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Covid Cabin



  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited October 2020

    He said he caught Covid from soldering on in close contact with the military. Perhaps he sees a space where his bone spurs were where a purple heart might now perfectly fit.

    I doubt that few here would wish upon him his current misfortunes even if he has so tirelessly worked towards creating them for everyone else.
    While each of us have our own states of ignorance to address, anyone who actively loves the very formulation & enactment of chaos to further their position should rightfully carry a label of evil.
    Evil is not just the willful manifestation of harmfulness but is the actual love of that manifestation.
    Where some very deluded leaders of old became the agreed upon boggyman of their own time, Trump easily enough wears the label of evil to likely become seen in the future as the boggyman of this present time.

  • ChoephalChoephal UK Veteran

    The latest news of his move to a military hospital suggests that he may well have the virus.
    Well he is a human being and we must wish him well.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Thousands of Americans have die because of his ignorance and self centred nature...
    I wish for him to see the consequences of his actions, the loss of lives and the destruction he has left in his wake and in doing so have a mental shift in perspective and become a better human being...The ball is in his court...

    I guess one could say that I wish him to be mentally & physically well ....mentally well being the more important aspect of my wish for him...

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Would it be fair to say the UK is going for herd immunity?

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    I haven't quite finished reading this article from the Lancet Journal... but so far it's quite interesting....
    A History of Herd Immunity

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @Bunks said:
    Would it be fair to say the UK is going for herd immunity?

    I suspect in the end herd immunity is the only way out...

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    We iz being culled? :o

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    From the link...A History of Herd Immunity...

    With potential vaccines still likely to be many months away, and with lockdowns and social distancing causing social and economic disruption, there are no ideal options. British public health expert Raj Bhopal likened the situation to being in zugzwang, “a position in chess where every move is disadvantageous where we must examine every plan, however unpalatable”. He sought to overcome the animal connotations of “herd immunity” by encouraging the use of “population immunity” instead. Changing the label of herd immunity might remove the connotations but not fix the problem. Without a vaccine, many people would have to die from COVID-19 before population immunity is achieved.
    COVID-19 mortality in the UK and the USA has already taken a disproportionate toll on poor and minority groups, a reflection of systemic racism and poverty. At one urgent care centre in a largely Latino, working-class neighbourhood in New York City—named, remarkably, Corona—68·4% of antibody tests came back positive. But it remains unclear whether these antibodies will protect individuals or generate herd immunity. Until there exist vaccines that can do both of those things, societies will need to continue to try to control the spread of the virus at the local level through public health measures and community action, to protect the most vulnerable people, and to support public health and medical systems. We should not simply put our faith in the immunity of our herd.

  • Berlin, the capital of the European Union.

    Measures are lax and nothing really beyond the compulsory masks to enter grocery shops, restaurants (and then take them off to eat..), and SOME bars. If you guys didn't know, smoking is allowed in most bars / restaurants in Berlin and smoking with a mask is impossible.

    Meanwhile in Spain....

    Madrid is already in a proto-lockdown phase.

    The Spanish Government is paranoid due to a high number of positives, product of mass testings (while most of them are asymptomatic). While in Germany -in the NATIONAL NEWS channel- they speak against mass testing.

    I'm not sure what to believe anymore.

    How long have I've been using this phrase when answering anything COVID-19 related?

    pd: regarding Trump...sorry, but I feel he is going to win by a landslide.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @コチシカ said:
    Berlin, the capital of the European Union.

    Measures are lax and nothing really beyond the compulsory masks to enter grocery shops, restaurants (and then take them off to eat..), and SOME bars. If you guys didn't know, smoking is allowed in most bars / restaurants in Berlin and smoking with a mask is impossible.

    Meanwhile in Spain....

    Madrid is already in a proto-lockdown phase.

    The Spanish Government is paranoid due to a high number of positives, product of mass testings (while most of them are asymptomatic). While in Germany -in the NATIONAL NEWS channel- they speak against mass testing.

    I'm not sure what to believe anymore.

    How long have I've been using this phrase when answering anything COVID-19 related?

    pd: regarding Trump...sorry, but I feel he is going to win by a landslide.

    Hehe, yeah....weird times we are living in.

    Our federal government (all care and no responsibility) is pushing the states to open everything up again.

    Our state governments appear to be going for eradication.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Auckland goes back to business as usual on Thursday AKA level one...for the most part it's already back to business as usual, but Thursday it's official ...and summer is coming ...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    It would seem the White House has become one big out of control virus...

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    “I'm back because I'm a perfect physical specimen and I'm extremely young," - Donald Trump
    You’re certainly something Don.....

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    @Bunks said:
    “I'm back because I'm a perfect physical specimen_ and I'm extremely young,_" - Donald Trump
    You’re certainly something Don.....

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran
    edited October 2020

    Good to see our friends across the Tasman have their share of Covidiots too. Not just confined to Victoria.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Yes @Bunks it does make one wonder about their mental state...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    The day after the elections and we have one community covid19 case, a worker at the Ports of tracing is in full swing...hopefully it will stop any cluster in its tracks...otherwise it could be back to lockdown....

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Wot you want to practice more? You need time in seclusion/retreat?

    Well bless my soul (sold it, had no use for it), your wish has been covered/covid by self isolating ...

    Yeah baby!

    All it took was a bug in the system ...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    More on Herd Immunity..."Why Herd Immunity Isn’t A Valid Option And What’s With Our Reluctance To Wear Masks ?"

    A case of Damned if you do and damned if you don't for both sides....

    The truth is out/in there somewhere hiding amongst the confusion...

  • My flatmate might have COVID-19. Basic measures will be her using the common areas as little as possible and ventilating.

    Hopefully this is just a scare!

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @コチシカ said:
    My flatmate might have COVID-19. Basic measures will be her using the common areas as little as possible and ventilating.

    Hopefully this is just a scare!

    Stay safe 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    Is testing not an option?

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited October 2020

    @コチシカ said:
    My flatmate might have COVID-19. Basic measures will be her using the common areas as little as possible and ventilating.

    Hopefully this is just a scare!

    If your flatmate does actually have covid and she is young, fit and with no known underlying conditions the chances of her dying from it is low...I guess you have to take into account it's Autumn in your part of the world so it may well be just a cold or flu...

    My daughter was in a similar situation just before Aotearoa (NZ) went into the first lockdown...Two of her friends/flatmates had just returned from the US and one was also showing symptoms, so they had a similar set up, the flat went into quarantined, inside they social distanced wash hands wiped down/disinfected surfaces and worn masks where and when necessary, the one with the symptoms kept herself isolated from the others... after which they got the all clear...

    As @Bunks has already mentioned ...stay safe @コチシカand be mindful of the consequences of not being, by letting the mind run rampant with all sorts of stories, none of which are true...

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Hopefully this is just a scare!

    Well that is Halloween sorted :p

    oops ... >:) must be sympathetic ... and helpful :3

    Do you have a cellar or cage for them?

    Here to help (allegedly) o:)

  • Thank you all for your support ^.^ She will get tested tomorrow!

    And @lobster , we do have a former WW2 bunker -former sex dungeon-in the basement. But the first precept forbids this practice...

    So it is Halloween folks!


    PD: Also...I'm pretty happy because she is cleaning the flat finally...after 18 months of my other flatmate and I nagging her to do so... :pleased:

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    ... we are now in a support bubble

    Able to sing this song together ...

    ... the squirrels seemed pleased. Visiting our back garden and coming down from the tree out front.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    British politician likened NZ to Nazi Germany for the way NZ is dealing with Covid19...

    Hmm a case of the Pot calling the kettle black

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Yes @Shoshin1 - there's a fair bit of that going on in Victoria.

    I am not a huge fan of the compulsory mask wearing, particularly outdoors. But if it's going to lower the risk of this thing spreading, I can put up with foggy glasses for a while :)

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Was able to do a three way Facetime (similar to Skype, Zoom etc) this evening. Good to see and chat with an old friend . ;)

    Friend works at a busy Apple store in a shopping mall. Travels on the tube/metro to get there. Some people not wearing masks. 😤 Apple Security guards only allow those with masks into the store. However entitled Karen 🤬 and her friends argue over being let into the store without distancing, masks etc. which they are allowed to in most of the other stores. Profit over peoples lives ... 😶

    I am glad Apple is protecting its staff (and attempting to protect customers).

    Had a food delivery today AND the staff are wearing gloves and mask. ✅ 😷

    Stay safe everyone. <3

  • Hello.

    My flatmate has given positive in Corona. We had a serious talk with her because she has been these "waiting days" literally ignoring all safety measures.

    I have 10 days now to self-quarantine. I've ordered two pizzas to enjoy my lack of food.....

    @how What about instructing an intensive retreat? puts both palms together Now... I have a lot of free time.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @コチシカ said:

    My flatmate has given positive in Corona. We had a serious talk with her because she has been these "waiting days" literally ignoring all safety measures.

    I have 10 days now to self-quarantine. I've ordered two pizzas to enjoy my lack of food.....

    @how What about instructing an intensive retreat? puts both palms together Now... I have a lot of free time.

    Take care. This too shall pass 🙏🏻

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    UK Government has announced restrictions for four weeks similar to what Victoria has just come out of.
    May you all stay safe and well 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Bye world, see you in 4 weeks!

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    The UK Gove-armament (pronounced as in yuck) has finally decided.
    Decided what some of us have been doing since February/March. Treating a potential pandemic with serious measures.

    Bye world, see you in 4 weeks!

    Fortunately many of us have great support/family/friends/practices. For the less fortunate:

    • now you practice, dharma is possible
    • food is medicine
    • exercise is practice
    • follow the science, not the charmers

    Join the support

    Halloween masking ...

  • ChoephalChoephal UK Veteran

    I was hoping that IF we had a second lockdown it might save us from Bonfire Night..but unfortunately it starts at midnight on the 5 November. For those who are unfamiliar with this annual event it commemorates an attempt to blow up Parliament and assassinate the King in the year1605. Each year on the anniversary of this thwarted attempt, the 5 November, effigies of the chief plotter, one Guy Fawkes are burned on bonfires and fireworks are set off. When I was a kid this was an enjoyable, relatively low key family affair with smallish communal events in the local park. It has now become a monster with literally millions worth of fireworks being set off for days before and days after the 5th. This has an appalling effect on animal life and is deeply tedious for humans who choose not to,participate. Anyway, as I said second lockdown happens at midnight that we will not be spared it.😫

    Just call me a curmudgeon.

  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited November 2020

    Anybody have any tricks for making mask wearing more practical or comfortable?

    I'm probably one of the last ones on the planet discovering this but
    I've recently been attaching an elastic band between the masks ear loops around the back of the head that I saw a nurse doing. She was doing that because constant mask wearing was causing the skin behind her ears to become irritated.

    It takes some of the pressure off the back of the ears and makes the mask fit pretty securely. Not only has my baboon ear look been diminished but it seems to have stopped my mask from riding up too close to my eyes and the periodic need for readjustment.
    It may not work so well on soft masks that have no form memory (enclosed wire) to close up the mask gap near the bridge of the nose, but I don't normally choose to wear that type of mask.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Stay safe @David....

    Complacency seems to be the name of the game here in Aotearoa (NZ) , people not using their contact tracer app or not sighing the contact tracing register when going into places...Around 2.1 million Kiwis have downloaded the app, but as of late only 1 in 6 people are using it...Social distancing has also dropped off...

    Earlier on this week we had another community transmission in Auckland, it took a few days for health officials to track down the source of where the person may have picked up the virus...possibly from a surface in one of the number of cafes she visited....

    The government is going to make mask wearing mandatory in Auckland on all public transport, eg buses, taxis, trains, ferries and planes...Many epidemiologists are welcoming this are the vulnerable....

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @how said:
    Anybody have any tricks for making mask wearing more practical or comfortable?

    I'm probably one of the last ones on the planet discovering this but
    I've recently been attaching an elastic band between the masks ear loops around the back of the head that I saw a nurse doing. She was doing that because constant mask wearing was causing the skin behind her ears to become irritated.

    It takes some of the pressure off the back of the ears and makes the mask fit pretty securely. Not only has my baboon ear look been diminished but it seems to have stopped my mask from riding up too close to my eyes and the periodic need for readjustment.
    It may not work so well on soft masks that have no form memory (enclosed wire) to close up the mask gap near the bridge of the nose, but I don't normally choose to wear that type of mask.

    Not sure if you can get one there @how bit I get a mask that goes across the top of my head rather than round the ears. It’s really comfortable but wasn’t cheap

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran

    I'm just taking a break from writing out chants and mantras. I am off work today and tomorrow so I seem to have a lot of "me" time.

    I figure if I'm stuck back here, I may as well look at it like I'm on retreat.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    I went for a walk yesterday. No mask and parts of the walk were busy. The cemetery/nature reserve was relatively empty but getting to it was not as safe as I prefer. I continue shielding and will not press pedestrian crossing lights unless wearing gloves. Which I was not. Wearing masks outside is not compulsory. I find them impractical. The best I can manage is nose breathing, holding breath when too close and turning my head away from the unmasked. When home I wash hands, nostrils and face.

    Oh I needed that brisk walk ... B)

  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited November 2020

    The Buddhist street survival handbook....

    recommends using ones elbow to press pedestrian crossing lights because if you found that part of your anatomy was later in accidental contact with your own mouth or eyes I'm not sure you'd be caring much about Covid 19 at that point. I believe that it also assumes that most Buddhists try to refrain from sticking their own elbows in other folks eyes & mouths.

    Also brollies (Umbrellas), especially full sized open ones, can be amazingly effective in not only establishing a socially acceptable amount of personal sidewalk space but can double as a momentary shielding when angled between yourself and those passing heavy breathers likely to be oblivious to the dangers of personal droplet exchanges.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran
    edited November 2020

    Well I adhere to mask wearing rules where they are in place, and do a fair amount of handwashing, but I mostly think that what will be, will be. It is not necessary to get hugely wound up about a little bit of disease.... what’s the worst that could happen? It’s only death, the passage from this life to what comes after.

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    There is a building body of evidence of many covid 19 survivors showing signs of suffering long term neurological damage. so ...death perhaps might not really be the worst that can happen.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Kerome said:
    Well I adhere to mask wearing rules where they are in place, and do a fair amount of handwashing, but I mostly think that what will be, will be. It is not necessary to get hugely wound up about a little bit of disease.... what’s the worst that could happen? It’s only death, the passage from this life to what comes after.

    I’m not too worried about getting it but I’d rather not. It’s more about passing it on to other people. If I killed my parents or elderly neighbours I’d feel pretty shitty....

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    That's so true @Bunks ...
    However patience for many it would seem is in short supply, the frustration some feel with having to be cooped up in lockdown is making them lose the plot, and they cut off their nose to spite their face by defying lockdown restrictions causing the infection rates to rise then forcing governments to implement tougher restrictions with penalties attached for breaking them...and so the vicious cycle of impatience & frustration continues...

    A mind filled of compassion for others, leaves no room for impatience or frustration...

    Tis said We are our own worst enemy ( well those with untamed minds that is )...

  • DavidDavid A human residing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Ancestral territory of the Erie, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Mississauga and Neutral First Nations Veteran

    At work today I found 2 of the residents beat the virus and the 3rd is still contained with no spread. The one staff member that got it has been at home and doing ok for now. I get to come out of isolation in 2 days provided the swabbing I just did comes back negative.

    I'm not too keen on this whole herd immunity kick. I would rather have to restart the global economy from scratch than lose 1% of our loved ones.

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