neighbour next door said she's quite worried, her health is not the best, she's high risk...

    And when in the village yesterday I noticed that everyone (well the vast majority) were walking around social distancing and wearing masks, in the past some people were only putting masks on when entering shops and taking them off again when coming out...

    I guess the case has made some of the complacent locals wake up/get their act together when it comes to social distancing and wearing masks...from a negative comes a positive....

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Shoshin1 said:

    Employer says man with Covid-19 on Waiheke can't be trusted, breached health orders

    Well tongues/fingers are wagging, it's all over our local community page on fb, virtual lynch mob, I wouldn't like to be in his shoes if his name is made public, mind you, a small island being a small island it's only a matter of time before some local will identify him and makes his name public ...

    Some local are very anxious, my neighbour next door said she's quite worried, her health is not the best, she's high risk...

    And when in the village yesterday I noticed that everyone (well the vast majority) were walking around social distancing and wearing masks, in the past some people were only putting masks on when entering shops and taking them off again when coming out...

    I guess the case has made some of the complacent locals wake up/get their act together when it comes to social distancing and wearing masks...from a negative comes a positive....

    What are the vaccination rates like on the island @Shoshin1 ?

    Assuming NZ will open up at a certain % fully vaxxed I suppose you'll all have to get used to the virus being on the island.

    We're preparing for more cases here in a couple of weeks when everything is pretty much open and people free to move about wherever.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited October 2021

    @Bunks said:

    What are the vaccination rates like on the island @Shoshin1 ?

    Assuming NZ will open up at a certain % fully vaxxed I suppose you'll all have to get used to the virus being on the island.

    We're preparing for more cases here in a couple of weeks when everything is pretty much open and people free to move about wherever.

    To date the main vaccination centre on the island (Waiheke COVID Immunisation Centre) have delivered around13,651 doses, (this includes first and second doses as of last Saturday) plus the other two medical centres are also giving vaccinations, I think around 70/80% of eligible locals have had their second jab...Population of the island around 8750...

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Over here cases are rising slowly, but the hospitals are managing and not really overburdened. The number of deaths is also still low. It’s largely the unvaccinated population who are now contracting the disease.

    But vaccination rate here is 83.5% of the population aged 18+, so we are not doing too badly.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    But I have to say, I feel invincible. Which is not to say that I am stupid enough to believe I actually am.

    Sounds about right to me …

    I am pretty low down in terms of priorities. I am still largely shielding two vulnerable family members. Everyone has had two shots. To stimulate a healthy mind/body immunity our response includes:

    • Diet: We are eating less and healthier
    • Relaxation and health improvement through youtube hypnosis vids
    • Fresh air

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Jeroen said:
    Over here cases are rising slowly, but the hospitals are managing and not really overburdened. The number of deaths is also still low. It’s largely the unvaccinated population who are now contracting the disease.

    But vaccination rate here is 83.5% of the population aged 18+, so we are not doing too badly.

    We have just crossed the 70% fully vaccinated for 16+ so opening up again.

    Expect to be 80% fully vaxxed in two weeks time when basically everything will open (with some restrictions still)

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    I wonder what societies will be like after the pandemic crises is over/when Covid19 and its variants becomes less of death sentence for the vulnerable...
    A brave new masked world...

  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited October 2021

    A brave new masked world?
    I suspect, no more brave or new or masked than it was before this present lesson on impermanence came sauntering by.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Thanks @Shoshin1

    I don't like masks. However if I become a Jane meat eating Jain, then I might be persuaded … wait Jains don't even brush their teeth in case they kill mouth bacteria. They are mad. I like them already. B)

    We all wear masks as @how indicates, apart from the Zennery who have attained ordinariness. o:)

    I feel this covid experience has up ended many lives. I feel extremely grateful to the Bodhi Virus. The transitions are the times of greatest potential for unfolding …

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Aotearoa ( NZ ) will be adopting the traffic light system in order to keep Covid in check

    Bugger.... it will be hard for us islanders to navigate, we are not accustomed to such things, there are no traffic lights on the island... ;);)

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited October 2021

    Just out of interest, Northern hemisphere folk, what's your new normal like now that you are starting to open up/loosening restrictions ?
    What freedoms do you have now ?

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Our state government has just announced they expect 90% fully vaccinated 12+ year olds on 24 November.
    Basically all restrictions gone at that time!
    Woo hoo 😀

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited October 2021

    Our fluffing PM, Doris Johnson has been looking for tips …

    It seems killing people is profitable/acceptable … cue bond theme … We go about our normal life as if death is nothing. Mmm … we are all Buddhists now?

    Meanwhile I have gone back into isolation mode as 1 in 60 in UK test positive for Covid. Ay caramba!

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran
    edited October 2021



    -Restrictions Exemption Program is in place (basically allows indoor dining and attendance at indoor recreation, entertainment and events with proof of full vaccination, otherwise restrictions are in place)

    -Masks and 2 metre distancing required for indoor public spaces.

    -Vaccinated people can gather maximum 2 households, 10 people total not including children under 12. Unvaccinated people are not permitted to gather indoors unless they are exempt

    Alberta is now seeing hospitalization and ICU numbers decreasing (They were very high 2-3 weeks ago), Saskatchewan is now the hotspot in Canada.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Please stay safe @Walker and @lobster

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Sounds like UK may need to have some more restrictions with winter coming yeah?

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @lobster said:
    Meanwhile I have gone back into isolation mode as 1 in 60 in UK test positive for Covid. Ay caramba!

    Really @lobster? Surely things are not so bad, it’s a pretty rare day that I meet 60 people.

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    @ Shoshin1
    B.C. Canada
    It seems to depend on the week.
    We dance back and forth between increasing and decreasing Covid restrictions like the medical professionals and the Chamber of Commerce are getting alternate weeks of the month to govern.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited October 2021

    @lobster said:
    Our fluffing PM, Doris Johnson has been looking for tips …

    It seems killing people is profitable/acceptable … cue bond theme … We go about our normal life as if death is nothing. Mmm … we are all Buddhists now?

    Meanwhile I have gone back into isolation mode as 1 in 60 in UK test positive for Covid. Ay caramba!

    Yes, as @Bunks already mentioned it does look like more restrictions are on the way for winter in the UK and no doubt other countries in the Northern Hemisphere .... stay safe @lobster

    @Walker said:


    -Restrictions Exemption Program is in place (basically allows indoor dining and attendance at indoor recreation, entertainment and events with proof of full vaccination, otherwise restrictions are in place)

    -Masks and 2 metre distancing required for indoor public spaces.

    -Vaccinated people can gather maximum 2 households, 10 people total not including children under 12. Unvaccinated people are not permitted to gather indoors unless they are exempt

    Alberta is now seeing hospitalization and ICU numbers decreasing (They were very high 2-3 weeks ago), Saskatchewan is now the hotspot in Canada.

    I think the traffic lights system our government will be rolling out at the end of November, will be similar @Walker ...
    The problem we have here is we don't have enough ICU beds & ventilators so we really do need to get more people vaccinated asap ..
    As for the island we don't have any hospital facilities, just medical centres, so any covid patients in need of hospital care will have to be airlifted to hospitals in Auckland...

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    @Jeroen said:

    Really @lobster? Surely things are not so bad, it’s a pretty rare day that I meet 60 people.

    You don't have to meet 60 people. You've only got to meet the one ...

    If you do meet 60 people, and all of them are fine, then it's you...

    Everyone is acting "normally" although a lot of people (though not all) still wear masks in shops or crowded interiors...
    Some stores request you wear a mask, in spite of more slack restrictions.
    Other shops would like to insist on it, but cannot compel customers to don masks...

    Mother has had her booster jab, my husband, who is diabetic, awaits his, then it will be my turn...

    So far, crossed fingers have rendered us safe. Works for me...
    Maybe if we all crossed our fingers, it would go away.

    Seems legit.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Well, if you catch covid while double-vaccinated it’s obviously your karma…

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    If you catch Covid vaccinated or not, it's all to do with one's actions (AKA Karma) both intentionally ( not caring about self or others-thinking one is bulletproof ) or unintentionally ( in the wrong place at the wrong time)...

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