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so ...death perhaps might not really be the worst that can happen.
I knew it! Iz the zombie apocalypse! Run for the hills!
Should not laugh ... I am shielding two potential zombies, me included is three if I get bitten or breathed on too much.
I am pleased to say covid nurses in the UK are getting personal fitting for their PPE. That is right, tailored. They are already preparing for second and third spikes of infection. Part of this preparation has been kept secret but nursing staff are aware of it. Friends daughter is on a covid ward.
Also saw preparations at local crematorium next to major hospital for mass casualties. It is no joke!
What can we do?
Keep mentally and physically healthy
Be kind
Stay safe
I value very much the zoom meditations @how shares. When our food deliveries arrive I wear mask and gloves. I am thinking of exercising at night or when it rains. Less people. Brisk walking works for me as exercise BUT I have back up techniques. Always try and share Real and Useful/skilful info and support.
We are NewBuddhist. Friends and community. Well done everyone!
Cant stay in. My government building is still open. They stagger us...only about 20 people in the building at a time. Get this: per a published Memo, We are responsible for cleaning our own cubes, and the shared printers and work carts. They handed us a jar of Lysol wipes back in May. Im wearing my mask the full 8 hours and cleaning at work as much as at home. …. To cover their own asses, we get a daily e-mail letting us know how many people have tested positive and in what parts of the building they were in and when. Many Federal record centers have closed bec of the numbers...but not us. Im a Tax Examiner and the bills must still go out. * face palm * . ( oh wait, im not supposed to touch my face, damn!)
My Son still has to work too. It's easy to say starting the economy all over is worth it and life is more important than anything....but when you need to eat and are responsible for feeding a family...it's a lot harder to say that. Staying at home is a luxury that a lot of people cant afford. Just something to think about.... Anyway, Hubby and youngest daughter never leave the house....(except for weekly grocery and lotto tickets, hahaha). As soon as Kofi and I walk in the house, someone shouts "Wash your hands!!". He's started carrying a man purse/chest pack with sanitizer, wipes, masks, etc. And my purse is full of it too So...we're doing the best we can...
We had a food delivery today and I was able to try out this type of face mask
Gonna try it outside soon. I think this is a far better option for many of us.
Talking again to a nursing friend and she is now HAPPY to be working on a covid ward as they have the PPE equipment needed. It is a safe environment to work in.
While that works great as an in-line splatter shield, it certainly doesn't stop the finer aerosol particles that we routinely suck into our lungs. I wince every time I see anyone in close proximity to the public, relying on a splatter shield without also using a mask.
Thanks for the info guys. I also have an n95 grade mask from China. Thanks for telling me. I was relying on nasal hairs, extreme social distancing ... Just gonna have to set a better example.
Lobster Zorro
personDon't believe everything you thinkThe liminal spaceVeteran
Here in the US some places have started taking the wrong steps again in the face of rising rates, closing schools despite very low transmission rates, disproportionate harm among the poorer kids all the while keeping open bars and gyms. NYC gets the headlines but schools in my own county are doing the same while still allowing school sports to continue. 😖
"Schools, especially elementary schools, do not appear to have been major sources of coronavirus transmission, and remote learning is proving to be a catastrophe for many low-income children. Yet America is shutting schools — New York City announced Wednesday that it was closing schools in the nation’s largest school district — even as it allows businesses like restaurants and bars to operate. What are our priorities?…
“Research from Argentina and Belgium on school strikes indicates that missing school inflicts long-term damage on students (boys seem particularly affected, with higher dropout rates and lower incomes as adults). McKinsey & Company has estimated that in this pandemic, school closures may lead to one million additional high school dropouts. Dropouts live shorter lives, so while the virus kills, so do school closures.”
Nicholas Kristof, New York Times
“Over the past month, the New York City school system has randomly tested more than 71,000 students and 42,000 staff, from 3,000-plus schools. Only 189 came back positive. That's a rate of 0.18 percent. As predicted by those who actually follow the science rather than use the word like a get-out-of-logic-free card, schools have not been vectors for spreading COVID-19… The World Health Organization recommends a 5 percent community positivity threshold before closing schools, as does New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Europe is keeping schools open with rates well north of that, citing the still-very-low numbers of kids testing positive…
“Through all of this comedy of errors, the political and educational establishment in New York is still cloaking its decision-making process in the exalted language of equity, inclusion, and combating privilege. There is no gentle way to say this: The people who are about to shutter New York schools should never mouth those words again. It is the comparatively disadvantaged—the poor, the broken-familied, the kids with special needs—who are hammered hardest by the disruptive, logistically caddywhompus, alienating, and educationally piss-poor system of remote learning. My family will adapt. (Hey look, the 5-year-olds are learning French five feet away from me!) But most do not have my options. I do not want to hear one word about my ‘privilege’ again from the people who are consciously making the anti-scientific, politically driven decision to deny basic equitable opportunity for poorer families.”
Matt Welch, Reason
Well some good news for those eligible Foreign Nationals (those on work, student & visitor visas) stuck in Aotearoa due to covid19...
For the last three months, those who were eligible received government assistance for rent, power and food, the local Red Cross was given the job of distributing the funds (both places I work, worked with the local Red Cross in helping the FNs with their applications)...Before the Red Cross & government stepped in, it was left up to local social services, eg. budgeting services, food banks & charities to help the FNs...
This financial assistance programme was due to finish at the end of this month, and many of the FNs and the social services that were helping them, were quite concerned about what would happen...
Fortunately the government has come to the party again and through the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) are going to provide the FNs with emergency benefits until February 2021...plus NZ Immigration have also relaxed the temporary work visa restrictions, giving visitors/tourists who are stuck here the opportunity to look for work...
For the most part many of the FNs are much better off here (finance and health wise) than they would be in their own countries...( and even more so for those who made to the island )
Three of my children are scattered around Europe, fortunately their jobs allow them to work remotely...It would be hard for parents if their children were stuck overseas with no financial assistance/local government support...Hence why I'm happy our government is in the position to provide assistance to the FNs....
Empathy & Compassion comes to mind....
Yesterday using a n95 mask, went for a walk. This is a good mask compared to two other types I have used (surgical and cloth washable). However it makes brisk walking strenuous like most masks. No one running on the local greenery was wearing a mask. In fact hardly anyone was. We are not required to outside, except where social distancing is not possible.
In somewhere like London social distancing is an art form. Masks should be issued free for public health. But our funky gibbon politico are missing again and could only barely organise a piss up in a brewery - probably anything else is too taxing ...
I will:
continue my pranayama nasal breathing (our natural defence system)
continue food as preventive medicine
continue improving well being and stress free living
I should also add that it is a win win situation for both the FNs & the government....
Due to travel restrictions we are now short of seasonal workers to pick fruit, (we normally have a lot of people from the pacific islands come over this time of years as seasonal workers )...so those FNs will fill the vacancies ....
@Shoshin1 said:
Well some good news for those eligible Foreign Nationals (those on work, student & visitor visas) stuck in Aotearoa due to covid19...
For the last three months, those who were eligible received government assistance for rent, power and food, the local Red Cross was given the job of distributing the funds (both places I work, worked with the local Red Cross in helping the FNs with their applications)...Before the Red Cross & government stepped in, it was left up to local social services, eg. budgeting services, food banks & charities to help the FNs...
This financial assistance programme was due to finish at the end of this month, and many of the FNs and the social services that were helping them, were quite concerned about what would happen...
Fortunately the government has come to the party again and through the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) are going to provide the FNs with emergency benefits until February 2021...plus NZ Immigration have also relaxed the temporary work visa restrictions, giving visitors/tourists who are stuck here the opportunity to look for work...
For the most part many of the FNs are much better off here (finance and health wise) than they would be in their own countries...( and even more so for those who made to the island )
Three of my children are scattered around Europe, fortunately their jobs allow them to work remotely...It would be hard for parents if their children were stuck overseas with no financial assistance/local government support...Hence why I'm happy our government is in the position to provide assistance to the FNs....
Empathy & Compassion comes to mind....
A friend of mine works for the MSD in NZ.
She's probably the most brilliant and intelligent individual I've ever worked with.
I reckon that part of the government is in safe hands.
Trump & the Coronavirus: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver ( 2 November)
He sounded genuinely pissed off ....expressing his frustration, a frustration no doubt shared by many Americans ...and rightly so....May things change for the better...
My son and his wife who have been living in New Zealand for a year were just given an eight month extension of their stay. Thank you New Zealand for not forcing them to return to the US where covid-19 runs rampant and insanity reigns.
@Shoshin1 said:
The state of Victoria ( Australia) 28 days covid free.... good news for Victorians @Bunks
Yes! 28 days Covid free is defined as eliminating the virus.
International travelers are allowed back in to Melbourne on December 7 so no doubt it will come back again. As long as they don’t stuff up the quarantine again we should be ok 😁
I am being guarded by a fox, she has honed her fence climbing skills.
My son and his partner live in London and also have a neighbourly fox with fence jumping skills ...onto the neighbour's rubbish bin and over the fence into their garden almost every night....
@Shoshin1 said:
The state of Victoria ( Australia) 28 days covid free.... good news for Victorians @Bunks
Yes! 28 days Covid free is defined as eliminating the virus.
International travelers are allowed back in to Melbourne on December 7 so no doubt it will come back again. As long as they don’t stuff up the quarantine again we should be ok 😁
Sadly @Bunks amongst the returnees and visitors, there will always be a few covidiots who flaunt the restrictions and try to escape quarantine ...
It's absolutely mind boggling how stupid and inconsiderate aka ignorant, some people are when it comes to the safety of others...
personDon't believe everything you thinkThe liminal spaceVeteran
@Shoshin1 said:
Well a vaccine has been rolled out in the UK and now the US...
Hmm I wonder, will this be the beginning of the end of this particular pandemic....
We're certainly moving in the right direction. People who are in the know I think are generally saying that this is more the end of the beginning and that we still have a ways to go.
You can already see the mask wars are turning into the vaccine wars now. 🙄
@Shoshin1 said:
Well a vaccine has been rolled out in the UK and now the US...
Hmm I wonder, will this be the beginning of the end of this particular pandemic....
We're certainly moving in the right direction. People who are in the know I think are generally saying that this is more the end of the beginning and that we still have a ways to go.
You can already see the mask wars are turning into the vaccine wars now. 🙄
Yes true...the great masturbate mask debate has so it would seem, reached its climax so to speak...
Just took a Covid 19 drive through mouthwash test. Took a couple of minutes, total.
They asked for my medical card number, gave me a mouthful of a salty solution to switch around my mouth, had me spit it into a small container which I handed back and said I'd have the results in 24 hrs.
Very easy.
They are still saving the old brain trepanning through the nose for those unable or unwilling to not eat or drink (or even brush their teeth) an hour before the test. They don't even want you to put any water in your mouth for the hour before.
The test actually requires one to commit to a mix of swilling and gargling of a slightly salty medium for 30 seconds, while retaining enough of it for a testing sample.
It was still fast, simple and non invasive.
Well...It will sound inane but ....Covid toe which is like chilblains but its one of Covid 19's lesser known symptoms. Showed up a couple of months ago and it looked like a couple of spider fang marks but has since spread to my other toes.
My tests today came back 5 hours later as negative for
covid so back to the medical blackboard.
No I never heard of it either but just google good old chilblains and the Covid warnings pop up everywhere. While what ever I have looks pretty angry like it should hurt, it's just sensitive to touch. They say that if I have simple chilblains, the cause could be fungal, viral, bacterial, chemical, environmental, auto immune, temperature or a bunch of uglier things...at which point my eyes started to glaze over.
It seems to be as possible as anything else at this point. Double fang marks on the right foot support that possibility but a later arising angry spot on the other foot make it slightly less likely .
I guess at the very least, this will be a chance to assess the health clinic that I've finally been accepted into. So many general practice doctors here have moved on into specialties (so they can actual have more of a normal work/life balance), that the days of being able to see the same GP twice is now rare.
@how said: @Shoshin1
It seems to be as possible as anything else at this point. Double fang marks on the right foot support that possibility but a later arising angry spot on the other foot make it slightly less likely .
I guess at the very least, this will be a chance to assess the health clinic that I've finally been accepted into. So many general practice doctors here have moved on into specialties (so they can actual have more of a normal work/life balance), that the days of being able to see the same GP twice is now rare.
Speaking of toes...I had to have an xray on the big toe on the right foot the other day...I dropped something heavy on it a few months ago, and at the time I didn't think much of it, it hurt like hell for a while, then the pain eased off, but of late, it started to become painful and swollen, so saw the doctor who recommended having an xray...It turns out nothing broken or fractured, but it looks like there's a touch of arthritis in the joint...It does seem to play up more when its about to rain ....
I guess it's a sign of the body wearing out...nothing is permanent...
passed on no infection even though I am in a hotspot generated by Covid Clown Boris and his team of BrexitTears.
guarded the vulnerable
promoted positive possibilities
stayed mostly sane
improved my sense of well being
Happy New Year? Always!
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
Hmm yes, gardening the vulnerable while staying mostly sane. Very good. I just found covid very unhelpful from a fitness point of view. But I did the right thing for the elderly.
Two more of my cousins have now had the dreaded disease, that makes three of them, out of eight of us. Hohum.
No doubt some members here have also lost loved ones to this virus or know of others who have....
I really do feel for all the people around the world who are in lockdown, it's been a long drawn out process almost a year of on and off different levels of restricted lockdowns...
Stay safe people...Be mindful and use the time wisely ....and as mentioned in the link @lobster posted...This is a great opportunity to sharpen our Dharma skills...
And may all the new vaccines begin to work their magic...
@Bunks Victoria's boarders are closed again as the virus spikes in NSW...
I was watching the news last night and the reporter was interviewing people in NSW regarding mandatory mask wearing, most who were interviews were all for it, but one guy rattled on about wearing a mask goes against his beliefs ...
Sadly with people like this the pandemic could go on for a long time...It's funny because the very thing they are against eg restriction of their so-called rights & freedoms, they are ( by their actions) inadvertently forcing the government's hand to enforce tighter restrictions, which means their (the covidiot conspiracy theorists) self fulfilling prophecy will be fulfilled..."There what did I tell you, the government wants to control us all"
The government will be force to take action (because of the covid denier's ignorance) and restrict theirs the covidiots and other people rights and freedoms even more in order to save the lives of the vulnerable... and so it would seem the cycle of ignorance continues......for some...
Somone I used to go to evening classes with is ill with the Blessed probably mutated Covid. 🎴🃏 All I know so far is dizziness and very ill in last message. More details will emerge ...
Yesterday I almost went for a walk. However social distancing to my preferred 6 metres distancing is hard in London. Instead I have upped my new daily morning exercise to half an hour.
Somone I used to go to evening classes with is ill with the Blessed probably mutated Covid. 🎴🃏 All I know so far is dizziness and very ill in last message. More details will emerge ...
She went into hospital. Given oxygen and shortly after put into an induced coma. She is a fighter. Slight improvement last I heard. Close family very fearful.
Puja and dedicated practice called for. Her name is Rubina Qureshi.
JeroenLuminous beings are we, not this crude matterNetherlandsVeteran
@lobster said:
She went into hospital. Given oxygen and shortly after put into an induced coma. She is a fighter. Slight improvement last I heard. Close family very fearful.
Puja and dedicated practice called for. Her name is Rubina Qureshi.
Ooh, induced coma, not good. Will send metta. Hope she gets better...
I knew it! Iz the zombie apocalypse! Run for the hills!
Should not laugh ... I am shielding two potential zombies, me included is three if I get bitten or breathed on too much.
I am pleased to say covid nurses in the UK are getting personal fitting for their PPE. That is right, tailored. They are already preparing for second and third spikes of infection. Part of this preparation has been kept secret but nursing staff are aware of it. Friends daughter is on a covid ward.
Also saw preparations at local crematorium next to major hospital for mass casualties. It is no joke!
What can we do?
I value very much the zoom meditations @how shares. When our food deliveries arrive I wear mask and gloves. I am thinking of exercising at night or when it rains. Less people. Brisk walking works for me as exercise BUT I have back up techniques. Always try and share Real and Useful/skilful info and support.
We are NewBuddhist. Friends and community. Well done everyone!
Stay safe @lobster
Cant stay in. My government building is still open. They stagger us...only about 20 people in the building at a time. Get this: per a published Memo, We are responsible for cleaning our own cubes, and the shared printers and work carts. They handed us a jar of Lysol wipes back in May. Im wearing my mask the full 8 hours and cleaning at work as much as at home. …. To cover their own asses, we get a daily e-mail letting us know how many people have tested positive and in what parts of the building they were in and when. Many Federal record centers have closed bec of the numbers...but not us. Im a Tax Examiner and the bills must still go out. * face palm * . ( oh wait, im not supposed to touch my face, damn!)
My Son still has to work too. It's easy to say starting the economy all over is worth it and life is more important than anything....but when you need to eat and are responsible for feeding a family...it's a lot harder to say that. Staying at home is a luxury that a lot of people cant afford. Just something to think about.... Anyway, Hubby and youngest daughter never leave the house....(except for weekly grocery and lotto tickets, hahaha). As soon as Kofi and I walk in the house, someone shouts "Wash your hands!!". He's started carrying a man purse/chest pack with sanitizer, wipes, masks, etc. And my purse is full of it too So...we're doing the best we can...
We had a food delivery today and I was able to try out this type of face mask

Gonna try it outside soon. I think this is a far better option for many of us.
Talking again to a nursing friend and she is now HAPPY to be working on a covid ward as they have the PPE equipment needed. It is a safe environment to work in.
Lock down, vaccines coming, essential masked workers, metta and kindness
Bravo everyone
While that works great as an in-line splatter shield, it certainly doesn't stop the finer aerosol particles that we routinely suck into our lungs. I wince every time I see anyone in close proximity to the public, relying on a splatter shield without also using a mask.
Yeah sorry @lobster but mostly ineffective I’m afraid.
Thanks for the info guys. I also have an n95 grade mask from China. Thanks for telling me. I was relying on nasal hairs, extreme social distancing ... Just gonna have to set a better example.
Lobster Zorro
Here in the US some places have started taking the wrong steps again in the face of rising rates, closing schools despite very low transmission rates, disproportionate harm among the poorer kids all the while keeping open bars and gyms. NYC gets the headlines but schools in my own county are doing the same while still allowing school sports to continue. 😖
It is The Way.
That is a tumbler of smoothie with a spoon of kefir yogurt.
It is of course more than that. Are we a nutrition or a junk virus? Are we an education or a beginner-mind?
Ripple Well.
It's amazing what one little lie can do!!
This one person's lie meant an entire state was locked down
Well some good news for those eligible Foreign Nationals (those on work, student & visitor visas) stuck in Aotearoa due to covid19...
For the last three months, those who were eligible received government assistance for rent, power and food, the local Red Cross was given the job of distributing the funds (both places I work, worked with the local Red Cross in helping the FNs with their applications)...Before the Red Cross & government stepped in, it was left up to local social services, eg. budgeting services, food banks & charities to help the FNs...
This financial assistance programme was due to finish at the end of this month, and many of the FNs and the social services that were helping them, were quite concerned about what would happen...
Fortunately the government has come to the party again and through the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) are going to provide the FNs with emergency benefits until February 2021...plus NZ Immigration have also relaxed the temporary work visa restrictions, giving visitors/tourists who are stuck here the opportunity to look for work...
For the most part many of the FNs are much better off here (finance and health wise) than they would be in their own countries...( and even more so for those who made to the island )
Three of my children are scattered around Europe, fortunately their jobs allow them to work remotely...It would be hard for parents if their children were stuck overseas with no financial assistance/local government support...Hence why I'm happy our government is in the position to provide assistance to the FNs....
Empathy & Compassion comes to mind....
All good news @Shoshin
Yesterday using a n95 mask, went for a walk. This is a good mask compared to two other types I have used (surgical and cloth washable). However it makes brisk walking strenuous like most masks. No one running on the local greenery was wearing a mask. In fact hardly anyone was. We are not required to outside, except where social distancing is not possible.
In somewhere like London social distancing is an art form. Masks should be issued free for public health. But our funky gibbon politico are missing again and could only barely organise a piss up in a brewery - probably anything else is too taxing ...
I will:
Stay well everyone
Stay safe @lobster ...
I should also add that it is a win win situation for both the FNs & the government....
Due to travel restrictions we are now short of seasonal workers to pick fruit, (we normally have a lot of people from the pacific islands come over this time of years as seasonal workers )...so those FNs will fill the vacancies ....
A friend of mine works for the MSD in NZ.
She's probably the most brilliant and intelligent individual I've ever worked with.
I reckon that part of the government is in safe hands.
... and now the cutting edge science ...
Trump & the Coronavirus: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver ( 2 November)

He sounded genuinely pissed off ....expressing his frustration, a frustration no doubt shared by many Americans ...and rightly so....May things change for the better...
My son and his wife who have been living in New Zealand for a year were just given an eight month extension of their stay. Thank you New Zealand for not forcing them to return to the US where covid-19 runs rampant and insanity reigns.
That's great to hear @Gui ...
The state of Victoria ( Australia) 28 days covid free.... good news for Victorians @Bunks
I am being guarded by a fox, she has honed her fence climbing skills. My tiny garden and what laughingly passes for a mind, is my safety refuge.
If we are trained in ascetic calm, we are used to retreat in our nature.
We are safe.
Yes! 28 days Covid free is defined as eliminating the virus.
International travelers are allowed back in to Melbourne on December 7 so no doubt it will come back again. As long as they don’t stuff up the quarantine again we should be ok 😁
My son and his partner live in London and also have a neighbourly fox with fence jumping skills ...onto the neighbour's rubbish bin and over the fence into their garden almost every night....
Sadly @Bunks amongst the returnees and visitors, there will always be a few covidiots who flaunt the restrictions and try to escape quarantine ...
It's absolutely mind boggling how stupid and inconsiderate aka ignorant, some people are when it comes to the safety of others...
Well a vaccine has been rolled out in the UK and now the US...
Hmm I wonder, will this be the beginning of the end of this particular pandemic....
... whilst our garden fox is looking fit in her winter coat ...
Covid Food Fight while you sleep
Think healthy. Eat healthy. Practice.
We're certainly moving in the right direction. People who are in the know I think are generally saying that this is more the end of the beginning and that we still have a ways to go.
You can already see the mask wars are turning into the vaccine wars now. 🙄
Yes true...the great masturbate mask debate has so it would seem, reached its climax so to speak...
Just took a Covid 19 drive through mouthwash test. Took a couple of minutes, total.
They asked for my medical card number, gave me a mouthful of a salty solution to switch around my mouth, had me spit it into a small container which I handed back and said I'd have the results in 24 hrs.
Very easy.
So no more nose swabbing ?
They are still saving the old brain trepanning through the nose for those unable or unwilling to not eat or drink (or even brush their teeth) an hour before the test. They don't even want you to put any water in your mouth for the hour before.
The test actually requires one to commit to a mix of swilling and gargling of a slightly salty medium for 30 seconds, while retaining enough of it for a testing sample.
It was still fast, simple and non invasive.
Did/do you have any symptoms @how ?
Well...It will sound inane but ....Covid toe which is like chilblains but its one of Covid 19's lesser known symptoms. Showed up a couple of months ago and it looked like a couple of spider fang marks but has since spread to my other toes.
My tests today came back 5 hours later as negative for
covid so back to the medical blackboard.
Wow I have never heard of Covid toe (just googled it) ...
Is it painful @how ?
No I never heard of it either but just google good old chilblains and the Covid warnings pop up everywhere. While what ever I have looks pretty angry like it should hurt, it's just sensitive to touch. They say that if I have simple chilblains, the cause could be fungal, viral, bacterial, chemical, environmental, auto immune, temperature or a bunch of uglier things...at which point my eyes started to glaze over.
You mentioned two tiny puncture marks like spider bites, so is it possible it was a spider bite reaction ?
It seems to be as possible as anything else at this point. Double fang marks on the right foot support that possibility but a later arising angry spot on the other foot make it slightly less likely .
I guess at the very least, this will be a chance to assess the health clinic that I've finally been accepted into. So many general practice doctors here have moved on into specialties (so they can actual have more of a normal work/life balance), that the days of being able to see the same GP twice is now rare.
Speaking of toes...I had to have an xray on the big toe on the right foot the other day...I dropped something heavy on it a few months ago, and at the time I didn't think much of it, it hurt like hell for a while, then the pain eased off, but of late, it started to become painful and swollen, so saw the doctor who recommended having an xray...It turns out nothing broken or fractured, but it looks like there's a touch of arthritis in the joint...It does seem to play up more when its about to rain ....
I guess it's a sign of the body wearing out...nothing is permanent...
Have you noticed any strange abilities, such as climbing walls, tingling sensation when danger is about? 🕸
Top tips:
Do yous haz any?
Yes just remember that...this too shall pass
In my retreat home (Covid Cabin) I have:
Happy New Year? Always!
Hmm yes, gardening the vulnerable while staying mostly sane. Very good. I just found covid very unhelpful from a fitness point of view. But I did the right thing for the elderly.
Two more of my cousins have now had the dreaded disease, that makes three of them, out of eight of us. Hohum.
No doubt some members here have also lost loved ones to this virus or know of others who have....
I really do feel for all the people around the world who are in lockdown, it's been a long drawn out process almost a year of on and off different levels of restricted lockdowns...
It was bad enough here for many people when Aotearoa went into full lockdown back in March ...
Stay safe people...Be mindful and use the time wisely ....and as mentioned in the link @lobster posted...This is a great opportunity to sharpen our Dharma skills...
@Bunks Victoria's boarders are closed again as the virus spikes in NSW...
I was watching the news last night and the reporter was interviewing people in NSW regarding mandatory mask wearing, most who were interviews were all for it, but one guy rattled on about wearing a mask goes against his beliefs ...
Sadly with people like this the pandemic could go on for a long time...It's funny because the very thing they are against eg restriction of their so-called rights & freedoms, they are ( by their actions) inadvertently forcing the government's hand to enforce tighter restrictions, which means their (the covidiot conspiracy theorists) self fulfilling prophecy will be fulfilled..."There what did I tell you, the government wants to control us all"
The government will be force to take action (because of the covid denier's ignorance) and restrict theirs the covidiots and other people rights and freedoms even more in order to save the lives of the vulnerable... and so it would seem the cycle of ignorance continues......for some...

Somone I used to go to evening classes with is ill with the Blessed probably mutated Covid. 🎴🃏 All I know so far is dizziness and very ill in last message. More details will emerge ...
Yesterday I almost went for a walk. However social distancing to my preferred 6 metres distancing is hard in London. Instead I have upped my new daily morning exercise to half an hour.
Death is stalking us. I likes her.
My chess board is ready. 🏁🏴☠️♻
Some new members ( and I guess old members too) might be interested in a bit of simple Qigong breathing exercise to help relax the mind and body...
May we all stay safe and well in the Dharma
She went into hospital. Given oxygen and shortly after put into an induced coma. She is a fighter. Slight improvement last I heard. Close family very fearful.
Puja and dedicated practice called for. Her name is Rubina Qureshi.
Ooh, induced coma, not good. Will send metta. Hope she gets better...
Bloody Covid! Stay safe everyone....