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Just for fun: the random, useless announcements thread!



  • Rowan1980Rowan1980 Keeper of the Zoo Asheville, NC Veteran

    @DhammaDragon said:
    You brought up the name of one of my idols, Rowan1980: Carl Sagan.
    I'm sorry about your rat.. :( ..

    We're Carl Sagan fans here, too. Mr. Neil seems to be faring much better today, eating more on his own, etc. I've finally figured out how to get him to take the gnarly-tasting medication. I can only imagine what parents of human kids endure! :D

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    @Rowan1980 said:
    We're Carl Sagan fans here, too. Mr. Neil seems to be faring much better today, eating more on his own, etc. I've finally figured out how to get him to take the gnarly-tasting medication. I can only imagine what parents of human kids endure! :D

    A lot bigger mess when the medicine is spat or projectile vomited. I assume rat volumes are smaller :D .

    I live rather intimately with an African Grey parrot. He has free reign of my home which is very small. Parrots are very conservative so there are plenty of places he doesn't go, but otherwise my art/craft surfaces (and most of my expensive materials), eating surfaces, water bottle, are also 'his'. My mother 'bout had kittens, she wouldn't allow parakeets because she'd heard they carry salmonella. I think she misheard, what they can carry is MUCH worse :D . But anyway I can't not hear her voice when I find a parrot turd on the kitchen table (almost always accompanied by something he chewed to confetti). We are keeping our immune systems challenged and healthy, that's for sure. All for the greater glory of being part of creation and all its denizens.

  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran
    edited October 2014

    It could just be me, but "If Today Was Your Last Day" (by Nickelback) sounds like a Buddhist anthem in many ways. Letting go of past grudges and forgiving your enemies, making the most of this moment... living every day as ITWYLD.

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    If this moment is my will probably include some realization that I'm on here because it's so much more interesting than that pile of dirty dishes in my sink calling out my name.

  • Rowan1980Rowan1980 Keeper of the Zoo Asheville, NC Veteran

    My wife just subjected me to a pedicure to get ready for a wedding I'm in next week. I don't understand how people can do this all the time. :buck: At least my toes match the dress.

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    If she mentions sugaring....hide.

  • Rowan1980Rowan1980 Keeper of the Zoo Asheville, NC Veteran

    @how said:
    If she mentions sugaring....hide.

    NOPENOPENOPE! I applaud people who can tolerate it.

  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran
    edited November 2014

    Anyone else have the problem of liquid snot falling right out of their nose, say when they stand up too fast or other odd times? ...PLOP... I don't even know there's something there until this happens; it's a sneaky greenish ninja. Not often, mind you, but it's shocking when it happens (and a little bit fascinating).

  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran
    edited November 2014 has released their version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic if anyone's interested. I hear it was a good RPG... and you get to choose how you'll act, either toward the Light or Dark Side, and be treated accordingly. Star Wars always reminded me of Buddhism in ways.

  • Anyone else have the problem of liquid snot falling right out of their nose

    To share or snot to share? Sounds like you are the bogey man . . .

    ;) .

  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran
    edited November 2014

    @lobster Just thought maybe someone else might've experienced that problem. It's only happened a few times, but it's soooo strange.

    In America we say Boogey Man or Boogeyman to denote the man/monster under the bed or in your closet, where boogey also doubles in meaning as dancing (or at least it did in the 70s, lol). "Bogey" in comparison would be used like "you've got a bogey on your six!" (aerial dogfight lingo, bogey meaning bad-guy).

    That's actually strange to think about, that in America we use the word for dancing instead of the word jet pilots would use for an enemy. The questions, the questions! Aaaaaaah!

    ANYWAY, there's no "bogeys" involved, it's pure liquid madness like I said. ;)  

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Phlegm is my stomach - churning phobia. I can pretty much deal with any waste or fluid emitted by the body, with relative ease - but catarrh or nose matter sends me running from the room, suppressing the gag reflex - and sometimes to no avail. I have on occasions actually been sick. My children NEVER had dirty noses. I simply can't bear to see it. So, thanks for starting my day with such a stomach -churning mental image. That's going to stay with me all day now... :zombie: .

  • ToraldrisToraldris   -`-,-{@     Zen Nud... Buddhist     @}-,-`-   East Coast, USA Veteran
    edited November 2014

    @federica Mesa sowwy mesa hasa runny nose! My nose is completely clean; no boogies up in this joint. Just sneak-attack liquid ooze. It could be brain fluid leaking out for all I know... maybe I have cerebrospinal fluid leak!

    Just imagine that my brain is liquefying and dripping out of my nose. That may help your nausea while increasing mine stupendously. :)  

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    @federica said:
    Phlegm is my stomach - churning phobia. I can pretty much deal with any waste or fluid emitted by the body, with relative ease - but catarrh or nose matter sends me running from the room, suppressing the gag reflex - and sometimes to no avail. I have on occasions actually been sick. My children NEVER had dirty noses. I simply can't bear to see it. So, thanks for starting my day with such a stomach -churning mental image. That's going to stay with me all day now... :zombie: .

    I'm a nurse and have the same tendency to feel heevy around mucus. Fortunately respiratory therapists deal with phlegm more than I ever had to. But see I've had traumatic experiences with phlegm (other people's). I was cleaning out a fellows trach tube (the inner tube part that inserts into the outer trach part on the neck). I turned to him to replace the clean tube and he coughed a walnut sized loogey into my right hand. I still don't know why I reached out to catch it?

  • @Jeffrey said:
    Up to 50 days without smoking!

    How are you feeling?

  • A little sick from Halloween candy!! But my football team won today!

  • Managed to buy a singing bowl, a mala and an Om pendant (Tibetan version) at a New Age Wellbeing Whatsoever event. (At first I was strongly against going there. :D)
    I need some concrete reminders of Buddhism since I've been in Great Doubt again and had no connection to Buddhism while studying at the uni. It is far too easy to go with the flow. And going with the flow makes me grumpy. :D (Fun fact: the boutique that solds those singing bowls and malas (they were called "sandalwood bracelets", haha) had the same name than I do. Wohoo, isn't that a great mysterious sign of something huge and meaningful!) put in in other words: adventures in the land of very concrete spiritual materialism. But hey, you don't see singing bowls every day here beyond the so called "wolf line". (Actually, I had never even seen a real mala or a singing bowl before..)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Good news, @Jeffrey! Brilliant, well done!! Believe me, your lungs are soooo grateful!

  • @Tosh, I feel a liberation from craving that is peaceful. I miss how the smoking gives respite for the drugged feeling of my medicines

    @federica thanks for the encouragement!

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    Best exercise toy ever for a cat with a short attention span. A Birthday helium balloon where you tie enough of anything to it's 4 foot string to give it a neutral balance. Cat swats at the string, pulls it down to chew on the end of the string and when ever she lets go, the momentum of the balloon carries it somewhere else where she has to wait for it to slowly return close enough to swat again.
    I've never seen my cat maintain interest in a toy for more than a minute but this has been going on for hours.

  • just got my wifi range extender to work . . . :relieved:
    Was rather annoyed I had to read the instructions

  • Rowan1980Rowan1980 Keeper of the Zoo Asheville, NC Veteran
    edited November 2014
    I managed to take advantage of my rhinovirus-induced downtime and started knitting Christmas presents. (Don't worry. I wash the items before I give them away!) My old brother, who I have always been very distant from emotionally for a number of reasons, is getting a hat and matching scarf. I get to work on a hat and mittens for my new sister-in-law next.
  • @Rowan1980 said:
    I managed to take advantage of my rhinovirus-induced downtime and started knitting Christmas presents.

    Do you practice metta or mantra knitting?

  • I wasn't jeolous before we met

    d'on't go wasting your emotion... lay all your love on me

    it was like as shooting a shooting duck

    I skip my pride... don't go wasting your emototion... lay all your love on me...

    lay all your love on me!!!

    I've had a few love aferws they didn't last long and were pretty cacarce!


  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    @Jeffrey said:
    I wasn't jeolous before we met

    d'on't go wasting your emotion... lay all your love on me

    it was like as shooting a shooting duck

    I skip my pride... don't go wasting your emototion... lay all your love on me...

    lay all your love on me!!!

    I've had a few love aferws they didn't last long and were pretty cacarce!

    Someone seems to be in an Abba mood today... :p

  • Rowan1980Rowan1980 Keeper of the Zoo Asheville, NC Veteran
    edited November 2014
    @lobster‌ -I've wondered about incorporating dharma practice into my knitting and crocheting, especially in the case of making things for my older brother. He's been an "object of meditation" for me, but I have an enormous amount of difficulty communicating with him, especially in a positive way. I often make things and give them to people to have a means of communicating those emotions, so this would be cool. :)
  • BarraBarra soto zennie wandering in a cloud in beautiful, bucolic Victoria BC, on the wacky left coast of Canada Veteran

    Just got home from our Nov. 11 Rememberance Day ceremony. It's good to reflect on the sacrifices made and the seemingly pointless deaths that occur during wars. Also good to see many young people and children (the ones up in the tree had the best viewpoint) in attendance to learn the importance of remembering.

  • Today was a day to remember comrades gone and comrades still present. But more than that the bonds of brotherhood forged in the crucible of the most cruel of human actions. That of war.

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
    edited November 2014

    After a long day at work yesterday....I walk up to find two boxes on my front porch...both from friends here at NB. :) What a nice surprise!!

    Thank you guys! Not only for the physical gifts....but the heart gift of friendship and sharing....and the humility of receiving.

    May NB continue to be a place where people can practice, share, and sit/listen/learn.

    <3 to all ....Have a good day.....

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    Wow! Today I'm having one of those days.
    Sorry if I bite!

  • VanilliVanilli Veteran
    edited November 2014

    @federica said:
    Too late! Speaking of food, they just opened a Wholefoods market in my neighborhood. My cost of living just increased substantially. :orange:

    I love Whole Foods. Their prepared foods section is the best expensive faux health food ever. McDonald's with a hefty price tag. Ooooh yeah.

    I don't like wholefoods.
    I love parts of foods.

    I love the orange part of the carrot, but not the green bit on top.
    I love the inner segments of an orange, but not the outer bit.

    Whole foods are ok, but parts of foods are better.

    Lolll ....carrot tops are sooo nutritious though it's the healthiest part :P

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I either have chronic amnesia, or I've been mis-quoted, because I have absolutely, totally, utterly no recollection at all,whatsoever, of ever having written that post....

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran

    My vote is for mis-quote. The minute I read it....I thought
    1. I dont remember her saying that
    2. Doesnt "sound" like something she would say.

  • VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran

    Yah you!!!!!!!!

  • @Jeffrey said:
    70 days no smoking.. my girlfriend says my teeth are getting whiter again!

    Whiter teeth, attentive girlfriend, dharma teacher, less meds. I think there may be something in this Buddhist Path ;)

    Well done.

    I am trying to come off caffeine, I love tea and coffee but it does not really help me. You should see what those drinks do to enamel mugs . . . and teeth. Maybe I could go onto the milder green tea . . . maybe not . . .

  • @lobster I really reduced my caffeine intake by using a 'K-cup'. These are machines that make a single serving of borderline weak coffee. My prior coffee consumption was of such super strong coffee. Now with the K-cup I am taking in hardly any coffee but because each serving is weak.

  • Thanks @Jeffery, those coffee pod machines sound wonderful. I would end up drinking more.

    Probably need one of these guys

    Yep this is a job for cold turkey . . .

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    @lobster said:
    I am trying to come off caffeine, I love tea and coffee but it does not really help me. You should see what those drinks do to enamel mugs . . . and teeth. Maybe I could go onto the milder green tea . . . maybe not . . .

    I do a lot of caffeine in the guise of green tea (mostly matcha, which is by far the beverage with the highest caffeine content ever) but my teeth are not any darker.
    Perfect white teeth are an artificial conconction, anyway.

  • Rowan1980Rowan1980 Keeper of the Zoo Asheville, NC Veteran
    @Jeffrey‌ -Are you picking up the flavor of foods more? I remember that being kinda neat when I had quit smoking.
  • Rowan1980Rowan1980 Keeper of the Zoo Asheville, NC Veteran
    edited November 2014
    I'm going to be a new auntie today... to a gorgeous Boxer-Feist mix! My twin brother and his new wife are picking her up from the foster mom today! "Grandma" and "Grandpa" on both sides are going to be QUITE surprised. :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Oh good grief...please don't treat it like a human - it's a DOG for goodness' sake!

  • BuddhadragonBuddhadragon Ehipassiko & Carpe Diem Samsara Veteran

    @federica said:
    Oh good grief...please don't treat it like a human - it's a DOG for goodness' sake!

    It's a sentient being, Fede ;)

  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    Yes..... ~sigh~.....I know......


  • Rowan1980Rowan1980 Keeper of the Zoo Asheville, NC Veteran
    **shrugs** Different strokes for different folks. :)
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator

    I'm a dog behaviourist, that's why I feel so strongly about it. I think it's a crime when people treat their pets as if they were human. That way lies a lot of stress for the poor dog....And I am entirely on the dog's side.

  • HamsakaHamsaka goosewhisperer Polishing the 'just so' Veteran

    @Federica, I get what you are saying now. At first I was a little shocked, but when you clarified, it reminded me of a documentary called "Monkey Mums" or something like that. People purchase capuchin monkeys, mostly women experiencing 'empty nest syndrome', and then have themselves a new and rather hairy 'human' baby. When I first started watching I was IN LOVE with the baby monkeys but then the docu went on to describe how the newborns are ripped from their breeder mother's arms, given a stuffed toy to cling to, and then you could see how the baby monkey's psyche was destroyed. They rock and bang their little heads like human babies in Romanian orphanages. They suffer diabetes, obesity and never 'mature' due to the human 'intervention', which I see was beyond selfish. Beyond selfish into cruel. like, I was aghast at how cruel. All the while, these monkey mums think they are the bees knees. I swear we humans are at our worst when we think we are at our best :(

    And of course, same for dogs, birds, etc etc. Even domesticated animals like dogs NEED to be dogs. As sentient beings, they are damaged by our human projections onto them. I immediately thought of some super race of aliens that find us and think we are SOOOOO cute, would make such great pets. So they breed us, take our babies away, dress us up and isolate us from our own kind to be psychologically and physically destroyed all for their pleasure. Yeah, I need to get a grip on my imagination, but this time, I think a good point was made.

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