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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!
I too have the tiniest buds imaginable on my little Olive tree.... but I don't even know if they'll open at all. Unseasonal weather we're having here.
Huh. :rolleyes:
It's getting to the point where I don't even know what 'seasonal' is.... :buck:
where I'm no fun any more, I am sorry.
Oh hang on, thats Crosby Stills and Nash...
I put a pair of chino's in the washing machine without checking the pockets and there must have been several kleenex tissues in one of them...result ,bits of shredded tissue on every garment...and all over the floor...woe is me...
My favorite creation is jalapeno, bacon, pineapple: hot, sweet, sour, savory/salty.
and I am saying it
and that is poetry
as I need it."
~John Cage
If you live just about anywhere in America, lower parts of Canada, and/or into Mexico and central America... you probably have hummingbirds!
Put them up around the end of April and leave them up until November.
It takes time for the hummers to find them - but eventually they will. And once they do, they will come back more and more. You'll have even more of them if you hang feeders in the same general area year after year.
The first summer in this house we only saw maybe one or two hummingbirds all summer. The second summer we saw them maybe once or twice a week. This year however- we see them coming to the two feeders 6-8 times a day!
Just about every single time we look, we see one within a few minutes! It's awesome!
Now they have even started to drink from the feeders and then perch their tiny behinds on top of the bamboo fence for a few minutes... I know my hubs got a pic of this on his phone. I'll post it if I can. BTW, that feeder you see in the pic above is a home made feeder made from a water bottle and some plastic tubing. Very simple. The nectar is also very easy to make yourself, although they do prefer the red pre-made nectar you can add water to - at first. But once they know where the feeders are... they'll come back!
Happy continuation day @Lucy_Begood !!
Thinking in E-prime doesn't magically solve problems, but it does help to highlight them and how linking verbs frame our thinking.
Last night my neighbors across the way had their apartment struck by lightning and they have lost everything. We both work at the same hospital (in different departments) and her daughter also works there. Thankfully no one was physically hurt.
So today, EVERYONE at the hospital spontaneously pooled together what furniture, clothes and money they had AND helped to get her into a new house, and, in effect, fully furnished. By the afternoon, all of this had taken place.
Of course, she can't so easily replace sentimental items, and her and her husband have suffered from the shock of seeing their apartment go up in flames. But at least they now have a roof over their heads-- and in nicer condition than what they previously had.
All those loving hands of Avalokiteshvara at work!
I LOL at your comment above, but I sooooo get it, believe me. My kids are all grown now and moved out into lives of their own.
However, I do have two elderly parents who live less than 2 blocks away, and I'm pretty much in charge of looking after / helping / driving them around 75% of the time. I swear, sometimes it is very much like having teens to deal with!! LOL Now I was by no means an "easy kid" to deal with myself, but ..... ... Karma, ya think?
It works in conjunction with Yahoo! Groups, so you may need a Yahoo! email in order to access your local area's freecycle.
The Buddha
I have seen looks like that before.
"Dumb human has nooo idea I'm a Yiddish cat....."
This morning walked to Wimbledon, think I took a wrong turning, temple was closed …monks probably praying for Andy Murray to win the tennis.
Always remember:
"First Service"
I wanna go out...
Now I wanna go in...
Now I need some crunchies..
Now I wanna go out and play...
Now I wanna go out the gate...
I don't want to climb the gate..
So let me out...
Now I want to go in...