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For me less would be good. Also more
... fruit and veg that is

My bestest food favs are:
- smoothies
- fruit salad
- air fried sweet potato fries
What food is your best?
We are what we eat some say, well at least I'm not a glut
Hmm I would like to be a fruit or vegetable, but at best I'm just a nut
I eat fruit and veg only when forced to (which is regularly), or when tempted by others who leave it in a bowl out on the table when I make my rounds... my fave foods are...
But I also enjoy
I like bread with toppings and baked. For example bread, mayonnaise, cheese, seasoning, more...
I also like casseroles. For example: chicken, cheese, rice, broccoli, made with canned soups and other ingredients
For dessert an easy pantry dessert is to bake (on a cast iron skillet in oven) bread, softened butter spread on, cinnamon sugar, bake for a few minutes
Also food is a favorite topic with me!
Bravo @Shoshin
Being in charge of food ordering, I have some control of what comfort food is available. For example yesterday we had home made mini brioche rolls with organic butter and 50% wholemeal flour. We had them with sugar free jam for a lunchtime pudding. I have ordered a new vegan meatless sausage and other new try outs. Where feasible I buy organic and fairtrade. I substitute Greek and kefir yogurt for cream and sour cream ...
Lately we have only been having a very light supper.
Fruit, vegetable and nut/bean is my ideal diet. Two meals a day would suit me also and no snacking but food is often a social/family sit down ...
My favourites are kimchi, sauerkraut, natto, kefir and sticky rice.
Love broccoli and homemade hollandaise, and cauliflower toast. Avocado, h/m kefir cheese and babaganoush also figure strongly.
I am a ferment/preserves nut.
Pasta including, giant couscous which is actually a variety of pasta. Rice with veg. Sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, real artisanal Red Leicester cheese. Good ol’ carrots, squashes. Pak Choi.
I needs babaganoush.
Never even knew it existed. Looked it up. Seems like you can live on it ...
Baba ghanoush, also spelled baba ganoush or baba ghanouj, is a Levantine appetizer of mashed cooked eggplant mixed with tahini, olive oil, possibly lemon juice, and various seasonings. Traditionally, mutabbal is the condiment aforedescribed and baba ghanoush is more like a salad dip made with pomegranate molasses and olive oil, and often without tahini.
Food. Don't settle for substitutes.
For my cheat day I've started often making homemade pizza. From the dough to the sauce to the evil sausage seasoning.
I'm not that experimental so far, just the basics. But I think my cheese pizza is pretty good.
Sounds wickedly good already. Pizza is a computer nerd staple. Here is how to healthify it:
We get frozen pizza dough balls (even though we have bread maker)
“Izza pizza”
Never had store bought frozen pizza dough balls, but when I make dough I make enough for two and freeze one ball for later. Your link talked about using a pizza pan, but IMO a pizza stone is a must for fresh pizza dough, you just can't get the properly crispy bottom otherwise. And its pretty impossible to get low moisture whole milk mozzarella around here. I keep reading that regular whole milk mozz is too moist for pizza, but I do agree that adding a bit of parm into the cheese mix makes a big difference.
Vegemite and avocado on sourdough.....yum!
Why not do it properly and use Marmite?🧐 Ducks.....
I likes it. Stays fresh a long time is the fridge. Healthy flavour.
Does anyone cook sweet bananas with the skin? Must try that in fruit curry.
This rooftop greenhouse company is not ethical BUT the idea is goodly ...
mmm ... I wants one. Just planted the seeds for peppers to grow bag sweet boneta peppers. Easy enough for kids to grow. I am also growing chilli peppers, edible flowers and just built two rather ramshackle cold frames. Been feeding my garden with home made compost ...
Great article @lobster — it’s good to see some people are doing it right.
Funnily enough I actually prefer marmite but it’s hard to buy here and is very expensive.
I have to say that quietly in Australia
Went to buy some Veggy seeds to start up my veggy garden again and they were asking for $10.00 for 10 ordinary tomato seeds. I think I am going to switch to heirloom veggys and start saving my own seeds for next years production. I have added a soil warmer and a thermostat to a cold frame to see if I can get a bit of a jump start for my transplants.
I've added a moat to my vertical garden barrel to hold back the waiting hoards of slugs and snails.
Built two new 4 x 8 raised garden beds and have added a couple of feet of deer fencing to the top of my back fence from my own bamboo. Some days it feels like its all for show until the weather starts reliably staying above freezing at night.
Anybody else doing a covid 19 spinning of their wheels in the garden?
What Monsanto and other big agri businesses are doing to seed production should be illegal. Not long ago I read a serious piece of journalism on this which stated that they were attempting to corner the market in seeds, and were selling farmers varieties which did not themselves provide functional seeds so that the farmers would have to rebuy from them every year.
I read Monsanto sells seeds that are resistant to a insecticide. So if two farmers are side by side and one has the Monsanto seeds that farmer dumps insecticide that harms the farmer not using the Monsanto seeds. And if any resistance carries over they file lawsuits that their resistant seeds stollen. Article compared it to spraying purple paint all over the place and then suing people who had gotten the paint on their property carried by winds.
I know folks whose research threatened that particular company, who statistically had so many anonymously caused illegal retributional consequences to that continued research that I have felt wary of even penning their company name to public criticisms.
If you google them there are so many negative articles about them. They're kinda like the most hated company on earth
Twice risked death and murder (am shielding vulnerables) to get plants and cheap green house. All gone.
... then built two substandard cold frames. One is growing on calendula seedlings. I have chillis and sweet peppers growing or seeded indoors. One of my boxes of seedling marigolds was knocked over. All my babies died. 😢
It is a struggle. But ...
... some winter pansies have survived flooding and freezing, some begin to flower. Eaten and chewed primula have been relocated and are in flower ...
My daffs are coming ... I have more containers than last year.
Gaia Buddha is green and fruitful. She is pregnant ...

Just made hummus from butter beans.. (also known as Lima beans...?) Damn, it's very good. Still on my LCHF health drive... and enjoying it, too!!
Every night now, for at least six months, I've enjoyed strawberries and yogurt as an evening meal. It appears that I'm not close to tiring of it. My first 'meal' of the day (although it is probably more correct to say that I graze throughout the day rather than have entire meals) is nearly always vegetables or some sort. My favorite is asparagus, but I usually allow the sale prices to guide my choices. I make it around to all the veggies that way - as well as saving money. I have the time to search for the best deals and so I make use of that time and can afford to eat better as a result.
This week I was able to purchase asparagus for eight-eight cents per pound (1.43 Euro's per kg), Roma tomatoes (yes, fruit actually) for sixty-eight cents per pound (1.11 Euro's per kg), white onions for twenty-eight cents per pound (0.45 Euro's per kg), seventy-seven cents per pound of bok choy/pak choi (1.25 euro's per kg), and green beans for ninety-nine cents per pound (1.61 euro's per kg).
I am in the early process of making seitan - wheat gluten, high protein meat sub.
First you knead up a half kilo of strong bread flour with added salt, and water, to form a dough...

Then, once kneaded and amalgamated, you allow it to sit for a half hour, then immerse in cold water, and leave it overnight.

... to be continued...
ooh ... hope it has a fish center.
... Satan and fish ... must be heaven ...
eh ... think I went wrong again
After a long and uncomplicated middle process, here is the seitan, ready to be cooked...

And here's the finished product. To my utter amazement, it tastes really delicious! far better than any commercially-produced seitan!
food is the best thing since sliced wholemeal ...
cooking/preparing is metta made manifest
food is karma
frugal/mindful feasting ...
yesterday supper had homemade soup
followed by a homemade dark chocolate pudding (one of your five a day I believe)
the First Nibble Truth
My breakfast has been the same for the last year or so. It consist of bread, tomato, oil, and cheese / avocado / egg depending on the season. It is typical where I'm from. My grandmother has been eating this for decades (currently 90 years old).
The trick is cutting two bread buns in half and toasting them till they are crispy. While that is going on, you can start cutting two tomatoes in half too. And now, you grate them, till you reach the skin which you remove. When the bread is toasted, you put a strip (or two, three) of olive oil and then you put both pieces of bread together. The bread should feel hot in your palms, applying the right pressure to hear the crisp crackling, helping the oil to spread and soaking the crumb. Now you spread the tomato on top of it. You can cut a small piece of cheese / avocado / egg to put on top to add an extra kick. But just a little bit of salt will do.
Simple. Delicious. And healthy.
It has taken me a while to put into words something I do everyday lol. This belongs to the category: "pan con aceite y tomate"
I am a happy omnivore.
We eat lots of fresh veg and fruit. But also the occasional sausage and chips.
For me the important issue with food intake is less about what I eat and more about not eating too much..it’s a perpetual temptation.
Yes... while I fast, I am fine. But sometimes, when it comes to eating I get eyesbiggerthanbelly syndrome...and it does me no good...
For me being over full is a killer as far as meditation goes for several hours. Partly age I suspect.I find I am increasingly drawn to lighter food. I used to love an old fashioned steak and kidney pudding ( for non Brits it’s a meat dish steamed in suet pastry) but it’s just too heavy now. I have just gravitated naturally towards veg, nuts and grains. With the odd chippy meal to prevent fanaticism! 😊
That is very well said, I will take it to heart. For a while now I have been trying to just make a plateful of food in the evening and eat it. But I find it difficult to leave food uneaten and either throw it away or have leftovers... so I often end up eating a second portion to clean the serving dishes... and that does me no good either. It’s a habit I am struggling to overcome. I’ve gained a few kilo’s during the corona lockdowns too.
Me too.
Brill brekkie. Thanks for sharing.
My usual brekkie is bircher muesli. Others include:
Ye olde food tips ... yes you can have supper for breakfast ...
The first thing I eat during the day is biscuits of some sort. Head downstairs, put on the coffee pot, eat a biscuit or two. This gets my digestion going. Then when I feel the day is properly starting I will have two slices of bread with peanut butter, cheese or jam, and that’s all I eat.
I am a mixed race person..half English, half Scot.🙂 So breakfast every day is porridge. Rain or shine. Winter or summer. A big bowl of porridge.
@lobster Quite interesting, your thread has "indirectly" inspired me to try the bhang lassi now. Let's see how it goes.
With salt and cream, or do you succumb to the sassenach habit of sugar??
Bring back Hadrian's Wall to save us from kilts, bagpipes and hordes of haggis and deep fried mars bars eating heathens ...
Wait ... they have the hills ... which we may need to run to due to the zombie apocalypse ... and we should be kind. Also they have oatcakes, which I am partial to ...
This Buddhism sure is hard ...
I actually like haggis. No, really. There is a veggie version. But I am not sure why....😊
I LOVE Haggis, but then again, I am a Carlyle- and entitled to wear the Clan Colours...
Clan Innes ...
I thought about having a kilt made , then I saw the cost for something I would seldom wear.
So the world is spared my nobbly knees.
Sadly at the moment where I am, it is not legal to grow, prepare, drink or use this lovely medicinal drink.
However it is a weed. If you have a natural/weed/wild garden who knows what the birdies may provide ...
And presumably, other knobbly items...😉
Yes, a proper kilt, with all the rear pleats and careful alignment of the tartan lines, will cost a not-so-small fortune...
Living on mantra alone eg OM as in OM ni vore is a high calling.

I am more a nomnivore as in nom ... nom ... nom ...
The trick is to treat all foods as medicine.
So for example this evening I was allowed to cook ...
Opened two tins of lentil, red pepper soup. Added turmeric, garlic (not available to precept followers, only us lay heretics) and garden herbs, tai basil/mint, fennel, chives and time thyme ... Added some leftover rice ...
Had with freshly made cheese bread.
Pears and creamery to follow ...
And for the killed kilt wearers some oat cakes with organic butter
Did I mention YUM with my YABber? Medicinal and delicious ...
Very nice. Just a note...garlic is only a problem in some Buddhist schools. Others, including most Vajrayana schools, use it by the ton! 🙂👍
Will do @Choephal
Long live the heretic chefs of the vajrayana
vampires beware ...
Marmite (the British version renamed Our Mate in Australia).
God's gift to mankind