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Covid Cabin



  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Take care @lobster <3

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Many thanks <3

    Breath awareness is important to my practice at the moment. As is body awareness.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Glad you and your partner are both okay now @Jeffrey

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    We Buddhists are smart enough to get vaccinated. Glad everyone is OK @Jeffrey and you recovered. <3

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    They are easing a lot of the Corona restrictions here in the Netherlands. Cafes are allowed to open after 10 pm, a lot of the mask wearing is going away, people are talking about a “full participation in public life” again.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited February 2022

    Yesterday my neighbour texted me when she arrived home to say she has to self isolate for 10 days she had been visiting her sister who lives just outside Auckland for a few days... one of her nephews has tested positive for Omicron...

    They reckon Omicron cases will (according to the experts) peak mid to late March...

    The numbers are gradually creeping up on the island 14 active community cases and 5 historical cases...with over 250 tests carried out on the island still waiting on results, so this figure could be much higher...

    Three thousand two hundred and ninety seven cases reported in Aotearoa (NZ) today, up by around a thousand from yesterday...

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Shoshin1 said:
    Yesterday my neighbour texted me when she arrived home to say she has to self isolate for 10 days she had been visiting her sister who lives just outside Auckland for a few days... one of her nephews has tested positive for Omicron...

    They reckon Omicron cases will (according to the experts) peak mid to late March...

    The numbers are gradually creeping up on the island 14 active community cases and 5 historical cases...with over 250 tests carried out on the island still waiting on results, so this figure could be much higher...

    Three thousand two hundred and ninety seven cases reported in Aotearoa (NZ) today, up by around a thousand from yesterday...

    We appear to have well and truly passed the peak here. All remaining Covid restrictions to basically be removed this Friday....

    Stay safe @Shoshin1

  • Not many people even talk about it any more here. I think everyone's pretty spent and just wants to get groceries and live their lives in relative peace once more.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Take care @SuraShine - hope you bounce back quickly

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited February 2022

    It would seem here in Aotearoa we have been relatively Covid free in our communities, and with our lockdowns, boarder control and Managed isolation and quarantine we had managed to keep it at bay, and for the most part it's been business as usual... then Delta arrived which was still fairly well controlled through lockdowns boarder control and MIQ ...
    Now sneaky Omicron's arrived which is easily and rapidly spread...Around 3000 cases yesterday and over 6000 today nationwide, and on the island it was 14 yesterday and today it's 23....Omicron spreads just like the German cockroach, if you see one there are plenty more where it came from and pretty soon an infestation....

    On my way home from work this afternoon, I dropped some food off to one of our clients whose self isolating.... I think we are going to get busier at work...

    Interesting just had an update it's now 47 active in the talk about rapidly spreading...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    @SuraShine said:

    I just joined the Covid club today. We've stopped our weekly PCR tests at work and since Monday I have been obscenely tired for no valid reason (at first I thought it was the longer shifts) so I did a RAT just to rule it out. It came back positive 30 mins ago.

    I'm triple vaxxed and wear a mask at all times. What do you do? :expressionless: I'm a healthcare worker so it's bound to happen. At least I get five days off to relax and work on my meditation now

    Yes it's a good idea to treat 'self' isolation as a retreat ...Be well @SuraShine...

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran
    edited February 2022

    @SuraShine said”
    I just joined the Covid club today.

    Here the Omicron numbers keep increasing, we had 41.000 new cases yesterday, which was about 7.000 more than the day before. But hospital admissions are staying level and intensive care cases are going down. So its spreading wildly, but most people don’t get very ill from it.

    My aunt and her family have it and are isolating at the moment, its not easy. They have two dogs and a horse, and care has to be taken of the animals.

    All the best @SuraShine … hope you are feeling better soon.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited February 2022

    Well more islanders are catching Omicron (69 active cases in the community on Friday) as more and more locals are getting tested...This morning's car queue by the testing centre...

    It's been like this since 9am this morning...

    Update....Latest count 105 active community cases...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran
    edited March 2022

    The police and fire brigade have started to clear the anti mandate protestors at the Bee Hive....
    Fortunately my daughter is not at work, all the staff have been told to work from home until further notice...

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    I find it hard to sympathise with the protestors, they have been the aggressors, violent and disruptive....

    Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern responds to parliament protesters (Start 1.50 minute...)

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    They’ll soon find something else to protest against.
    Covid mandates are old news….

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Yes, it seems to be the case for many......

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    As of yesterday 294 active community cases on the island and sadly one death...
    According to some experts, one in ten people in Aotearoa (NZ) will catch Omicron around the time it peaks, so we have around another 600 islanders yet to catch it...( island population around 9,000)

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    Not so long ago we were having 40,000 infections a day on a population of 17 million.

  • WalkerWalker Veteran Veteran

    I just booked my fourth vaccine.

    Despite most of our provincial mask mandates being dropped, I've noticed that the majority of people shopping are still choosing to wear them.

    Infections and hospitalizations here are fortunately continuing to decline.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Well two of my sons living in Europe (one in Budapest the other in Berlin) have caught Covid 'twice' ...

    The Budapest one has just finished self isolation, interestingly his fiancée whom he lives with didn't catch it, he was in northern Italy on a business trip when Covid first may its presence felt in January 2020, he thought he just had a really bad case of the flu....

    The son in Berlin is still in self isolation, he also caught it the first time at the beginning of the pandemic, the doctor had misdiagnosed the symptoms, and was treating him for sinus infection, it was only after he did an antibody test did it show up...

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    I went shopping. Not many people wearing masks. Even in shops. There is a new variant, Deltacron, which I believe is one of the transformers …

    Robots in disguise

    Stay safe B)

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    My mother and stepfather went on a brief holiday to the seaside, so I had the house to myself for a while. Very quiet and restful. However when they came back both were exhibiting symptoms of covid — extreme tiredness, coughing, lack of energy, muscle aches. So they’re being tested, we should hear later today whether they have caught it.

    In the meantime as the only healthy person in the house I have taken on a few more of the essential duties like cooking and fetching groceries and washing up. So far no symptoms for me, I am keeping my distance which is hard.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Do you/general public get free RATs kits in the Netherlands @Jeroen ?

  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    @ Jeroen
    Sorry to hear about your Mom & stepfather.

    Here, masks seem to have become optional along with the discernment of scientific data and having a brain that is powering somewhat above that of a common lemming.

    As one of the generally healthy members of the community, wearing a mask in public at the very least says one cares about others whereas going maskless is a flag proudly flown that simply identifies those who don't,

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    I saw an old friend in the supermarket the other day, he was maskless even though there's a big sign out front which says mask wearing inside the supermarket is mandatory...when I asked why he wasn't wearing a mask, he said something along the lines of "I know my body blah blah blah" which is all well and good, but it would seem by his defiance he was showing that he had no regards for other shoppers well being ....

    At the same time I felt a tinge of sadness for his predicament , I had known him to be a kind and considerate person, he had been coming to our Buddhist group before the pandemic and now he was struggling to make ends meet, and possibly not coping to well mentally too, but he wasn't doing himself any favours by his defiant stance...

    I did give him some words of comfort by saying "This too (mandates and pandemic) shall pass" ....

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @Shoshin1 said:
    Do you/general public get free RATs kits in the Netherlands @Jeroen ?

    We still have a testing service… you’re expected to go to a testing center if you are capable of reaching there without using public transport, but if you are lacking mobility such as my stepfather then a nurse will come and visit you at home and administer the test. You’re supposed to get the results by email within 6 hours, but they have been slacking in our case.

    Self testing kits cost money, but they are pretty cheap, a few euro’s.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @how said:
    @ Jeroen
    Sorry to hear about your Mom & stepfather.

    Here, masks seem to have become optional along with the discernment of scientific data and having a brain that is powering somewhat above that of a common lemming.

    As one of the generally healthy members of the community, wearing a mask in public at the very least says one cares about others whereas going maskless is a flag proudly flown that simply identifies those who don't,

    Thanks @how … masks are optional here as well now, officially no longer required. You seldom see them in the supermarkets or in the shops, just a few people who are more cautious.

    But covid symptoms rarely seem to be very severe these days, a friend who caught it had just a few days of exceptional tiredness and coughing. My mother seems to be worst affected, she has COPD and so has a weakness in the lungs.

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @Jeroen said:
    So they’re being tested, we should hear later today whether they have caught it.

    We heard from the health service and it seems it was just a severe cold. I’ve caught it as well, coughing and spluttering this morning.

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Take care @Jeroen <3

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    In the UK, despite deltacron, many restrictions lifted. Will see how this works out. Glad to report my sister who is vulnerable but triple vaccinated went to the crowded shops and later out on her own. Two milestones. B)

  • JeroenJeroen Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter Netherlands Veteran

    @Jeroen said:
    We heard from the health service and it seems it was just a severe cold. I’ve caught it as well, coughing and spluttering this morning.

    I seem to be recovering a bit faster than the oldies, but its still a lengthy layoff this cold. Not fun, lots of hacking and coughing and sneezing.

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    The DIY RATs ( nasal swab only) are not that reliable in identifying positive cases in the community...

    It would seem some people are testing negative even though, they're ticking all the boxes when it come to the symptoms...

    Many health professionals are now recommending swabbing both the throat and nose ( throat first for obvious reasons)....

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    @Shoshin1 said:
    The DIY RATs ( nasal swab only) are not that reliable in identifying positive cases in the community...

    It would seem some people are testing negative even though, they're ticking all the boxes when it come to the symptoms...

    Many health professionals are now recommending swabbing both the throat and nose ( throat first for obvious reasons)....

    My ex-manager at work's son came home from school with Covid.

    Over the next day or two ex-manager came down with all the symptoms and took a week off work.

    He claims to have had about 6 RAT's and a PCR test all of which came back negative O.o

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    @Bunks said:

    @Shoshin1 said:
    The DIY RATs ( nasal swab only) are not that reliable in identifying positive cases in the community...

    It would seem some people are testing negative even though, they're ticking all the boxes when it come to the symptoms...

    Many health professionals are now recommending swabbing both the throat and nose ( throat first for obvious reasons)....

    My ex-manager at work's son came home from school with Covid.

    Over the next day or two ex-manager came down with all the symptoms and took a week off work.

    He claims to have had about 6 RAT's and a PCR test all of which came back negative O.o

    Yes, When in doubt (feeling sick but testing negative) sit it out ( self isolate )...

  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    Take care @lobster <3

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    Thanks everyone.

    Ideally I should wear a mask and self isolate but we no longer have to …
    So went and bought red geraniums from Lidl. Planting tomorrow.

  • This is so far one activity I am happy to have been excluded from.
    Keep kindness for yourself as you navigate your temporary state and aid those in your household.

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    edited April 2022

    Only managed to plant two of the 12 geraniums I bought. The weather suddenly went into brrr … mode. Snow and cold winds.
    Also I have noticed another BA.2 symptom, muscle fatigue. Still did yoga.

    meanwhile …

  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran

    New Omicron XE now available

    … I thought it was a supercomputer ;)

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    @lobster said:
    New Omicron XE now available


    Does it come in lime green?

  • Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient Being Oceania Veteran

    Well one of my neighbours on the property has tested positive for Covid (the landlord's ex partner who also lives on the property) so my landlord and neighbour that lives right next door to me, have been taking rats everyday, so far so good both are testing negative...

    Since the beginning of the pandemic we (those living on the property) have all been social distancing when interacting with each other...I think I have more chance of catching it at work (where I deal with vaxxed and unvaxxed clients face to face (social distancing and mask wearing)....

  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran

    I spent some time with my niblings over Easter weekend. Its pretty noticeable the positive change in their attitudes since being able to attend school full time again without restrictions.

  • "Beneath the image of the bull in the center of the painting, there was a pentimento of a ship’s mast."

    Kind of a vocabulary word that makes me think of artists, attitude, and image.

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