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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!



  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    Perhaps if all new threads submitted without a category either couldn't be installed or just got placed under the heading " Mindfully challenged", one hall room monitor might have an easier time of it.
  • GuiGui Veteran
    Another new category might be entitled "Games".
  • Its still a week and a half away, but I've just now begun to prepare for my trip to Dallas to see my family!

    The reality of the trip only hit me today: haircut, oil change, check the tires, fix up my mp3 player (for an 8-hour drive in a truck with no A/C), tons of things to check up on at the hospital. Oh, and, uh, packing too!

    But I won't have a beeper for the first time in three years since my promotion. And for the first time in four years I'll have a vacation longer than seven days.

  • MaryAnneMaryAnne Veteran
    edited July 2013
    Seeing the Michael Jackson video earlier in this thread reminded me....

    One day, for no reason at all, I just started 'moon walking' across my kitchen floor while my 20-something daughter was talking to me (complaining) about something... I'd never done it before, didn't even know I could!

    I don't know what possessed me! I just moon walked right out of the kitchen and around the living room/ dining room.
    Daughter said " What ARE you doing!??" I said " What's it look like- moon walking!"

    I moon walked everywhere all over the house for at least an hour! LOL I must have looked ridiculous! A 54 year old fat woman moon walking around her house and laughing like an idiot....
  • and Michael continues to haunt us.... LOL

  • I had air conditioning installed this morning at the barbershop.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    Dual action cones. So hard to eat without melting. :D
  • GuiGui Veteran
    I saw Hot Tuna last night! Oh, man. I've been listening to these guys since 1969 when they were in Jefferson Airplane and never got the chance to see them until last night. 3 hour set. A dream come true.

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    Ate lotus nuts/seeds for the first time today. I didn't even know they were
    edible like that...... Right out of the water.
    My daughter and I picking them out of the mud,
    standing next to the bell tower and sharing something new together. They
    were yummy right out of the heads, and we ate about 3 hand fulls. What a
    beautiful day! :)
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    We have a frost advisory. In July. I know we live in Minnesota, but c'mon. Usually July and August are safe from covering the gardens and bringing in all the container plants. On the plus side, my son's coffee plants grew like crazy in the wet, cool weather the past 2 weeks.
  • GuiGui Veteran
    This moment, I am reborn. There is no one I have to be.
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    But there was a need to post the fact... :)
  • GuiGui Veteran
    no need, just for fun
  • CittaCitta Veteran

  • One of our cats, cloe, Does not go upstairs anymore and is spending time in the basement and first floor. She follows everyone around. She is still eating and drinking, but we are worried she is senile. And she has gone to a vet to test blood and whatever the vet can do.
  • Jeffrey said:

    One of our cats, cloe, Does not go upstairs anymore and is spending time in the basement and first floor. She follows everyone around. She is still eating and drinking, but we are worried she is senile. And she has gone to a vet to test blood and whatever the vet can do.

    Oh @Jeffrey - I am so so sorry to hear about your Cloe...
  • My dad has had to have cancer treatments out of town the past few weeks, and my parents just made it back home tonight. This weekend I will hit the road to visit with them for about ten days (I haven't seen them in well over a year).

    The other day, I sent this to my dad [attached]. My sister sent something too, but I can't post it here-- just a little off-color, but funny. My dad needs all the laughs he can get right now!

    Thank you for a few special friends here who have given me support and a compassionate ear regarding my dad's illness. You know who you are! :wave:
  • @riverflow

    All the best to your dad. <3 Have a wonderful visit and extra hugs and laughs for all.
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    I'll have what YOU had...

    _/\_ :)
  • I just want to say hi, new member here! Karasti I'm a fellow Minnesotan and I couldn't agree more. I was listening on MPR on my drive home from work the day it was passed and I was literally crying. I have friends in Massachusetts who would like to move back home and now they can since their marriage will be legally recognized here, it's just so much better for all. Yay equality!!
  • MaryAnneMaryAnne Veteran
    edited August 2013
    I hear they accept most insurance plans, including Medicare!

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    I decided to set up a FreeNAS computer. It was all going well and I was testing it on another computer.
    Both computers have locked their DVD's and become temperamental (so anthropomorphic with my hardware). Fixable. But may sulk for a while ;)

    Good luck to Dads and Cats and everyone undergoing real difficulties :bawl:
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    My 2 oldest kids left today for a 10 day trip with my dad. I'm glad they get to go on trips with him like I did as a kid, but I miss them already.
  • Cut my foot walking in the dark. Lots of blood when washing when I came in. Now I am special because I have special bandages. I am fascinated by looking at my owie.
  • Well, since I've finally told my family and everyone else, my girlfriend and I have broken up and I won't be moving to New Zealand (we've actually been apart since early July). Life goes on. impermanence, etc....
  • I like being single. There is probably a fish out there with your name on it.
  • MaryAnneMaryAnne Veteran
    edited August 2013
    THANK YOU MOM AND DAD!! It's my b'day today! I'm fifty-freakin-seven years old today! WOW. My time is getting short! I've only got another 30-40 years to go!! :eek:

    Anyway, Today is my birthday and again THANK You Mom and DAD (yes, they're still here with us).
    I love love LOVE my hubby and 3 grown kids, and my whole damn crazy ass family!! photo Peace-Love-Rock_zps1b237bee.jpg"

    Love all you crazy ass guys too! :: grin ::
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    Happy Birthday. I have tried to convince my family that calories eaten on birthdays are zero calories. Be happy. Oh you are . . . so happy birthday assured. Do we get cake pics?
  • :: Raises hands in Buddhist manner ::: _/|\_

    I promise -- I was not drunk! nor high! when I bubbled over like that last night! LOL
    It was late, I was overtired and couldn't sleep.... and anyway, I really DO love you crazy kids. ;-)
  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    An announcement by my 9 yr old to her father this morning after
    seeing his cushions set up in the living room:

    "Daddy, actually you should go to the's a good place".

  • Ok.... Random Announcement! [ahem]

    I can no longer eat Blue Bunny brand Banana Split ice cream!!

    The first time I had an attack of mid-night stomach and intestinal cramps, along with nausea, vomiting, and hearing the most god-awful, unnerving, whining and moaning for half the night, (that would be me) -- I didn't connect it to the consumption of named ice cream an hour or two earlier.

    BUT... after a controlled (and dangerous) experiment, and further research into the individual ingredients list on said package, it is to be concluded -without a doubt- that the chopped cashews and peanuts incorporated in the Banana Split flavor renders this ice cream severely detrimental to my stomach and intestinal health.

    That is All.

    I am SAD.

    Carry On.

    PS; Thankfully, Blue Bunny does make a few other flavors that are equally deee-lishus...
  • Now I'm going to have to get some snacks :zombie:
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    Some pics. I have accumulated this year, mostly Buddhist . . . maybe all . . .
  • GuiGui Veteran
    you know...... sometimes I sit here and I look at the white board and the window shades and the crap on my window sill - and it just seems like I've never ever seen these things before. Then I look up at the ceiling tiles and listen to the burble and chat drifting on the air waves and I think....
    I must be losing my fucking mind.
    or it's just another day at the office
  • MaryAnne said:

    Ok.... Random Announcement! [ahem]

    I can no longer eat Blue Bunny brand Banana Split ice cream!!

    The first time I had an attack of mid-night stomach and intestinal cramps, along with nausea, vomiting, and hearing the most god-awful, unnerving, whining and moaning for half the night, (that would be me) -- I didn't connect it to the consumption of named ice cream an hour or two earlier.

    Oh, no! I've had similar issues with certain KINDS of ice cream (Blue Bunny I've had no problems with however)-- so I have to take care with what ice cream I eat (I can eat Klondike Bars all day long no prob LOL). But none of the problem ice cream I've had had nuts in them. I always assumed it had to do with some other ingredient.

    Anyway, I do totally sympathize-- I had to go through it a few times before figuring out that the problem lay with the ice cream. Whimpering in pain in a fetal position on the floor next to the toilet. Yep. :(
  • Ooooh @Riverflow I feel for ya, Brother!
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    I have just had another very cool haircut...a bit like David Beckham's current style...but grey.
    And the rest of me doesn't match...particularly the wee paunch.
  • CittaCitta Veteran
    Great job MaryAnne ! :thumbsup:
  • My cut is mostly healed :) (some of you know I cut my foot) It is not seeping into the bandage any more. What a miracle if you think about it.
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