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Hi @Jayantha. So happy to have you with us and hearing your insights. I wish Bhavana Society was closer to where I live so I could pay a visit. Very inspirational to hear from you. Much metta to you friend.
@Jayantha said:
Latest update on my experience as a monastic and upcoming Bhikkhu ordination
As we know, the uniformed dharma branch are sacrificing and reaping for our benefit. Without them we would just be another bunch of flockless Trump shearing sheep
Therefore it is only right we respect their robe shifting, lack of hair and secluded efforts.
Just in case you are unaware of the right response of long haired, lax, wannabe Buddhists ...
I take refuge in the Buddha.
I take refuge in the Dharma.
I take refuge in the Sangha.
Another three jewels for my rubbish pile of holy rocks [back of the class for crustacean once again ...]
Exactly a month from today I will be taking my Upasampadā(higher ordination to Bhikkhu) ... the almost 7 year "journey into homelessness" is nearly complete. (
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
edited September 2016
What a wondrous time it has been. And I count us all as extraordinarily fortunate, if not blessed, to have had you among us, sharing your path with us. What a privilege, and one very few can ever boast of having enjoyed.
Namaste, in the very essence of the word, Namaste to you.
I consider @Jayantha joining the 'Sons of the Buddha' to be a heroic act, that we all benefit from. It is inspiring, offers a teacher/teaching. Outstanding. May all be auspicious. May all benefit.
My friend, I'm filled with joy for your successful journey so far, and gratitude for you sacrificing your valuable time to share it with us in this tiny corner of cyberspace. The smiles at your ordination told me this is the path for you. I loved your teachings.
As long as people like you are around, the Sangha is in good hands.
Now that Jayasara (dharma super hero) is amongst us, we will have to be on our best behavour. Looking forward to any new post ceremony interior travel log ins ... Bring a bottle your bikkhu chums Jayasara, Sun of the Buddha ...
What just might be one of the last posts I make in this thread. If your interested in watching what a higher ordination is like. The actual ceremony in Pali is about 25 minutes, but then Bhante G repeats the WHOLE ceremony again in English for everyone to understand.
federicaSeeker of the clear blue sky...Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubtModerator
@Jayantha, Bhante, I have alerted @Linc to your requested name-change. I'm sure he will comply as soon as he can.
I only managed to watch 2/3 of your 'you know' ... video. I am such a slacker ...
Now you are officially Sanga'd - Bravo.
Must be question time?
In the Theravadin tradition we have dharani and relics and other reminders of practice.
To my amazement (will wonders never cease) my virtual prayer wheels (not a bigee in Western Dharma) seem very potent in some strange way.
Can you say something about sanctity and sacred space, in relation to what we might term non sentient artifacts? Would you say intent and resonance effects surroundings? Do you think this is beyond association and reminder/remembrance?
I only managed to watch 2/3 of your 'you know' ... video. I am such a slacker ...
Now you are officially Sanga'd - Bravo.
Must be question time?
In the Theravadin tradition we have dharani and relics and other reminders of practice.
To my amazement (will wonders never cease) my virtual prayer wheels (not a bigee in Western Dharma) seem very potent in some strange way.
Can you say something about sanctity and sacred space, in relation to what we might term non sentient artifacts? Would you say intent and resonance effects surroundings? Do you think this is beyond association and reminder/remembrance?
honestly I have no idea, although I suppose with the prayer wheel, is it really the wheel that sends out goodwill, or is it a tool for your mind to do so? If the latter then virtual or physical I don't think it matters.
Aren't these talks ?? great. All done without the help of tissues.
They are deservedly highly appreciated. What Bhikkhu Jayasara may need is an action cam, to go to the mountain and record a flow of dharma ... rather than selfie video mode ...
Mindful multitasking? Is it possible?
DavidA human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First NationsVeteran
Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us @BhikkhuJayasara.
I remember ribbing you about whether or not you'd be taking your gun. Many apologies and may I say it's very good to see how well you're doing with it all.
It's been a little while since I saw this thread and seeing @Cinorjer last post made me miss him and wonder if by his wording, he knew what was up.
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
Thank you @BikkhuJayasara for the story of your journey, it certainly sounds like it hasn’t been easy. The phenomenon of the wall and the panic attack is something familiar, I hope you don’t let it get you down, in the end, whatever the circumstances, we all just carry on...
Robe malfunctions
Thank you
I always enjoy following your open and honest journey.
(Have a glass of water handy, next time!
Let us know when the name-change happens - we'll deal with it...
"Robe malfunction"!!! Love it.....
May you have peace and bring peace to those you encounter @Jayantha.
Hi @Jayantha. So happy to have you with us and hearing your insights. I wish Bhavana Society was closer to where I live so I could pay a visit. Very inspirational to hear from you. Much metta to you friend.
Don't let those monastics fool you.
Why are you flashing bikkhu?
'My robes fell off'.
A likely story!
[OK already, I'm off to 'disrespecting sangha' corner - my shell fell off/I am moulting]
@lobster, I should rap your knuckles for that.... That's disrespecting the Dhamma....
Behave yourself. Seriously.
My apologies.
Knew today might not be the day to invoke Vajrayogini ...

Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
My apologies to everyone who is offended by the extinct sky clad Super-Sangha ...
If I have gone too far, I will be in the punishment corner, banging my head with my knuckled claws ... awaiting further chastisement.
Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Does she have flames of fire coming out of her... Oh Nevermind.
Fear not friend @lobster, I cannot take offense at your eccentric, koan-like ways
Well, you know, I'm just trying to inject an atmosphere of hilarious solemnity, here....
It's great to hear from you again, I always enjoy your updates.
As we know, the uniformed dharma branch are sacrificing and reaping for our benefit. Without them we would just be another bunch of flockless Trump shearing sheep
Therefore it is only right we respect their robe shifting, lack of hair and secluded efforts.
Just in case you are unaware of the right response of long haired, lax, wannabe Buddhists ...
I take refuge in the Buddha.
I take refuge in the Dharma.
I take refuge in the Sangha.
Another three jewels for my rubbish pile of holy rocks
[back of the class for crustacean once again ...]
Exactly a month from today I will be taking my Upasampadā(higher ordination to Bhikkhu) ... the almost 7 year "journey into homelessness" is nearly complete. (
What a wondrous time it has been. And I count us all as extraordinarily fortunate, if not blessed, to have had you among us, sharing your path with us. What a privilege, and one very few can ever boast of having enjoyed.
Namaste, in the very essence of the word, Namaste to you.
How exciting.
Good luck Jayantha. May all be well. Marvellous. Thanks for sharing.
So when are you getting your woolly Buddha hat? I am worried about your head getting cold.
I wear a warm beanie all year round while im indoors at the monastery, the fans and pollen do a number on me.
one week to go on this long journey...
Will you soon be ex-man, member of Dharma League or Borg Bhikkhu?
You have been assimulated? Resistence is futile ...
Great video that explains the benefits of the Vinaya @Jayantha, Thanks.
I think shooting a beam of light out of my eyes is not one of the powers listed in the Suttas, but I'll take it
That should liven up Meditation Q&A time....
I consider @Jayantha joining the 'Sons of the Buddha' to be a heroic act, that we all benefit from. It is inspiring, offers a teacher/teaching. Outstanding. May all be auspicious. May all benefit.
@federica I'm ready for that name change now
Bhikkhu Jayasara is good.
Kisses and Hugs
Deep Bow!
... bravo, congratulations.
OK no time to lose, now you are a teaching, look forward to your first 'official' sermon/discernment.
Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
Saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
@Linc, could we please arrange this? Many thanks!
Namaste, Bhikku Jayasara! Welcome to our community! How wonderful, how wonderful things exactly as they are!
We rejoice in your fulfilment, and our good fortune to have you with us as an ordained member!
My friend, I'm filled with joy for your successful journey so far, and gratitude for you sacrificing your valuable time to share it with us in this tiny corner of cyberspace. The smiles at your ordination told me this is the path for you. I loved your teachings.
As long as people like you are around, the Sangha is in good hands.
Now, You become the path itself.
a short video when asked my final thoughts before ordination -
^^ Excellent brevity.
Now that Jayasara (dharma super hero) is amongst us, we will have to be on our best behavour. Looking forward to any new post ceremony interior travel log ins ... Bring a bottle your bikkhu chums Jayasara, Sun of the Buddha ...
Live Long and Prosper
Namaste Bhikkhu Jayasara,
Congratulations! Looking forward to listen to the first sermon/Dharma talk from Bhikkhu Jayasara.
What just might be one of the last posts I make in this thread. If your interested in watching what a higher ordination is like. The actual ceremony in Pali is about 25 minutes, but then Bhante G repeats the WHOLE ceremony again in English for everyone to understand.
@Jayantha, Bhante, I have alerted @Linc to your requested name-change. I'm sure he will comply as soon as he can.
Cool. How wonderful.
I only managed to watch 2/3 of your 'you know' ... video. I am such a slacker ...

Now you are officially Sanga'd - Bravo.
Must be question time?
In the Theravadin tradition we have dharani and relics and other reminders of practice.
To my amazement (will wonders never cease) my virtual prayer wheels (not a bigee in Western Dharma) seem very potent in some strange way.
Can you say something about sanctity and sacred space, in relation to what we might term non sentient artifacts? Would you say intent and resonance effects surroundings? Do you think this is beyond association and reminder/remembrance?
honestly I have no idea, although I suppose with the prayer wheel, is it really the wheel that sends out goodwill, or is it a tool for your mind to do so? If the latter then virtual or physical I don't think it matters.
Video marking two years in robes, and one year as a Bhikkhu, joys and struggles, positives and negatives.
Mazal Tov and much metta to you!!!! I'm so happy for you
_ /\ _
Peace to your path good sir I appreciate your point of view!
Very inspirational.
Love and appreciate your honesty mate.......
Aren't these talks ?? great. All done without the help of tissues.
They are deservedly highly appreciated. What Bhikkhu Jayasara may need is an action cam, to go to the mountain and record a flow of dharma ... rather than selfie video mode ...
Mindful multitasking? Is it possible?
Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us @BhikkhuJayasara.
I remember ribbing you about whether or not you'd be taking your gun. Many apologies and may I say it's very good to see how well you're doing with it all.
It's been a little while since I saw this thread and seeing @Cinorjer last post made me miss him and wonder if by his wording, he knew what was up.
Not to derail, just an observance, sorry.
Namaste @BikkhuJayasara
Thank you for your much appreciated insights.
The life of a villager is beyond overrated.
The joy of freedom will eventually find you.
Thank you @BikkhuJayasara for the story of your journey, it certainly sounds like it hasn’t been easy. The phenomenon of the wall and the panic attack is something familiar, I hope you don’t let it get you down, in the end, whatever the circumstances, we all just carry on...